Madam is a Superstar

195 Chapter 195 Kissing with reluctance

At dawn, the light rain has just stopped, the loquat tree at the gate of the small courtyard, the emerald green loquat leaves are still dripping with rain,

Smoke from cooking can be seen everywhere in the village, and the only way to enter and exit the village is two cars driving back and forth.

The pink RV is particularly eye-catching. Old Tiantou is bending over to pull weeds for pumpkin seedlings in his vegetable garden while the soil is loose.

"Young people, you have to go out again. The countryside can't keep people."

Qing girl is not bad, she comes back every ten days and a half months, unlike the kid and daughter at home,

I have no choice but to be busy with work, and the number of times I come back throughout the year can be counted on five fingers, alas.

half an hour later,

The private plane under the Huo family's name flew to the capital,

Song Qing leaned against Huo Yu's side, her dazzlingly beautiful face was full of weariness,

The red lips are warm, and the half-lifted eyelids into the eyes are the enlarged version of the handsome face of the man close at hand,

Not dodging, not dodging, not responding, lazy, finally unable to bear the numbness of the straight tailbone all the way,

Putting his hand against Huo Yu's chest and pushing him away, the corners of his eyes were smudged red,

The delicate and charming lips are gently lifted, and the lazy voice is seductive and seductive, touching the heart.

"Okay husband, grandma and the others are still in front, it's not suitable."

It's only one night apart, so I can't be so enthusiastic, and I'm so sleepy for the time being that I can't stand it.

Huo Yu Shenyuan's eyes were full of lust, and he kissed and relived it over and over again, before releasing the big palm that was clasping the back of the woman's head.

"Qingqing will go back to the private manor tonight, huh?"

Song Qing closed her eyes again, and leaned against the man to feel the imperial dragon aura that made her feel comfortable physically and mentally.

Let Huo Yu hold his hand and kiss him from time to time, like a sleepy little wild cat,


During the next journey, Huo Yu was dealing with the accumulated business affairs, while Song Qing took a comfortable sleep.

The private plane soon arrived at the boundary of the capital, and the sky here was clear and clear.

Huo Yu is very busy, as his wife Song Qing took the old lady back to the old house as a matter of course,

I stayed for lunch, and the white Mercedes-Benz G drove down the Panshan Highway at nearly twelve o'clock.


The phone vibrated, and the caller showed Xu Shen. Song Qing pressed the center of her eyebrows with a faint feeling of bad feeling.

That's right, it's not the master who can make her find the master so easily.

"Lost it?"

The lazy tone was unexpectedly calm, Xu Shen was quiet for a while,

After a long time, the cynical voice resentfully said, "Baby is worthy of being you, you are really good at predicting things."

"Hey, baby, are you still here?"

Xu Shen is TM false, the time he teases a girl, the old woman disappears from sight,

If he can't be found in the future, can you forgive him by apologizing with death?

"In the past, if you were busy, you don't have to wait for me. I'll look for it myself. It's okay, there's no rush."

Song Qing propped her elbows on the edge of the car window to slow down the speed of the car. After her mentality changed, she was no longer as impatient about looking for Master as before.

After a few words, the call was hung up, the scenery of mountains and forests passing by on both sides and the occasional chirping of insects and birds,

All made Song Qing's mood calmer, unexpectedly her mood changed so much, raised her eyebrows,

His eyes turned to the display screen in the car, and a few seconds later, a burst of soothing music sounded in the car.

The Antique City is located in the northwest boundary of the capital, directly opposite the First Hospital.

If you drive there, you will definitely pass by, because Song Qing subconsciously took a look at what happened to Pei Sinian,

It was also this glance that slowed Song Qing's speed for a while, and three police cars were parked at the gate of the hospital.

There was an aunt who was sweeping the floor under the sun. If I read correctly, the things scattered all over the gate,

It should be the paper money scattered by the family during the funeral. I'm not sure if it's about Pei Sinian.

Song Qing didn't stay too long, the dazzling sunlight refracted by the car gradually drove away from the hospital.

less than five minutes,

The big white G drove into the underground parking garage of the dungeon, Song Qing opened WeChat and sent a message to Wen Ruanruan,


The dialog box popped up, it was Si Nian's softness~ [Don't worry, sister-in-law, it's okay, now I can only say that it has something to do with Si Nian,

The police have already intervened, and it will be resolved soon. We have to trust the police. Si Nian's operation did not go wrong. We have a clear conscience! 】

Song Qing replied with a lovely emoji, put away her phone, opened the door and got out of the car.

She wasn't worried, not to mention Pei Sinian's identity as the second youngest of the Pei family, but also to say that Pei Sinian and Huo Shizhu were good friends,

If something really happened, it wouldn't cause much trouble. The main thing was to prove that the patient's death had nothing to do with Pei Sinian.

If it is related, she should solve it as soon as possible, so as not to be punished by God without knowing it.

For example, being struck by lightning like Huo Benefactor, since the high priest can spy on the secrets of heaven, of course he can't do anything ignorant of his conscience.

Otherwise, there are two consequences: at the least, it will affect the life expectancy and die earlier, and at the worst, it will be condemned by the gods to die earlier, and it will not be a good death.


The elevator doors open,

Song Qing lowered her head to reply to the message Xu Shen sent asking where she was, not concentrating.

Her keen perception told her that there were people standing and eating in the elevator, and the strong sweet smell of candies hit her face,

Out of politeness, I stood and waited for people to come out before going in, but the people in the elevator room seemed to have no intention of making any movement.

Frowning, there was a hint of doubt in the center of the eyebrows but he didn't care, he clicked the send button, put away the phone and raised his eyes,


"Son, don't you recognize me as an old woman in this different world?"

The old woman smiled, looked at the slim Song Qing with a kind and shrewd face,

The smile is full of the relief of seeing the baby girl brought up with one hand, and finally grown up and married.

A minute later, Song Qing sat in the driver's seat and dialed Xu Shen's phone with complicated emotions.

As soon as the phone was connected, the voice over there rang first, accompanied by the sound of someone standing up from the chair,

"What's the matter, baby, why haven't you come up yet, and met paparazzi again? Don't panic, brother, I'll help you kill him right now."


Song Qing hurriedly said, looking at the rearview mirror, Miaoshui sat in the back seat leisurely,

Biting the orange-flavored fruit candy, he felt that his apprentice was looking at him, and smiled.

Biting the hard fruit candy in her mouth more loudly, the corner of Song Qing's mouth twitched, old urchin,

"I found him and he's in my car now. I'll take him back first, and I'll treat you to dinner next time."


Xu Shen's tall and handsome figure stood in the shadow under the plane tree, with a parked blue BMW beside him,

"You found it, where did you find it, the parking garage?"

The location of the Fruit Candy House is some distance from the parking garage. He saw that the old woman the baby was looking for had silvery hair on her temples.

She is at least ten years older than her grandma in the country, and it takes only ten minutes before and after.

Such neat legs and feet? Take a taxi? No, he didn't notice a car passing by?

"Yes, that's it, I'll hang up first."

Song Qing still didn't slow down. Before that, she thought about countless scenarios of reuniting with her master.

Race against time, tense and exciting, I just never thought it would be this afternoon,

As soon as the elevator door opened, they met so peacefully and easily, so what was the purpose of hiding from me before?

And because it's fun?

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