The army summoned by the Tianlan Empire pays slightly more than the regular army. However, despite this, the Tianlan Empire still endured a lot of warriors to fight for the Tianlan Empire.

It wasn't until the invasion of the alien army of Leiteng Continent was resisted by the humans on the Shengyuan Continent that the Tianlan Empire was finally relieved from the heavy pressure. The original army recruited by the Tianlan Empire was not used by the Tianlan Empire. To disband.

However, after several years of war, many mercenaries returned to their hometowns and found that the once warm family had certainly disappeared because of the war. Both parents died and their children were separated, which happened to many mercenaries after returning home. In the face of a fragmented family, many soldiers who had withdrawn from the battlefield in the frustrated situation had to use weapons and continue to work in the mercenary industry.

Since then, the mercenary business has really begun to develop. It's just that now the mercenaries who really participate in the battlefield are already a few. Most of the mercenaries that have been baptized by war are actually tired of the kind of life on the battlefield. So even if they continue to work in the mercenary industry, most of them are performing some **** tasks.

In this case, some people of insight came up with the idea of ​​organizing a mercenary union. The union exists not to drive scattered mercenaries, but to seek benefits for mercenaries. The mercenary union came into being under the support of the great forces in some places. Since then, the mercenaries no longer have to wander around and take on low-paying tasks. As long as you are a mercenary who wants to do a task, as long as you go to the mercenary union, you can accept the task according to your own strength, and the mercenary union will only draw percent from the mercenary's remuneration after the mercenary is completed. Only three.

In such a win-win situation, both mercenaries and mercenary unions have obtained their respective needs, and the mercenary business has also begun to flourish.

The mercenary trade union that Li Yi and his party came from was supported by some local forces in Suzuran City. After failing to prepare to register the mercenary regiment, Pat and Yadi immediately set their sights on the mission hung on a prominent position in the union-the a-level mission, assisting the Skyland Empire Kishi to complete the Red Flame Beast Annihilation.

Because there are too many people accepting this task, the mercenary union here has to set up another reception window to register those mercenaries who can accept this task. At this time, under this window, many mercenaries have gathered. After all, the news of this red flame beast has been circulated in the mercenary world of the whole mainland, so there are many mercenaries who come here.

After waiting for a long time in the periphery, Yadi and Pat found that according to this registration speed, it is estimated that they cannot wait for them at night, so they rely on their own strength and squeeze out some mercenaries that are in front. After a few steps, I came to the registration window.

The squeezed mercenaries first glanced at the two of Yadi, but after seeing the strength of the two, they couldn't help but shut their mouths consciously. After all, in the mercenary world, they are also respected by the strong. Although the five-strength strength is not considered the top role in the mainland, but among these ordinary mercenaries, it is still very intimidating.

However, there are still some dissatisfied people who looked at Yadi and said angrily: "Huh, what squeeze, rush to die?"

Hearing the words, Yadi turned back to the speaker, showing fierce eyes. When the latter saw Yadi turned around, he immediately put his temper down, and the consciousness ranked behind Yadi and Pat.

"I'm going to accept this task, register for me." After seeing no one's opinion, Yadi turned around with satisfaction and said to the beautiful girl sitting in front of the window with a smile.

"Well, sir, please show your mercenary medal first." The girl in charge said to Yadi with a sweet smile.

Yadi took out his military medal from the storage ring and threw it to the opponent.

"Oh? The s-class mercenary." After seeing Yadi's military medal, the registered girl exclaimed a little in surprise, then looked at Yadi more.

It's no wonder that this person reacted so much. Although Yadi and Li Yi said lightly when explaining the mercenary level to Pat, after all, they want to get a higher level of support, but it is not that simple.

On the entire Shengyuan Continent, there are only dozens of s-class mercenaries until now, and these s-class mercenaries are not the pillars of some mercenary regiments. Although this Red Flame Beast mission is attractive, after all, people know that Red Flame Beast is a seventh-level Warcraft, and there are variations, which are bound to be terrifying. Although the mission remuneration of the Tianlan Empire is not low, it is not high enough to make people willing to sell their lives.

