But when he saw this, Wolfe was very happy. Because maybe only this would give Wolfe a little peace of mind. After all, Wolfe has become accustomed to the existence of Li Yi, and now although Li Yi may not be able to make a difference on the surface, but because of his unknown nature, Wolfe is also full of confidence in him.

Even if Li Yi had decided to give up that part of the original power, Wolfe still felt that Li Yi was their greatest hope.

Looking at the direction of Li Yi's disappearance, Wolfe said lightly: "Hope, you can still surprise us this time."

The next day, Wolf took the old Tony and the Red Flame Beast and they left Shenhu Mountain, and as the owner of Shenhu Mountain, they were also the Shenhu who fought side by side with the killing **** Wolf, actually wanted to follow Wo They left together. Because Shenhu already knew what Wolfe was going to do, but when he proposed to go with Wolfe, they were rejected by Wolfe.

Regarding Wolff's refusal, Shenhu was naturally frustrated. Because Shenhu knows that the reason why they don’t take themselves with them is because their strength is not enough. You know, in fact, Shenhu does not always think that he is a weak person. After all, even in the devil world, Shenhu can basically be said to be a rare opponent. But after seeing Wolfe and their people this time, they really felt weak.

But it is because of this matter that Shenhu knows that there are many strong men in this world that it has not met before. So now it is neglected by those powerful people, the Shenhu is still somewhat acceptable. But what makes Shenhu less acceptable is why Cliff among those people is not as good as he is, but he can leave with Wolfe. That is why Shenhu is somewhat depressed.

However, when Wolfe left, he still explained some things to Shenhu. That's what Wolf said to Shenhu. On a certain day, maybe the world will change dramatically, and this change may cause great harm to the entire world, but as long as it can survive that stage, whether it is a cultivator And ordinary people will benefit greatly. So when Wolfe left, he told the tiger to let Li Yi go to Wuwu Mountain first, and then after doing what he should do there, let him take Li Yi back to the mountains of the dead.

Because of the matter of the devil world, the big men of the devil world will naturally handle it, but the situation of the human world is more complicated.

Wolfe really doesn't have time to inform those hidden families in the human world one by one, what may happen next. Therefore, Li Yi and Shenhu can only be returned to the human world to do what they should do.

After all, in the human realm, in addition to the few quoted families, the most secret gathering place of human world cultivators is the Mountain Range of the Dead.

And after the thing that Wolfe had to do was completed, the practitioners in the mountains of the dead would also play a big role in the future. Therefore, when it is less than necessary, it is necessary to keep the cultivators in the mountains of the dead as much as possible, whether it is a human cultivator or a Warcraft cultivator.

So now Shenhu knows that his most important task is to follow Li Yi to Wuwu Mountain first, and then return to the human world with the exercises found in Shenhu Mountain.

Cultivators in the human world still need the exercises discovered by the Shenhu.

However, after learning what he was going to do, Shenhu was more curious, because Shenhu really couldn't figure it out, why did Wolfe have to line up to listen to the arrangement of this guy named Li Yi.

Although Shenhu had learned from Wolfe's mouth before, Li Yi's identity was not simple. But the strong like the Shenhu who have reached this level of strength, at this time, their identity is simply a worthless thing in their eyes. So even if Li Yi's identity is high, the Shenhu is completely ignored.

And Shenhu can also see that Li Yi's strength is nothing but the strength of the false **** summit. I don't know how far I'm from. But when Shenhu is even more unbalanced, when Wolf is leaving, he really arranges Shenhu to follow Li Yi’s arrangement, and also reminds Shenhu not to watch Li Yi’s low strength. On many of Li Yi's arrangements Yang Fengyin violated.

Wolff has clearly told Shenhu that its future achievements have a lot to do with Li Yi. So now no matter how incomprehensible or dissatisfied Shenhu's heart is, he must also listen to Li Yi's arrangement.

