The reason why the Celestial Empire was able to completely eliminate the Sai Empire was because in the large Sai Empire, there was no even a Holy Power.

Therefore, when the army of the Lan Empire was already pressed to the city of Sena, there was no one in the entire Say Empire that could compete with the Tian Lan Empire.

At that time, the Say Empire was not really without the strength to compete with the Tianlan Empire, but as the king of the Say Empire, his old man knew very well that if he could not have a Saint-level strongman in an empire, then In the face of aggression from an empire with a saint-level strongman, the only thing they can do is to quietly wait for the demise of the empire.

Even if you want to make some remedies, it is just to send some vital forces before they are completely destroyed. At least it can be guaranteed that after the entire empire is destroyed, there are still some real royal lineages that can be carefully planned in the dark, and one day may really repeat the glory of the year.

Today, after more than ten years of hard work and courage, Bettina has worked hard and finally reorganized a fairly powerful force. At least she already has the power to fight the Tianlan Empire.

After doing this, Bettina is more eager to get the support of a strong person who can really make the Yanlong Legion stand up.

When Prince Jeff saw Li Yi at the first sight, he decided to draw to Li Yi, and even for Li Yi, he could promise that as long as Li Yi could join the Yanlong Legion. Then, after major events are completed, you can hand over the entire empire's military power to Li Yi.

Prince Jeff did this because he saw the potential of Li Yi. Because in his view, although Betina has the best cultivation talent among the Sai royal family for nearly a hundred years. And before reaching the age of forty, he has reached the five-level low-level strength. However, not only do you rely on talent, but also rely on opportunities.

As an old man who has lived for almost a hundred years, and also has a good knowledge of cultivation, he valued Li Yi more than Bettina.

But now it seems that Prince Jeff's choice was indeed right. Although Li Yi had left for ten years in a blink of an eye, for them as cultivators. Ten years is really just a matter of blink of an eye. Many warriors may only be able to increase their strength in ten years. But ten years after Li Yi left, he would come back here, and he had successfully jumped from the strength of the No-Peak Peak to the strength of the Seven-Peak Peak.

This huge leap is quite shocking. Be aware that after training to five levels of strength, it is very difficult not to advance once.

At the time, Pat had been cultivating in Suzuran College for so many years, but he had only cultivated five levels of intermediate strength. You know, as a strong man who can stay in the lily of the valley school, his talent is not weak. But that's it, he can only practice step by step according to the promotion speed.

However, when Li Yi had just left Suzuran College, it was only the strength of the triple summit. He didn't see it for ten years later. When he returned, he suddenly transformed into a strong five-peak summit.

Not only did he steadily overpower Pat in terms of strength, but even his understanding of combat skills and martial arts was much brighter than Pat.

But now, let Li Yi disappear again for ten years, after returning again. It was able to leap over the strength of the twofolds again and jumped into the strongest of the Seventh Peak. Even the realm of the saint is not too far away from Li Yi.

Therefore, although Bettina saw Li Yi appearing at first glance, she couldn't see what strength Li Yi was in now.

But Bettina's current six-tier mid-level strength, she can't really detect Li Yi's true strength with all her efforts. Then only one problem can be explained, that is, Li Yi now has far exceeded Betina's strength.

Even Bettina has boldly guessed whether Li Yi has successfully advanced to the realm of Saints after leaving for ten years.

But after thinking about it for a while, Bettina immediately denied her idea. Because in her view, Li Yi is no matter how talented he is, his master has passed it again, and his practicing skills are so special. He Li Yi is only a human after all, not a reincarnation of spirits, nor a demon.

So although it was only a futile sentiment, and only saw Li Yi laughed at himself with a joke. But Bettina had already guessed in her mind at this time that Li Yi's current strength should already be above the seventh heavy intermediate level, at least Li Yi is now a seventh heavy intermediate level.

Although Bettina still felt a little weird about her feelings, she is now here. In Betina's view, this guess of her should already be inseparable.

So thinking of this, Bettina was still very happy. Li Yi can reach the current height in just ten years, so maybe, in another ten years, Li Yi can really be promoted to the status of a saint.

And if it can really be like that, then she and her Yanlong Legion can really be considered to be in their early days.

I thought that if one day, with the help of Li Yi, he could lead his army soldiers to the city of King Seine and fight against the men who had invaded the Sai Empire. Although Bettina is just a female generation, but thought of here is a burst of blood.

But Bettina also knew that there was still a long way to go before Li Yi could contend with the Celestial Empire. So after seeing Li Yi excited for a while, Bettina finally woke up from the excitement.

I looked at Li Yi who hadn’t seen it for ten years, but after meeting again, he was still very handsome, with no traces of years of erosion on his face. Bettina smiled and finally walked to Li Yi in a generous way, then calm Said: "Li Yi, I can't wait for you to come back. I haven't seen you in ten years, and you are also not old at all. With your face, I don't know how many young girls will be amazed."

After seeing Bettina seeing herself, she was excited for a while and then joked with herself in a good mood. Li Yi expected that there must be no hidden reason for the smooth development of the Yanlong Corps in the past decade. At least, Bettina has no worries in her mind now.

Otherwise, after seeing her coming back, Bettina will not express such ease.

After following Bettina into the city's main palace, Li Yi and Bettina had an in-depth conversation for a long time, and finally they had a comprehensive understanding of Bettina's current thinking.

Through conversations, Li Yi knew that from the outside world, the Yanlong Corps and the Sai Corps seem to be at peace on the surface, and neither side is willing to fight easily because once the war is launched, neither side can guarantee that they can win. . And if it is defeated, or if it is a victory but a tragic victory, then even if it is a victory, it may not necessarily be able to get the fruits of victory.

