Hearing Margaret’s invitation, Li Yi looked back at Yadi again. After seeing that they were still the expressions of "everything is yours," Li Yi could only ask for fun. And then said to Margaret: "Oh, Mrs. Rolle, these things are easy to say. Just I think, before we participate, can you tell me about the specific distribution of forces in Jingchuan Province? ."

"Well, good." Margaret agreed readily on Li Yi's question. Afterwards, Margaret confronted a map hanging on the wall in the main hall and gave Li Yi a few people a detailed introduction to the distribution of forces in Jingchuan Province.

Through Margaret's narration, Li Yi finally finally had a clear understanding of the situation in Jingchuan Province.

Jingchuan province, as the second province in the south of Sai, is as chaotic as any other province.

There are six major cities in Jingchuan Province, and these six major cities are basically the targets that several major forces compete for. Every big city represents a force, so although Jingchuan Province is complicated to say, it is actually a battle between these six forces.

Among them, the Wu'an Legion, that is, Margaret's forces, among these six forces, can be regarded as a weak presence. The other five forces are the Rhône Army, the Lannong Army, the Central Army, the Burken Army, and the Darling Army.

The six forces have been fighting all year round, all wanting to kill the other party, thus occupying the other party's territory, only because they are afraid of being secretly calculated by others while attacking other forces, so there has been constant war between them, but there is no real ability. A brutal war.

The six forces are not really fighting each other, of which the Rhone Army and the Lannong Army are in an alliance state. Alliance of Bokken Corps and Wuan Corps. However, the Central Army and the Darling Army are stubborn and have no alliances. They do not know what their leaders are thinking about. However, due to their caution, other forces were reluctant to take easy shots against them, so although the six forces were tumbling against each other, they did not play any decisive battle.

After listening to Margaret, Li Yi finally has a real understanding of the "chaos" here. In the final analysis, here are just a group of guys sitting on the ground and fighting some unrelated wars. In other provinces, because there is no time to pay attention to it, it makes the place seem to be extra chaotic.

"Oh, well, since this is the case, war should be common here. It seems that our mercenary regiment should have a good business." After listening to the story, Li Yi said with a smile.

Hearing Li Yi's joke, Margaret said very seriously to Li Yi: "Li Yi, I have said everything I should say, you should also talk about your plan, do you want to help I will give it a hand. I think that if you can join us, the strength of our Wu'an Legion should be able to improve a lot in an instant."

"Oh, you're really exaggerating to say that. We only have so few people. What can we do in the war of tens of thousands of people." Li Yi said calmly about Margaret's excitement.

"In short, I'll ask you to help me. After all, we are still acquaintances. After all, your war mercenaries are just for being hired. Is it bad for me to be hired by my acquaintances." Seeing Li Yi still not letting go, Margaret said roguely.

Looking at the posture of Margaret's pretending little woman, although Li Yi was not confused by her, after all, facing this beauty, Li Yi couldn't help but bowed her head. After pondering for a long time, Li Yi raised his head and said slowly to Marguerite: "Well, since you have said everything here, I won't be wordy. I promised you to join the Wu'an Legion, Participate in the hegemony against the province of Jingchuan."

That night, after Li Yi agreed that Margaret would join the Wu'an Legion, Margaret's heart finally fell. In fact, on the way back, Margaret has been thinking about how to pull the strong man of this level into his own team. After all, Li Yi's strength, Margaret really knows. And after being separated from Li Yi for ten years, Margaret found that this time he met Li Yi again, and Li Yi was still surrounded by strong people like Li Yi. Such a force made Margaret look forward to it.

So after hearing Li Yi personally agreed to join the Wu'an Legion, Margaret was heartily happy. In fact, this woman simply gave birth to a man by mistake. She is far more than many men in the pursuit of power and power.

When he was in Wu'an, the capital of the country, Margaret had always been worried because of Wu'an's weak power. But because he really does not have the ability to completely change the status quo, he can only endure the mediocrity silently. But there are still a lot of unwillingness in her heart, so she will often walk in various social meetings, just hope that her energy can be expanded unlimitedly.

