"It's stupid, of course I'm looking for it. Where can we get a tongue." Adi responded angrily, and Li Yi continued to inspect. But after watching it for a while, Li Yi said to Bettina: "Betina, can you tell me who was responsible for the design and construction of the empire when the Say Empire was established? "

After seeing Li Yi for a week, he suddenly asked such a strange question. Bettina was surprised for a while, then frowned and said to Li Yi: "This... if I remember correctly, it was our empire. The first king of ours, Zuraphael, the elder of our Perkins family? Most of the cities in the empire designed by Perkins, what's wrong, is there anything wrong?"

"Oh, there is nothing wrong with it, but I suddenly found a question, why your ancestor likes to build a city so big. I just took a closer look, although I didn't really look at this city. In my eyes, but from this invisible wall alone, I estimate that the city of Xi should be more than two or three times larger than the city of Suzuran." Li Yi touched his nose with a wry smile and Li Yi said his discovery .

Hearing Li Yi’s words, Bettina couldn’t help but smile, and then stared at Li Yi and said, “Oh, what’s wrong, don’t you think that such a city is not good? At the time, the ancestors built the city like this. If a city can be built like a giant bunker, then the safety of each city will not be very high." Betina said with a smile, the reason why the city was built in this way.

Listening to Bettina's explanation, Li Yi smiled relievedly. "Oh, although this idea is a bit weird, but it is also a good suggestion. I still remember the original Senna city, but almost collapsed the offensive of the Tianlan Empire."

Originally Li Yi just said it unintentionally, but when Betina heard Li Yi talking about the battle of the King of Seine that year, she was a little bit happy and dissipated in an instant. Looking up at the sky in the distance, Bettina said bitterly: "Oh, how can it be easy to defend and difficult to attack? In the end, I was not trampled by the iron ride of the Tianlan Empire. In fact, I really hate it in the country. At the most critical moment, I did not fight the imperial people in the royal city of Seine to the last moment."

Seeing Bettina's mood suddenly dropped, Li Yi also knew that she had said something she should not have said. Rubbing his hands awkwardly, Li Yi said to Bettina with a wry smile: "Sorry Betina, I talked about your sad things."

Hearing Li Yi's apology, Bettina took her eyes away from the distant sky. Looking at Li Yi's slightly embarrassed look at the moment, Bettina reluctantly squeezed a smile and said to Li Yi: "Oh, it's okay. It's been so many years. I'm just feeling sorry. After all, no matter how many empires there are, Strong, there will always be a day of annihilation. I am very open to this."

"Oh, it's best if you think like this. As long as we work hard, we can finally let the glory of the Sai Empire shine back on the continent of the Holy Yuan." Listening to the free and easy words of Bettina, Li Yi He said with a sigh of relief.

"However, although I did not personally participate in the battle of the city of King Seine at the time, I also heard some news afterwards. The reason why the city of King Seine was broken so quickly was because the Skyland Empire sent a team The soldiers used magic crystal cannons to blast through the city gates, and then caused a lot of chaos in the city, so that the city of Senna was quickly disintegrated. I don’t know that the officer who led the army was still alive, if one day let I caught him, and I must hold his head to sacrifice graves for my father." Although Bettina had regarded the destruction of the Sai Empire as less important, but for those who had broken through the city of Sena, But Bettina always carried a lot of hatred in her heart.

Li Yi, who had already been relieved, heard the betina saying these words again suddenly, the faint smile originally hanging on her face disappeared instantly, replaced by an unclear expression. If you look closely, the expression on Li Yi's face at this time is embarrassing and nervous.

Because the speaker is unintentional and the listener is intentional, Bettina's foe is unforgettable at this time. If Li Yi did not guess wrong, then it should be herself. It was because he had taken 100,000 soldiers who were regarded as abandoned soldiers, and slaughtered into the city of King Sena, causing chaos in the city, so that Lieutenant General Luo Ning successfully invaded the city of King Senna afterwards. Recalling this experience, Li Yi's embarrassment was even stronger. At this moment, Li Yi really didn't know how to say this to Bettina.

