Now, not only do I have a good first impression of myself, but after encountering a strong human being, I also got a message that makes me happier.

If you can really speed up your cultivation here, then Li Yike really intended to spend time here. Regardless of whether there is a strong man like Dohaka who always thinks of killing himself, as long as he can become stronger, Li Yi will not give up the opportunity to move forward.

So after hearing the introduction from Hans, Li Yi's eyes are starting to shine. If it was not because of Hans' presence, Li Yi really wanted to find the tenacious right away. Then he stayed away from here, and after finding an area that was estimated to be out of Dohaka's control, Li Yi would immediately look for an opponent to kill, and then look for opportunities to advance.

But just when Li Yi was doing a wishful calculation in his heart, Hans suddenly said, "Little guy, I have already talked to you so much, should you also tell me about your situation?" ."

Hearing this question from Hans, Li Yi couldn't help but touched his nose subconsciously, and then asked in doubt: "I don't know what the senior wants to know about the junior, as long as it is not related to the special privacy of the junior, the junior will not Anything to hide from you."

"Oh, it's a very private matter. You can rest assured that I'm not such a gossip man. Little guy, I'm just curious, why did you come to this dead mountain range. You should be some hidden world on the continent The junior strong in the family, otherwise, it is impossible to reach this height when you are about thirty. Seriously, even if you have lived in the mountains of the dead since childhood, you may not be able to be like you. The age reaches your height. Come, you whispered to me, did you really practice what kind of facial exercises, so you will look so young. If this is the case, teach me both hands, the elderly I This image, I also want to change it." Hans, who was talking to Li Yi in a serious way, did not know why, but he became the same as he did at first, and said to Li Yi without looking old. .

Seeing Hans like this, Li Yi really felt a little crying and laughing. I couldn't figure it out, the other party seemed to want to inquire about some details. But why did the old man suddenly behave like this after suddenly talking about his age.

But Li Yi thought about it and looked at Hans's image again. Li Yi couldn't help but curiously said to himself in his heart: "This old guy is obviously a beggar's dress, what exactly does he want to change? What kind of image. What's more, if Xiuwei reaches his height, will he still pay attention to his appearance."

But Li Yi's words, only dare to think about it in his heart. Because Li Yi did not dare to guarantee that if he said this, would he touch the old scale. After all, Li Yi is very clear, like the powerful and powerful, they usually have some quirks that ordinary people can't understand.

So shook his head helplessly, Li Yi said to Hans a little embarrassedly: "Oh, Senior, you can really laugh, I am a man, what's the use of practicing the facial exercises. I am really only 30 years old. , But I am not a junior in those hidden families. I am just a ranger, and there is no power behind me. The reason why I have such strength now is just a fluke."

"Huh? What's a fluke? Do you want to say that you can cultivate to this level, it is related to your luck? Ha ha, boy, luck is sometimes part of strength." Hans looked at Li Yi, one The adverb said with a long heart.

Hearing Hans's words that Li Yi didn't know how many times he had heard them, Li Yi really could only smile bitterly again. Li Yi is thinking about whether to tell the truth to Hans. Is it your relationship with Wolff, do you want to tell Hans? Because in Li Yi's opinion, Hans can be said to have a life-saving grace to himself. And his true origins should be told to the other party.

So after thinking for a while, Li Yi slowly said to Hans: "Senior, in fact, the juniors can luckily reach the quintet peak strength at this age, which has a lot to do with the juniors' practice skills. ."

"Oh? What exercises?" Hearing Li Yi said, Hans couldn't help but get interested. Because Hans is a powerful warrior, he is very concerned about this kind of exercise that can make people reach a very high height when they are young. So when Li Yi said that his achievements were inseparable from his own practice, Hans was very eager to know what practice Li Yi was practicing.

