However, Li Yi is now completely isolated from the outside world. Li Yi's mind has completely penetrated into the center of Luo Temple.

You should know that the most important thing in the Luo Temple is not the preserved ancient exercises. The most important existence is the Luo God who is still asleep.

At the time when Luoshen was at the peak, Luoshen was already the strength of the peak of Guiyuan Realm. When Li Yi was doing a deal with Luoshen, he was only at the beginning of the Yuan dynasty. Li Yi was able to do business with Luoshen, entirely because of the majestic power of his body.

It is because of seeing the strength of Li Yi's original power that Luoshen willingly gave the arch of Luoshen Temple to Li Yi to seal. Luoshen himself is happy to be a sleeper. Because he knew that when Li Yi fulfilled what he promised, when he woke up again, what would be waiting for him would be the terrifying realm of terror.

Now, Li Yi has come to fulfill his promise.

When Li Yi nervously searched for the sleeping Luoshen, Li Yi was finally relieved. The reason why Li Yi was so nervous before was that Li Yi could not be sure whether Luo Shen was still asleep after so many years, not that Li Yi had died.

You know, in the era when Li Yi traded with Luoshen, it has been tens of thousands of years since now. After such a long time, in fact, even Li Yi is not sure whether he can maintain a life span of tens of thousands of years under Luoshen's state.

Now when Li Yi finally feels the existence of Luoshen and finds that Li Yi's breath is still alive, Li Yi finally settled down. Although if Luoshen really fell into the Luoshen Temple inexplicably because of his late arrival, Li Yi could naturally have a tongue to explain to Luoshen. But at the same time, this also means that Li Yi and Wolff will lose a very important fighting power in their future battles.

Even Luoshen’s combat power was a terrifying existence. Therefore, Li Yi is not afraid that Luoshen, who has regained consciousness, will complain to himself. What Li Yi fears most is that Luoshen will fall. Now it seems that Luoshen really has not fallen. This is really a great thing for Li Yi. .

It was because Li Yi noticed this, and the dignity of the face before Li Yi finally disappeared.

After seeing Li Yi like this, those demon powerhouses who have been paying attention to Li Yi think Li Yi should have found a way to crack the seal. So after seeing this situation, these powerful players of the Devil Realm also followed Li Yishu with a long frown. The situation now seems to be that these powerful players in the Demon Realm seem to be cracking the seal with Li Yi.

However, the development in the future has made these powerful players in the Devil Realm a little puzzled. Although the expression on Li Yi's face became lighter, this state remained only for a few minutes. After that, the expression on Li Yi's face became more solemn.

Seeing this, the demon powerhouses thought Li Yi must have encountered another problem. So a very funny situation is that when Li Yi's brows were frowned again, these powerful players in the demon world also frowned at Li Yi.

Now, the powerhouse of the Devil Realm, after all, does not know much about Li Yi’s current situation, so he will follow Li Yi nervously, but he can’t help at all.

But now Li Yi is like this, because after feeling the existence of Luoshen, Li Yi is truly aware of the seriousness of the problem. Because Li Yi found that although Luo Shen did not fall, it may be because the sleep time was too long, so that Li Yi did not know where to start when he wanted to wake up Luo Shen.

After seeing this situation, Li Yi was naturally very nervous. Because if the Luoshen cannot be awakened successfully now, even if the seal is opened, there is still a regret.

So after seeing this, Li Yi immediately put all his mind on it. You know, now in the eyes of those powerful in the devil world, cracking the seal is the most critical thing. Because these powerful men of the Devil Really really want to see the seal be lifted. In fact, now, these people want to see the seal be lifted, not just to seal the things in the Luo Temple.

Now, the reason why these powerful men in the Devil really want to see the seal be lifted is only because they have suffered too much from this seal for so many years. So maybe now they just want to understand, they want to see the seal lifted.

