However, despite this, Li Yi did not believe that the Yanlong Legion could take advantage of the siege when relying solely on this strategy.

However, it turns out that Li Yi's estimation is wrong. Perhaps this is another proof that Li Yi is indeed not a qualified handsome.

Half a day ago, after the soldiers blew the horn of the main attack in the camp of the Yanlong Legion, the main forces of the Yanlong Legion, under the leadership of their respective officers, launched an orderly attack on Ning'an City.

Of course, the soldiers of the Yanlong Legion are not indestructible. Even if they knew they had taken advantage, but at the beginning of the war, the Yanlong Legion still tried their best to keep calm. First, the siege car brought here with great pains continued to bombard the head of Ning'an City, and then under the cover of the engineering vehicle, the archer used their mobility to continuously confront the archers in the city under the city. spell.

After the morale and strength of the defending soldiers in Ning'an City were weakened to a certain extent, the huge infantry unit was assembled into a complete infantry phalanx, and under the cover of the siege vehicle and the archer, the Ning'an City was marched towards the city. Draw past.

Although Elena had already displayed a very strong war talent before the war, and because of her successful strategy, only the scene of the Yanlong Army attacking Ning'an City now.

However, Rao is Elina's superior strategy, but when commanding the siege, it is also inevitable. When all the tricks and even tricks cannot be performed, Elena can only send the elite soldiers under her hands to the Ning'an city like other officers.

When I first saw the infantry troops of the Yanlong Legion set up a ladder at the lower tower of Ning'an City and wanted to capture the city's head, Rao is a person like Li Yi who has already experienced the test of life and death many times. One vibrates.

Because Li Yi has been practicing for so many years, although he has been very experienced in fighting and killing, and he is also used to life and death. But after all, Li Yi has been fighting with high-level powerhouses all these years. Even if occasionally going to the Dark Gate to help the strongmen of the two continents to block the army of undead, the scene will not exceed a few hundred people.

Although Li Yi knew that if the hundreds of people were allowed to come out of the mountains of the dead, perhaps with their power alone, they could easily take this seemingly indestructible city of Ning'an. But in Li Yi's eyes, human life, regardless of his strength, is also an equally fresh life after all.

So although Li Yi has already seen life and death, but after a lapse of ten years, when he once again experienced such a big scene of tens of thousands of people, even tens of thousands of people, he still felt deeply touched.

With Li Yi's eyesight and computing power, it is now impossible to calculate how many soldiers of the Yanlong Legion will fall under Ning'an City every moment. Similarly, in Ning'an City, how many soldiers will be killed by people on their own side.

I thought I was deeply touched when I saw this kind of scene, so Elena, even if she was a talented woman, wouldn't adapt to this kind of scene.

But when Li Yi began to search Elena's shadow among the army, she was surprised to find out. After the war started, Elena not only did not hide as she expected, but waited for the war to proceed under the Chinese military account. Instead, he steadily rode on the warhorse, watching the cruel and extreme fighting in front of him as steady as a mountain.

Seeing this scene, Li Yi was speechless again. It seems that the people of the Emperor's House cannot be treated with common sense after all, don't look at Elena's usual appearance of being weak and weak, and she is helpless. But in the face of this extremely fierce fighting scene, Elena was able to do so calm. This atmosphere, but the average man can not do it.

In his heart, he gave a thumbs-up to Elena secretly, then Li Yi turned to greet Mel, and then raised the holy sword Roland, followed by the army of the Yanlong Legion began to kill Ning'an City.

Seeing that his old boss acted without permission from the coach, Mel first cautiously looked at Elena who was watching from a distance. After confirming that Elena had seen Li Yi participating in the war, she did not After the discoloration, Mel also felt a little less worried.

After all, the forces of the Yanlong Corps are no longer the same. Even if the soldiers of the Central Corps are tough, but Mel is still not arrogant, he can only compete with the Yanlong Corps by his 50,000 cavalry.

Therefore, although Li Yi knows that he greatly helps the Yanlong Legion, and Elena has also shown importance to Li Yi before. But after all, this is the real time. As a general, he acted arbitrarily without listening to the coach's arrangements. Although he did not bring a soldier and a soldier, this can be regarded as ignoring the coach. If you encounter a small amount of energy, this alone can cure sin.

