Listening to Li Yi's explanation, Wolfe had considered the whole thing clearly. Since it is a fairy mountain from the Luoshen era, then these two fairy mountains should not be a peaceful place.

After thinking about it, Wolf asked: "Why did you do that then? Do you really think that these two fairy mountains can help us?"

Hearing Wolfe’s question, Li Yi was stunned. After a moment of silence, Li Yi said lightly to Wolfe: “Oh, if I tell you, I didn’t even know why I did that. Do you believe it? Really, when I found out that none of you appeared, I knew that it was impossible for me to stick to the end by myself. But when I was about to give up, it was in the last moment. Suddenly came such an idea and made this matter subconsciously. Now it seems that I finally understand why I had to do that."

"Why?" Wolfe asked eagerly.

"Just to prepare for us now." Facing Wolff's anxiety, Li Yi answered very calmly.

But in the face of Li Yi's answer, Wolfe obviously could not accept Li Yi's explanation. So after hesitating for a while, Wolfe still asked: "Preparation for us? What are we prepared for, is there any peculiarity in this fairy mountain?" Wolfe asked, looking at Li Yi doubtfully.

Perhaps after saying that, Li Yi thought of Wolfe’s reaction, so when Wolfe’s words were just asked, Li Yi immediately replied: “We naturally don’t need it, but don’t you Forget, our companions are needed. After all, we can’t let all practitioners practice the same kind of practice, even if they can be made to practice the same kind of practice, that set of exercises is not necessarily the best for them. You can ask Shenhu if there are many unknown exercises in Shenhu Mountain. Did the exercises it has practiced in recent years come from Shenhu Mountain?"

Hearing Li Yi's explanation, Wolfe really realized something. Because when Wolfe thought of this, he realized that it seemed that so many times before, they all lost because they had too little power to use besides themselves.

So this time, Wolf will continue to run around the world in order to find more assistance. But I have to admit that in fact, in addition to those in the outside world, the assistance of the devil and human world is really too weak. And they have a very fatal flaw in themselves. If they cannot be eliminated, they will still act as resistance in the future.

But when Wolfe just wanted to understand this, Wolfe seemed to think of something, and immediately said to Li Yi: "Did you say that in the era of Luoshen, you already thought of this?"

Seeing Wolf again acting so impulsively, Li Yi smiled lightly, and then slowly said: "Oh, actually, at that time, I didn't even think of this at all. It was only when I finally watched now After I knew the situation, I knew how important my subconscious move was. It seems that she is doing more and more absolutely. If the world really develops according to this state, then maybe we will do it next time. Opportunities are gone."

"Yeah, if this is the case, whenever these practitioners fall, they will always bring more or less benefits to her. Such a thing, I don’t know how many years it has been going on. Perhaps it is because of this reason , She will have the harbinger of waking up ahead of time this time." Listening to Li Yi's explanation, Wolfe analyzed calmly on the side.

Regarding Wolfe's statement, Li Yi just nodded slowly to agree, but did not say anything afterwards. Because many times, it is because you know too much, so you will be more pessimistic than someone who knows less. It was because they knew too much about the whole thing, so Li Yi and they now feel the pressure is much heavier than others.

After being silent for a long time, Li Yi said lightly: "No matter how bad the situation is now, we still have such a place to use after all. I also heard about the plan that you said to Tang Hui before. You think, success How much is your hope?"

"Nine percent, I have reached the Guiyuan realm, and there are a few guys with such strength on the other side. I have already contacted a lot of people now, just wait for the strong side of the demon side to nod, and then join our After the camp, then I will start to work." Looking at Li Yi, Wolf said with a firm face.

However, after hearing Wolfe's words, Li Yi was shocked, because Li Yi did not expect that Wolfe could recover his strength to such a terrible stage in such a short time.

In fact, in the perception of Li Yi and their people, after the strength reaches the real **** realm, even after the real real **** realm as Wolff said before, he can still continue to improve his own strength. Only in order to be able to continue to ascend, it must be completed in an alien world. Because only the spiritual power that is filled between the heavens and the earth of the other world is the source power of the real world. It is only here that everyone’s true potential can be truly inspired.

And above the real **** realm, it is the Guiyuan realm, above it, the supreme realm, and finally, the most terrifying spirit king realm. It's just that even people like Li Yi and Wolfe don't think they can achieve that kind of state. Because if you want to achieve that kind of state, you really can't do it by manpower alone.

But even the Guiyuan realm is actually a very high realm now. So when Li Yi heard Wolf talk about his current strength, he was really shocked.

Now it seems that Li Yi is really too far away from Wolfe.

After glancing at the old Tony in the distance, Li Yi knew that the old Tony should also be a strong series with Wolfe. Because if this were not the case, he would not be able to defeat the Shenhu simply.

But Li Yi is actually sincerely happy that Wolf can now have such strength, because the higher the strength of Wolf, the higher the strength of Li Yi.

Speaking to Wolfe here, Li Yi knew that today's conversation should be over. Because Li Yi knows that the current situation is still not optimistic after all. After all, there are still many problems that they can't solve now. Waiting for them, there are extremely difficult challenges.

After all, Li Yi is still not a strong man in the Guiyuan realm, and he has not even reached the real **** realm. So Li Yi knows what he should do most now. Only by making his strength grow stronger, and he must be fast and strong, can Li Yi keep up with Wolfe's pace.

Because, after all, this matter cannot be simply relied on by Wolfe. In many cases, Li Yi still plays a key role.

