But seeing Li Yi's confusion, Bettina quickly gave Li Yi the answer: "In fact, it's not that we can't figure out what is happening now. We also know that when facing enemies outside the city, we only need to stick to it Chengchi, then the final victory must belong to us. But the development of the matter is not as smooth as imagined. After my brother Elvin died, the Persian army led the enemy troops to sneer at us. We, the Yanlong Legion, also did not know why there were a few traitors. They used my elder brother to fight to death, and incited ordinary soldiers in the barracks."

"Oh? And there are traitors? What do those traitors promote in the military camp? But since you say that now, you should have already pulled out those traitors." Hearing Bettina talking about the Yanlong Legion There was a traitor among them, Li Yi couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Well, after the death of the eldest brother, some of the defeated soldiers who fled back came in with some internal traitors. After they returned, they continued to incite other soldiers in the barracks, letting them remember the shame of the death of the leader Ivan, At this moment, the Yanlong Legion should take the initiative to go out of the city to meet the enemy, so that those who dare to provoke the authority of the Yanlong Legion will know how powerful the Yanlong Legion is." Speaking of the propaganda of these traitors in the military camp, Bettina was very angry at this time.

"Oh, it seems that this should be the strategy of the Legion of Perth. They used the incident of killing Aiwen to incite the soldiers in the city of Xicheng out of the city to fight the enemy. In this case, although they also have to face the soldiers in the Yanlong Legion directly Anger. But at least this way, they can avoid the difficulty of siege." After listening to Bettina's story, Li Yi also wanted to understand the plan of the Legion.

"Yeah, for this reason, my sister and I are so melancholy now. Although we know in our hearts that this is the strategy used by the Perth Corps. But the soldiers who were instigated were not moved at all. They were being incited. After that, my heart was completely hatred against the Legion. Now I saw that the other party not only killed his leader, but also dared to attack our city. The soldiers in the Flame Dragon Legion now want to go out and fight with them, completely I don’t want to stick to the city. If I hadn’t sent Barak to fight today, those rioting soldiers might actually go out and fight against them.” Speaking of the chaotic situation, Bettina was really sad.

After Bettina finished speaking, she stopped talking. And Elena apparently now no longer has the desire to speak, sitting on the seat froze for a moment.

Li Yi looked at the two sisters of Bettina now in a state of uneasiness. Obviously, she saw that she was following this mess, and she shook her hand and left all the problems to herself.

Although she was helpless in her heart, Li Yi knew that if she was also in a critical situation at this time, then Sister Betina would really have no choice.

After careful consideration, Li Yi suddenly raised his head and stood against Bettina: "Betina, since the soldiers in the city now all want to go out to meet the enemy, then why should we stop them. In the war In China, fighting spirit has always been the most difficult to find. Now that the soldiers are fighting for the whole thing, why should we stop it blindly."

Hearing Li Yi's proposal, Bettina was stunned. And Elena, who was originally in a daze, couldn't help flashing a pair of beautiful eyes, looking at Li Yi.

Sister Bettina couldn't think of anything. After thinking for a while, Li Yi gave such an answer.

"Li Yi, didn't you listen to what I said just now. Although the enemies are fierce, we still occupy Xicheng after all. While defending, we can maximize our advantage. But If we give up the advantage and go out of town to fight the enemy, isn't it falling into the enemy's calculation." Looking at Li Yi doubtfully, Bettina frowned.

"Oh, you don’t understand this. I have just said that although the Pas Corps sent in a few traitors to incite our troops, but now this situation, although it brings some resistance to our fortification, but at the same time It also mobilized the fighting spirit of our soldiers to the greatest extent. Did you know that having such a force is what every general dreams of. The so-called mourning soldiers will win, although our soldiers are not mourning soldiers now, but If we can reasonably use their hatred of the Legion of Perth, maybe we can really cause a lot of damage to the Legion of Perth." Li Yi said with a smile on the face of Bethina.

