But when the Sect Master of the Flame Devil was about to go forward to pick up Li Yi's body, everyone on the field saw a thing that made it difficult for them to understand.

I saw that Li Yi, who was thought to have died before, stood up slowly again with no breath at all. And to be more precise, after Li Yi stood up, he slowly began to drift into the sky again.

After seeing such a scene, everyone was surprised. Because of this situation, even some old monsters who have lived among hundreds of demons have never seen them at all.

But now, such a strange thing really happened to Li Yi and before their eyes.

Seeing Li Yi suddenly inexplicably floating in the air, the Green Demon Sect Master was the most nervous. Because when Li Yi fell to the ground, although Li Yi could already clearly feel that there was no breath, the Sovereign of the Green Demon Sect could feel a sense of crisis. This feeling is as if he was stared at by someone.

But as long as he doesn't look at Li Yi who is falling, he won't feel that way. Through this point, the Green Demon Sect Master has guessed that Li Yi seems strange. It is because of such speculation that the Sect Master of the Blue Devil, who was standing on the spot, really wanted to walk to Li Yi's body and make up another palm to blast the dead Li Yi's body again. Only by doing so can the Sovereign of the Blue Demon Sect be reassured.

However, if this is done, the people present do not know how to think of the Sovereign. So although there is a very uncomfortable feeling in my heart, the Blue Demon Sect Master did not really do such a thing.

But now, Li Yi's body is really floating under the eyes of all eyes, and somehow floated up. Such a situation may only explain one thing, that is, Li Yi himself is not dead. He doesn't know what method he passed. , Just stood up again.

After seeing this, the Green Demon Sect Master moved his heart, and then saw his palm slightly curved. It seems that he seems to be ready to give another palm to Li Yi now.

The behavior of the Blue Demon Sect Master was naturally seen in the eyes of the practitioners watching the battle. Many people frowned when they saw his move. But I thought that now the two people belong to the opponent after all. If Li Yi really wakes up, the two people will inevitably continue to fight. And if you can take advantage of Li Yi's weakness now, give Li Yi a fatal blow, then the Green Demon Sect Master will always be able to save a lot of trouble.

So although I do not agree with the practice of the Green Demon Sect Master, after all, the Green Demon Sect Master also has his position, so everyone can only watch the battle in silence now, I hope Li Yi can give some response.

After seeing this scene, the Sect Master of Flame Demons stopped his own footsteps. Until now, the Sect Master of the Yan Mo Sect is still thinking about the Yan Mo Sect. He is just afraid, if he comes to rescue Li Yi now, then he and Yan Mozong will be attacked by other Mozong. So in the end, the Sect Master of the Flame Devil still chose this wise philosophy to protect himself.

That's it. Although Li Yi suddenly floated up and made everyone look very strange, no matter how strange Li Yi is now, the Green Demon Sect Master has pursued Li Yi again, and it has become a fact.

I saw that when Li Yi just floated away from the ground for a distance of three or four meters, the Sovereign of the Blue Demon Sect could not wait to send him such a giant palm print.

Seeing this palm, everyone knows that Li Yi doesn't care how many secrets he has in his body, but if he is hit by such a blow in such an unprotected situation, even a fairy can't save him Li Yi.

But looking at the current situation, many of the people on the field actually wanted to save Li Yi, but when they thought of being unnamed, they could only look calmly. The Sovereign of the Demon Sect remained silent. In his heart, Li Yi did not have his own safety of life and the stability of the Sect of the Yan Mo.

Therefore, the people on the field can only watch the giant palm print and slowly fly to Li Yi. But Li Yi has always been in that confused state, and now Li Yi has no expression on his face except floating. Obviously, Li Yi should now be in an unconscious state.

Although the speed of the palm print is slow, there is still a time when Li Yi can reach him. When people see that the giant palm print is only one meter away from Li Yi, people think that next, they will see a promising cultivator who is really going to perish.

But just when people think so, and even someone kindly prays for Li Yi. An old voice suddenly came on the court: "Huh, the other day the elder of your sect was going to hurt the life of my little apprentice. I haven't seen it in a few days, and replaced it with a sect master to do such a thing. Good skill."

