An unfamiliar cultivator, whose strength is still very low, is in love in front of him. It is impossible to get Luoshen's good face.

After trying to understand this, Li Yi immediately smiled bitterly. Because Li Yi had done everything, he didn't count on this detail. But for this situation, Li Yi is also very depressed now. After all, Li Yi is now just a cultivator of the realm of false gods, and Li Yi hasn't been exposed to the techniques of dressing before, or the techniques that can be used for dressing. So although Li Yi now knows why Luo Shen treats himself like this, he really can't figure out what method he can use to remind Luo Shen of who he really is.

Finally, after thinking hard for a long time, Li Yi also flashed in his head, and then smiled and said to Luo Shen: "Oh, I didn't expect to see you for tens of thousands of years. You are still so disgusting. If it was not because of your That friendship, I really don’t want to wake you up. If you don’t wake you up, maybe I can steal the cost of your body from my original source. In this way, I not only got a Luo Temple In the end, I can still pay nothing. The most important thing is not to be scorned by you. Well, I knew you were still so disgusting. I just did it just now."

Listening to these words slowly spoken by Li Yi, Luo Shen really started to be touched. Because Li Yi's words really reminded Luoshen of many things, because Luoshen experienced a lot of glory and experienced many things that he did not know. Therefore, if it is a general friendship, after tens of thousands of years, someone talks to Luoshen, Luoshen may not really be able to think about it.

But for Li Yi, Luo Shen really has a deep memory. Because for Li Yi, in the era when Luo Shen was in power, when Luo Shen first confronted Li Yi, Luo Shen knew that Li Yi was indeed not simple.

And before Luoshen and Li Yi made a deal, Luoshen also had a hand with Li Yi, and the final result was that the Luoshen that was so powerful in the past was not Li Yi's opponent. You know, when Li Yi found Luoshen at the time, Li Yi was only the strength of Guiyuan's primary level, but when fighting Luoshen, Li Yi showed much stronger combat power than the strength of Guiyuan's primary level. It was because of this that Luoshen was finally completely defeated by Li Yi.

And another reason why Luo Shen remembered Li Yi deeply was that the reason Luo Luo would willingly leave the era when he was in power, and dedicate his Luo Temple to it, was because of Li Yi's appearance.

For Li Yi's original strength, Luo Shen really gave up a lot. Of course, Li Yi actually gave up more, because even the Luoshen at that time was very poor at the cultivation of the source power. And Li Yi's original strength at that time was several times after Luo Shen had been practicing hard for hundreds of years. If it is all of Li Yi's source power, Luo Shen really does not know that Li Yi's source power is stronger than his own source power.

That is because knowing the huge gap between the two, Luo Shen agreed to the transaction with Li Yi when he heard that Li Yi was going to use his own cost source as an exchange condition.

After that, Luoshen finally began his long sleepy career. Until now, after tens of thousands of years passed, when Li Yi awakened again, Luo Shen finally opened the seal after Li Yi came here, and got the opportunity to wake up again.

In fact, in the previous time, Luoshen's mind was still a little unclear. Because Luoshen had cleared his mind, he also wanted to understand the first time. When he was asleep, perhaps the only person who could walk in front of him was Li Yi, who had sealed himself. Because at that time, Luoshen could almost be said to watch Li Yi seal himself with his own eyes. Luoshen also knows that when Li Yi set the seal back then, he actually used his original power as a primer, that is, because of the existence of this primer, Luoshen knew how terrible this seal would be.

Luo Shen also wanted to understand that, in front of that terrible seal, even if someone could actually break through the blockade set by Li Yi at that time, come to the depths of the Luo Temple, and finally find himself, then that can The strength of the person who forcibly broke the seal is also impossible to be just the realm of false gods. Although I have never really faced Li Yi's seal, when thinking of the horror of Li Yi's original power, Luo Shen can also think about how difficult the seal can be.

