Li Yi's remarks were not trivial, but he succeeded in humiliating the Green Demon Sect Master. In fact, before Li Yi did not use his disappear time to launch his own counterattack against Qingyun. However, because of the transmission of Qingmo's Sect Master to Qingyun, Li Yi had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​raiding from behind Qingyun.

But such a great opportunity wasted in vain, and Li Yi was really not reconciled. In order to be able to seize this opportunity, Li Yi also took a lot of risks to get it. But in the end it was because of a transmission from the Blue Demon Sect Master that all of Li Yi's previous efforts were lost.

So although Li Yi's character has always been good, Li Yi is really angry after facing such an opponent and the helper behind the opponent.

Li Yi doesn't care, what he said and what he did did not make the master of the Green Demon Sect unhappy. In Li Yi’s seriousness, among the six demon sects, apart from the fact that the demon sect lord can be worthy of a friendship, several other sect sect lords are people who are not worth communicating with. And they are not only not worth communicating with, they are also not worth respecting. Although they can also be regarded as people who sway winds and rains in the Devil Realm, in Li Yi's eyes, they are just some cultivators who are much stronger than the strong ones. Their identity did not put any pressure on Li Yi at all.

So when Li Yi was talking to the Sect Master of the Green Demon Sect, in order to express his anger, Li Yi did not care whether he would embarrass the other party. In Li Yi's opinion, since he has done such a thing with embarrassment, why did he refute it inadvertently?

And the Sect Master of the Blue Demon Sect naturally knows that what he just did is really a very low status. For the elders of the Sect, he had to do this. But if you look at it from Li Yi's perspective, the behavior of the Green Demon Sect Master should really be humiliated. Even if he is the head of a sect, it does not mean that Li Yi dares to export and humiliate the sect master of the green demon.

When the self-informed Sovereign of the Blue Demon faced Li Yi's cynicism, he didn't say anything else except for a smile. Because this time, the Blue Devil Sect Master is really speechless.

No matter what the Green Demon Sect Master said to Li Yi, the unfair behavior he just made really made him suffer.

However, it is obvious that Li Yi did not really want to talk to the Sovereign of the Blue Demon Sect. Since the best time to shoot has already destroyed the Green Demon Sect Master, no matter what Li Yi said, it is meaningless.

Before being able to deceive Qingyun completely, it was because of surprise. If you do Qingyun again in the same way now, then Qingyun will not be fooled.

So, seeing that he didn't get what he wanted, although Li Yixin had resentment and regrets, he was finally relieved.

Looking at Qingyun coldly, Li Yi sneered and said, "I really didn't expect that Elder Qingyun has such a good relationship with Sect Master Qingmo."

Unlike the Sect Master of the Green Demon Sect, in the face of Li Yi's sneer and sarcasm, Qing Yun really didn't know how to answer, except to ridicule. After all, the Green Demon Sect Master destroyed the fairness of the duel between the two people, and although Qingyun knew this, he did not blame the Green Demon Sect Master. Because if it was not the reminder of the Green Demon Sect Master, Qingyun is now estimated to be in a different place.

Qingyun is really embarrassing now. On the one hand, Qingyun also blames the Sovereign of the Green Demon Sect a little bit. But on the other hand, Qingyun is very grateful for the reminder of the Green Demon Sect Master. Don't look at the Green Demon Sect Master is just such a casual reminder, but for Qingyun, it is equivalent to saving grace. But no matter what kind of attitude Qingyun now has towards the Sect Master of the Green Demon Sect, now Qingyun has no face to fight Li Yi anymore.

So after smiling at Li Yi, Qingyun also wisely said to Li Yi: "The strength of Li Yiqing is really outstanding, and Qingyun is ashamed of himself. I have been offended before. I hope Li Yiqing will forgive me. I Qingyun Zi If you are not as good as people, you will not be ugly here."

Seeing Qingyun take the initiative to admit defeat, the people present, except for the few deeds who had seen the whole process very clearly, only Li Yi knew what was going on. Seeing Qingyun take the initiative to admit defeat, to be honest, Li Yi was somewhat uncomfortable. Because now Li Yi urgently needs a real hearty battle.

But just when he was just preparing to show his strength and battle with Qingyun, Qingyun retreated so easily. Seeing Qingyun's character, Li Yi still looked down on the other party. Because if a cultivator doesn't even have the heart to overcome this point, what hope is there to go further on the path of cultivation? No wonder Qingyun is so old, but the strength still stays at the peak of the false gods and cannot advance.