With the appearance of this voice, people saw that the giant palm print that had flown to Li Yi suddenly disappeared.

Afterwards, in the place where the palm print dissipated, an old man in black robe suddenly appeared out of thin air.

After seeing this old man, even the Blue Demon Sect Master couldn't help but have a headache. Because the person who suddenly appeared was not someone else, it was the killer Wolf who always liked to follow Li Yi in secret.

After appearing, Wolfe looked at the Blue Demon Sect Master coldly and said: "My apprentice has lost. Next, let the old man really meet you. Last time we played hard, this time we will Endlessly."

Although Wolfe did not show how bold he was when he spoke, everyone felt a very majestic feeling when he heard his words.

In fact, the people present were full of curiosity about the sudden appearance of Wolf. Because they couldn't figure it out, how did Wolfe appear in front of so many powerful people without knowing it?

You know, among the people present, the masters of the six demon sects alone, all of them have reached the peak strength of the semi-god. And in fact, these people don't know yet. Just a short time ago, the Sect Master of the Blue Demon Sect was also in the battle, and advanced to the realm of God. You know, in the demon world, there are not many powerful people in the real **** realm.

But this is the lineup, but Wolff did this, which made everyone wonder. And what made them even more curious is that although in the previous battle with Li Yi, the Blue Demon Sect Master has consumed a lot of strength, but it is obvious that the reappearing Green Demon Sect Master has now had a long-term combat power. Before the Green Demon Sect Master.

In fact, some of the Demon Sect Masters present on the scene, after seeing the Green Demon Sect Master's two consecutive shots, have already begun to speculate, whether the Green Demon Sect Master has quietly advanced to the real **** realm.

Because from the perspective of the attack power of the Blue Devil Sect Master, only this kind of explanation can explain why he can have such a powerful combat power.

And such a strong man, after Wolfe suddenly appeared, but even dared not think about it, he challenged the Sect Master of the Blue Devil.

You know, in fact, when he rescued Li Yi before, everyone was already a little dissatisfied with his behavior. After all, no matter what Li Yi has to do with him, after all, it is now a battle between Li Yi and the Sovereign of the Green Demon Sect. If Wolfe really has any ideas, he should wait for Li Yi and the Green Demon Sect Master to get a real victory before losing.

But now Wolf not only forcibly resisted the attack of the Blue Demon Sect Master before the victory or defeat, but then even actively challenged the Blue Demon Sect Master.

In the eyes of these practitioners watching the battle, the suddenly appearing old man is either mad or absolute in strength, and can defeat the Blue Demon Sect Master.

But just as everyone was thinking about where the suddenly appeared Wolfe was sacred, several Sect Masters thought of one person at the same time.

This person, although they have not seen it with their own eyes, but from the mouth of Zongmen's disciples, they have heard rumors about him.

That is, just a while ago, when Li Yi just came to Wuling City, after a conflict with Qingyan, the Wolf who appeared suddenly helped Li Yi resist the Sect Master of the Green Demon, and later it was very The strong attack of the Blue Devil Sect has no power to fight back. And the most terrifying point is that, under the situation that the Blue Demon Sect Master has been guarded, Wolfe can calmly call Qing Yan to kill.

It is such a thing, in fact, Wolfe's strength has been shown in front of these deities. Although it was not shown in front of them personally, but through the narration of the Zongmen disciples, the masters of these demons can still guess how much this old guy who can always stand up for Li Yi is really tough. character.

And just before these, although I have heard of Wolfe’s deeds, I have not really seen the people of Wolfe, and when guessing whether this suddenly appearing old man is Wolfe or not, the Blue Devil Sect Master Has already confirmed all the guesses in their minds.

Because these masters of the Demon Sect had heard of the battle between Wolf and the Green Demon Sect before, but after all, they had not seen Wolf's appearance. However, as one of the parties involved, the Green Demon Sect Master was naturally very impressed by Wolff. Because it was on that day, because Wolfe's several strong shots had actually caused a great blow to the Sect Master of the Blue Devil.

