"Oh, it's me. I didn't expect adults to remember Li Yi."

"I really don’t know what to say about you, do you really think I’m nobody in Beihua City. Why do you want to visit late at night. Since you can appear here now, I think you should be in the Central Army now Now."

"Adult is right, Li Yi is not talented. Now he is a small commander in the Central Army. It's just that the adult misunderstood. Li Yi just suddenly felt that he wanted to walk around the city. Here." Seeing Creo was not hostile, Li Yi said relaxedly.

Just when the two were talking, a low voice came from behind Creo: "Creo, are any acquaintances visiting outside the door."

Li Yi looked at him again, and when he saw the people he saw clearly, he couldn't help but smile again. Unexpectedly, I met a few acquaintances I met here.

"Master Duke, Li Yi is rude." Li Yi said quietly.

"Oh, who can I say so much to Cleo, this is your kid?" Duke Vanessa said with a laugh, maybe he was also surprised by Li Yi's appearance, but it was on his face. But he couldn't see any unexpected performance.

"Adults don't have to laugh at Li Yi, since I have been exposed, you are killing or burying, you all listen to the respect." Li Yi is also chic, knowing that it must not be good today, and generously said to the two .

"Li Yi, when I first saw you, I felt like you were not simple. I didn’t expect that you guys are really crazy. You don’t know if you sneak into my North China City at night. What is the end?" Duke Vanessa said with a faint smile.

"I didn't think so much before, and now it's useless." Li Yi said simply, and there was no fear in his face.

"Oh, I'm not embarrassing you. At the beginning, I cherished your talent very much, and you didn't want to be with me. I don't know if you were an unintentional army at that time, or someone with guidance from your side, in short, you can't use it for me. Now I ask you again, can you join my camp and join me in creating the unprecedented prosperity of the Sai Empire." The Duke of Vanessa said seductively.

"Sorry, my lord, this proposal, Li Yi will not agree." Li Yi said lightly, not afraid to refuse any revenge.

"In that case, I won't force you anymore, you go."

Unexpectedly, the other party said that Li Yi was ready to fight hard, but now the Duke of Vanessa has somehow let himself go.

"Sir, I heard you right, you let me go?" Li Yi asked in confirmation.

"Well, yes. Don't you want to leave and want to join me?" Vanessa said with a smile.

"Why do you want to do this? I am an officer of the Central Army. Now that I am here, why can you let me go?" Li Yi still asked.

"No, I said that I cherish your talent and don't want your good future to be ruined in my hands." After that, the Duke of Vanessa no longer ignored Li Yi, but turned and walked to the house.

Li Yi stood inexplicably standing on the spot for a long time. After a long time, Li Yi shook his head bitterly and turned to walk outside the city.

Going out of town was also a simple matter for Li Yi, but after half an hour, Li Yi stood in the barracks of the Central Army again.

There will be Beihua City in the distance, and Li Yi still does not understand the Duke of Vanessa letting himself go once. However, Li Yi didn't think about it any more after the blink of an eye. If you don't understand, don't ask for trouble.

Back at the residence, Li Yi did not undress, fell to the bed in a daze, and fell asleep.

When Tianyang rose the next day, Li Yi stood under the North China City following the army and looked at the magnificent city in front of him. Li Yi knew that the war was about to happen.

"General, order a general attack." A division commander standing next to Luo Ning broke the silence first and said to the old general.

It is said that General Luo Ning did not react, but held a commanding sword and looked at Beihua City opposite.

Following General Luo Ning's gaze, Li Yi saw General Luo Ning's gaze, and the Duke of Vanessa was now standing there calmly, looking away from General Luo Ning.

Suddenly Li Yi saw the arc of the mouth of Duke Vanessa's mouth. Under such a tense atmosphere, Duke Vanessa could still have such a relaxed posture. After laughing, the Duke of Vanessa turned and walked down the tower. And at the moment he walked away, General Luo Ning also said lightly: "Offense."

Hearing the order, several commanders took orders at the same time. The commander in charge of the main attack waved his hand and shouted: "Attack, warriors."

The neat rows of soldiers, holding giant shields, formed a square array of infantry, and steadily pushed down to North China City.

"Let the arrow, let the arrow fly!" The commander in the city also roared and urged the archer to fight against the enemy. The sky seemed to be covered by the shot feathers, and even the sky began to become gloomy.