Before they were refused by Wolff to do big things together, Shenhu had been unhappy. Now Shenhu is arranged again to follow the instructions of a junior, which makes Shenhu even more psychologically unbalanced.

It is because these dissatisfied emotions are mixed together. When the **** tiger finds Li Yi, there is no trace of a strong man at all. The previous calm look is now gone. Of course, the Shenhu did not really embarrass Li Yi, and he did not disdain Li Yi because Li Yi was so weak now.

Perhaps Li Yi is the first person in this world to see the **** tiger make such a gesture.

Because when Wolfe just left, Shenhu found Li Yi. The **** tiger after being transformed into a man was originally a strong man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but now the image that Li Yi sees is an image full of smirk.

Seeing Shenhu like this, to be honest, Li Yi was also taken aback. Because although I have not communicated with Shenhu before, Li Yi has heard that Shenhu is often a very indifferent person because of his unwillingness to contact the outside world too much. Indifferent tiger.

But Li Yi did not know whether the rumors in the outside world were wrong, or because too many years have passed, people have changed because they haven’t seen the **** tiger. In short, the current tiger is really the same as the previous rumors. There is no similarity.

So looking at the **** tiger in this state, Li Yi was also shocked and said to the **** tiger: "Sir tiger tiger, there is something to talk about, don't have to look like this, as long as there is something that I can help you, I am definitely not refusing of."

Hearing Li Yi saying this, the tiger said to Li Yi with a smile: "Oh, in fact, there is nothing wrong. That is, when the old fellow Wolfe left me, he specifically told me that there was something to hear from you. So I am not here, you can tell me any instructions you have. Or what kind of hatred you have here, even in the human world, you can tell me, I will help you to do it. They are all okay."

Listening to the words of Shenhu, Li Yi really felt very stressed for a while. Because Li Yi really can't think of it, the **** tiger, who has always been famous in the Devil Realm, turned out to be such a guy. Nothing happened yet, so I first thought about helping Li Yi get rid of the enemy.

But after thinking about it, Li Yi thought that if he could follow such a thug behind him, it seemed like a good thing. But Li Yi also knew very well that such a thing cannot happen. Because whether it is Li Yi or Shenhu, there is something they have to do. Now maybe it is just because Shenhu does something for himself, so it will become like this. If he waits for the end of the matter, with the strength of Shenhu, maybe he will not greet Li Yi.

Of course, this can not blame the snobbery of the tiger. But in fact, sometimes, the interaction between people requires not only a sincere heart, but also a lot of time, it also needs to have the corresponding strength. After all, Li Yi's strength is still far from that of Shenhu, so it is not easy to get along with Shenhu.

Therefore, Li Yi, who knows the key, naturally does not think that it is his personality charm that attracts the **** tiger, but it must be that the myth must have something to say.

So after staying away from Shenhu for a while, Li Yi said with some helplessness: "Sir Tiger, you don't have to do such a gesture, you can tell me anything, I will do it for you if there is any problem. If you want, you can also ask me, and I must know that everything is endless."

Seeing Li Yi like this, Shenhu also knows that the other party must not be the kind of person who can play tricks on himself. And Shenhu also noticed that perhaps his current image is indeed not in line with his strength and personality.

So after listening to Li Yi's speech, Shenhu also put away the kind of treacherous smile on his face, and then smiled and said to Li Yi: "Well, see you are also a cheerful person, I will not follow you It's a corner. I just want to know that when Wolfe left, let me follow you to Wuwu Mountain. I just want to figure out what we are going to do there. Listen to Wolfe's words. The meaning of it seems to be following you, my strength may be able to be improved. Is this true, to know that I am already a real **** realm, is it really so simple to want to improve the realm."

"Yes, as long as you follow me and go to Wuxiao Mountain, I will give you a perfect answer." Looking at the Shenhu, Li Yi said calmly.