Because neither the Fire Dragon Corps nor the Sai Legion can ignore that there is another non-weak force in the south of Sai. Although in the present view, the Wu'an Corps cannot pose any real threat to the Yanlong Corps and the Sai Corps. But both parties know that if the two tigers fight, then the Wu'an Army will never give up the opportunity to be a fisherman.

Originally Li Yi thought the same way, thinking that the Yanlong Legion did not fight the Sai Legion because it was not so simple to think of winning. Moreover, even if you can win, you can't enjoy the fruits of victory.

But after talking to Bettina, Li Yi knew that these circumstances were nothing but boring guesses from outsiders. The Yanlong Army does not move the Sai Army in this situation. Not because of fear of wolves before and of tigers, but because of a reason. That is, there are three powerful forces at the same time in the southern border of Sai, so when the Tianlan Empire sees that there are still disputes in the southern border of Sai, it will not take the initiative to send troops to harass this side.

The Celestial Empire will only wait quietly for a winner among the three forces, and then, after this winner has not really gained a foothold, he suddenly kills the southern border of Sai.

Therefore, before being able to contend with the Celestial Empire, Bettina will not be stupid enough to let Sai Realm really compete for the real winner. Fortunately, the other two are not stupid, and they all understand the situation. So seeing that the Yanlong Legion is not moving, the other two are also happy to seize the time now to recuperate.

Through conversation with Bettina, Li Yi also knew the so-called supreme force. At this time, Li Yi knew that the reason why the Sai Empire died so quickly was also known to the real powers in the Sai Empire. After losing the supreme force that could not compete with the Tianlan Empire, all their resistance It's all in vain.

Now, after Li Yi comes back and tells Bettina that she has successfully cultivated to the seventh peak, Bettina is very optimistic about the future of the Yanlong Legion.

But despite this, Bettina was very clear in her mind. Even if Li Yi has reached this incredible height, but compared to the King Tianlan who has reached the state of the Holy One more than ten years ago, Li Yi is still far away.

So after a little excitement, Bettina also put away her thoughts that had just come alive, and said to Li Yi seriously: "Li Yi, what are your plans for your return this time. Ten years ago, my third grandpa You are invited to join our Yanlong Legion. At that time, you did not agree. Could you give me an accurate answer this time?"

Hearing this question from Bettina, Li Yi didn't pause at all. After a confident smile, Li Yi said seriously to Bettina: "Oh, for this invitation, I still don't intend to agree."

Hearing Li Yi's answer, although Bettina was already prepared in her heart, she couldn't help but sigh.

But just before Bettina's sigh hadn't landed, Li Yi immediately said, "But although I'm still not going to join the Yanlong Legion, I think that your revenge plan should start. "

"Well, Li Yi, what do you mean?" Bettina asked curiously, looking at Li Yi's confident look.

Although Bettina saw Li Yi's return, the first question she had in mind was also this matter. But when she heard that Li Yi was only a seven-fold peak strength, Bettina temporarily suppressed the hatred that had just been awakened.

Now in Bettina's eyes, Li Yi has been closely linked with the future destiny of the Yanlong Legion. Although Li Yi is now only the strongest in the strength of the Seventh Peak, in terms of Li Yi's current strength, Li Yi is very young. So compared with the old King Tianlan, Li Yi has too much time to catch up with the old guy.

So after figuring this out, Bettina's heart was not very in favor of Li Yi now to support the Yanlong Legion and die with the Tianlan Empire.

But after Bettina has hidden this thought in her heart, Li Yi runs counter to Bettina's idea. Although Li Yi still hasn't agreed to Betina's invitation to join the Fire Dragon Army after a lapse of ten years. But Li Yi just turned around and immediately told Bettina to help Bettina to start her revenge plan.

Hearing Li Yi's proposal, how could Bettina not be moved. Although Bettina was very passionate about revenge, but after thinking of King Tianlan's arrogant strength, Bettina did have some scruples in him. But Li Yiming knew more about the king of the Tianlan Empire than she did, but Li Yi did not have the slightest scruples. Instead, when Bettina had already shown the expression she wanted to give up, she offered to help Bettina revenge.

So although I was not sure about Li Yi's proposal, Bettina calmed down and excitedly waited for Li Yi's following.

Seeing that Bettina was so excited, Li Yi smiled first, then touched her nose slightly embarrassedly, and said to Betina: "Betina, is my proposal crazy in your opinion, why? In the short period of time before, your expression has changed so much."

Hearing Li Yi's rhetorical question, Bettina couldn't help but smile, and then still slightly awkwardly asked: "Li Yi, with your knowledge, should have a clearer understanding of the strength of the Tianlan Empire King than I am. Don’t you think that if we want to compete with the Tianlan Empire with our current strength, is it really possible to overcome their defense and win the final victory in one fell swoop?"

In fact, it’s no wonder that Bettina is not confident now. Although the strength of the Yanlong Legion is very strong now, and if you are to desperately fight with the Tianlan Empire to tear your face, the Yanlong Legion may not be able to give The Celestial Empire caused heavy damage.

But Bettina knew that, and she had also told Li Yi who had just returned. If you just want to be the leader of a small uprising army, then the Yanlong Legion is now very strong. However, if you want to be able to contend with an empiric empire, the Yanlong Legion is now very weak.

The so-called supreme force is always a blade hanging in Betina's heart. If there is no strong man in the Yanlong Legion that can compete with the old king of the Tianlan Empire, the Yanlong Legion must always be guarded. In the southern part of Sai, it is best not to have the slightest motivation to go north.

But what Bettina thinks does not mean that Li Yi did not think about it. After just coming back to talk with Betina and knowing a lot of things, Li Yi knew that with the current strength of the Yanlong Legion, Betina didn’t dare to take too much action because she was very taboo on the King of the Tianlan Empire old man.

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