But when Mel saw Elena's performance, Mel finally saw the attitude of Elena and the Fire Dragon Legion towards Li Yi.

It was not until this moment that Mel really understood that the power of Li Yi, who had reached the seventh peak, even the Yanlong Legion, which was almost ready to compete with the overlord-level empire, was afraid to be real. Li Yi is regarded as his own general.

At best, there is a cooperative relationship between the two, and there is no such respect.

Having figured this out, and also seeing Li Yi killing and courageously among the enemy forces, as a warrior who walked through the Sena City with Li Yi at that time, Mel also looked stunned.

But thinking of the troops he led this time, it was a pure cavalry force. As long as Elena is not crazy, at least before the city breaks, her troops have no chance of participating in the war. When the city was broken, the result of the war was estimated to be settled. Even if he drove the soldiers to the forefront, it was just to kill some soldiers of the Sai Legion without fighting spirit.

And he brought his troops and followed Li Yi to the province of Ning'an to travel for thousands of miles, but not to kill the defeated soldiers.

So after sneaking a glance at Elena, after brave enough courage, Mel jumped off the war horse and came to Elena next to her. After applying with Elena, she finally got the opportunity to participate in the war. Of course, if Mel wants to participate in the war, he naturally has to fight alone like Li Yi.

It is not difficult for Emmel to be a triple player now, and he wants to roam among the armies. So after the large forces had been fighting down the city for half a day, Meier finally found a good opportunity to go to the upper city, and with a small group of soldiers of the Yanlong Legion, he strongly killed the wall of Ning'an City.

When he got to the top of the city, he had just merged with Li Yi, but it was only a laugh, and after making a joke with Li Yi. Li Yi answered him, and then killed himself into the enemy's camp.

I didn't want to be the first bird, and I knew that I didn't have the powerful strength of Li Yi. After being separated from Li Yi, Meir also mixed into the soldiers of the Yanlong Legion for the first time.

However, the distance between Mel and Li Yi is not far away. When slashing the soldiers of the Sai Legion among the soldiers of the Yanlong Legion, Mel also did not forget to observe Li Yi's situation.

Seeing Li Yi come back this time, although the strength has made obvious progress in the past. But Li Yi's murderous character not only did not change, but seemed to become more aggressive.

Nowadays, Li Yi relies on his superior strength, and has almost ignored these mediocre army soldiers. Wherever there are many people, Li Yi will kill him. But the strange thing is that what Li Yi has been through is not as it used to be. It must be a storm. On the contrary, although Li Yi has been killing people constantly, Li Yi's methods of killing people today are startling. It seemed that Li Yi was just idle in his backyard and played a set of swordsmanship. However, the passing of his sword would inevitably cause a few soldiers of the Sai regiment to fall softly.

After the enemy soldier fell down for a long time, the soldier's neck would slowly have blood flowing out. The reason for this is that Li Yi's sword is too fast. Perhaps when Li Yi's long sword crossed the enemy's throat, the soldiers killed could not even realize that he was dead.

It is because of this that an illusion is created, that is, Li Yi seems to just swipe gently in front of some people, and these people will become weak and can't help but wind down slowly. After falling down, there was no wound on his body. From a distance, it was as if Li Yi had mastered the magic.

The weapon in Li Yi's hand was still the magical soldier Roland who had been with him for many years, but Mel looked from a distance and found that today the magical soldier is in Li Yi's hands, as if Li Yi is about to merge into one.

Li Yi flew his long sword up and down, but the shadow of the sword was heavy but he didn't hear the wind, just like this long sword, born with Li Yi.

And to Mer's surprise, although there is a distance from Li Yi, although this distance is not far away, there is at least a dozen meters away. But at a distance of more than ten meters, Mel could still feel the kind of strong murderousness that seemed to be breathtaking from Li Yi.

Although Meier was not close to Li Yi, he already felt faintly that Li Yi's murderous body seemed to be condensing into a solid.

The soldiers of the Sai Legion, shrouded in a strange murderous field by Li Yi, all showed a frightened expression on their faces, but they seemed to be unaware of them, and continued to approach Li Yi without fear of death. The expression on their faces was terrifying, but the actions on their hands were brutal. This contrast makes Mel very puzzled.