"Are we? Is there anyone other than me who is going to follow you?" Hearing this, Li Hu asked suspiciously.

In the face of the successive problems of the Shenhu, Li Yi did not feel annoyed, but said to the Shenhu very patiently: "Yes, in addition to you, there are the hidden world powerhouses of the Devil Realm in Wuwu Mountain, etc. After we arrive at Wuxian Mountain together, I will open the seal of Luoluo Temple in Wuxian Mountain. And if you can follow my arrangement, you will definitely get unexpected benefits."

Li Yi's tone has always been very peaceful when he speaks. It’s not because I’m not as good as a tiger, I feel like I’m short.

But when the **** tiger heard, Li Yi was very calm when he spoke, but in its view, the credibility of what Li Yi said was really a problem.

I thought that the Shenhu could see that Li Yi was just a cultivator of the peak strength of the pseudo-god. When it comes to opening the seal, he is much different from any devil in the Wushan Mountain. But after the death of the seal of Luo Temple in Wuxu Mountain, for so many years, those guys in Wuxue Mountain had no way to open it. But now Li Yi, who only has the power of a pseudo-god realm, is saying that he can open the seal of Luo Temple, which makes the Shenhu relieved.

So after listening to Li Yi's words, Shenhu's face immediately showed a bit of distrust, and then said to Li Yi lightly: "Little friend, although the Wolfe guy told me when he was leaving, he must You have to obey your arrangement, but after all, he has no high-speed me, what he wants to do specifically. Now I hear you say, I really have some doubts. Don’t blame me, I’m quick talk. Seriously, I really don’t I think you can open the seal of Luo Temple. You know, Luo Temple has appeared when Wuwu Mountain appeared. However, after hundreds of years, those devil-level characters in Wuyao Mountain entered, After so many years of hard work, the seal cannot be opened. And you, can you really do this?"

Shenhu's words were straightforward, although Shenhu did not directly mean to look down on Li Yi when he spoke. But invisible, still showed a slight contempt for Li Yi. After all, in the eyes of Shenhu, a cultivator of a false **** realm even said that he could open a seal that many real **** realm powerhouses could not open for hundreds of years. This kind of thing, when heard by Shenhu, is not only unrealistic but also somewhat funny.

From the perspective of Shenhu, perhaps Li Yi is just joking with himself. So between words, Shenhu did not take it too seriously.

However, Li Yi's attitude can also be seen very clearly. It's just that Li Yi knows that Shenhu's suspicion is quite reasonable. After all, if there is now a guy who is far inferior to him, he suddenly appears in front of him, and then vocally says that he can do something that he can never do. If this really happens, Li Yi is actually very difficult to believe each other.

So for the slight contempt of Shenhu, Li Yi only smiled slightly and was angry, and then said lightly: "Sir Tiger, I can understand your current mood. After all, in this world, everything is necessary to do Pay attention to strength. The seal of Luo Temple, although I haven’t seen it for many years, but its current situation should not be too different from my guess. So I am confident that I can do what I said. Well, even if I can’t do it, it won’t cause any damage to you. At most, you have wasted a few days and went to Wushan Mountain with me. You think, in this matter, I Is that necessary to joke with you."

Although Li Yi can understand Shenhu's attitude towards himself, after all, Li Yi is also a kind of arrogant person. When facing other people to despise themselves, even if this is indeed a fact, but Li Yi is not willing to accept it.

So when he said those words, Li Yi's tone unconsciously also brought a bit of anger.

But Shenhu is a guy with very simple thinking. After listening to Li Yi's words, it also thinks that Li Yi's words are very reasonable. After all, Li Yi is right. If Li Yi can really do what is as magical as Wolff said, then everyone will be happy. If you can really improve your strength because of Li Yi, Shenhu can also thank Li Yi.

And Li Yi is right, even if it can't be done, there is no loss for Shenhu. At most, it is a waste of a few days, and time for Shenhu is really the least valuable thing.

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