There are constantly soldiers falling under the arrow rain, and soldiers continue to reinforce.

Li Yi watched all this with cold eyes, lamenting that a war is a huge meat grinder, and these poor soldiers are the stuffing in it.

The range of the arrow rain of the Vanessa rebels is only 300 meters. This is such a short distance, but the Central Army paid a large price before rushing down the city.

The next city battle will be very difficult. This ten-meter-high city wall is the most insurmountable gap for all soldiers of the Central Army.

Just when Li Yi thought that the Central Military Association had nothing to do, suddenly in the camp, a strangely shaped machine was launched.

"Is this?" Li Yi asked the officer beside him in the face of this dumb guy.

"Head Li did not know that this is the ultimate killer of our Tianlan Empire-the magic crystal cannon, but this is by far the most powerful siege machine." The officer on the side said to Li Yi with a smile, obviously I am full of confidence in this big guy.

"Magic Crystal Cannon?" For this new thing, Li Yi really heard it for the first time. However, thinking of the magic crystal mine that he had stationed before, he couldn't help but ask: "What is the relationship between the magic crystal mine and the magic crystal cannon."

"The energy of the magic crystal cannon is the magic crystal. Of course, it needs a huge magic crystal mine to support it." The officer said of course.

"Oh, hehe, I asked an idiot again. So, is this magic crystal cannon unique to our Tianlan empire, or the other two empires also have this kind of killer."

"The technology of the magic crystal cannon is unique to our Tianlan Empire, but it was designed by Gerald, the greatest alchemist in the world today. It was only after the defeat of the Empire in the Atlanta Empire more than ten years ago, It was unexpectedly handed over to a magic crystal cannon by the Atlanta empire. At that time, the magic crystal cannon was not damaged. It is estimated that the Atlanta empire will use it." The officer spoke eloquently and told Li Yi about the magic crystal cannon. An episode of the cannon.

"Oh, I said why the empire valued the Mojing Mine so much. It turned out not only because the price of this thing was precious, but also because our Mojing Cannon needed a huge source of energy." Li Yi said with understanding.

"Well, this is to say, when it comes to the demand for magic crystal mines, all countries are not as big as the demand of our Tianlan Empire."

"Of course, as long as there is a magic crystal mine, you can control this kind of killer forever, but you don't know how powerful this thing is, and you don't see anything special in appearance."

It seems that in order to prove his worth to Li Yi, Li Yi's voice hasn't fallen yet, and several mages in front of the barracks have already finished their fingerprints and manipulated the magic crystal cannon.

Just listening to a loud noise, a dark-white beam of light erupted from the dark barrel of the magic crystal cannon. The light beam quickly flew to North China City. I wonder if it was deliberately missed or the operation was deviated. This light beam was rapid. It hit the city wall, but the wall made of giant stones, under the attack of the light group, seemed to be made of tofu. Once bombarded, a huge crack appeared in the magnificent city wall.

Li Yi stared at the blow with a stunned look. He was firm in his determination and was now deterred by this shocking blow. I thought about it for a while, and even if I tried my best to cut it off, I couldn't leave such a terrible crack on the wall.

"How is it, Commander Li, this guy is quite awesome." The officer on the side saw the stunned Li Yi beside him and said proudly to Li Yi.

"Well, great, great. If there are dozens of artillery, then this North China City does not need to fight, just hit the wall and attack." Li Yi said cold sweat wiping his forehead.

"Oh, Leader Li laughed, if there were dozens of cannons, then of course they wouldn't have to fight. It's just that Leader Li didn't know how much the magic crystal cannon consumed the magic crystal. It was just that one. The cannon must be destroyed with a magic crystal worth a million. If the consumption is low, the empire can bear it, but if it is used like other siege vehicles, the empire will not be able to support it even if it is thick. "The officer said with a smile.

"Just one shot, just a million? A million gold coins? God, I said why the Central Army didn't use this big guy at first. It turned out that it was really a luxury choice." Li Yi I wiped the cold sweat on my forehead again and said that although I still have no idea of ​​money, I was unable to accept it even if I hit one million in one shot.