Seeing Li Yi's volatile expression on her face at this time, Bettina asked curiously: "Li Yi, what's wrong with you, is it what I just said that made you feel uncomfortable. Sorry, actually I'm not that kind People with a small belly are just for those who personally hurt the life of my father, I really cannot let go of my hatred."

Looking at Bettina's serious expression on her face at this time, Li Yi really felt like a laugh. If Betina knows that the person standing in front of her at this time is her father's enemies, then Bettina will be so kind to explain to Li Yi.

"Li Yi? Li Yi?" Seeing Li Yi still did not speak, Bettina reached out and shook Li Yi's shoulder, asked worriedly.

After being shaken by Bettina, Li Yi finally woke up from the stunned god. He touched his nose awkwardly, and finally Li Yi decided not to tell Bettina about it for the time being. After all, the situation at that time was not clear now. At that time, Li Yi, as a soldier, stood on the stand of the Celestial Empire and personally disintegrated the defensive power of the Sena King City. This was nothing wrong. However, although Li Yi thought so, Li Yi was not sure that Bettina could think the same way.

So after careful consideration for a while, Li Yi calmly said to Bettina: "Oh, nothing, just suddenly remembered something and distracted. Um, Bettina, don’t look at hatred. It’s so heavy. After all, we are still cultivators. If we delay the process of cultivating because of this obsession in our hearts, we will lose more than that."

Listening to Li Yi's "consolation", Bettina smiled and thanked her, but said nothing more. However, from her eyes, Li Yi can still truly feel the war of the past in Bettina's heart, resentful.

But Li Yi doesn't dare to show too fierce now, because Li Yi knows that this hatred, Bettina must have been carrying it for ten years. Wanting her to change her mind in a short time is not a simple matter.

However, when Li Yi had nothing to say, Yadi said aloud: "Betina is good, and you should be like this. If you don't report the murder of your father, what is it like a pig dog?" Different. I'm very optimistic about you and support you mentally. In the future, I will definitely help you to kill your father and enemies. We cramp and break our bones, and we lose our strength."

Hearing Yadi's echo, Bettina smiled sincerely. Looking at Yadi's smile, Bettina said happily: "Well, thank you Yadi, I really need you to help me in the future."

But Bettina was in a good mood after hearing Yadi's words, but Li Yi hated Yadi at the moment. Because others didn't know the situation, Yadi had been with him for ten years. Yadi knew exactly what he had done in the Tianlan Empire. So now Yadi said this, nothing more than trying to run against Li Yi.

Seeing Li Yi throwing that murderous eye towards himself, instead of evading, Yadi showed a playful expression. After walking a few steps forward to Li Yi, Yadi said to Li Yi in a very low voice: "Oh, come out and mix, sooner or later I want to pay it back." After that, Yadi even shook his head, as if A look that hates iron for not making steel.

Looking at Yadi's utter lack of beating, Li Yi really wanted to beat Yadi on the spot. But I thought that if I could not find a reasonable interface, I had to bear this tone and said to Yadi: "You shut up."

Hearing Li Yi suddenly so angry, Bettina asked curiously, "Li Yi, what's wrong."

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just that Yadi had just made a joke with me. I called him a sentence. Are you saying yes, Comrade Yadi?" Li Yi stared at Yadi and said with a smile.

"Well, well, that's it. Betina, don't mind." Yadi said in a daunting look at Li Yi playfully.

Finally, after glaring fiercely at Yadi, Li Yi said to Bettina: “Okay, let’s joke here. Let’s first find a quiet place to wait for the dark, and then grab some tongues while taking advantage of the night. Cross-examine the current situation of Xicheng."

When the night completely covered Xicheng, a secluded place in Xicheng, several ghostly figures jumped out of it, and disappeared into the boundless night after a while.

The few people who jumped out were naturally Li Yi and others who were lurking in the city for half a day. After waiting for a long time with boredom, several people finally waited for the opportunity to shoot.

"Li Yi, where do we go to find our tongue next?" Yadi whispered to Li Yi through the night lurking in the city.

"Hey, naturally it is there." Hearing Yadi's question, Li Yi didn't say it, but pointed his finger at the heavily guarded city wall at this time.