Because it is too sad, in fact, this kind of person has lost the hope to continue to move forward. Of course, everyone has their own ambitions. Li Yi does not look down on Qingyun any more. Now that the other party has voluntarily conceded defeat, it is not easy for Li Yi to continue his pursuit.

After a sneer, Li Yi did not express much about Qingyun's defeat.

Although he was very unhappy with Li Yi's attitude, Qingyun knew that it was really difficult to defeat Li Yi with his own strength. In the end, it just ended very desolately. After that, he did not continue to stay in the camp of the Blue Demon Sect, but left the venue of the contest.

Although Li Yi and others knew why Qingyun would admit defeat, some other practitioners who were not very strong on the spot were still confused. From beginning to end, they did not see clearly what happened between Li Yi and Qingyun.

They just saw that Qingyun first hit Li Yi, then Li Yi disappeared miraculously and then appeared again. But just after Li Yi showed up again, Qingyun confessed to defeat in disgrace.

Seeing such a situation, although everyone had a lot of doubts in their hearts, they dared not say much.

But just after Qingyun ended, Li Yi was now standing alone on the ring.

As I said before, Li Yi came here not just for the limelight. Li Yi came here in order to be able to fight the real powerhouse.

So after losing Qingyun's opponent, Li Yi didn't pause at all, still looking at the direction of the Green Demon Sect's camp, and then said lightly: "Master Green Demon Sect Master, before someone looked at you, Li seemed to be very interested in me Then, if you are interested in coming to power to enlighten me."

In fact, those of the six demons who are present sometimes sometimes really doubt whether this Li Yi is a lunatic or whether Li Yi got into the magic while practicing, so he will do this again and again. This makes everyone feel very crazy.

The challenge to the Sect Master of the Blue Demon Sect is still a direct one. There are no challenges in the front. Li Yi is just a forty-year-old cultivator. Even if his talents are high, it is impossible for him to reach the level of the Sovereign of the Blue Devil at his age. But no matter what Li Yi's true strength is, or whether Li Yi had forced Qingyun back before. What needs most attention now is the attitude of the Sovereign of the Blue Devil.

After all, the Green Demon Sect Master is one of the six Sect Masters. His strength and identity are among the best in the Devil Realm. Although Li Yi has shown very strong strength in several battles today, compared with the Green Demon Sect Master, people don't think Li Yi can take advantage of the Green Demon Sect Master.

And the Green Demon Sect Master is also a long-known strong man, even if Li Yi repeatedly refuted the Green Demon Sect's face today, but this does not mean that the Green Demon Sect Master will definitely go to the ring.

Because if you really do it with Li Yi, then regardless of winning or losing, the Green Demon Sect Master has already lost first. After all, Li Yi is only a guest of the Yan Mozong, and this year is only forty years old. It's just that such a young guest secretary of the Yan Mo Sect must let the Sovereign of the Green Mo Sect come to the rescue. Isn't it the Qing Mo Sect who can no longer surpass Li Yi except their master.

So when I saw Li Yi challenging the Sovereign of the Green Demon Sect, people were very eager to see how the Sovereign of the Green Demon Sect should deal with it. On the one hand, they want to see the Blue Demon Sect Master take action, after all, the strong like their level, but will not easily take action. But on the other hand, they also hope that a young and handsome man who can stand up against Li Yi in the court of the Green Demon Sect can stand up. After all, only the struggle between the strong men of the same generation can make people more enthusiastic.

But the final facts disappointed these people. In the face of Li Yi's challenge, perhaps no one else in the Green Devil Sect can come out to deal with Li Yi. So in the end, the Sect Master of the Blue Demon Sect was really under the eyes of everyone, stepping out of the air, step by step as if walking up the stairs, and stepped onto the ring.

But being able to see the Blue Demon Sect Master, other Demon Sect practitioners are also extremely excited. Because if there is indeed no strong man of the same generation who can stop Li Yi, then only the strong men of this level will come forward.

However, although the Green Demon Sect had been forced to this by Li Yi, but the Green Demon Sect Master did not see any anger in his face when he reached the ring. After all, for people like them who are about to become sperm, it is easy to say that their own emotions are not reflected in their faces.