When she first sent the Tianlan Empire, she deliberately demonstrated just to get a little attention from the Tianlan Empire, so as to get some physical and financial support from the Tianlan Empire by virtue of the magic crystal mine. Although it was self-defeating afterwards, her courage was not to be underestimated.

And the most noteworthy point is that the Wu'an Legion now appears to be the former monarch. But in fact, the unlucky monarch, in fact, is a full rice bucket like Margaret's husband, once General Rolle. In fact, the original decision to withdraw from Wu Anguo completely relied on Margaret's continuous sitting and hard work, which enabled Wu Anguo to survive in this chaotic world.

The prince of Wu Anguo and Margaret's husband are brothers, so they are so similar. Having been with these two rice barrels for years, Margaret even aroused Margaret's desire for power. The woman's biggest dream is to build her own country, and then to feel that kind of feeling above all people. For this dream, Margaret, a female generation, struggled in troubled times and mediated with various treacherous characters.

After discussing the matter with Margaret that day, Li Yi led Margaret and settled in a VIP room with Yadi and others.

That night without words, when the sun rose high the next day, Li Yi and Yadi finally rested and walked out of the room refreshingly.

And the first sentence Yadi asked after seeing Li Yi was: "Li Yi, I suddenly thought of a question last night. Bettina also tried to invite you to join the Yanlong Legion before, but you But he vetoed it. Now the Wu'an Legion, their strength is not as strong as the Yanlong Legion, but for their invitation, you have not rejected it. I can't figure it out, why do you want to do this."

Hearing Yadi’s question, Li Yi only shook his head slightly, and said to Yadi with a smile after a moment of silence: “That’s because, in my opinion, if we have been following Bettina in the future With the development of the Dragon Army, many of our ideas and decisions will be difficult to realize. After all, you and I know that the Yanlong Army, the real master, is not Betina who is ignorant of the military, but her elder brother. Although I I promised to help Bettina return, but I don’t want to really work silently under their aura. After some things that year, I hate being controlled by others."

When Li Yi was talking, the look on his face was extremely firm. Especially at the end, when Li Yi said that he didn't want to be controlled any more, Li Yi's expression became more firm. Seeing Li Yi behave like this, Yadi seemed to understand some of Li Yi's moods. After all, anyone who has experienced that kind of thing will not be truly caring.

Looking at the calm Li Yi, Yadi did not say anything, but nodded thoughtfully.

However, Li Yi's expression softened after he had spoken fervently. Looking up at the sky in the distance, Li Yi said lightly: "In fact, in my heart, I never thought about who I want to help. There is only one belief in my heart, that is to constantly give enemies to the Tianlan Empire, as long as I Slowly angry, sooner or later there will be an existence that can contend with the Celestial Empire positively. By then, these forces in the dunya will make the old thief of Celestial King busy busy. As long as you can do this step I don’t care about who is the owner of the power that can compete with the Tianlan Empire. I never have any longing for power."

Although he has lived with Li Yi all the time, Yadi suddenly found out that Li Yi in front of him was completely different from Li Yi he knew before. In the past, Li Yi seemed to live without any goal, as if living in this world, just to die. But now Li Yi has become clear. And in order to achieve his goal, Li Yi even seems to have made unscrupulous preparations. While Li Yi did this, Yadi did not feel that Li Yi was sly, but only felt that such Li Yi could truly be called a heavenly man.

Looking silently at Li Yi in front of him, Yadi suddenly said secretly in his heart: "Li Yi's goal is this, but what is my goal. When he defected from the family, was it right or wrong? "Thinking of this, Yadi couldn't help raising his right hand and quietly took out a piece of jade from the storage ring. Looking at this delicate jade, Yadi couldn't help but sigh again.

But Yadi's current performance has not fallen into anyone's eyes. What Li Yi's group is thinking about now is just what to do next in this province of Jingchuan.

