"Cut, what breaks the name. Want to be domineering, how good is the sledgehammer, and it's thick, no, change it." Pat's proposal was rejected by Yadi on the spot.

"It's better to call it the "Fenghuaxueyue" mercenary group, it sounds poetic." After Pat, Tang Hao gave his own thoughts again.

"Get out, how come you think of such an unpleasant name, is this to build a mercenary regiment, or to build a blue building, and think about it again." Tang Hao's idea was still rejected by everyone.

Both Pat and Tang Hao were emaciated and couldn't help being dissatisfied. Seeing that the three were still silent, Pat said, "That won't work either, that won't work, then what name do you want to use, you talk about it."

"Since you can't think of a good name, let's use the name I used to use with Li Yi, "Double-headed Grim Reaper", and lose domineering." Seeing that everyone still didn't speak, Yadi finally proposed to use The name.

"No, the two of you used to be a double-headed **** of death. Now there are five people. How come they are called double-headed? Are all three of us headless?" Yadi's proposal was not approved by everyone. Instead, he was rejected by Pat dissatisfied.

"That's called Shitou's **** of death, which is more appropriate." Tang Hao said indifferently.

"Your kid wouldn't do anything right, and if there is one more person in the mercenary regiment, then it will have to call the twelve heads of death." Yadi couldn't help but laugh when he heard Tang Hao's joke.

After the joke, several people fell into silence again. Five people didn't expect that all the conditions were met, but they were finally blocked by a name.

When five people were thinking in silence, Tang Yu finally spoke for the first time: "Are we a few of us forgetting something?"

"What's the matter." Everyone asked in doubt when Tang Yu said.

"Oh, if our mercenary regiment is established, although it has a smaller number, it is an organization after all. Of course, there must be a leader in this organization. We all forgot to talk about this mercenary regiment regiment. Who is responsible for the long position?" Tang Yu said with a smile, seeing the other four people's puzzled eyes.

"Well, it makes sense. We forgot this." Yadi nodded in agreement with Tang Yu.

"I feel that we should first select the candidates for the regiment. After the regimental leader is chosen, the problem of naming the mercenary regiment can be thrown to the regiment's unlucky egg." Tang Yu is still slow. Speaking slowly, and from her tone, it seemed to reveal a little meaning that she was not interested in the post of leader.

"It's a good idea. When I was with Li Yi, it was the two of us. It didn't matter who led whom. Now, because of the needs of the environment, we can't be so sloppy. So, you feel who of the five of us is suitable to come As the head of this group." After Tang Yu finished, Yadi said seriously.

This problem caused several people present to fall into silence for a while. Seeing this happening again, Pat, accustomed to doing things quickly, raised his head in dissatisfaction and said, "Ah, why don't you speak. Since you don't know how to choose, then we will speak with strength. Everyone knows each other almost, so this time, the head of the group will first select the strongest one among the five of us, so that we can serve the crowd, right?"

Hearing Pat’s proposal, several others nodded in praise. Although this method is somewhat sloppy, it is already the best way to solve the problem.

Seeing that there were no other people's opinions, Pat first said, "Then start now, me, Pat, five levels of intermediate strength."

"I, Yadi, have four peak strengths." Following Pat, Yadi also reported his strength.

"I, Tang Yu, five levels of low-level strength." Tang Yu said with a smile.

"Me, Tang Hao, triple peak strength. Hey, I'm not going to have fun with my strength." After reporting the strength, Tang Hao said interestingly.

After all four people reported their strength, Li Yi did not speak.

"Li Yi, you also tell me, what's wrong, is it inconvenient." Pat asked when he saw Li Yi not speaking.

"Alas..." Li Yi couldn't procrastinate anymore after seeing the eyes of several people. After a sigh, he said, "I, Li Yi, have five peak strengths."

"Five-level peak strength, ah, the real powerhouse." Li Yi and others have been occupying the landing stage, so the mercenaries behind them could not pass them, so they had to watch the excitement on the side. After Li Yi said his strength, he waited for Yadi to speak, and then amazed at the lively mercenaries.