But although Meier was puzzled, he didn't dare to approach Li Yi even if he lent him a guts. Because God knows whether Li Yi is casting any secret method at this time. Once he gets close, he is also killed by Li Yi as an enemy. Not afraid of accidents, just in case. Although knowing that this possibility is very small, Mel didn't want to be in danger.

However, although the situation beside Li Yi is very strange, the soldiers on the field at this time, whether they are from the Sai Legion or the Yanlong Legion, are just ordinary people who do not know how to practice. So although the situation is abnormal, no matter whether they are soldiers of the siege side or the defender side, they can only fight by instinct with those who wear different military uniforms, and they can only live on how to live now. , How can you have the intention to observe the strange thing beside Li Yi.

However, in this way, when Li Yi killed more and more enemies, the soldiers in the Sai Legion finally realized the terrible killing of Li Yi. Even in the later period, when the soldiers of the Sai Empire had just seen this murderous and bloodless demon head approaching their side, they would immediately shout at the devil in horror, and then turned around without fighting. Run away.

In this way, even if Li Yi wanted to kill them, it would take more effort than before. At the same time, because of the presence of Li Yi on this city wall, the number of soldiers of the Sai Legion here is far greater than in other areas. For a long time, this place has even become a gathering place for the Sai Legion. A large number of soldiers from the Sai Legion came up here, and then followed Li Yi all the way down.

The war hasn't subsided yet, and such news began to spread among the defending soldiers in Ning'an City. That is, the Yanlong Legion did not know where to find a strong man who was good at black magic. As long as he was looked at by him, he would immediately be unaware of the personnel, and then die on the spot.

This news began to spread slowly among the Sai Legion. When the sun was about to set, the Sai Legion was even more vulnerable to the shock of this news.

Under the leadership of Li Yi, a large number of the soldiers of the Yanlong Legion successfully climbed the city wall, and then, with an improbable momentum, they slaughtered into the troops of the Sai Legion.

"The city gate has been opened, and the brothers rushed in with me. The archers covered it, and the cavalry troops were pulled out." After seeing Li Yi's bravery, Mel knew that the city gate was broken under Li Yi's shock. Sooner or later. So Mel didn't follow Li Yi all the way into the city, but always stayed on the city wall to assist the soldiers of the Yanlong Legion to attack the city.

However, after the soldiers of the Sai Legion were in chaos because of Li Yi's obscenity, the soldiers of the Yanlong Legion also took the opportunity to open the city gate. As soon as the gate opened, Mel knew that it was finally time for his troops to show their might.

So when the city gate was just opened, Mel took a war horse and rushed back into the camp of the Yanlong Legion. He summoned his troops loudly and was ready to kill Ning'an City.

At this time, Mel had also forgotten that he was not in the tomb, and he was not the general in the Central Army that was above 10,000 people. In front of him, there is the highest commander of this operation-Elena.

However, after seeing Li Yi showing great power and being infected by his old boss, Mel also forgot to ask Elena before acting.

The soldiers in the Central Army did not regard Elena as a dish. In their minds, Mel’s order was the highest order. When they saw their chief's speech, they also responded in a hurry. In a flash, tens of thousands of cavalrymen were under the cover of the archers of the Yanlong Legion, and they slayed into the city of Ning'an.

Seeing this, Elena has already practiced her inexpressible ability. But after all, Mel is now ignoring her presence in public, so Elena's face is somewhat uncomfortable.

Seeing Elena's face change, some of the officers of the Fire Dragon Corps beside her also showed their anger. But as they prepared to speak, Elena's unpleasant look disappeared without a trace. Such a change has made these executives who have been proficient in observation and observation immediately put away their utterances.

Elena could be tolerant of Mel's disregard, just because Elena figured it out. Mel eventually belonged to Li Yi's men. Seeing Li Yi fighting in the city, Mel naturally wanted to go as soon as possible. support. And even if it is left out, Mel, as Li Yi's relative, when the Yanlong Legion needs Li Yi to build momentum, Elena will definitely not punish Mel for these small things.

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