Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 216 Husband, let’s have a baby dumpling?

At ten o'clock, the sky cleared after the rain in Beijing, and the scorching sun scorched the earth.

The fiery red Ferrari drove at a steady speed to the rich area. Song Qing was driving,

As usual, the little old lady thought the passenger seat was unsafe and sat alone in the back seat.

"My child, your popularity in this other world is really good. Look at what this confidentiality contract has done for you.

How detailed and rigorous he is, and why he even drove a car to deliver it to you. Is the child named Xu interested in you? "

The old woman held a large cup of sweetened poplar nectar in one hand and took a big sip from time to time.

When he smiled, the fine lines around his eyes became more obvious. He looked through the confidential documents carefully.

"You always think too much. We are brothers and sisters who followed the example of the three brothers and sisters in Taoyuan."

Song Qing replied casually. The air conditioner was on in the car. Not only was the air conditioner filled with the milky fragrance of milk tea,

It was also filled with the sweet smell of fermented candy. She didn’t particularly like sweetness.

It smells a little bit heady, and my temples hurt suddenly. It's too stuffy outside if I want to ventilate it.

"Why don't you get older? There was a young man in 857 who affectionately called me little sister last night."

The old woman put the candy she was about to open back into her coat pocket and muttered with dissatisfaction,

He took out the silver needles he carried with him. There was a pack of silver needles, ranging from long to thin.

The roots were shining with a cold light, which made people tremble involuntarily and feel frightened.


Song Qing coughed uncomfortably, but did not reveal the fact that the old woman must have passed by in disguise last night.

Instead, I try not to let myself recall those memories that were not very good when I was dominated by this row of silver needles as a child.

"Master, I just remembered that you came here with all your beards and tails, unlike the Emperor and I who just came here as souls.

The fact that you came here intact means that you have the means to bring the people here back. "

Her desire to make rice dumplings with Benefactor Huo is not dead yet, and it is not impossible to steal another dragon seed when she goes back, but compared to what she did in Dayuan,

The medical equipment in this other world is relatively advanced. She believes that if conditions permit,

No woman in this world would be willing to go through that sentence, 'Having a child will go through hell once. ’

The old woman wanted to deny it, but suddenly she remembered something, that kind and shrewd face,

Both eyes were shining brightly, but he was not sure, so he leaned forward to inquire tentatively.

"Disciple, tell me who you want to take back?"

Is this what the old lady thinks?

Nine minutes later, Ferrari entered the famous wealthy villa area.

Because it was agreed upon in advance, the servants in the Lin family villa got off work early today.

The only people who came towards the car were Lin Kairui and Mother Lin, Grandma Lin. The old lady was already good at socializing.

In addition, he was in a particularly good mood, smiling broadly at the three Lin family members who came to greet him, and he was very talkative.

The Lin family's status in the capital circle is on the same level as the Song family's. The living room is spacious.

The overall decoration style is more Western, which is similar to the Pei family's old house.

The latte is full of mellow aroma, and the atmosphere is a bit reserved but still harmonious.

"Old man, do you really have a way to cure my mother's old shoulder pain?"

It was Mother Lin who spoke. Although her son mentioned her and her mother eagerly agreed,

But they still didn’t know what to do. My mother’s shoulder hurt and they went to countless hospitals at home and abroad.

I have visited many famous doctors and taken all kinds of expensive medicines, but they have never had much effect.

The old woman carefully took a sip of her latte, obviously still worried about the American cup before.

The smooth and sweet taste slid into the throat, and the heart that was holding it was put back into the stomach with confidence.

Then he looked at the three Lin family members who were sitting on the sofa and looked forward to it. Their wrinkled faces relaxed and they smiled.

"There is a way, why is there no way? There is no problem that I can't solve with a needle."

1. A needle! ?

Mother Lin and Grandma Lin both had their eyes widened, and Lin Kairui swallowed hard.

He turned his puzzled eyes to Song Qing, who was sitting next to Miaoshui. Sister, are you serious? !

Not only Lin Kairui, but Lin's mother, Grandma Lin, also looked at Song Qing. After all, they were not familiar with the old man in front of them and had never heard of such a person before.

Song Qing smiled and gave the three of them a reassuring look. He had no intention of telling the Lin family that the old woman was his master's business.

The eyes of the four people here met. The old woman had already taken out the silver needle bag that she kept in her coat pocket and never left her wherever she went.

Pushing the steaming latte aside, he unfolded his silver needle bag and waved to Grandma Lin.

"Come on, sister, come here and I'll give you a few injections and keep them for you to feel comfortable immediately. After this, I'll prescribe you some Chinese medicine.

You follow the prescription and go to a regular Chinese medicine store to get some medicine and drink it for a month to recuperate yourself.

Nothing will happen after I keep it. Maybe I can go to 857 with my old lady. "

The old woman has been in this other world for a few months, and she can’t help but sigh at the decline of traditional medical skills and medicinal prescriptions.

There are also people who use the name of traditional Chinese medicine to defraud people out of money, and then add the phrase "regular traditional Chinese medicine store".

The attention of the three Lin family members was not on this at all, but on what the old woman said, 857.

With a look of disillusionment on their faces, I wondered if there was something wrong with their ears and they heard wrongly.


Song Qing was about to explain, but the old woman reacted on her own and waved to the three people opposite her.

"Hey, look at you, old lady, I just said something wrong in a hurry. I was talking about the square dance. The boundless horizon is my love. Are you familiar, sister?"

Miaoshui looked at Grandma Lin and asked with a smile. Grandma Lin nodded blankly.

Miaoshui went to the room to perform acupuncture on Grandma Lin, but Mother Lin went with her worriedly.

Lin Kairui and the others couldn't bear to watch, so they got up and came over to sit with Song Qing.

"Sister, this should be considered acupuncture. Is it possible? Is it reliable? My grandma went to many hospitals.

Those advanced medical equipment and Western medicine can't cure it. Can traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture really work? "

Song Qing raised her eyebrows and clicked the send button to send the line of words she typed.

After turning off the lighted phone screen, he looked at the troubled young man and asked,

“Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Since you have tried Western medicine treatments and they don’t work,

Then maybe your grandma’s shoulder pain is suitable for treatment with traditional Chinese medicine. Don’t worry.

The old lady I invited is very accomplished in Chinese medicine. Don't worry so much, they will be out soon. "

"Sister, that's not what I meant."

Lin Kairui scratched his head in embarrassment and wanted to explain, but the Chinese medicine sentence that came to his lips seemed useless and it was difficult to say it out.

"I know, no need to explain, I understand."

Song Qing saw the young man's current embarrassment and patted Lin Kairui's shoulder to make him relax.

She has lived in this different world for more than 20 years, and she can understand some people's prejudice against Chinese medicine.

But still, each sentence has its merits and demerits, and there is really no need to belittle or despise which side.


The screen that was clicked off lit up, Huo Yu replied to the message, and the dialog box on the line above this message,

It was her who posted: Dayuan’s Second Magic Stick [Husband, let’s have a baby dumpling? 】

Huo Yu's reply was very brief, a one-word affirmation, [Okay. 】

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