Now for Li Yi, breaking the seal is really just a piece of cake. Because now Li Yi's most concern is to figure out a way to see how to wake up the sleeping Luoshen.

However, after many attempts, Li Yi finally found out at a glance that he could not do this now, just because Li Yi found that the seal left in the Luo Temple was so strong that it was so strong Although this seal was left by himself, with his current strength, he still cannot truly ignore the existence of this seal.

That is because of the blockage of the seal, Li Yi can't really get in touch with Luoshen now.

After finding this situation helplessly, Li Yi hesitated for a long time before finally making up his mind. That is, I can't think about Luoshen's problem for a while. Now I can only hope to try to get in touch with Luoshen after the seal is opened.

Otherwise, you can only find Wolfe to help. When Wolf returns to Demon Realm, he may be able to communicate directly with Luoshen.

So after making this determination, Li Yi finally opened his eyes that had been closed. After brewing for a long time, Li Yi finally decided to break the seal first, and then think about Luoshen's problem.

Seeing Li Yi's current behavior, all the people felt that it seemed that Li Yi was looking to crack the seal. However, while these powerful people in the Devil Realm waited patiently for Li Yi to crack the seal, they heard a word that made them unacceptable.

Not long after Li Yi opened his eyes, he turned back and said to Tang Hui lightly: "The seal is already open. If you have anything you want to see, just come and see it."

Hearing Li Yi say this, the powerhouse of Devil was finally shocked. At this time, a sentence appeared in the minds of these people: "This seal is so simple to break?"

For Li Yi's words, all the demon powerhouses present felt very unreliable. Because of the seal of the Luo Temple, they have no idea how many times they have tried, but they cannot even approach the door of the Luo Temple, let alone touch the seal.

But such a horrible existence, this young strong man named Li Yi seems to simply stand at the entrance of Luo Temple for a while, and then the seal has been lifted.

Faced with this situation, it is no wonder that these powerful people will not believe it. If Li Yi spent a few days and nights to break the seal, then these powerful players in the devil world might still believe a few points. After all, Li Yi is the first cultivator who can walk safely to the entrance of Luo Temple in hundreds of years.

However, the current situation really makes them unacceptable.

And after Li Yi told them that the seal had been lifted, none of these demon powerhouses dared to step forward. After all, they don’t know whether the things Li Yi said are true. If Li Yi is talking big words, then if these strong men are too close, and then the Luoshen Temple’s consciousness attacks, then these demon powerful men But it is about to suffer.

After all, they can't walk freely within the attack range of Luo Temple, just like Li Yi.

Seeing the reactions of the demon powerhouses, Li Yi also smiled indifferently. Because Li Yi also knows that in the face of this situation, if he is to change to himself, he will not easily believe it.

But Li Yi doesn't know how to explain to these cultivators now, although the seal of Luo Temple is very scary. But for Li Yi, it is really a kind of existence like decoration.

Because the ordinary seal is actually a magic circle. The formation in front of the Luo Temple was set by Li Yi himself. Therefore, Li Yi is very clear about the position of Luo's temple. And no matter what kind of strength Li Yi is, it is not a difficult thing to break this eye.

Because the sight of the seal in front of the Temple of Luo is the original force left by Li Yi. In fact, as long as Li Yi comes back here and withdraws this trace of the original source of power left in front of the door, then the seal in front of the Luo Temple will naturally collapse.

This is why Li Yi can lift the seal in such a short time.

But Li Yi knows the specific situation, and these powerful players in the demon world are not clear about it at all. Now even Tang Hui, who has always looked at Li Yi differently, remains suspicious of Li Yi's words. This makes Li Yi embarrassed, because now, if even Tang Hui doesn't believe Li Yi, then Li Yi really doesn't know who should let him go first.

However, Li Yi only felt a little embarrassed about it. After all, opening this Luo Temple, in Li Yi's view, the biggest beneficiary is not the devil gangsters who have gathered here now.

