Since this suddenly appearing old man pointed the spear of the topic directly at Wolfe, then Wolfe naturally would not make others blame so well. For the time being, regardless of whether the Green Demon Sect Master can be regarded as a junior, from the perspective of this battle, is it necessary to pay attention to the issue of one's seniority in the duel of the strong.

If you really look at it from this old man’s point of view, then people don’t need to practice anymore. If they meet in the future, as long as they are according to their respective generations, it’s just a matter of winning or losing.

Besides, when the Green Demon Sect Master confronted Li Yi before, why didn't he see this old man come out and say this to the Green Demon Sect Master?

Wolf is a short-term defender. Over the years, no matter how much trouble Li Yi has encountered, Wolf will come forward to solve all problems that Li Yi cannot solve.

But at the same time, Wolff, who protects shortcomings, hates those who protect shortcomings very much. Such a character actually made old Tony feel very helpless. But no matter what, Wolf would not feel anything wrong with his behavior today.

Shaking his head helplessly, Wolfe smiled and said to the old man in front of him: "Well, the true God is at its peak strength, it is really the strong man. What is the hidden world strong man of the Green Demon Sect, good, good."

It seems that he doesn't want to be entangled with the other person's problem of that generation, so after speaking, Wolfe just directly pointed out the strength of the other side, and then guessed the strength of the other side. Wolfe believes that after such words, the young The hidden elite of Mozong should not continue that boring topic.

But what Wolf did not expect was that instead of giving up the entanglement on this topic, the other party began to get worse.

Although Wolfe gave out his identity and strength, but after only a short period of consternation, the old man said to Wolfe again: "Huh, killing the gods, will it only bully the juniors? What. If this is your strength, then you really can’t imagine how the prestige of your time broke down."

Hearing that the other person said such things, Rao is the best character of Wolfe, and now he can't help but feel angry. But even so, Wolfe did not express his anger on his face. Wolfe just smiled disdainfully, and then slowly said: "So, according to you, who am I fighting? , It doesn't count as a shame on my name."

Although Wolff’s words were not as powerful as when the old man spoke, but when others heard them, his words really made sense.

"Huh, in short, you beat my lord, even if you bully the junior. I can't bear to see such things." Although this old man is powerful, he doesn't seem to be very good at arguing with others. Facing Wolf's questioning, he could only say such things.

"Oh, who you are, also quote your name." Looking at the other party, Wolf God said disdainfully.

"My name? Ha ha, I can't remember it myself. Hundreds of years ago, people in the Devil's World like to call me the Sword Demon." After thinking for a while, the old man said to Wolfe slightly proudly. .

After hearing the name, Wolf immediately smiled. Because he knew this sword demon, this sword demon was probably a law-protecting elder among the blue demon sect about five or six hundred years ago. You should know that you can become a law-protecting elder. This kind of identity is much higher than that of the elders in the demons.

And the fame of this sword demon is not only that he is the guardian elder of the green demon sect, but more of it is reflected in his madness. The Green Demon Sect that had the sword demon sitting in the town was also a moment of shock among the six great demon sects.

It's just that although this sword demon is powerful, it is his mind that does not match his strength. Because the strongmen who had had contact with him all know that this crazy strongman, despite his powerful strength, left a name in the Devil Realm, but many of his crazy actions are also people. Sometimes I can't help but laugh.

But in any case, this sword demon was indeed a very strong character in those days.

The killing **** actually knows this sword demon. Although the killing **** did not have any intersection with this sword demon at that time, but because he has just been resurrected, he needs continuous cultivation. The killing **** also stayed in the demon world of that era for a long time. For a while. Therefore, there is still a lot of impressions about this demon-killer.

However, it is because time has passed so long that the God of Killing did not think of this strong man when he first saw the sword demon, that is, the person of the Mega Devil World.