"Of course, if it can be used arbitrarily, then our Tianlan Empire has long unified the entire continent, even the Leiteng Continent on the other side is not immune. This time, only the Empire needs quick battles and quick decisions to allow us the Central The army uses this magic crystal cannon."

"Oh, this magic crystal cannon can be activated once more, and our central army will be able to die a lot of people, and should be content." Li Yi said lightly, and now Li Yi is no longer surprised.

Li Yi saw several mages before the magic crystal cannon still binding their handprints, and it is estimated that they will bomb again. At this time, the Vanessa rebels in the city have also been a little panicked. Seeing this big guy under the city seems to have a tendency to launch, the soldiers who defend the city at the muzzle have become worried. Some even gave up their guards, but began to fold their hands together and prayed in advance for themselves.

Just when Li Yi thought that the Magic Crystal Cannon would bombard the city wall again, Li Yi found that the strong men in front of the gun body suddenly turned the muzzle and pointed it towards the gate of Beihua City.

At this time, General Luo Ning, who was sitting in the center of the army, suddenly raised his long sword and used his skills to shout out: "All the knights belonging to the Central Army are ready to charge."

General Luo Ning is also a master of martial arts. With this yell, even in this chaotic situation, Li Yi and they can all really hear the voice of the general.

Just when the general command fell, the magic crystal gun finally erupted again. A huge light group flew towards North China City again, but this time it was quasi-quasi-bombed on the city gate. In the face of this huge impact, the thick city gate made of solid wood and iron couldn't resist and broke.

At the moment the city gate was broken, General Luo Ning shouted loudly: "All Knights, charge!"

Li Yi and the heads of several of their knights had already prepared for the charge when the old general's first shout. Now the old general's command was issued again, and several people didn't need to order. After going out, the tens of thousands of soldiers behind him rushed out at the same time.

In the face of the city gate being broken, the soldiers defending the city became more fearful. The archers in the city were holding long bows. I wonder if it would be better to shoot soldiers or siege soldiers under the city.

The knights of the Knights are wearing good armor, like ordinary bows and arrows in the city can't shoot through their armor. So the knights were not afraid to charge, but they kept their heads tightly during the march to prevent them from being shot through the head by the enemy.

Although Li Yi's riding is not the best, but he was the first to respond when charging, so the second knight led by him became the first knight to attack North China City.

After entering the city, Li Yi did not rush to continue to kill the city. Instead, he abandoned the horse instantly, suddenly turned around, and rushed towards the city head. At the moment of rushing out, Li Yi did not forget to shout: "Kill the enemy in front of the gate and assist the friendly army to enter the city." After finishing, Li Yi raised the Holy Sword Roland and rushed to the fortress above the city. Rebels.

After going to the city, Li Yi was not at all soft to face this group of rebels that had lost their resistance. He quickly shot and cleared a **** path for the friendly troops under the city. When the soldiers under the city set up the siege cloud ladder, Li Yi did not forget to stay on the side and give them time to go to the city.

Although there were enough tens of thousands of soldiers to charge together, but a city gate was not wide enough after all, when Li Yi led some men to take down this city wall, looking around, Li Yi found that there were still more than half cavalry in the endless direction. There was a surge in the city.

Seeing that the victory here was settled, Li Yi no longer delayed, and ran to the city gates in other directions along the wall.

Seeing the direction of Li Yi's attack, the cavalry under the city did not wait for Li Yi's order, and they all followed with enlightenment and went all the way to another gate.

After a **** battle for half a day, the knights of the Central Army finally finally entered the city, and several other gates were also broken, and the city was full of soldiers of the Central Army.

Li Yi thinks that this is the end of the battle. But when he walked down the city wall with his sword, he suddenly heard someone shouting in the distance: "There are also a large number of rebels around the Duke's Mansion, brothers, kill the past and attack."

Hearing this shout, Li Yi was also an agitator. Unexpectedly, it was already such a defeat. The Duke of Vanessa had to prepare to fight to the last moment.

Looking at the large number of soldiers rushing towards the Duke's Palace, Li Yi suddenly remembered the sentence Danny had said to himself before: "Li Yi, if you can, I hope you will finally give adults a decent way of death." Although the Duke of Vanessa just let go of his horse just yesterday, the present situation is destined to make this old Duke alive. Li Yi thought: "If you can, let me kill you personally.

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