Following Li Yi's finger, Yadi also saw the soldiers occasionally patrolling back and forth on the city wall. However, it seems that he did not agree with Li Yi's choice. Yadi said to Li Yi after a moment of thinking: "Is it going to grab the tongue above the city wall? Is this too dangerous?"

"Ah, it doesn't matter anymore. In the face of soldiers of this strength, it's the same wherever we go. Since they are now the closest target to us, we can't commit ourselves to looking elsewhere for opportunities. Besides, these I didn’t do much about it, I started to take it easy. You wait here, I’ll go when I go.” Li Yi didn’t care about Yadi’s worry. After whispering to several people, Li Yi unfolded his body and ran quickly under the wall.

Seeing Li Yi do it, Bettina and others have no time to block it. Although Bettina and Pat also felt that Li Yi would be a bit dangerous, but now that Li Yi had passed, several people had no choice but to look at Li Yi’s back, praying Li Yi not to mess up the matter .

"Let's hide in the neighborhood first, but don't be found here by Xicheng's guardian soldiers." After Li Yi sneaked out, Yadi patrolled carefully and whispered to others.

Upon hearing the sound, Bettina and Pat both nodded in agreement, and then hid again in an abandoned courtyard.

While the three were still thinking about when Li Yi would return, they heard a subtle sound outside the wall. As soon as Yadi wanted to go out to investigate, he heard a deep voice outside the wall: "Yadi, where are you."

Hearing this voice, Yadi and others also knew that Li Yi had returned. Fortunately, they glanced at each other, and when they were depressed, they jumped out of the courtyard.

Although the night was heavy at this time, because of the close distance, several people saw a guy in a soldier's uniform immediately after jumping out, standing in front of Yadi and others with their shoulders shaking.

"Li Yi?" Although it has been guessed that the person in front of him should be Li Yi, Yadi asked him with a voice.

"Well, it's me, don't panic, things are done, no problem." Li Yi took off the soldier's helmet on his head and smiled to Yadi.

Seeing Li Yi's iconic bearded face, Yadi and others finally felt relieved. Yadi walked to Li Yi and saw a soldier with stripped armor and only underwear left at Li Yi's foot, patted Li Yi's shoulder and smiled and said, "OK, you, I didn't expect you to do these stolen chickens and dogs I still have a lot of work."

"Get out of here, what is stealing chickens and dogs, this is called tactics and tactics, do you understand, don't understand, don't talk nonsense, be careful I castrated you." Yadi glanced white, Li Yi mentioned the soldier who was unconscious on the ground , With a few people re-jumped into the courtyard where they were hiding.

After standing still, Li Yi did not talk nonsense with Yadi and others. He caught the comatose soldier in front and slapped two slapped faces, then the soldier awakened from the coma. Over here.

Seeing Li Yi start mercilessly, Yadi couldn't help but whispered aside: "Hey, violent enough, if I knew it, let me fan the two."

Upon hearing this, Li Yi turned his attention to Yadi, and then said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. In the future, this kind of thing is more, sooner or later you have the day to do it." After that, Li Yi stopped talking to Yadi. , Turning his head to the soldiers who had regained consciousness: "Next, I ask you to answer, don't play any tricks with me, let alone take the opportunity to exclaim, call the soldiers who defend the city. You must believe, in your reinforcements Before I arrived, I definitely had the strength to kill you."

The poor garrison soldier just woke up from a coma, and only felt a sharp pain in his cheeks. Before reaching for a touch, he heard Li Yi's extremely dangerous words. I just wanted to exclaim subconsciously, but found that my mouth was covered by the other party's big hand. Panicking at the few unscrupulous people around him, the soldier finally understood his situation at this time. As if to admit his fate, the soldiers nodded slowly after closing their eyes.

After feeling the soldier nod, Li Yi carefully removed his hand. But the removed right hand did not fall, but stayed beside the soldier's mouth to prevent the soldier from exclaiming.

After everything was handled properly, Li Yi whispered to the soldier in front of him, "You don't have to be too frustrated, we just want to ask you for some information. If you cooperate with us, I will definitely not be right You hurt the killer. Well, now you answer me, this brook city, which side is the real power now."

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