So although the mission has been open for many days, the s-class mercenaries who can come to register are really few. In desperation, the Tianlan Empire had to launch another mission. This mission can be accepted by the mercenary regiment. As long as any mercenary regiment can complete this mission and successfully kill the Red Flame Beast, then the Tianlan Empire will Give a generous reward. But Rao is so. The strong who can come to accept the task still haven't increased much.

So after Yadi reveals his s-class mercenary status, the girl in charge of the registration will look a little surprised. After confirming that Yadi’s mercenary medal was not fraudulent, the girl immediately began to register with Yadi. It didn’t take much time to register with Yadi.

When returning the Yadi Mercenary Medal, the registered girl did not forget to say to Yadi: "Warrior, do you still have mercenary friends with you, this time the task is very welcome to you such a powerful and powerful Mercenary."

After hearing this, Yadi nodded quickly and turned back to greet Li Yi, who was in a daze outside the crowd. "Li Yi, come and register, how is it like a girl."

Hearing Yadi's rude shouting, Li Yi shook his head helplessly, then squeezed the crowd and walked towards the window. After walking beside Yadi, Li Yi said fiercely: "Damn, you give me a stop, it is better to mention my name in the Tianlan Empire."

Hearing the sound of Li Yi's words, Yadi scratched his head and then smiled apologetically.

Disregarding Yadi, Li Yi also took out his mercenary medal from the storage ring, and threw it casually on the table in the registration window.

After seeing that the medal thrown by Li Yi was also s-class, the registered girl couldn't help but look at Li Yi a few more times. She couldn't really figure out what was going on today. In the past many days, only two S-class mercenaries came to accept the mission, but today there were two at once. But the surprise only lasted a little. After seeing the impatient look on Li Yi's face, the registered girl immediately registered with Li Yi, and then politely returned the mercenary medal to Li Yi.

After the registration of both of them was completed, Yadi saw Pat, who had been silent for a while, thinking that the other party was not a regular mercenary now, and I wondered if he could accept this mission. After all, this mission has a regulation this time, then It must be a mercenary above level a to accept.

I don’t want Pat to be embarrassed. Yadi didn’t leave immediately after the registration. Instead, he smiled and looked at the girl who was in charge of the registration, and said, “I have a friend who is very strong, but he was not a mercenary before. I want to accept this task with us this time. I don’t know if you can give it to you."

"This..." After hearing Yadi's question, the registered girl who had been smiling all the time couldn't help showing an embarrassed expression. After hesitating for a while, she asked, "I don't know what level of strength your friend is."

"Five-level intermediate." Yadi replied immediately.

Hearing Yadi’s answer, the girl responsible for registration was stunned, and then immediately smiled sweetly at Yadi, saying, “Then, please wait a moment, I’ll go in and ask to see if I can give it to you Friends register." After that, the girl responsible for registration left the seat and entered a room.

Not long after that, the girl walked out of the room and came to the window and said to Yadi: "I just asked the two adults for instructions, and the adults said that they would welcome strong people like your friends to come and help. And the adults said , Your friends can enjoy the same remuneration as you after completing the task."

After this reply, Yadi and Pat were very satisfied. Let Pat take out the f-class military medal that he just applied for, and Yadi asks the girl in charge to register with Pat.

After the registration of all three people was over, all of them thought it down. Now that the registration is successful, then wait for the task to begin.

The three turned around to leave the crowd, but when Li Yi and his party were about to leave, Li Yi suddenly discovered that after the three left, the person in the black cape who was registering at the window was a little different.

After carefully observing for a while, Li Yi discovered that the man in the black cloak turned out to be like him, suppressing his own strength. In the eyes of outsiders, this person is only the strength of the triple peak, but because Li Yi is proficient in the Qi Qi method, he also understands some skills of seeing the Qi Qi Gong method. The person under that black cloak clearly has five levels of low-level strength.

"Oh, it seems to be a person who doesn't like being too flamboyant." Li Yi shook his head with a smile, said secretly, and then ignored this person, followed Yadi and Pat out.