Seeing the reaction of everyone, Pat said with a smile: "Haha, Li Yi, it seems that the unlucky leader's post will have to fall on you, although some regrets, but after all, your strength is ours. The highest among them."

"Don't do this. If Brother Pat feels sorry, Li Yi, the head of the regiment, can let you." Seeing how Pat was gloating, Li Yi said quickly.

"Forget it, don't make a joke, we have already let others wait too long." Seeing Yi Yi and Pat also have a leisurely joke, said the impatient Yadi who had already waited aside.

"Well, that's right, Li Yi. Now we all agree that you should be the head of our mercenary regiment. So, now you think of a name for our mercenary regiment. It must be louder." Pat Put away my joke and tell Li Yi.

"This...you are clearly pitting your father..." Li Yi could not help cursing when he saw the other four successfully throwing this problem to himself.

"Don't scold you, we don't even compete with you for the post of leader, you are tired of thinking of a name, what's it called, think about it, or else everyone will riot in a moment." Ya Dike disregarded Li Yi's anger and said to Li Yi with a smile.

"Well, this...well, I actually like the name of the two small organizations that we used to have. It's better to do this, we removed the first three words, what about the Death Mercenary Corps." After a while, Li Yi finally gave his answer.

"Well, it's not bad." After hearing the name Li Yi came up with, the other four didn't have much opinion.

Turning around, Yadi said to the girl who was waiting for a long time to register: "Beauty, our mercenary regiment is called the Death Mercenary Corps, help us register."

"Ah, sorry, Warrior. The name Bleach is already occupied by other mercenary regiments. Please think again." After hearing the name Yadi said, the girl shook her head and told Yadi the name. can not be used.

"Li Yi, you can't use it, think of another one." Yadi became an uncle this time. Hearing the name of the **** of death can't use wisdom, Yadi turned back to Li Yi.

"It can't be used, it's really troublesome." Hearing Yadi's words, Li Yi was lost in thought again.

Li Yi was really entangled at this time. Unexpectedly, a broken name made him so upset. After pondering for a long time, Li Yi suddenly flashed an old man in his mind. The old man was the old man who had taught his own practice on the abandoned land-killing God.

I don't know why I thought of killing God at this time, but Li Yi thought of him, but suddenly looked up and said to Yadi: "So, let's call the killing mercenary regiment."

"Slaughter...well, a good name, try it." After that, Yadi turned back to the girl and reported the name.

This time, the name finally passed. After learning that the mercenary group's name was finally determined, all five were relieved at the same time. At the same time, the five people all thought at the same time: "I hope this mercenary group will not leave, or they will have to think about their names if they are to be established later."

The girl in charge of registration is extremely productive. After a busy day, she told Yadi that everything was registered, and in the future, a few of them could have their own mercenary regiment.

After receiving the certificate of the mercenary group from the girl, Yadi said excitedly to the others: "Haha, our mercenary group has finally been established. In the future, we will work harder to make our mercenary group famous on the mainland as soon as possible."

Seeing Yadi excited, the other four smiled in good faith. Once the mercenary regiment has been established, then the future life will inevitably be enriched.

"Okay, let's work together to develop our mercenary regiment." Pat shouted loudly.

"Well, in the future we will be comrades fighting side by side, we must encourage and benefit each other." Li Yi also said with a smile.

Tang Yu and Tang Hao just smiled and didn't say much.

After the registration was completed, Li Yi put the certificate of the mercenary regiment in the storage ring and took several people out of the mercenary union.

In the future, the killing mercenary regiment that famously conquered the mainland was finally established in Suzuran City.

"Li Yi, what are we going to do next." After stepping out of the mercenary union, Yadi asked Li Yi with great care.

"Stupid, what else can I do, of course, I have to solve the matter of the Angry Rock Beast first. After all, we promised Senior Neil to help him this time, and this mission can also be regarded as our killing mercenary mercenary. For the first time, the regiment did the task collectively. Level 6 Warcraft was also a good grindstone." After Li Yi looked at Yadi, he said to Yadi like an idiot.

"Ah, yeah, huh, I've been patronizing and excited before, but I forgot about it. That rage beast is in the Dangchuan Mountains, don't know how far the broken mountains are from here." Looking at Li Yi Looking at his own eyes, Yadi scratched his head and said flatly.