Now, what Li Yi is waiting for is the arrival of Tang Hui. Li Yi knew that when Tang would come back, it would inevitably bring news that the demon cultivators were ready to cooperate with Wolfe. By that time, Li Yi would naturally be able to take the opportunity to enter Wuwu Mountain.

Although the seal against Wuxian Mountain was somewhat loose now, after all, the seal still needs to be completely uncovered by Li Yi.

And while Li Yi was thinking about Wuwushan, Wolf seemed to think of it. Putting down the topic just now, Wolfe said to Li Yi: "Li Yi, what was the purpose of leaving Shenhu Mountain and Wuxiao Mountain? Was it just to leave those exercises, if it was In this case, why bother to use such a big hand."

Hearing Wolfe's words, Li Yi immediately smiled bitterly. Because when doing this thing, Li Yi really had no special ideas in his mind at the time. Because when doing things at that time, Li Yi was also doing it completely subconsciously.

But now when Li Yi is truly standing in this place, Li Yi thinks about the ins and outs of things.

After being silent for a while, Li Yi slowly said to Wolfe: "In fact, in Wuwu Mountain, there is a treasure that I left. As long as I can open that treasure, I will do something for us later. Things are of great help."

"What treasure?" Hearing this, Wolf immediately felt a move in his heart, because Wolf knew that the place that Li Yi could call it a treasure would not be so simple. At least it will no longer be a simple exercise, or some handed down weapon.

After thinking for a moment, Li Yi said to Wolfe with a smile: "I was in the palace of Wuwu Mountain, and I left a part of my original power. After so many years of gestation, I think they It has grown very strong."

Hearing this, Wolfe really moved. Because only a strong man like Wolff can understand what Li Yi is talking about now. The power of the source is more than just a power. In fact, the power of the origin can even be said to be the life of the cultivator. Only when the strength reaches the supreme state can one truly cultivate one's own original power. However, if you forcibly divide your original power, it is really a huge loss. The power of the origin is that which is more precious than life.

So Wolfe asked immediately, "How much did you leave?"

"Five percent." Facing Wolf, Li Yi said lightly. It seems that the 50% of the original power is an insignificant existence for Li Yi.

But as Wolfe heard, this was very important news.

Until now, Wolf's body couldn't help but began to tremble slowly. After a long time, Wolf sighed and said: "No wonder, after you wake up this time, I always feel that you have a strange, and Your recovery speed is really too slow. It turned out that it was all because of this incident. Then, why did you do it in the end? Is it just to get it back now, which is different from the practice you have been practicing. What."

"Of course, because I never thought about recovering the power of those five cost sources." Looking at Wolfe, Li Yi continued to say lightly.

"What? How can this be? Do you think you can't take back the 50% of the original power, can you compete with her in the future?" Listening to Li Yi's words, Wolfe began to feel a little angry. Because in his view, Li Yi is just doing nonsense.

But it seems that Li Yi doesn't think so. When facing Wolf, who is almost going to run away, Li Yi only keeps his faint smile. After a moment of silence, Li Yi smiled and said: "Those The power of the origin is what I leave to other practitioners."

"What do you mean, you have to choose another person to inherit your original power?" Wolfe asked, looking at Li Yi doubtfully.

"Not one person, but many." Li Yi still said lightly.

"A lot. In this way, isn't the power of the source more dispersed? In that case, how many years will it take for you to truly recover." Now in Wolf's view, Li Yi is really completely crazy. He didn't seem to know at all what he meant by doing so.

However, it is clear that Li Yi does not know what he is doing, but in Li Yi's view, perhaps only by doing so can the part of his original power play the most important role.

After being silent for a long time, Li Yi said with a smile: "Since the Luoshen era, no matter whether it is the human world or the devil world, the practitioners have gradually begun to feel the real source power. And the result is that no matter how much they In the end, her efforts could not reach the real true **** realm, let alone the Guiyuan or even supreme realm. And when they were weakened invisibly, she was growing stronger. Such a thing, I don’t It is allowed to happen. And to stop this from going on, I can only use the power of the original source that I left back then. After joining forces with the Devil Realm, I will go to Wuwu Mountain to open my seal of the year, and then, when the time comes, you To pick out more powerful people who have reached the level of the true god, and then let them go to my original power, and let my original power cast them. Only in this way, when they enter the realm in the future They can truly perceive the true meaning of spiritual power. At the same time, they can really begin to embark on the final path of cultivation."

Li Yi's reason is so good that after Wolfe listened, there was nothing to refute him. After a long silence, Wolfe said flatly: "This may be the only way, but after that, what do you do?"

"I have my own way." Looking at Wolfe, Li Yi said lightly.

In fact, even Li Yi himself did not know what he could do. Because Li Yi does not know what it means after dispersing his original power. Only after Li Yi finally understood many things this time, Li Yi felt that if he did not do so, the chance of success this time would be really low.

Because things are no longer the way they were in those years. In this world, although nominally the strong are rampant, if you look closely, you really don't have a cultivator who reaches the realm of the strong.

And Li Yi and Wolff do what they want to do, after all, not two of them, or a few people can do well. But the current situation is that other practitioners are really hard to count on. So after seeing this, Li Yiyou had to make such a decision.

It was at this time that Li Yi finally wanted to understand why he had done such a thing when he was in the Luoshen era. In fact, at the beginning, even Li Yi didn't know why he did this, but after finally seeing the situation clearly, Li Yi finally understood how wise that act was.

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