Prince Kevin was also surprised when he heard the speech, and looked straight at Li Yi.

Li Yi didn't change his face and said coldly: "Your Majesty has given me such a heavy responsibility. How can I retreat without a fight as a garrison in this place. The second prince is precious and should be retreated first. Don't talk too much, Alice The second prince returned to the country together. If he was really worried about my safety, he would move in as soon as possible to rescue the soldiers, so that we can confront the other as soon as possible.

What the prince Kevin wanted to say, but was stopped by Li Yi. "Brother Kevin, now I call you Kevin for a lifetime. Your life is more valuable than a mine. If you have any accidents, then I can't really afford it. Don't delay any more, start your journey now."

Seeing Li Yi's firm look, the second prince nodded solemnly and solemnly said: "Li Yi, if you can't support, you will withdraw quickly, no one will blame you. I will arrange for rescue after I return home, I hope you don't have anything to do."

Li Yi solemnly performed a military salute, then turned and walked out of the account.

Li Yi had just walked out of the big account, and felt that someone was holding his hand. Looking back, I saw Alice's angry expression.

"What are you?" Li Yi asked wondering why Alice did such an expression.

"Li Yi, you bastard, are you going to leave me like that." Alice said angrily.

"What do you say, I am worried about your safety. You also heard that this time the Sai Kingdom is entangled with 100,000 heavy soldiers. It is impossible for us, the people brought out from the imperial capital, to compete with each other. Yes. If you stay here, you may be buried here at any time." Li Yi persuaded patiently, hoping that Alice would not be impulsive.

"I don't care, you stayed, but why did you let me go? I am also part of the Central Army. I want to stay. I want to stay here with you."

"You..." Li Yi wanted to scold Alice, but when she saw her firm expression at this time, she didn't know how to speak. After a long pause, Li Yi said softly: "Alice, war is not arrogance, nor a joke. I may die or be killed at any time. I don't want you to be injured again, and I don't want to lose you. Obedient, go back to China first."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Alice burst into tears in her beautiful eyes. Having been with each other for so long, this is the first time Li Yi has spoken of such gentle words, as if to confess. Women are very emotional. If Li Yi has a harsher voice, Alice may be able to return home honestly. But now that Li Yi is so tender, Alice wants to leave even more.

With tears, Alice revealed Qing Guo's smile and said softly to Li Yi: "Li Yi, I don't want you to have any accidents, just allow me to be willful once, I don't want to be separated from you."

Looking at the smiling girl in front of her eyes, Li Yi's cold heart was also melted. Li Yi gently wiped the tears from the corner of Alice's eyes, Li Yi said with a smile: "Well, little girl, we will advance and retreat."

"Oh, okay." Hearing Li Yi's words, Alice turned around Li Yi happily, as if she was about to face Li Yi not with a hundred thousand troops, but with green mountains and green water.

Li Yi smiled and looked at this elf-like girl in front of her, and a warmth came out of her heart. "Even for Alice, I can't die." Li Yi thought secretly, firmly clenched his fists.

In a hurry to send off the prince Kevin, Li Yi went back to the magic crystal ore veins. He did not instruct the non-commissioned officers to gather troops, Li Yi sat down and lucked out, and then shouted, "Gather!"

The cavalrymen near the mine veins heard this thunderous shout, and they knew that their powerful head was calling. Although they didn't know what happened, everyone left their posts and gathered in the direction of Li Yi.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the 10,000 Cavalry of the Second Knights gathered neatly in the open space in front of Li Yi.

Seeing the neatly armed troops in front of him, Li Yi nodded in satisfaction, and then began to say aloud: "Soldiers, you are not afraid to fight the enemy."

"Don't be afraid!" Ten thousand people shouted at the same time, and the voice resounded through the clouds.

"Other countries come to commit crimes, we can't fight."


"Dare to die for the country, dare you dare."


Looking at the firm expressions of the soldiers, Li Yi suddenly felt at ease. With such a force, even if it fails, it will not fail too fast.

Adjusting his emotions, Li Yi said slowly: "Just now a spy came to report, the Sai country gathered 100,000 troops to commit crimes, and there is now less than half a day's journey left. The enemy's strength is too high for us, our Resistance may just be a tribute. But as imperial people, we should fight bravely against the invasion of outsiders. Soldiers, take up your weapons, and we will defend our home and protect our country."

"Defend the country! Protect the country!" Ten thousand cavalry roared again.