And now standing in front of himself is just a cultivator with only the realm of false gods, and from his words, Luoshen can also hear it. It seems that the person who awakens himself is the cultivator with only the realm of false gods in front of him. .

Looking at the current situation, and hearing Li Yi's last words, Luo Shen guessed that the person in front of him should be the man who was going to give the seal. Because of this matter, Luoshen is naturally certain that he has never spoken to anyone else. And since this is the case, then if Li Yi is the same, now the only person who knows this matter besides Luo Shen is the lymphatic peak himself.

And Luo Shen also heard from what Li Yi said just a moment ago. Li Yi is very clear of the power of the origin, the seal, and the tens of thousands of years of sleep. People who know so many things really should be their acquaintances. And Luo Shen also knows that if he is really an acquaintance, then it must be the man who convinced himself that time, Li Yi.

But although Luoshen thought so in his mind now, when he looked at Li Yi, there was no way to overlap the current image of Li Yi with the image of Li Yi at that time.

There is only one reason, that is strength. In Luoshen's view, even if a cultivator is still unlucky, the strength may be reduced due to some factors, but it is impossible to fall from the Guiyuan realm to the false **** realm. And the second is that, with Luo Shen's cultivation practice, it can be seen naturally that Li Yi's current face is the true face of Li Yi, but it is because of this that Luo Shen has doubts about Li Yi. Because Luo Shen doesn't think that the powerful Li Yi at that time would be bored and find a way to change his appearance. And then again, even if you know it, it can't be permanent.

So now it is also because of Li Yi’s face that makes Luo Shen look unfamiliar with the price, Luo Shen began to hesitate, thinking, now whether this cultivator of the false **** realm who dares to talk in front of himself is the one in the past. Li Yi.

After a long silence, Luo Shen hesitated and asked: "Are you really Li Yi?"

Hearing this question from Luoshen, Li Yi smiled again, and then slowly said: "Oh, no matter in the past or now, I am someone who is an unknown little cultivator in the cultivation field. So do you think that Someone will be bored to pretend to be my name and replace me."

Li Yi's answer was very reasonable, so Luo Shen nodded in agreement after listening. And now Luoshen has been waking up from a deep sleep for some time. After this period of recovery, Luoshen can also think about many things. Through the observation of Luoshen, Luoshen found that although the practitioner in front of him had always been very plain, but in his words and deeds, Luoshen really could still see the shadow of Li Yi in those days.

And in the end, from Li Yi's words, Luoshen is almost sure about this matter.

Therefore, no matter how unacceptable Luoshen is now, Luoshen still believes that the strength standing in front of himself is only a cultivator of the realm of false gods, that is, the strong cultivator who can defeat his own heyday. It's just that Luoshen really couldn't understand what Li Yi had experienced, and it fell to such a level today.

You should know that although Luoshen did not have any practice after tens of thousands of years of sleep, Luoshen also woke up, and Luoshen also discovered that his current strength is still the strength of Guiyuan Peak before his sleep. But despite this, Luoshen also immediately discovered that the cost of Li Yi’s left to himself was finally completely digested after tens of thousands of years of sleep. You should know that although the power of the source is strong, it is also because of its power, so even if someone is willing to dedicate their own source power, other practitioners are basically impossible to accept. Unless like Luoshen, willing to sleep for tens of thousands of years, use time to slowly pass this problem.

Now it turns out that Luo Shen chose to believe that Li Yi was indeed right. Although he slept for tens of thousands of years, and his own strength is still at the peak of Guiyuan, Luoshen can feel that because he has successfully absorbed the power of Li Yi, Luoshen believes that as long as he finds a suitable one for himself now If you practice in a quiet place, it will take less than ten years to advance to the highest level.

For the supreme realm, Luoshen has no idea how many years to look forward to. Although Luoshen was arrogant at that time, he actually entered the supreme realm without absolute confidence. Therefore, Luoshen finally chose to make a deal with Li Yi, but it turned out that Luoshen's transaction was indeed successful.

