There is no other reason, just because from the next day, the Yanlong Legion actually made a seemingly crazy move-dividing troops to attack the city.

More than 400,000 soldiers of the Yanlong Legion no longer attacked the northern gate of the city of King Sena as they did at the beginning. Instead, the soldiers divided into three roads and began to attack the three gates of the north, east and west of the Seine.

It is true from time to time, and sometimes from time to time, although the offensive of the Yanlong Legion is no longer as fierce as the first day, the frequency of the attack is better than the first day.

The three gates were at the same time anxious, and the defenders in the city of Seine could only be exhausted. Once any city gate is in an emergency, the defending general will dispatch an army to support it as soon as possible.

And the most alarming thing about King Seine is that although the south gate of King Seine has never been hit, the south of King Seine is the most troubling.

Because the Yanlong Legion actually dispatched tens of thousands of cavalry troops, it was stationed outside the south gate of the royal city of Seine. In this way, even if the reinforcements of the Tianlan Empire came to support, they would be hit hard by the cavalry forces of the Yanlong Legion.

Enemy from all sides, the current King Seine was even given a siege by the Yanlong Legion. Such a situation, but let the defenders of the Celestial Empire in the Senna city unexpected.

In their predictions, even if the Yanlong Legion wanted to take down the Sena City, they must vigorously attack a little. Only in this way could the Yanlong Legion avoid the weakness of its strength. Because, you know, the city of King Seine is too big, and its area is almost catching up with a small province.

The long walls are the strongest support for King Seine, but at this time, the Yanlong Legion actually wanted to blossom all around, and completely wiped out the defenders of the Tianlan Empire stationed in the King Seine.

But although they cannot understand the current practice of the Yanlong Legion, the defenders in the Tianlan Empire have not realized how panic they are. After all, King Seine is famous for its easy to defend and difficult to attack, although at this time a large number of cavalry troops of the Yanlong Legion were stationed outside the city. However, if the Yanlong Legion thought that the cavalry alone wanted to block the reinforcements of the Tianlan Empire from entering the city, it would be a little whimsical.

Therefore, although the offensive of the Yanlong Legion from the next day became strange, the Tianlan Empire was still able to make the most reasonable resistance.

Ignoring the siege situation of the other three gates, Shanbiao is now stationed in the cavalry unit of the Yanlong Legion outside the southern city of King Seine.

This force was naturally led by Li Yi and came from the 50,000 cavalry of the Central Army. This force, but the most elite force in the Yanlong Legion, no matter in combat power or mobility, is unmatched in the Yanlong Legion.

Since Li Yi told Elena the Hans strategy, Elena sent Li Yi to lead this elite teacher and rushed here. Li Yi has only one task, which is to create an illusion for the defenders in the city of King Sena. The Yanlong Army wants to attack the city of King Senna in an all-round way. Before the city is broken, the reinforcements of the Tianlan Empire will naturally not enter the city. of. Therefore, the Yanlong Legion sent this elite teacher to stop the pace of the Tianlan Empire's reinforcements entering the city.

Although this move seems very crazy, but only in this way, can the Tianlan Empire see that the Yanlong Legion wants to seize the confidence of the Senna City.

Of course, Li Yi also knew that he wanted to rely on his 50,000 soldiers to stop the footsteps of the hundreds of thousands of troops in the Tianlan Empire. It was simply impossible. But in order to continue this drama, Li Yi only hurried to the army with his head on his belt.

According to Elena’s estimate, the fastest group of reinforcements in the Tianlan Empire should arrive in three days. The first batch of reinforcements arrived should be the troops of the Southern Army stationed in the Chinese fortress of the Tianlan Empire. It's just that although they are the closest to this place, after all, they have insufficient troops. Elena estimates that the earliest batch of reinforcements arriving should be only about 200,000 at most.

Although wanting to fight the fire with 50,000 to 200,000, Elena believes that with the perverted degree of Li Yi and his troops, at least, they want to fight the first batch of reinforcements in the Tianlan Empire After that, the whole body retreated, which is not difficult.

These three days are the three days the Yanlong Legion should use most.