After coming to the ring, the Green Demon Sect Master only stared at Li Yi. After a long time, the Green Demon Sect Master slowly said: "I said when such a young strong man appeared in our Demon Realm. I don’t know yet. I thought I was a genius who was fully cultivated among the Yan Mozong, and it didn’t make you famous until now. It turned out that I was wrong. Li Yi Keqing turned out to be a strong man in the human world."

The voice of the Blue Demon Sect Master fell, but there was an uproar in the field. Because now Li Yi can be said to be the focus of the audience, and his identity has always been a matter of great curiosity to these spectators. After all, many people are actually curious about how the Yan Mozong cultivated such a perverted strong man. It wasn't until the Sovereign of the Blue Demon Sect broke through the mystery, that people knew that the young strong man of the Flame Demon Sect came from the human world.

For the human world, these practitioners of the demon world are no strangers. Because the killing gods and tigers who came to the demon world from the human world at that time, they all left a powerful name in the demon world.

That is because the image they left to people is too strong, so now when they hear that Li Yi is also from the human world, they are not very curious about how Li Yi can reach this state at this age. .

For those cultivators who do not know much about the human world, now in their hearts, the human world is a world where the strong are born. Maybe the practitioners in the human world are all so strong. Of course, because of the appearance of Li Yi, these demon cultivators are full of longing for the human world. They all want to see what kind of world the human world is. It can always appear, such as the abnormality of Li Yi.

If these demon cultivators' current ideas let Li Yi know, then Li Yi will definitely feel ridiculous. Because others do not understand, how could Li Yi not know. In terms of overall strength, of course, the strength of the demon cultivator is stronger. It is only because the people who can come from the human world to the demon world are some very special people, so it will create an illusion for the demon practitioners.

Of course, even if Li Yi is a cultivator from the human world, this does not mean that the Green Demon Sect Master will give Li Yili a few points.

After all, Li Yi had been struggling against the Green Demon Sect before, even though the Green Demon Sect Master was very well-conserved, it is actually very resentful to Li Yi. It's just that he didn't show it on his face.

In fact, the former Demon Sect Master had doubts about Li Yi's identity, because when he observed Li Yi's fighting style, he found that many of Li Yi's fighting skills were different from those of the demon cultivator. It was only at that time that Li Yi was too far away, so he could not really see through Li Yi.

Now when he finally stood in front of Li Yi, he really discovered the difference, that is, he found that the breath of Li Yi was very different from that of the demon cultivator. And the Green Demon Sect Master was also a strong man who had fought against the outsiders in the past, so he was also very familiar with the breath of the Green Demon Sect Master in the alien practitioners. In comparison, the Sect Master of the Blue Demon Sect naturally easily guessed Li Yi's true identity, and should be a cultivator of the human world.

If it was Li Yi who was suddenly said by others on this occasion that he was a cultivator from the human world, Li Yi would be very alarmed. Because when he first came to the Demon Realm, Li Yi always believed that the practitioners of the human world should be hostile in the Demon Realm.

But now Li Yi will not think so, because after living in the Yan Mozong, Li Yi already knows that even if he is a cultivator of the human world, that can not bring himself any difficulties. In the Devil World, as long as there is strength, it can be unimpeded.

So for the Green Demon Sect Master who broke his identity as soon as he came to power, Li Yi just smiled and said: "Master Sect Master has good eyesight, and Li is indeed from the human world. I think, although this is the case, but I must not be delayed. Come to the contest of Mozong. Li Yi was lucky enough to get a set of swordsmanship from the old master of the Yan Mozong. The Yan Mozong is kind to me. Although Li Yi is a guest secretary, I can participate in this competition at my age. Right."

In the face of the Green Demon Sect, Rao is Li Yi and he is particularly daring to be too aggressive. Therefore, Li Qing gave a very reasonable explanation immediately after the Sect Master of the Blue Demon Sect pointed out his identity.

Of course, the reason why the Green Demon Sect Master broke Li Yi's identity was naturally not thinking of using this method to force Li Yi to the ring. For the Green Demon Sect Master, defeating Li Yi should not be difficult. The reason why he said this is nothing but subconscious. After all, although he is the master of the case, he is also very curious about how Li Yi can achieve such strength at this age. Although he knows about the human world, he also knows that there are five hidden families in the human world. Perhaps the Li Yi in front of him is a young disciple from those five hidden families. And in his view, Li Yi's ability to come to the demon world from the human world also proved that there must be a huge force behind him to support him. After all, it seems like cross-border, even for a powerhouse like him, it is difficult to do.

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