But tens of thousands of years have passed. Although Luoshen successfully obtained what he wanted, when he saw that the man who could send himself to the supreme realm fought before him again, but only had the realm of false gods. , Luoshen is really difficult to accept.

After a long silence, Luo Shen asked awkwardly: "Li Yi, is it really you?"

Hearing Luo Luo's words, Li Yi finally smiled. Li Yi knows that although his current strength is quite different from that of Luoshen, at least because of that opportunity, Luoshen's attitude towards himself should not be too much.

After smiling, Li Yi nodded and said, "It is exactly that you finally remembered me."

Seeing Li Yi personally admit that Luo Shen first smiled, and then asked in doubt: "What have you experienced in the past tens of thousands of years, how did you fall into such a field."

Hearing this question from Luo Shen, after Li Yi smiled bitterly, he could only say helplessly: "Oh, it's hard to say a word."

"It's hard to say a word? Why, is it that you have offended you and you can't deal with the enemy?" Luo Shen asked with a puzzled expression when he heard Li Yi's words.

After all, in Luo Shen’s view, although Li Yi’s strength was not as good as his own, Luo Shen knew that if two people fought, Li Yi would not necessarily lose, and Luo Shen did not have the certainty of victory. In Luoshen's impression, although there are also powerful men among the outsiders, according to Luoshen's estimation, no one should be able to pose much threat to Li Yi.

If you can't do that, let's not mention that the strength of Li Yi has been reversed, and so much.

So Luo Shen is now puzzled. He really doesn't know what happened during his sleep. The arrogant Li Yi that year turned out to be like this now. Luoshen really cannot accept this reality, so Luoshen urgently needs Li Yi to give him an explanation.

However, Li Yi does not have such a great sense of Luoshen's strength. After all, Li Yi was awakened before Luo Shen. For many things, Li Yi was slowly adapting. Although his current strength still has a lot of deficiencies, it is stronger than many cultivators after all. So Li Yi is now able to look at this issue with an optimistic attitude, so after smiling, Li Yi said to Luo Shen lightly: "Oh, it’s really difficult to explain in the past, it can also be said that the enemy has forced me It’s such a field. I won’t tell you the details, because it is too complicated, and you may not like to listen.”

Looking at Li Yi's cloudless and breezy look, Luo Shen came to the spirit, and jumped happily from his stone bed that had been sleeping for tens of thousands of years. Luo Shen smiled and said to Li Yi: "Oh, old Guys, I haven’t heard anyone talk for a long time. It’s just that you have a complicated grievance that should be very complicated. Just tell me, otherwise we don’t know what to do. You can rest assured that I am here , To help you improve the realm is not difficult. I can’t help the Guiyuan realm, the real **** realm should not be a problem. Follow me to practice, with your talents, and your horrible origin, I think it should not It will take more than a hundred years, and you will certainly be able to break through to the real **** realm."

Seeing Luoshen like this, Li Yi suddenly felt crying and laughing. Because in Li Yi's impression, Luoshen was not a cruel person, but after all, he can also be regarded as a cold person. But Li Yi really did not expect that after tens of thousands of years of sleep, Luoshen seemed to have a tendency to become a broken mouth after waking up.

And from his attitude, it seems that Luoshen also regards Li Yi as a person who can still make friends. Although Li Yi's current strength is really far from Luoshen, the strength of a knowledge pseudo-god peak, one will soon break through to the supreme state. The gap between the two realms is really not time to make up.

But even so, Luo Shen still did not look down on Li Yi at all. This sign seems to indicate to Li Yi that after tens of thousands of years of sleep, Luo Shen seems to have changed his temperament. However, this situation is indeed good news for Li Yi, because perhaps only this way, Li Yi has the opportunity to tell Luoshen the next thing.

So after smiling, Li Yi first rejected Luoshen's kindness, saying that it is okay for him to practice alone. After that, Li Yi then said to Luo Shen: "Luo Shen, it took me tens of thousands of years to wake you up. Did you really blame me?"

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