But just after Li Yi finished speaking, when Hans carefully observed Li Yi, Hans suddenly felt that if he felt carefully, he would find that around Li Yi's body, he always revolved around if there was nothing to kill gas. This situation caused Hans to wonder whether Li Yi had practiced some kind of evil power in the legend. Because at this moment Hans suddenly remembered that perhaps only that kind of incomprehensible evil might make people young and powerful. And looking at Li Yi's vomiting, Hans has already vaguely guessed that Li Yi seems to be really like this.

Thinking of this, Hans's eyes became sharper when he looked at Li Yi. Because in Hans's impression, Li Yi has now been defined as a cult.

Feeling the strangeness of Hans, if Li Yi had already stopped by his mouth, he couldn't help but put it away. Li Yi was very uncomfortable because he felt the hostility suddenly emanating from Hans. Touching his nose suspiciously, Li Yi asked: "Senior, what's wrong with you, is there something wrong with the junior, has it annoyed your old man?"

"Little guy, call it Li Yi. You can tell me honestly, is your practice a kind of evil?" Hans stared at Li Yi with a serious attitude.

Hearing Hans' question, Li Yi really felt like crying and laughing. Looking down at himself, Li Yi asked curiously: "Senior, where do you start talking about this? How could the younger people practice that kind of exercise."

"Then tell me what exercises you are practicing, the old man has never heard of them, and there are exercises in the world that allow people to quickly advance." Hans still said with a cold face.

Hearing Hans' words, Li Yi felt more interesting. Touching his nose awkwardly, Li Yi said with a smile: "Senior, when did the juniors say that my exercises can be quickly promoted. The juniors just said that my exercises are special, and the juniors are also lucky, That’s why we have reached this stage today."

"Okay, then you tell me in detail, what kind of exercises do you practice, and why did you hesitate just now." Hans said coldly.

Looking at the old man's attitude, Li Yi knew that it must be that the old man's hesitant attitude just caused the old man some misunderstanding. So Li Yi immediately explained to himself: "Senior, you really misunderstood the junior this time. The reason why the junior just seemed a little hesitant is because the origin of the junior's exercises is really special. I don't know when the senior entered the dead. Among the mountains, have you ever heard of the man Wolf Wolf?"

"Slaughter? His name is Wolf? Well, the older generation is strong. Before I came in, it was already awesome. What's wrong, is there any connection between your practice and him?" Hearing the name of the killing god, Rao is a strong man like Hans and can't help showing a somewhat taboo look.

"Oh, the juniors are not talented, the killer Wolf is the teacher. The cultivating skills of the juniors are also handed down from his elders. The cultivating skills we belong to belong to the Shura Taoism, and only continuous fighting can make it more powerful. The juniors The ability to gain such strength today is only because the juniors survived the countless previous fights.” Although Li Yi is not sure, in Wolfe’s mind whether he regards himself as a sincere apprentice. But here, Li Yi still had to remove the name of the killing god. After all, there is such a backstage to support yourself, and you will have less trouble in the mountains of the dead in the future.

But after listening to Li Yi's story, Hans suddenly said aloud: "You are the junior who said the predecessor of killing God? Ah, Li Yi, Li Yi, hehe, no wonder I heard the name a little bit familiar. Well. Since this is the case, then everyone is really a family. Come back to the alliance with me, you can make us wait."

Hearing Hans' next words, Li Yi really felt very puzzled. Li Yi couldn't figure it out, but he only revealed some of his relationship with the killing god, but he didn't expect such a big reaction with Hans.

At this moment, Li Yi really admired Wolfe. He didn't expect that Wolf could even infiltrate here in the mountains of the dead on the mainland of Leiteng. Looking at Hans, it is estimated that Wolff had already greeted the strong humans here before he came here, hoping that the strong humans who stayed here could practice while staying in the mountains of the dead. To provide yourself with some help.