"This..." After listening to Li Yi's story, Bettina obviously became more confused. Turning her gaze to her sister, Bettina can only now count on Elena to say her plan.

Seeing her sister's crisis, Elena showed some composure. After frowning and thinking for a while, Elena slowly said to Li Yi: "General Li, your proposal may really be a good choice. Since we can't stop our soldiers from wanting to go out for battle, Then maybe letting them go out to fight against the city, maybe we can really get a lot of surprises."

Hearing Elena seemed to agree with her thoughts, Li Yi smiled slightly and didn't say much.

But after hearing Elena's words, Bettina immediately excitedly said to Elena: "Sister, are you crazy with Li Yi? Although I don't understand war, at least I still know that in tough battles, we keep The city side has a great advantage over the siege side. If we give up this advantage and instead go out of the city to confront the other side, then our losses will be much higher."

"Ah, sister, this is actually no way out. In fact, think about it carefully. This time, the Persian Army dared to send troops to our Yanlong Army this time, so their leaders must have thought about anything that will appear. Difficult. Our blind defense is certainly a good choice, but I am afraid that if I keep guarding like this, I will be counted by them sooner or later. And if it is counted by the other party again, our Xicheng might really be in a state of utter annihilation. So, although General Li’s proposal is a bit risky, at least if we go out of town to fight, then it should be able to disrupt some of their plans.” Looking at Bettina, Elena said with a look of embarrassment. After all, although Elena agreed with Li Yi's point of view, when she thought of letting her men give up the advantages of defending the city and out of the city, the enemy also felt their lives.

Seeing things like this, Li Yi shook his head helplessly. Walking to Betina, Li Yi said seriously: "Betina, you can rest assured that since I agreed to help you return to China, then I will definitely work hard. Although the current situation is critical, it may also be us An opportunity. If we can defeat this strong enemy, we may also gain a lot."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Bettina looked at Elena again. After sighing helplessly, Bettina said lightly: "Well, since you have all decided, I will listen to you. When I go out to meet the enemy, I will also play. I can give the Yanlong Legion. I can feel more comfortable with my strength."

Seeing Bettina finally agreed to go out to meet the enemy, Li Yi finally smiled. Patting Bettina on the shoulder, Li Yi said seriously: "Betina, you can rest assured, the enemies outside the city, I will help you get rid of it soon."

Although I don't know what makes Li Yi so confident, but looking at Li Yi's determined expression, Bettina felt very relieved at this moment.

As a woman, in fact, there will always be some weak in the bones. Regardless of Betina's strength, in this chaotic moment, only when a domineering man like Li Yi stands by her side can she calm down her impatience.

Slightly raised his frown, and Bettina said softly to Li Yi: "So, Li Yi, what are you going to do next. Since we are going to confront each other head-on, we always have to play some tactics. "Although Betina doesn't know much about war, but through these days living in Brook City, Betina also understands that when marching, the formation of the troops and the cooperation between the soldiers often determine the battle. The key to victory or defeat.

But let Bettina ask this question, Li Yi suddenly realized. Just now, I patronized myself and made a brave speech. I was fighting for it, but I really didn't make any plans for the next battle.

Touching his nose awkwardly, Li Yi said slowly: "This... Betina, do you have any ideas."

Seeing Li Yi not only did not answer his own question, but instead asked what he thought. Bettina couldn't help but look at Li Yi with a puzzled look. At this moment, Bettina suddenly felt again that the man in front of her seemed not to be so reassuring.

However, Elena, who was sitting on the side, also saw Li Yi's embarrassment at this time. She did not want Li Yi to be too embarrassed. Elena stood up from her seat and took the initiative to say: "When it comes to war, the two armies fight, the first consideration It’s the morale of the troops. It’s the so-called one-off, and then it’s decayed, and it’s exhausted. This time, the Persian army attacked our creek violently, it must be with the idea of ​​winning a battle, at least their leader wanted Quick battle. Although their siege seems extremely clumsy during the day, it has to be said that under their fierce offensive, our Yanlong Legion is really overwhelming in defense."