If it wasn't for Wolfe's strong appearance, the Blue Devil Sect Master has always believed that among the six Devil Sects in the Demon Realm, he should be the most powerful cultivator.

However, Wolff told the Sovereign of the Blue Demon Sect that day with his actions, that is, in addition to the six Sect Demon Sects, there are many strong men in this world, and he couldn't catch up with him.

But in fact, the Green Demon Sect Master also wanted to thank Wolf, because if it was not that day that he felt a deep sense of frustration in Wolf's body, then the Green Demon Sect Master will not burst out to be stronger. Desire. If it weren't for the slightest desire in the heart, today the Blue Demon Sect Master could not be so coincident, and realized the opportunity to advance to the realm of God in battle.

So, for Wolfe, the Sovereign of the Blue Devil is memorable.

So just when other Mozong Sect Masters were guessing whether this suddenly appeared person was Li Yi’s legendary master, the Green Demon Sect Master took the initiative to say to Wolfe: "It turns out that the seniors came here, I didn’t expect that the meeting between you and me will always be related to the apostles. The deeds of the seniors are really admired by the juniors. Only the strength of the juniors is still very low a few days ago, so I think that I am not the opponent of the predecessors. With the help of the apprentice, the juniors were lucky to have a small breakthrough. Since the seniors still want to fight the juniors one more time, then the juniors are willing to accompany them."

The name of the Blue Demon Sect Master was directly named. This suddenly appeared old man is naturally the legendary master of Li Yi. Now that the identity has been verified, it proves that this suddenly appearing old man must have the strength to fight the Sovereign of the Blue Demon Sect. And in fact, it is very likely that this master of Li Yi can suppress the Sovereign of the Blue Demon Sect.

But when they just heard, this suddenly appeared old man was the master of Li Yi, and then according to the rumors obtained a while ago, predicting what would happen if the two fought, then the Green Demon Sect Master After this paragraph, it really made the other masters of the demons feel amazed.

Because they can hear from the words of the Blue Demon Sect Master just now, the reason why the Green Demon Sect Master suddenly became stronger in the battle with Li Yi is because the Green Demon Sect Master seems to have suffered that heavy blow. , There has been a breakthrough.

The same is the master of the Mozong, and these strong men are very concerned about their opponents. The true strength of the Blue Demon Sect Master was clear before them. Although the strength of Demigod Peak is not necessarily much smarter than them, it is important to know that among the six demon masters, the blue demon master is the youngest one. These people were scared before, and the Sovereign Sovereign will one day lead them in the realm. But today, when they heard what the Blue Demon Sect Master just said, they were really determined. Their previous worries are now finally determined.

You have to know that if the Blue Devil Sect Master breaks through, then it will break through to the real **** realm. So now, after hearing this news, the other five demon sect masters are the most jealous of the green demon sect master.

Because although these few suzerains have not seen each other for many years, the open fight between them has never stopped. And the battle between them, in addition to the battle between the disciples of Zongmen, more depends on the strength gap between them.

None of the previous six masters of the Devil Sect broke through to the real **** realm. Although they were all very anxious, at least among their opponents, there was still no breakthrough, so they were not very anxious.

But now, this balance has been broken by the Blue Demon Sect Master. Although these Sect Masters of the Demon Sect are not afraid of the Sect Master of the Blue Demon Sect, if their strength has increased greatly, they will persecute their Sect.

But after all, hearing of the strength of some of their opponents has exceeded their own. This sense of crisis is enough to make them restless.

And because of this, they don't feel that the Blue Demon Sect Master is still not the opponent of this suddenly appeared old guy.

Because after all, the strength of the true **** realm is no longer speculative of their demigod realm. Although the Sovereign of the Blue Demon Sect should have just broken through, there may not be much control of the battle of the true **** realm. Way and majestic strength. But one thing is for sure. Even so, the combat power of the Blue Demon Sect Master is at least several times that of the past. You know, the real **** realm is the ultimate goal of all practitioners.

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