"Well, but if you can live, don't think about dying. Safety first, go!" Li Yi ordered, more than 10,000 people rushed toward Wu'an Kingdom.

Although the capital is located in the center of Wu'an, Wu'an is a small country after all, and the distance between the border and the capital is almost negligible. And because of its strength, the only barrier that Wu Anguo can refuse is the capital city. As long as the country is broken, the Sai army can drive straight into the territory of the Tianlan Empire.

When he arrived at the capital of Wu'an Kingdom, the city gates were closed, and the soldiers armed with arrows and crossbows were lined up on the city walls. It seems that Wu Anguo also knew the news of Sai's invasion. The arrival of Li Yi's troops also really surprised the officers of the defending city, thinking that the army of the Sai Kingdom had attacked so quickly.

After the Shoucheng officers saw that Li Yi was the one who came, he opened the city gate happily to welcome Li Yi's troops.

As soon as he entered the city, Li Yi saw the old acquaintance Margaret greet him. Li Yi's impression of her is not good, but not bad. But after all, the other party came out to greet him, and Li Yi was not too embarrassed. He dismounted and greeted Margaret: "Mrs. Lor is really everywhere. Does your country have to surrender the matter to the city? ."

"General Li laughed, how can such major events be handed over to me as a woman. My husband is the general of Wu Anguo, and I can be considered fighting with my husband."

Hearing Margaret's explanation, Li Yi eliminated his doubts. However, Li Yi couldn't help but glanced at Margaret's high, it seems that the other party can walk between many high-ranking officials, and it's not exactly a face, and it certainly has some skills.

However, Li Yi is not interested in considering whether Margaret is strong or weak. Sai's army is in sight, and it is not a time for greetings. Now that the troops have entered the city, they have to bear the responsibility of defending the city. After a military salute to Margaret, Li Yizheng said: "Li Yi led all the soldiers of the Second Knights of the Central Army of the Tianlan Empire to assist your country to defend the city and hope that we can retreat the enemy together."

Seeing Li Yi being so formal, although Margaret is not a soldier, he also returned a military salute to Li Yi, and at the same time said seriously: "Thank you General Li for helping me in such a difficult time in our country. Will definitely thank General."

Margaret had a bad impression of Li Yi, thinking that Li Yi led the army into the city at this time just to rush back to the Tianlan Empire. Unexpectedly, the other party not only did not leave, but also chose to help them fight the enemy together, which made Margaret's impression of Li Yi greatly improved.

"Mrs. Lor, I don't know how many soldiers in your country can be used. I want to know how much of our total military strength is currently guarding the city." The official negotiations have been completed, and Li Yi asked Margaret's most important question-military strength.

Hearing Li Yi's question, Margaret couldn't help but smile awkwardly. "Our Wu'an State is only a small country, and its population is sparse, and the army that can be maintained is even more pitiful. This time it is already a national mobilization, and we can only gather 20,000 soldiers."

Looking at Margaret's bitter smile, Li Yi also knew that 20,000 troops were already the limit of Wu Anguo. However, Li Yi was obviously not too disappointed. It was thought that such a small country could gather 10,000 troops. It is now good to have 20,000 troops. Now, together with the 10,000 cavalry he has led, 30,000 troops may be able to support A few days.

"Mrs. Lor need not be embarrassed. I can understand your difficulties. No matter what, we will assist you to guard the city. I have also sent people to ask for help before. Your majesty had other things for the safety of the magic crystal mine. Arrangement. One day later, there will be another 20,000 troops coming in for reinforcements."

Hearing that there will be 20,000 soldiers reinforced, Margaret's eyes are also excited. "Your Majesty's arrangements are indeed comprehensive. If there are 20,000 additional reinforcements, our Wu'an State may not be able to preserve them."

Li Yi just smiled a little, and then said: "Mrs. Lor, I don't know if I can see General Lol. For specific defensive matters, we'd better talk in person."

"Yes, as it should have been, I was too rude. General Li will please, I will take you to see him." After that, Margaret led Li Yi and walked into the city.

General Lor is just a normal-looking middle-aged man with only three levels of low-level strength. Li Yi couldn't help being disappointed when he saw him for the first time. But when I thought about it, I was relieved. Although the other party was holding the name of a general, but in the end it was just a general who controlled 20,000 soldiers. It is a little too hard to expect him to be an outstanding figure.

