So when Li Yi heard that Hans was talking about the origin of the mountain range of the dead, when talking about killing God, Li Yi couldn't help but cast his thoughts on it. In Li Yi's opinion, the last killing of the gods was unfortunately because of the confrontation with the army of undead in the mountains of the dead. And when Li Yi saw Hans's solemn expression when he was talking about all this, Li Yi had already roughly determined this idea in his heart.

But not long after hearing Li Yi's questioning, Hans finally woke up from his speculation. To understand the question Li Yi asked himself, Hans smiled bitterly and said calmly: "Oh, don't need to say that. In the end, although the merit of killing God is the greatest, but he can't just see him alone. Credit."

"Okay, man, don’t stop selling things with me. Hurry and tell me what happened to the end of the matter. How did the **** of killing turn the tide, have the undead army been wiped clean, the dark door Does it still exist?" Li Yi looked curious and couldn't help but asked the question that was asked at the beginning, but Hans didn't answer the question.

"Although the army of undead is powerful, they can't make much of a storm when almost all the top players on the two continents are present. Only after defeating, we found that the door of darkness can no longer be closed. Because of the **** tiger The knowledge gained opened the blood sacrifice method of the dark gate, but there was no way to close the dark gate. Finally, after seeing the strong men who had won the victory but could not sit on the fruit of victory, after a long discussion, they finally made There was a decision that has been in effect until now." Hans said unhurriedly, as if the so-called far-reaching decision he said was different from him.

"What kind of decision has it been affecting until now?" Li Yi asked curiously.

"The strong men who fought against the army of undeads, although they finally won the victory, but they have experienced the hardships of the period, but they deeply know which of the army of undead ones are difficult to tangle. There will not be an army of undead, but no one on the scene can guarantee that at some point in the future, the general existence of this time bomb will again have an army of undead emerge from it. If that is the case, wouldn’t it? It's not that the two continents have to fall into infinite panic again." Speaking of which, Hans' attitude also became dignified.

"Then in the end, brother, just hurry up. If you drag on like this, the readers should be reluctant..." Li Yi suddenly growled.

"Huh? What did you say?" Hans asked inexplicably when he heard Li Yi's inexplicable growl.

"Ah, nothing, you continue." Li Yi has returned to calm after the roar, so Li Yi said sadly, covering her face.

"Oh, okay. When I saw the dark door cannot be closed, all the strong men began to meditate, trying to come up with a way to completely solve the danger here. But when everyone was discussing the countermeasures, they were already in The dark door of the quiet state became disturbed again, and then there began to be a large stream of thick fog pouring out of it. At first, all the strong people thought that these thick fog were in the world behind the dark door. , The poison gas released by the army of undead. So with a safety first attitude, all the strongmen are a distance away from the Dark Portal. But as the dense fog increases, the strongmen do not find themselves There was no discomfort, so I let go of my heart and approached the door of darkness again." Hans continued speaking slowly.

"Does the thick fog that swells from behind the Dark Gate be the strange sea of ​​fog outside the mountains of the dead at this time?" Li Yi asked eagerly after hearing this.

"Exactly, when the strong men first found out that these dense fogs were not poisonous, although they were puzzled, they secretly rejoiced. At least for the time being, everyone will not have any threats. But then, when there are some people The strong comers stayed here for too long, and when they wanted to leave the place, they were surprised to find that. If the strong men below the level want to leave the place, then they pass through the sea of ​​mist that has surrounded the outer mountains of the dead It's harder, but in the end they can still leave in peace. But once the strength reaches above the Saint level, then it is difficult to leave. There are more than a dozen Saint level strong men who have been in Wuhai successively After the madness of Zhongzhong, people finally know. Although the thick fog that emerges from the Dark Portal is not fatal, once their concentration reaches a certain level, it will produce those that can attack those with spiritual knowledge. Creatures. So, after seeing a foggy sea blocking the outside and a dark door in the interior, all the strong men finally put their thoughts aside completely, and began to think wholeheartedly about the solution to the dark door. "Having said here, Hans' emotions also began to become a little agitated.