But after thinking about it, Wolf Wolf also smiled faintly, and then slowly said, "It turns out to be a sword demon, and I have been admiring for a long time." Although it is said that it is for a long time, in fact, the killer is only the same year. Heard of the name Daomo.

However, this sword demon seemed to be very concerned about the killing of God, and after he heard the killing of the gods for a long time, he was very happy and said: "Hehe, where is my point Little name, of course, cannot be compared with the prestige of the predecessor. You know, senior, you are the idol I struggled with."

"Oh, accept." Wolff was shocked when he heard the words of the demon, and then he politely answered after trying to understand the other person's words and making sure that the other person said these words without irony.

After hearing Wolfe's words, the Sword Demon seemed to react. He came out this time. Although he saw the killer, he was no longer the little cultivator who regarded the killer as an idol. And his appearance this time is also for the purpose of raising the demon lord. At the same time, it is also necessary to get justice for Wolfe's successive actions against the Green Demon Sect.

It's just that Daomo himself didn't expect that he could show respect to his watch at this time. If this matter is changed to someone else, the sword and the devil are determined to kill that person.

Looking at the embarrassed look of Sword and Devil, Wolf understood that this Sword and Devil must have failed to understand the situation on the field at once, so he would say such inexplicable words.

Only after this atmosphere lasted for a short time, the two people covered up the smile on their faces again. Instead, there was a grim look on his face.

Both people know that since we can meet here today, then the next step is definitely not easy. You know, before Li Yi has been targeting the Green Demon Sect, it has made the Green Demon Sect Master very crazy.

But just when the Green Demon Sect Master had advanced to the real **** realm, and was just about to kill Li Yi to vent his anger, Wolf, the killing god, was born. And by virtue of his strength and fighting skills, he used the Green Demon Sect Master to applaud. Such a thing cannot be tolerated by any practitioner of the Green Demon Sect.

It’s just that other Green Demon Sect cultivators are full of anger in their hearts, but Wolfe’s strength is too strong, and even his own master can’t help each other. This makes these Green Demon Sects only to swallow. Watching the killing **** Wolff raging in front of the six demons.

But now when the Sword Demon appears, everyone on the field is boiling. Especially the people of the Green Demon Sect, including the Sovereign of the Blue Demon Sect, he is very excited now.

You should know that even the strong like the sword demons, even the Sovereign of the Blue Demons, can't see it if they want to see it. Because although the identity of the Blue Demon Sect Master is detached, and he also knows that in each Demon Sect, there are actually many powerful people in the hidden world still alive. But even so, there are very few chances for those who are the hidden powers of the Green Demon Sect, the Green Demon Sect Master.

The reason is very simple, that is, in fact, the place where the hidden world powerhouses of these demons live is not known to outsiders at all, even if they are the masters of the blue world, they don’t know exactly where the hidden world powerhouses live. .

And the only few chances before to see these hidden world strong people, before going to the place where they lived, was also cast a secret method by the predecessors of Zongmen. Before arriving there, he did not know whether he was Where is it.

Because of this, when the Sect Master of the Blue Demon Sect saw the appearance of the Sword Demon, his level of excitement was not much lower than those of the ordinary disciples in the Green Demon Sect.

However, the focus on the field is obviously not the Sovereign of the Blue Demon Sect, and it is no longer the Sect of the Green Demon Sect. The two things people are most concerned about now is whether this suddenly appearing old man is the master swordsman who has been making waves in the devil world more than five hundred years ago. And the old man who was called the killer by the sword demon has nothing to do with the killer of the human world that died in the realm of war.

In the end, these two people are the direct descendants of those peerless powerhouses of that year, or some other relationship. You know, the identity of the two people is already the topic that everyone cares about the most. Even if it is about the strength of two people, everyone has little thought to guess.

As long as the strength of the two people can be implemented, then their strength will naturally come out. Because looking at the names of the two of them, these two people must not be simple roles. Even if they are not the strong men of the year, then at least they are somewhat connected with the strong men of the year.