After a few words of conversation, Li Yi found that it seemed that General Rolle was still a strict wife. When he made any decision, he would glance at Margaret, as if everything had to wait for her consent before General Rolle could make a decision. .

After being disappointed with this man again and again, Li Yi simply discussed everything with Marguerite. In this way, many things are easier to discuss the results. And General Lor was also very interesting. He was not angry when he saw Li Yi focusing on his wife. He just listened with a smile and occasionally echoed two sentences.

However, after the conversation, Li Yi's view of Margaret was too high. The woman in front of him was really not simple. Although he kept saying that military affairs were not his own, but between words, Li Yi secretly felt that if he talked about fighting in the march, he would not be able to catch up with the other party.

"Mrs. Lor, as you say, when our 20,000 soldiers from the Tianlan Kingdom come to reinforce, can we still take the initiative to fight back?" Just when Margaret discussed the strategy, Li Yi just The other party asked a proposal.

"Yes, I hope that General Li can now dispatch a herald as soon as possible, and in your capacity as a commander, order Pingyang State in the west of China and Huaning State in the east of China to mobilize troops at the same time. At that time, we only need to hold on for three days, and after defeating the strength of the Sai army, let the two countries send troops to attack the two wings of the Sai army from the east and west sides, and form a pinch. We then gathered the troops that the empire reinforced. , Take the initiative to go out of town to face up, faced with three sides of the attack, the Sai army will be disturbed, so that I can disintegrate the other party’s offensive and switch to the offense." Margaret talked happily, thinking in such a short time Well, the countermeasures.

"Just my orders work, can the other two small countries really be willing to raise their national strength to come in for reinforcements." Li Yi still has some concerns about Margaret's plan, and always feels that some of them are unreliable.

"General Li is assured that Pingyang and Huaning are both dependent countries of the Tianlan Empire. If they do not come to support this time, they will definitely be swept by the empire after the empire calms down the war." Margaret said confidently , Apparently confident in his plans.

"Then, okay." After that, Li Yi wrote two handwritten letters, expressing in his heart the interests of the matter, and hoped that the two countries could send troops to reinforce. After the seal of the regiment was stamped, two heralds were sent to send the souvenir.

Seeing that everything was arranged properly, the hearts of the people who had been hanging high were also put down. But before waiting for long, the herald came to report: "The army of Say has arrived."

Everyone was shocked, feeling that the enemy troops were marching really fast. When Li Yi hurried up to the tower, only to see the dust flying in the distance, the mighty enemy attacked Wu'an at a very fast speed. When the enemy was approaching the capital, Li Yi felt a slight tremor when he stood on the tower.

Seeing such a spectacular scene for the first time, Li Yi couldn't help but be excited. Looking at the black army under the city, Li Yi muttered and said, "Fight is finally going to war."

Standing beside Li Yi, Alice's body shivered slightly.

Feeling the strangeness of the beautiful women around him, Li Yi turned to look at Alice. Although Li Yi was also at a loss at this time, he still held Alice's trembling hand tightly and nodded firmly.

"Mrs. Lor, how do you feel this battle should be played." Feeling a little heavy in the atmosphere, Li Yi took the initiative to break the silence in front of her.

But Margaret obviously did not understand the meaning of Li Yi's speech. He looked at Li Yi doubtfully and asked, "Isn't the combat strategy already formulated, does General Li have any other tricks?"

"Well, that, I think, should we take the initiative to confront the enemy forces before they have a firm foothold, so as to frustrate their enthusiasm." Li Yi said very creatively, even fighting the past with people Shi's thinking was brought to the battlefield, and he felt that he would take the initiative to fight, which might boost the morale of the army.

But after hearing Li Yi's words, Margaret resisted the smile and said patiently: "How many troops is General Li prepared to lead to take the initiative to face it?"

"This..." Li Yi looked at the enemy forces under the black oppression again, and saw that the enemy troops were still coming steadily. He couldn't explain why.

Seeing Li Yi's embarrassment, Margaret did not laugh, after all, Li Yi also kindly suggested. Looking at the enemies staring down at the city, Margaret said: "Although General Lee is kind-hearted, his march is different from the competition. Now the enemy is at a time of strong morale, and the opponent's strength is far beyond ours. Now attack, no It’s different from moths fighting fire. The only feasible way now is to watch them gather and then attack us. Our task is to stick to it until the reinforcements arrive, and then we may still have some chance of winning. "

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