But this time without waiting for Li Yi to ask again, Hans opened his mouth after sorting out his thoughts a little bit and continued to say to Li Yi: "When the strong humans and the strong Warcraft found the difficulty of the Dark Portal, and At the special place of the dense fog outside the mountains, it has been almost half a year since the tiger opened the door of darkness. During this half year, the strongmen on the two continents have been holding their positions almost all the time. Because every once in a while, there will be an army of undeads, and fearless deaths will emerge from the Dark Portal. In the end, although the army of undead did not have a leaky net, all of them were wiped out by the strongmen on the two continents, but after all In the past six months, in order to deal with the army of undead ghosts, the strongmen have put all their thoughts on it. And this is okay for a year and a half. If this is the case for a long time, then not every strongman You can stick to it."

Hans took a deep breath and continued: "Finally, when I saw that things were getting worse and worse, and even beyond people's control, the initiator of this disaster-the leader of Warcraft, Shenhu, was finally brave. Stood up and made a decision that seemed crazy to everyone."

"What decision." Li Yi also asked curiously when he heard this. Because Li Yi listened to Hans about the process of the whole thing, and after understanding everything, Li Yi did not have a good impression of the strongest tiger of the Warcraft family. If it weren’t for its fascination, it would have to rely on some secret technique to summon the army of the dead to fight against the **** of killing, it would not cause so much trouble afterwards. So when Hans said that Shenhu had made a crazy decision, Li Yi faintly felt that perhaps this decision would require Shenhu to make a sacrifice of his life.

Sure enough, just when Li Yi was thinking this way, Hans had continued to say: "Shenhu knows that everything is caused by it, and because of its fault, not only the strong of the Warcraft family has been unable to get away, destined Struggle for a lifetime next to the Dark Portal. Even the strong human beings on the continent of Shengyuan who are coming to the rescue will probably not escape this doom. Although everyone knows the truth of the cold lips, the strong human beings are not here to stay. In its face, this sacrifice was made in consideration of the comfort of the entire continent. However, after all, the Shenhu is a **** beast that has reached the level of the demigod. Although its strength is not as good as the killing god, it The pride of his body does not belong to the **** of killing. Seeing the **** of killing without regret and leading the strong humans to fight next to the dark door, the shame of the tiger finally decided to break into the dark door and look at it. .Since you can’t think of a way to close the door on the mountain side of the dead, you can’t say it, you can only go to the opposite side of the door to find a solution."

"What? That Shenhu actually wanted to break into the Dark Portal. After that, did the Shenhu succeed?" Hearing that the Shenhu decided to make a mistake and break into the Dark Portal. Li Yi knows that this is not the pride and complacency of the sheer tiger's self-confidence. Rather, Shenhu just wants to alleviate his guilt by this way. At the very least, if the Shenhu died because he broke into the dark door, the strong will not be too much after seeing it die. Scolded it for something.

"Ah, in fact, since this has already happened, then you should no longer be held accountable for who is responsible. Although everything is caused by the **** tiger, but it has already been brave to stand up to take responsibility, which is enough to prove , It can afford the words of the strong. But then again, is the Dark Gate so simple to exist. Among the strong who were present at the time, there was no lack of powerful tyrants, and even the killing **** was already promoted to the true god. The strong. But in the face of the dark door, even the killing **** can't really talk about the air, what is behind the door. But when seeing the **** tiger wants to break into the dark door to find a solution, kill God also knows that this proud tiger wants to blame him for death. But the **** of killing feels that if the tiger just breaks into the dark door where all the strong people are clueless, then The possibility that the tiger can survive is very small." Hans said lightly. When it comes to this, Hans can't help but sigh slightly.