So now, people are holding their breath and waiting very patiently to see what kind of information the two people can bring to them in the next communication.

Of course, there are people like Daomo, and those who watch the war will naturally not wait too long. Because this sword demon is not only crazy for people, but also a rectum, doing a thing.

After seeing Wolfe, he knew that the old man who was standing on the field now, even the strong man in the Devil Realm who was able to chatter like that. Although the Sword Devil had never seen Wolf, the killer, but before he appeared, one of his fellow friends told him the news. Even with the confirmation of the same door, the sword demon would only die after appearing. Wolf was the killer of that year, and then he would continue to attack the killer.

But even so, Wolff is indifferent to Sword and Devil's words. Because in the view of killing God, no matter what Li Yi did before, before he appeared, the Sect Master of the Blue Devil did indeed do something that had endangered Li Yi. And such a thing, if Wolfe sees it, will certainly not let it happen.

So as long as he can save Li Yi and keep Li Yi's comprehensiveness, then no matter what kind of opponent he is going to play against, Wolfe doesn't feel any wrong.

And it is also very important that although the Sovereign of the Blue Demon Sect really needs to be calculated according to his seniority, then he can't be compared with Wolff. Even the Green Demon Sect Master thousands of years ago, when he saw Wolfe, he also had to call the predecessor, not to mention the current Green Demon Sect Master. In fact, Wolfe is also very helpless. If you really look at it in the same way as the sword demon, then in the current demon world, those who can qualify to do it with themselves are really few.

But even so, Wolff doesn't think there is anything wrong with what he did.

Because Wolf believes that no matter what his seniority is, as long as he wants to shoot, then no matter what kind of opponent he is looking for, this is his own thing. No matter what outsiders say, Wolfe will not change his principles to do things.

So even in the face of the sneer and sarcasm of Sword and Devil, Wolfe still just smiled faintly, and after spending a lot of time on the sorrow of Sword and Devil again, he slowly said: "Oh, Brother Sword and Devil, you and I still don’t want to It’s a matter of seniority. After all, if you really do things according to the situation you said, then you think that there are still a few people who can let me shoot in the current demon world. Including you, if If I really want to fight you, do you still want to say that I rely on the old and sell the old, bullying the weak."

"I don't care. In short, I just think that your majesty Lord Murder shot against a current Sect Master of our Blue Demon Sect. In my opinion, this matter is too unreasonable." It seems that it is really not He is good at arguing, and after Wolff's words were spoken, it took a long time for the sword to hold his tongue before finally speaking such words.

But after hearing these words, Wolfe was silent. Seeing this, the Sword Devil thought that his words were very offensive, and Wolff had been speechless. Thinking of this, Daomo couldn't help but smiled proudly.

But just after Sword Demon’s smile appeared on his face, Wolfe said again: “Forget it, I won’t quarrel with you anymore. Well, I just rely on the old and sell the old, I’m bullying, I’m just Relying on seniority and long practice time to bully your current suzerain, what about, if you are not convinced, you can do it, this is what I said before."

Slightly disdainful looking at the sword demon, although the sword demon was also a prestigious existence in the demon world, but in Wolf's eyes, he is just a martial arts. Although the talent is also super, but after all, it still has not reached the point where it is against the sky. And the most important point is that Wolf appeared today, but not to fight against others.

Since Wolf appeared, in addition to saving Li Yi, there was one more thing that he was prepared to do. This is what Li Yi has always wanted to do before. It's just that Li Yi didn't expect that the Green Demon Sect Master would advance to the real **** realm in battle. That is because Li didn't think about this, so Li Yi didn't do what he wanted to do.

But now that Wolf is here, he will certainly not let this matter fail. So whether Wolfe's nature doesn't want to fight with each other, or Wolfe really wants to hurry up to do this. After seeing that the other party had been entangled in the issue of seniority, Wolfe didn't even give face to face.

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