But what makes Li Yi feel very surprised is that before entering here, the Red Flame Beast once vowed to Li Yi that the sea of ​​fog outside the mountain range of the dead has an immeasurable threat to the strong men above the Saint level. . However, according to Li Yi's observation, although he is not quite sure what level Wolf has reached, it is definitely higher than the realm of the saint. And that being the case, how did Wolfe get in touch with the strong in the mountains of the dead.

Does Wolf have some special means to communicate with people from a distance? If this is the case, Wolf's strength can only be described as unfathomable.

But Li Yi knows that this is not the time to think about these issues. Because after seeing the great kindness shown by Hans, Li Yi also collected his thoughts, and then smiled and said to Hans: "Senior, I hope you can talk to the junior in detail. The junior in the end It’s He De He Neng, who can bother you to wait here."

Listening to Li Yi's question, Hans couldn't help but put his smile on his face, and then asked with a puzzled face: "Well? Didn't you tell you before you came in?"

"No, in fact, Senior Wolfe and Junior have not met a few times in total. The last time we met, Senior Wolf first directed the cultivation of the younger, and then mentioned it with the younger, letting the younger come to this mountain of the dead. Cultivation in the middle. As for other things, Senior Wolfe did not mention it to the juniors." Li Yi said to Hans with a wry smile after thinking for a moment.

"Oh, that may be Senior Killer. He forgot to say it. It’s okay. I’ll just tell it. Come, let’s talk as we walk. It’s not far from where our alliance is. It’s better to get there.” Hans said, and led Li Yi in one direction.

It is said that Li Yi is also conscious and did not continue to speak, but followed Hans quietly on the road.

Along the way, Li Yi was finally able to stop worrying as before, but began to relax and listen to Hans's narrative while enjoying the scenery in the mountains of the dead.

Through Hans's account, Li Yi also understood the ins and outs of the whole thing.

It turned out that a month ago, in the alliance camp in the mountains of the dead, suddenly appeared a strong human who had never appeared here before. Although this person has not shot any human strong man in the league after his appearance, there is no shortage of strong men in the league. After feeling the majestic breath of this suddenly appearing person, these strong men knew that this person was extremely dangerous.

Therefore, everyone did not have the urge to step forward and question this person, but directly reported the matter to the leader of the alliance. When the chief heard that the matter came out and met the person, people learned the identity of the person from the conversation. It turned out that this strong man who suddenly appeared in the alliance camp was actually the killer who had shocked the mainland 100 years ago. Fortunately, this old predecessor who was famous for killing came here this time, not to kill here. . Instead, I want to ask the people here to do me a favor.

As for the request made by the **** of killing, naturally it is the strong human beings who want to live here. In the future, when a young junior named Li Yi comes here, he can provide some help to Li Yi. When necessary, if Li Yi encounters an incurable disaster, I hope that the strong man here can save Li Yi's life.

For this small request to kill God, the leader of the alliance naturally patted his chest and agreed. Because the strong human beings who live here have much stronger friendship with their own kind than the outside world, because the human beings living here have to withstand the test of the powerful Warcraft almost every day. No one can guarantee that there will be no problems that cannot be solved by themselves. Because of this, most of the humans here are very friendly and help each other.

Based on this point, Mo said that it was the killer Wolfe who came here to give Li Yi a convenience. Even if he didn't kill God, Li Yi walked in alone. As long as he can meet the old strong men living here like Hans, he will definitely introduce Li Yi into the human alliance in the mountains of the dead. After entering, Li Yi can also get corresponding help, but can help when necessary.

But although things are said like this, after all, the killing **** is for Li Yi's deceased mountains and his party, and he came in once to ask him for his favor. With this relationship, Li Yi's future care will not be as simple as before.

Because many of the strong humans here have reached the realm of the Holy One, they may never be able to leave the mountains of the dead. But as a human being, and still in contact with cultivated human beings, their reputation for killing gods can be said to be thunderous. Although the **** of killing was famous for killing when he became famous, the powerful who died under Wolf's sword can be said to be countless.

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