"Well, then." Hearing Elena speak, Li Yi also chose to listen in time, looking at Elena with a smile on her face, hoping Elena would continue to speak.

"But I don’t know why they gave up to continue the siege today in the afternoon. Their decision is undoubtedly the most beneficial to us. If it’s not for them to arrange other strategies, I will rely on this alone. It can be concluded that this time the general led by the Persian Legion should be a rice bucket. Of course, I naturally hope that the better the rice bucket, the better. Although I also agree with General Li’s decision to lead the troops out of the city to meet the enemy, but I think we are It is not to choose an appropriate time to go out of town, so that we can get the most victory from our attack." Elena talked eloquently, from the incompetence of the generals of the Perth Corps, she talked about the timing you should choose to go out of town to meet the enemy.

Listening to Elena's analysis, Li Yi couldn't help but appreciate the woman who looked weak and could not help but look a bit windy. I only saw Elena's sad face before. Now that I have heard Elena's analysis of the war situation, Li Yi also sees that this little princess of the original Sai Empire is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"So, you feel, when should we choose the best time to go out of town?" Smiling at Elena, Li Yi hoped Elena could continue.

"This, I think, should not be too early, nor too late. Just now I also said that the coalition forces of the Perth Corps had just arrived in Xicheng and launched a fierce attack on Xicheng. Presumably they also knew that they wanted to use When the morale of the troops was strong, we defeated the defense of Xicheng in one fell swoop. So we might as well stick to one day now. In this case, if the siege is frustrated for two consecutive days, the morale of the enemy will be hit. Especially their coalition forces, in It’s the easiest to crash if you can’t get up and down. And when we wear off their sharpness, it’s time for us to take the initiative to meet the enemy out of town.” At the end, Elena seemed to think When he went out to meet the enemy in the future, his face unconsciously also showed a somewhat confident smile.

"Well, yes, this arrangement is the most ideal. I think that, after we hold on to their attack tomorrow again during the day, we can attack their barracks at night while they reply at night. I will also contact my troops outside the city and charge them at the rear of their barracks." Li Yi said with a smile. Li Yi also felt very satisfied with the plan.

"Very well, if another army can launch an attack from behind the enemy's barracks during the night raid, it will also strike the enemy's confidence to a greater extent. If it is commanded properly, it may rely on that battle , We can end this war." Elena was also very concerned about the cavalry unit that Li Yi talked about.

Hearing Li Yi mentioned the troops he left outside the city, Bettina finally came to show interest, and said to Li Yi with a smile: "Li Yi, just patronized and worried, and did not pay much attention to what you said. You When I first came back, I said that you met the old men in Jingchuanxing province, so I inexplicably conquered this cavalry unit. So, is your old man trustworthy and the strength of this unit? How about it."

"Oh, when it comes to this, I am also very sighed with the wonder of the world. I really did not expect that the brothers who were born and died with me at that time were also developing their own forces on the southern side of Sai. If they were not met this time I really don’t know how much troops can be brought back when I come back to rescue you. As for their loyalty, you don’t have to worry about this. And they are not only trustworthy, but the combat effectiveness of the troops should also be very impressive. Although I haven’t personally seen them fighting on the battlefield, but I am sure that their troops can be ranked in the entire Sai South border." Speaking of Mel outside the city Li Yi, their cavalry unit, was proud in his heart.

Seeing that Li Yi had issued such a guarantee to herself, Bettina smiled and did not continue to question her.

Seeing that the two sisters Bettina are no problem, Li Yi said to them with a smile: "I think so, it's not too early tonight, you two will go back to rest early. After all, the Yanlong Legion now, but you have to rely on The two of you are supported. If you are also exhausted, who can you count on the soldiers of the Yanlong Legion? Also, I am going to leave the city before the light of the day, and tell Asia that we have discussed. Dee them. Wait until tomorrow night and we will all go according to plan."

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