Of course, they will definitely benefit from the Luo Temple [Biqudu] in the future. But now that they are unwilling to seize this opportunity in advance, Li Yi will naturally not beg to ask them to enter the Luo Temple.

Now Li Yi's most important thing is to get in touch with Luo Shen. Because in Li Yi's view, even if all the demon powerhouses in Wuwu Mountain are added together, in this case, it is impossible to compare with a Luoshen.

After all, even if Luo nerve has slept for so many years, his strength has not reached the supreme state, and even said that there may be a retrogression, but at least one thing is certain, Luo Shen is no longer bad, it will be a return to the realm. Strong. In this situation, the strong man in the Guiyuan realm is really not comparable to the strong man in the real **** realm.

So after seeing that the big brothers in the demon world were not going to enter the Luo Temple, Li Yi just smiled lightly. Then without any invitation, Li Yi turned to open the door of Luo Temple's palace, and then slowly walked into Luo Temple.

Seeing that Li Yi was able to open the door of the hall, this really shocked the powerful men of these demons. Because since they discovered Wuwu Mountain, and even after living here for hundreds of years, they have never seen that the door of Luo Temple can be opened.

Seeing this, the powerhouses of these demons also began to feel a little bit emotional. Because they always wanted to open the seal of Luo Temple in the past, in addition to wanting to use the seal of Luo Temple to prove their strength, but also in order to be able to finally enter the Luo Temple, look at the Luo Temple, in the end How rich is the treasure?

And now I see that Luoshen’s hall doors have been opened. When the big brothers of these demon worlds saw that they had failed to do it for hundreds of years, when Li Yi did it now, it was really very Frustrated.

And now seeing Li Yi even entering the Luo Temple soon, so that these powerful players in the Demon Realm were a little moved. Until now, they only remembered what Li Yi said before.

If the seal did not open, it was impossible for Li Yi to simply open the door of Luo Temple. You know, when they found that they wanted to be close to Luo Temple, but they couldn't do it at all, some people thought about using some long-range attack spells to attack the door of Luo Temple.

The situation afterwards was mixed, but happily, their spells could unimpededly attack the door of Luo Temple, which shows that it seems that the seal of Luo Temple is only offensive to those creatures with knowledge.

But what is worrying is that even if they later gathered the powers of the strong men in almost the entire Wuwu Mountain and attacked the temple gate of Luo Temple, the temple gate of Luo Temple did not react at all. It seems that the gate is an existence that cannot be destroyed.

But now it is such a door, but it was opened by the young strong man named Li Yi who gave it lightly. And Li Yi seems to be preparing to continue to go inward. Seeing this, Tang Tang, who had some hesitation to Li Yi before, also began to believe what Li Yi said.

So before seeing Li Yi about to enter the Temple of Luo, Tang Hui finally stopped Li Yi, and then asked Li Yi a little embarrassedly, "Xiaoyou, are you sure that the seal of the Temple of Luo has been cracked? "

Hearing Tang Hui’s problems, Li Yi just smiled indifferently, and then said to Tang Hui: “Relax, I’m not bored to make this kind of joke. And I don’t have much magical power, I can’t touch the seal. Open the door of the Luo Temple in the case of it. Believe it or not, anyway, now I am ready to go in. There are many ancient exercises in this Luo Temple, which are very suitable for your cultivation. There are also some **** weapons, you can Choose in any way."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Tang Hui also gritted his teeth fiercely. Looking at his posture, this is really ready to enter the Temple of Luo with Li Yi.

Of course, although he had made up his mind to walk into the Luo Temple with Li Yi, Tang Hui had made sufficient preparations before he started to walk into the Luo Temple. Because after so many years of experience, Tang Hui was able to maintain a moment under the attack of the Divine Consciousness of Luo Temple. Tang Hui believes that as long as he can have this moment, he can also feel whether the seal has been cracked.

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