In fact, when the Yanlong Legion began its offensive the next day, the Yanlong Legion was already secretly sending two hundred thousand troops back to the southern part of Sai. And Elena also sent a confidant to bring the strategy and method that the Yanlong Legion wanted to show back to Saynam's border, and told it to Margaret who was now holding on to Saynam's border.

Since it is ready to break the cauldron and lead the wolf into the room, then the Yanlong Legion should naturally make all preparations before this happens. Since it is a deliberate defeat, it is natural to reduce your losses to the minimum when defeating and retreating.

The two hundred thousand troops secretly sent back to the south of Sai are the greatest hope for a decisive battle with the Tianlan Empire in the future. This time they will not only return to the southern part of Sai, but also to the deepest part of the southern part of Sai.

In Elena’s plan, Xicheng was the last stronghold of the Yanlong Legion. After the Tianlan Empire Army arrived here, and the Yanlong Army began to retreat, Xicheng was the last place where the Yanlong Army could retreat. Once back here, the Yanlong Legion can no longer retreat. Because if you retreat again, the Yanlong Legion will no longer have a fortress to use.

Therefore, the 200,000 troops secretly sent back to the south of Sai not only had to retreat to the creek town, but also take away the grains and armaments in the various cities along the way. If this is not the case, then these things will inevitably become the stuff of the Tianlan Empire.

The reason why Elena dared to make such an arrangement was because she also had exceptional trust and appreciation for Margaret. Elena also appreciates this woman who is as smart as herself. In fact, Elena knows that if Margaret can have her own luck and identity, then maybe, the current master of Say South, maybe This is the woman.

But since Margaret doesn't own these things, Elena's own vision can never be realized. Margaret has always behaved well after he became a champion of the Yanlong Legion, and Elena believes that in this case, Margaret will not do anything that would harm the interests of the Yanlong Legion.

At the same time, Margaret is also an intelligent woman. Elena believes that Margaret knows what to do when she tells her thoughts to Margaret.

With the presence of Margaret, the 200,000 troops of the Fire Dragon Legion can not only get the best placement, but in the next blow to the Sai South Border, they will also reduce their own to the greatest extent possible. loss.

After arranging the backhand properly, Elena and Bettina can finally devote themselves to the war for the conquest of King Sena.

Although the two sisters are already aware, in this situation, it is not a wise choice to win the Seine. But the last royal member of the Sai Empire, seeing a fortress that was the most proud of the Sai Empire, is now under the control of the enemy. Thinking of this, the two sisters can hardly be calm.

So although I know that I can’t rush to attack Sena City now, even the strength of the Yanlong Legion is seriously damaged. But the two sisters who couldn't control their excitement still ordered to attack King Seine with all their strength.

Gradually, the two sisters, who were originally playing the idea of ​​acting, began to have such an idea in their hearts-it would be better if they could take down the city of Sena at this time. According to the guarding of this fortress, I'm still worried about what will happen next.

So unconsciously, the Flame Dragon's offensive against King Seine began to become more and more violent.

Everything here is unknown to Li Yi, who is far south of King Seine. Now Li Yi, after leading the troops to station here for three days, the scouts sent out finally returned to report the news. Thirty miles away, the reinforcements of the Tianlan Empire had already appeared.

The support army is still mainly infantry. Although there are a large number of cavalry units, it may be to take care of the infantry. The cavalry are only walking on foot, so the scout estimates that this unit wants to rush here, at least It will take a while.

"So what is the enemy's strength, can you detect who the enemy's general is?" Li Yi immediately asked urgently after hearing the scout return.

"This...General, according to my observations, the enemy troops are vast, let alone a population of 100,000 people. I don’t know how many there are. But according to the previous report from the Tanmar of the Yanlong Legion, this time The reinforcements that came to the Tianlan empire should be the Southern Army stationed in the fortress of China. They dispatched 200,000 troops to support this time. If I expected it to be good, then which unit in front should be The so-called Southern Army. As for the general who leads the army, I have no way of knowing it." After hearing Li Yi's question, the scout said embarrassedly after thinking for a moment.