Thinking of this problem, Li Yi also collected his excitement. He smiled and said to Yadi and others: "Oh, well, the emotions have been sent out. Now let's go to Margaret first. After all, this woman, now our employer, we can't be too entrusted."

After all, Li Yi and his party found Margaret under the leadership of a guard.

Seeing Li Yi walk into the room, Margaret immediately stood up to meet. After walking in front of Li Yi, Margaret said with a smile: "Oh, how did General Li rest last night? Is there anything wrong with living here?"

Seeing Margaret being so polite, Li Yi also politely said to Margaret: "Very good, the environment here is very good, better than where I have lived before. Mrs. Rolle was bothered, Li Yi Thanks here."

"Oh, wherever you say, everyone will be your own in the future, so you don't have to be so polite." Margaret said with a smile when she saw Li Yi talking creakyly.

"Well, Mrs. Lor, let's not talk more about nonsense. Let's talk about the business, Mrs. Lor is so anxious to draw me to join someone in the Wu'an Legion, I must be prepared to make big moves. What are the tasks? In spite of the instructions of Mrs. Rolle, I will not refrain from saying Li." After the polite words were spoken, Li Yi immediately discussed the matter with Marguerite.

Seeing that Li Yi was so directly prepared to say the right thing, Margaret was also slightly correct. After being silent for a while, Margaret said again: "Well, actually our Wu'an Legion is really preparing to make some big moves recently. I was a little worried about this, but now you have such a strong Aid, I think this operation should be successful."

Unexpectedly, Margaret brought herself a big hat as soon as she came up. Li Yi waved her hand quickly and then smiled and said to Margaret: "Mrs. Lor, don't you look at me like that. I’m just a warrior, even if I join the Wu’an Army, I don’t think it will really help Mrs. Lor. You don’t have to be so polite, there are no arrangements, but tell me."

Li Yi's directness also made Margaret laugh awkwardly. After laughing, Margaret stopped procrastinating. Pointing at the map last night, Margaret said: "Li Yi, after my introduction last night, I’m sure you will be in the situation of Jingchuan Province now. I should have a complete understanding. I don’t talk to you too much. In fact, the plan in my heart is to take the entire Jingchuan province within a year, and then make the Wu’an Legion strong enough. Participate in the competition for the entire southern border of Sai."

Although Margaret didn't say much, it made the other men present stunned. Li Yi and others looked at Margaret very seriously. After seeing that there was no slight joke on the other person's face, Li Yi and his talents truly felt the ambition of the woman in front of him.

Subconsciously touching his nose, Li Yi smiled and said to Margaret: "Oh, Mrs. Rolle has a big appetite. It is good to have this idea, but I don't know that the Wu'an Legion really has the kind to wipe out the whole. What is the strength of other forces in Jingchuan Province?"

Feeling the doubt in Li Yi's heart, Marguerite smiled, inadvertently revealing thousands of styles. After laughing, Margaret continued: "It seems that General Li is still a little worried about the strength of our Wu'an Legion."

"Oh, Mrs. Lor's remarks are not serious, not to worry about the Wu'an Legion. It's just not to worry about other forces. After all, you said it last night. The other forces in Jingchuan Province are all OK. Existing alongside the Wu'an Legion. If you want to be above them, you can't do it by talking about it." Facing Margaret's slightly sly question, Li Yi answered with a smile.

Hearing what Li Yi said, Margaret replied with a smile: "Well, if you say that, I can still accept it. After all, it is also blaming me, and I haven't really explained to you the hidden strength of our Wuan Legion." Margaret dropped her finger and pointed to the forces on the map, saying to Li Yi: "The Rhône Army, occupying the city of Rhône, the city owner used to be just a thief leader, because the uprising broke out in the south of Say many years ago, so He took his own horse and killed it from the mountain, occupying the city of Rhône. There are 50,000 regular soldiers in the city, who are stationed all year round, and there is no reserve military service." said here, Marguerite also couldn't help but bow his head in shame. After all, when it was just said that the leader of the Rhone Legion, Margaret also suddenly thought that he had actually been a bandit for a while.

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