"I've been to the Dangchuan Mountains once before. A few years ago, Hanks suddenly said that he wanted to go there and see if I could get some unexpected gains. I followed him once. Dangchuan Mountains It’s not far from Suzuran City, and I’ve arrived just two days after Hanks and I rushed.” Speaking of the Dangchuan Mountains, Pat interjected.

"Since that is the case, then please trouble Pat the leader." Seeing that Pat knew how to get the Dangchuan Mountain Range, Li Yi pushed the matter completely.

"No problem, then let's go now. Some time has been wasted before, and Elder Neal also said that the Nuyan Beast is estimated to have some days in the Dangchuan Mountains. I am afraid that there will be some late arrivals Variables, we should start as soon as possible." Pat didn't care after leading the way, and he walked out of town as soon as he finished talking.

"Well, it makes sense. When I left the "Red Square" before, Senior Neil also said that he would send someone to tell the manpower of the "Red Square" stationed in the Dangchuan Mountains. It is estimated that when we get there, the Dangchuan Mountains Someone should be answering us, too." Li Yi nodded in agreement, and then took several others to follow Pat's footsteps out of Suzuran City.

What Pat said before was not wrong. Under the speed of a few people who were not fast or slow, after five days of driving, the five people finally reached the periphery of the Dangchuan Mountains. Looking at the endless mountains, Li Yi and Yadi, who had been perching on the side of the Atlanta Empire all year round, didn't feel much.

"This is the Dangchuan Mountain Range. Senior Neil said the Rage Beast should be in the mountains. Now let's go to the place where Senior Neil told us before leaving to see if we can meet their manpower." Standing at the entrance of Dangchuan Mountain, Li Yi said lightly.

After taking out the map and recognizing the direction, the five people hurried back to the mountains.

After walking for a while, Li Yi suddenly stopped and said to the crowd: "I feel that there is some hidden manpower in the woods in front. If it is estimated that it is good, it should be the "Red Square". People, let's take a look at it, of course, we must be careful."

After hearing that, Yadi several people nodded in agreement, and then followed Li Yi in that direction.

"Who is it!" Just when Li Yi and the others had just approached the woods, a man's voice was heard from the woods.

"Oh, sorry, excuse me, are you the person residing here in the "Red Square". My name is Li Yi, entrusted by Senior Neil, to come here to help you conquer the Angry Rock Beast." Li Yi It has been discovered before that the manpower hidden in the woods is not very deep. Therefore, when leading a few people to go there, they didn't cover their bodies on purpose. After approaching the woods and being discovered by the other party, Li Yi stepped forward and shouted into the woods with a smile.

Before Li Yi's words fell, several people jumped out of the woods. The person who came here was dressed in black and was dressed in the same way as the group of people who went to Tang Yu for trouble.

After a few people in black carefully examined Li Yi and his group for a while, a black man headed out of the crowd and smiled and said to Li Yi: "Oh, it turned out to be Li Yi, who just received Neil yesterday. The order from the adults says that you will lead your friends to support us in conquering the Rage Rock Beast. I didn’t expect the order to be sent one day, and you and your friends will come. Thank you very much."

"This friend doesn't have to be polite, we and Senior Neil just took their own needs. Let's talk less, let's talk about the Angry Rock Beast first. I don't know where Warcraft is now in this mountain, What is his strength." Seeing that the other party has confirmed the identity of perception, Li Yi is no longer nonsense. After making a polite sentence, he talked about the business.

"Your excellency, but that's fine. I have been monitoring this beast during this time, and I have almost been spotted several times. I was worried all day, and now there are a few strong men to support, we can be relieved. This place Not far from where the Nuyan Beast lives, let’s hide in the tree and talk slowly about the Nu Yan Beast.” The man in black looked at Li Yi with a smile and said.

"Well, yes, it's better to be careful." After that, Li Yi looked back at the four people behind him, and then the five followed the black men into the woods.

"Your Excellency Li Yi, first of all, I still want to thank you and your friends for coming to help us "Red Square" to solve this problem." After walking into the woods, the man in black said politely.

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