But although Scout's answer is not very accurate, Li Yi is also very satisfied with being able to hear such news.

After all, he came here with his soldiers this time, not really in order to fight against the reinforcements of the Tianlan Empire.

When Elena sent herself over, she told herself that once the enemy's reinforcements arrived, she only had to lead the soldiers to entangle with the other side, and then they could retreat with their troops.

After that, the troops of the Yanlong Army attacking the East Gate will also provide corresponding support to Li Yi’s troops. At that time, the Tianlan Empire is eager to save the city and will not love the battle. Therefore, Li Yi wants to get rid of the sky with the mobility of his cavalry troops. The entanglement of the support corps of the Blue Empire was more than enough.

So after hearing the return of the scout, Li Yi immediately sent several herding soldiers to convey the news to the troops of the Yanlong Legion behind him. Li Yi knew that once Elena heard the news, she would definitely make the most correct judgment.

Now, what Li Yi needs to do is to lead his troops to meet the reinforcements that have come from thousands of miles in the Tianlan Empire. Although Li Yi knew that he would definitely lose in this battle, after so many years of baptism, Li Yi also knew that sometimes, the war still needs some defeats to meet certain strategic needs.

This time, Li Yi was sent by the Yanlong Legion. Although it was also used as a bait, this was under the circumstances that Li Yi knew clearly, so this time although Li Yi also made a death, Li Yi did not Kind of anger.

Li Yi's way of thinking is that there are many things that you can discuss with me, even if you are sleepy and dangerous, as long as you let me know in advance, I can understand your hardship and use it for you. But if you just want to use me, even want to harm me, then don't blame me for being cruel.

Therefore, although he knew he would lose this time, Li Yi had no complaints.

Taking out the holy sword Roland, Li Yi looked back at the tens of thousands of elite cavalry who were behind him. Li Yi knows that after this war, many of his men must be buried here forever. So although there was no complaint against Elena and Bettina in her heart, Li Yi always felt that she was a bit sorry for her men.

Seeing Li Yi's appearance, Mel could naturally think of Li Yi's thoughts at this time.

Came to Li Yi next to the horse, Mel said lightly: "Commander, you don't want to think too much. Those of us, since we chose to join the battlefield, then naturally we will be ready to die at any time. Prepare. Since we can’t escape, we will naturally face up bravely. Who will let us serve as soldiers, except killing people, there will be no other survival skills. This world is gains and losses, we want Asia Obtaining supreme honors in Europe will naturally pay a corresponding price."

Hearing Mel's words, Li Yi couldn't help but smile for a while. How could Li Yi not think about these reasons, but Li Yi was inexplicably a little bit uncomfortable for these ordinary soldiers.

The same people, but these people can only be pitiful because of their status, the pawns in the hands of those who want to compete for power.

As the saying goes, if the leaders who they now support will shine on the continent and even spread through the ages, who will remember that if there were no such things, they would be willing to throw away in one war after another. Ordinary soldiers with blood on their heads, and why can those so-called big men be famous in history

As a person standing on the side of Bettina, Li Yi can understand Betina's feelings and know that Betina wants to return to their country, but only to be able to be worthy of their ancestors.

But as everyone knows, what they do is different from those who do it. For their own selfishness, these thousands of soldiers must be sacrificed for their own lives.

But although this is said, things are already here. Even Li Yi regretted the sacrifices of these soldiers, but he also knew that his own idea would not affect anyone else.

So after a helpless sigh, Li Yi could only say secretly in his heart: "This world is like this, what's wrong? If everyone can be equal, then how can this world be so rich Colorful."

Leaving aside these unrealistic ideas in his heart, Li Yi finally became calm again.

Looking around at the cavalrymen behind him, Li Yi raised his sword and said loudly: "Brothers, what we are about to face is the powerful reinforcements sent by the Tianlan Empire. Their number is several times that of us, but to give When the siege forces have secured enough time, we can only get ahead of the difficulties and fight them bravely. Tell me, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!" It seemed that after training, Li Yi's words just fell, and the cavalrymen replied in unison.

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