Seeing Hans's strange appearance, Li Yi couldn't help but asked curiously: "Brother, why do you sigh, this is after all a matter of thousands of years ago, and besides, even if the Shenhu is powerful, it is still of the Warcraft family. The strong, why do you feel sorry for its death."

In Li Yi's opinion, the reason why Hans sighed was because of the death of Shenhu. Because Li Yi believes that with the proud character of Shenhu, since this decision has been made, then it will inevitably not make any remorseful decision. Even if the powerful members of the Warcraft family all stand up to stop, in order to thank the **** tiger for this sin, it is impossible to be born in the world.

But after hearing Li Yi's comfort, Hans smiled slightly, and then said calmly: "Well, I don't care if the tiger is dead or alive. In my opinion, because it can't fight us humans, just I want to win with that kind of crooked way. In the end, instead of failing, it has implicated many powerful people in our human world. If it died, I would be happy instead."

Hearing Hans' words, Li Yi couldn't help but stunned. Listening to Hans's account, it must have been Hans' emotion just because of the death of Shenhu. But who is it for and why, so Li Yi can only continue to ask: "Brother, why did you sigh just now."

"Alas, because of who, and not for the pride of our human race, the strong man of the real **** realm has killed God. After the **** tiger made a probe to enter the door of darkness, the killer saw it even if he started to block it. It is also impossible to stop the proud tiger. But when the human race and the Warcraft family are facing great enemies, the killing **** is not willing to watch his allies alone and in danger. Finally, the killing **** has abandoned Everything he got, insisted to go into the Dark Portal with the Shenhu. In his view, the strongest of the human race and the Warcraft family have entered the Dark Portal to find a solution. If this does not work, then only It can be explained that the hundreds of people on our continent will be endlessly harassed by the army of undead in the future." At this point, Hans' eyes also showed a look of admiration. In his opinion, there is no other explanation for killing God to make such a decision except for the sake of justice.

Of course, when hearing Hans's story, Li Yi couldn't help but surging. Because in Li Yi's opinion, a saint-level strongman is already an unreachable existence. The strong man of the level of the true **** in the legend can only be used as a legend to look up.

But it is such an existence that has reached its peak, and even when facing humanity, it is still possible to choose to give up the plan to enjoy life safely, but to prepare to follow the alien strongman into the tiger’s den for the sake of the human race. Safety, made his biggest sacrifice.

Cultivating to the real **** realm, this is a very difficult thing. But the killing **** of that year told the world by action, even if he was not satisfied with the thorns ahead, he would not shrink back.

Thinking of this, Li Yi couldn't help thinking of the words that Red Flame Beast told himself when he talked to Red Flame Beast a few days ago: "The stronger the strength, the greater the responsibility on him."

I don't know what Chiyan Beast wants to suggest when he says this to himself. However, Li Yi believes that it is no longer appropriate to describe the killing **** of that year with the words of Red Flame Beast.

After thinking a lot in his mind, Li Yi suddenly woke up and gave up his infinite admiration for the killing God. Li Yi asked anxiously and curiously: "Brother, did the killing **** and the tiger finally enter the dark door together. What was the final result, could they find a solution?"

"Oh, guess what, you see the mountains of the dead now, but the army of undead is full?" Hans said with a smile on Li Yi.

Listening to Hans's rhetorical question, Li Yi has vaguely guessed the result. Admittedly, if the killing **** and the tiger fail. Well, although the number of strong men who were standing next to the Dark Portal was large, they inevitably invaded the years. Calculated in terms of time, they definitely cannot survive to this day. But it is clear that those powerful men had fallen, but the army of undead did not permeate the whole world. This is enough to prove that after the **** of killing and the tiger broke into the door of darkness, it should have found a way to close the door.

Thinking of this, Li Yi's face also showed a relaxed expression.

Looking at Li Yi's expression, Hans knew that Li Yi must also want to understand the reason.

But after a pause, Li Yi immediately asked again: "Brother, it seems that the killing gods and the tigers had found a solution. But after the dark door closed, the two strong men again Where did it go?"

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