"Oh, Li Yi, when did you say that the two knights of the Tianlan Empire were ready to wait? This task has been released for so many days, and they did not see them organize people to search in the Ulan Mountains, but instead Those free mercenaries are very diligent. If they go on like this, they are not afraid of the red flame beast running?" Bored crawling on Li Yi's roof, Yadi complained to Li Yi who was sleeping on the roof with a sad face.

Hearing Yadi’s complaint, Li Yi, who hadn’t even slept, sat up helplessly and said, “Oh, what’s your urgency, and when it’s not their business when they started, those two celestial emperors of the Tianlan Empire Presumably, I know that there are so many free mercenaries in the Wulan Mountains searching for it every day. It is impossible for the Red Flame Beast to disappear from the mountains without knowing it. Maybe they are still waiting for help. Well, after all, if there is one more person, then you have one more point to kill the Red Flame Beast."

"Ah, that's what I said, but I was uncomfortable, shit. We ran from the Atlanta Empire for thousands of miles, but the result was that we could only spend time in this Suzuran College every day." Seeing Li Yi Yi calmed down, Yadi complained.

"Come on, don't be impatient. If you are really bored, you can go to Pat and learn again. It is always good for cultivation."

"It's boring. I'm used to fighting hard. I really don't get used to this kind of point-to-end discussion, and I don't have much passion to fight. I feel very bored. I really don't know how Pat can stay here for so many years. Speaking of learning, Yadi shook his head.

"Oh, everyone has their own ambitions, and everyone has different ways of cultivating. Look at Pat in this Suzuran College, isn't he also cultivating to five levels of intermediate strength, which shows that his cultivating method is not wrong? "Li Yi said lightly.

While the two were talking, Li Yi suddenly saw that Pat was running towards them with excitement in the distance. Seeing Pat's figure, Li Yi smiled and said to Yadi: "Oh, Pat really can't help nagging, just said he, he came. Yadi, be prepared to deal with today's discussion."

"Alas, it's still coming. It's too boring. Why is Pat so keen on such a boring thing." Expecting Pat to come here will have nothing else, Yadi said helplessly.

Before Pat jumped onto the roof, Yadi jumped into the courtyard, and with a look of excitement, Pat said, "Go and go and learn."

"Eh? Yadi, why did you take the initiative to learn so much today? I remember you said it's boring." Seeing Yadi taking the initiative to learn, Pat was a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh, I won't go either. I come to you every day. I really convinced you. Hurry up and finish the task today." Yadi said bitterly when he saw Pat look like a smile. .

"Hey, I don't have time to discuss with you today. There is a big event today. I bring good news." Pat thief said with a smile.

"Oh? What good news can make you give up the idea of ​​learning?" Seeing Pat's smirk, Yadi couldn't help but asked curiously.

"What kind of good news do you think it will be? In addition to consulting with you these days, I ran to the mercenary union every day and wanted to see when the **** task would start. As a result, I went to see it today. It was found that a notice was posted in the mercenary union, and all the mercenaries who had taken the task were called to gather at the mercenary union. We will wait for the task and start the task." Pat said in a breath. The news told Yadi.

Hearing Pat’s news, Yadi, who had already been in low spirits, also came to the spirit and smiled and looked at Pat and asked, “What are you saying is true?”

"Of course, what am I doing this joke, and it's not funny." Pat said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha ha, but when the task begins, I can finally have a chance to show my fists." Yadi shouted excitedly, then raised his head and shouted towards the roof: "Li Yi Don’t fall asleep, hurry up and tidy up, the task is about to begin, and we will hurry over."

Pat's loud voice, Li Yi had heard it on the roof when he told the news to Yadi. Seeing Yadi greet him, Li Yi was no longer negligent. He jumped off the roof neatly and walked in front of the two of them. He said with a smile: "Well, okay, then let's go, I really want to See what the seventh-level Warcraft looks like."

"Huh, I just showed that I didn't care. I really thought you didn't take it seriously." Yadi said jokingly.

"Oh, let's go, what nonsense?" Pat was not quick to talk to the two of them anymore. When Li Yi came down, he immediately turned and walked out of Suzuran College.

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