Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 225 Can’t Forget

Song Qing had no intention of leaving immediately. Huo Yu was not in a hurry and enjoyed the dependence of his beloved woman.

It was also the last dish. Of course, Aunt Wu would not come in again without her eyesight.

Dongzao is sweet and not overly sweet. It is one of the few fruits that Huo Yu likes.

"The person who rowed the car, Qingqing only asked her to pay a thousand yuan in compensation in the end. What's the special meaning of the dates her mother gave you?"

I have always wanted to ask. I was busy with the banquet at that time and later forgot about it. It is only now that I think of it.

According to his understanding of her temperament, it shouldn't be as simple as just a few dates.


A slight redness appeared in the corner of his eyes. He didn't want Huo Yu to find out that something was wrong with him, so he put his face against his shoulder and rubbed it randomly on the black shirt.

"When I was a kid, my grandma asked me to borrow a rolling pin from the old sister-in-law of the Lin family. I have memories but I'm not really a child. I don't usually go out to play with the children in the village.

Maybe it was because they didn't fit in with others, and because they were considered by their parents to be children from other families, they were not treated well by those little brats at the time.

Everyone in the village knew that I was picked up by my grandparents in the rice fields. They held hands and surrounded me, saying that I was a wild child without a father or a mother.

Then the old sister-in-law of the Lin family spanked them all with small bamboo sticks and made them stand in line against the wall while they watched me drool while eating dates. "

Even now, thinking of the funny scene of the row of radishes, Song Qing still wants to laugh.

Unable to resist the guilt just now, the corners of his eyes turned red, and his voice was uncontrollable and muffled when he spoke,

Huo Yumeifeng raised his eyebrows slightly, put his arms around his thin shoulders, and took the person out of his arms.

It was easy to catch Song Qing's red eyes. The narrow, dark eyes suddenly became dark and terrifying, as if they were suppressing some kind of emotion.

When the rough fingertips passed across the corner of his eyes, he felt a numb sensation, a little itchy. Song Qing felt bad, but it didn't help anymore.

"I'm not……"

I subconsciously wanted to explain, but thought that instead of mentioning anything else, it would be better for Huo Donor to misunderstand

It is true that she wants to know the answers to the doubts in her heart more than anyone else, but now is not the time.

This man can't escape the fate of hard work. She feels bad if he can't eat well after a busy day.

"Song Qing, I am your closest relative."

Huo Yu looked into Song Qing's eyes and said it very solemnly and concisely.

The sweetness brought by it, Song Qing thought, was probably better than the feeling of eating a lot of winter dates into your mouth at the same time.

She usually wears comfortable flat shoes at home. In front of the 1.9-meter-tall man in front of her, she looks like a little woman.

Standing slightly on tiptoes, her red lips like rose petals pecked Huo Yuzhi's cold lip line,

"I am very honored."

This side of the Pei family's old house,

Students have summer vacation in July and August, and the summer vacation in kindergarten is even longer. Xiao Qingxuan has been living in the old house since the vacation.

The first is that the old man likes to see his granddaughter, and the second is what Pei Jinnian said that night,

Let Wen Qiange understand that there will be no result between herself and Huo Yu. Recently, she has been busy with the clothing company and has no spare time to take care of her daughter.

"Dad is back!"

As the sun set in the evening, Xiao Qingxuan and the old man stood on the third floor to watch the dazzling fire clouds and glow.

Standing in a position where you can take in all the scenery downstairs, the burgundy Bentley drove into the parking space.

Xiao Qingxuan shouted excitedly when she saw it for the first time, turned around and rushed towards the elevator.

Mr. Pei looked on with a smile from behind, but saw his little granddaughter running back again.

"Grandpa, let's go downstairs together."

Xiao Qingxuan supported Mr. Pei's arm, her pink face showing annoyance and embarrassment.

She almost forgot her grandpa just now. It was too bad that her grandpa loved her so much, and she promised that her dad would take good care of her grandpa at home.

"Okay, okay, our Qingxuan is sensible."

Mr. Pei's smile was not to mention how happy he was. The grandfather and grandson walked slowly to the elevator, followed by several servants.

The Pei family had a sumptuous dinner, which was cooked according to the different tastes of the three of them. After dinner, the father and son usually helped Xiao Qingxuan with her homework.

Summer vacation homework in kindergarten is very simple, mainly manual work to cultivate children's hands-on ability.

It doesn't take too long. After I finish, Xiao Qingxuan plays for a while and goes upstairs to get ready for bed at eight o'clock.


There was a slight sound of closing the door, and the big pendulum clock in the living room on the first floor pointed to 8:30 pm.

Pei Jinnian put his hands in his pockets, walked straight towards the old man's study, and opened the study door.

The two people who caught the eye were Mr. Pei and Assistant Xie. Assistant Xie had already told the old man everything about today according to Pei Jinnian’s instructions.

"Go out and guard the door so no one can come near."

The old man waved his hand towards Assistant Xie. Pei Jinnian raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

He casually pulled up the armchair in front of the desk and sat down, his long legs elegantly folded together like a romantic nobleman.


Assistant Xie did not go out immediately but asked Pei Jinnian for instructions. Qualified subordinates who have received professional training will only obey the boss's instructions.

Pei Jinnian moved his slender fingers with clear knuckles, and his meaning was very clear. Just listen to the old man this time.

Assistant Xie nodded silently and exited, closing the door behind him and standing guard in front of the study door.

"You boy."

In this regard, Mr. Pei was not like before. He was so angry at his son's performance that he blew his beard and stared.

Just scold him and it will be gone. When people get older, they won't care so much anymore. As long as the brat can support the family's business and appearance.

"Dad, what do you think of today's events?"

The father and son sit face to face. Although the old man is not doing anything now, there is an old saying that goes well,

The older generation has eaten more salt than the young people have eaten. In many major events of the group,

Pei Jinnian was still happy to bring it up and discuss it with the old man before listening to his opinions. Of course, the final decision rested with him.

"You did the right thing in this matter. What happened back then was that I let my immediate interests blind me."

Recalling the past, the old man's old face showed a rare look of vicissitudes of life. He tightened the crutch in his hand and sighed and looked at Pei Jinnian.

"You brat, do you know why the Huo family's position in the capital has become stronger and stronger since that boy Huo Yu became the new leader?"

Pei Jinnian narrowed his eyes slightly and showed no intention of answering the question. Mr. Pei did not force himself, but just kept talking to himself,

"Your abilities and methods are not much worse than Huo Yu's. Your only shortcoming is that you have a poor character and too many romantic debts."

Pei Jinnian's eyelids twitched, and he looked faintly at the old man opposite who was his own father. If there were too many romantic debts, it would just be the romantic debts. What a waste of character.

The old man Quan pretended not to see it and continued to speak slowly, "Now that our Pei family is so far behind the Huo family, it's my fault too.

It's nice to have the Wen family in Vancouver, but the country has never been partial. It was because I didn't choose the right path.

Our Pei family's industry has returned from abroad, but there is a saying that reminds us of the past. The country cannot completely trust our Pei family now. "

At this point, the old man looked at Pei Jinnian.

"You handled this matter very correctly today, better than I did back then."

"People, no matter how capable they are, no matter how high their achievements are, they should never forget their origins or where their roots are."

"The boy from the Huo family knows this. Look at the things he has done in the past few years, how many of them are for the benefit of our country, China."

The old man shook his head and sighed: "It's too much."

I didn’t make up for yesterday’s post, I’m saving it, and there will be an update of 30,000 words on September 2nd. Bow, thank you for liking this book, okay (ω)

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