Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 228 Don’t be angry

Dayuan's second magic stick [I know. 】

Song Qing put down her mobile phone. The lotus root soup in the small bowl was missing a trace of flavor. Sure enough, there were too many things to avoid. Plans could not keep up with changes.

If she didn't want to eat anymore, she would just stop eating and probably check her bank account. Since she no longer had to run around to save her life, she started to learn how to manage money like Xu Shen.

Although she can't make a fortune every day, she earns a lot of money. Let's put it this way. Even if she doesn't work, it will last her a lifetime.

This does not include her real estate, which she had originally planned to leave to her grandparents for protection.

She doesn't need it now. In fact, the money is not a pity for her. The most pity is a white winery she just bought a year ago.

"Madam, is the soup not to your liking? Is it a little bland?" Aunt Wu came in with the prepared dishes and asked with concern when she saw the lady sitting in a daze.

Song Qing's thoughts came back to her and she smiled, "It's just right. It's good. I'm thinking about other things."

"That's good."

Aunt Wu breathed a sigh of relief. She watched TV a few days ago and heard from experts that people's tastes tend to be heavier as they get older. Of course she had to be more careful when cooking for others.

What she usually cooks is three dishes and one soup. The quantity is usually just right and there is no waste. Aunt Wu soon went out to work again.

Song Qing sent Xu Shen a message. The general content was to make an appointment when he had time to discuss some important matters in person.


The Dream of a Billion Girls [Baby, you also know that you still have me as your big brother? ? Why didn't you call me yesterday about what happened to you and Xiao Chacha at the racecourse?

If you asked your man to solve the problem, I would have nothing to say, but you actually went to that handsome young man immediately! 】

[Have you forgotten about the yacht two years ago? Sure enough, I, the eldest brother, no longer have a place in your hearts, right? 】+ Cover your chest with one hand and support the wall with one hand,

The emojis showing deep sorrow and heartache with bleeding from the corner of the mouth were posted continuously, and the screen was completely refreshed within a few seconds.

Across the screen,

Song Qing could feel how deep Xu Shen's resentment was. A deep smile appeared at the end of his eyes, and his fingertips jumped.

[It’s not a question of whether to help or not. The racecourse belongs to him. He just promised to owe me a favor last time, so I didn’t need to use it in vain, so I gave it to him. 】

Xu Shen had such a big reaction because he had a bad impression of Pei Jinnian.

Men often understand men better than women. In fact, the attributes of the two are almost the same. The only difference is that they are a playboy.

A polite scumbag, she met Xu Shen by chance. They also started chatting.

Of course, she quickly developed a complete cooperative relationship. She can tell fortunes but is not very good at it and is too lazy to deal with social interactions.

Xu Shen is different. He has a wide network of contacts in various fields, and his credibility is very high. He has a good reputation and is truly a social master.

Xiao Chacha was in a similar situation to hers. The three of them also had more contacts in the magic business later on.

Because they were the same kind of people, they were very comfortable and compatible with each other, so they gradually became friends, and then they became sworn brothers in Taoyuan and now they are like this.

Thinking about these,

Song Qing sent another message, [The manager of the winery told me two days ago that there was a batch of very good quality wine recently and you can go get it. 】

He clicked and added three words, "Take it as you please." 】

Although it is said to be a batch, the quantity is usually not too large. After all, it is a high-quality product. For someone like her who is usually a heavy drinker,

Naturally, he would not be stingy, but he would definitely not be as heroic and generous as he is now.

This time Xu Shen didn't reply for a long time. It wasn't until Aunt Wu came in again with the dishes that the message popped up.

[Baby, are you drunk? How much did you drink to get so drunk? 】

[By the way, I just have something to tell you. Do you remember that Wei Lin? It’s not that I failed to find out his identity and background last time, but I did this time.

Although they are all things that are not too confidential, if you follow the clues and find out something else, you will definitely not expect it. 】

I waited for a while after posting this but did not send it again. It was obviously a deliberate attempt to titillate people.

Song Qing was about to follow Xu Shen's wishes and continue asking. Unfortunately, just as he typed a word, voices rang out in the living room. Huo Yu came back.

With almost no hesitation, he stood up from his seat and threw himself into the arms of the man with broad shoulders and long legs who walked into the restaurant.


The sweet voice of dependence after the relationship heats up is so tender and charming.

Huo Yu had a deep smile on his handsome face. His palms with clear wrist bones patted the woman's buttocks in his arms. His voice was as intoxicating as strong alcohol.


Song Qing is not short. At 1.7 meters tall, she is considered tall among women. Her gaze can easily reach over men's shoulders.

Seeing Aunt Wu passing by with a cheerful smile, her eyelids twitched and she stepped back from her broad embrace with beautiful eyes.

After the food was served, Aunt Wu also went to the small villa next door to have lunch with Ayou, the others, and the servants.

The weather in Beijing is very good today, unlike yesterday's sunny day with a light rain.

The restaurant faces the outside with floor-to-ceiling windows, which provide a wide view and particularly bright light.



The WeChat message notification on the mobile phone placed on the desktop vibrated continuously. Song Qing paused with her fingertips holding the chopsticks.

The doubt in my heart that I have forgotten something has been answered. I click on "The Dream of a Billion Girls".

【? 】

[You who should cooperate with my performance, turn a blind eye? ? ? 】

+Lie flat and feel dead emoticon pack

[The tacit understanding between the eldest brother and the second sister is exhausted. After all, the second sister who gets married is just water thrown away. Alas! 】

[Let’s get down to business, Xiao Chacha told me a bit about Weilin’s background. I asked someone to inquire about the relevant information from the police station.

If the people behind him want to protect him, it will probably be difficult to convict him of too much crime, but I can get evidence that he is selling .du. products in the country.

If it goes well, it will be enough for him to drink a pot, but you will have to make a fortune in this matter. 】

A fortune telling?

Song Qing didn't understand, how could this kind of thing be related to fortune telling? I thought about it and asked.


The gap between the two seats was not large, and Song Qing had not thought about avoiding taboos at all.

Huo Yu could take in all the chat between the two of them with just a glance.


As soon as she tilted her head in response, Xu Shen's message was sent. Song Qing did not look at it but stretched out her chopsticks to pick up the vegetables and put them into Huo Yu's bowl. She had a strong sense of comfort.

"I'll stop posting another one. I'm talking about business and don't talk about anything else. I'm not jealous. I'll make it up to you later, okay?"

The dishes I cooked today are still based on Huo Yu’s taste. Although they are too bland, they are more delicious.

"I have a social event tonight and I can't come back to have dinner with you. If you want to go out, please go home early."

Huo Yu ate the food the woman put in the bowl without replying directly. He talked about his schedule for the evening.

Well, not only jealous but also angry.

Song Qing sighed softly and stopped looking at the phone. If it were in the past,

Relying on my own arrogance, if I stick to a scoundrel and act coquettishly, I will act like a coquettish person.

Unexpectedly, since yesterday, the invisible guilt has been lingering in my heart. Instead, I no longer have the indulgence that I used to do whatever I wanted.

Her long eyelashes were lowered and lowered, and she picked up another chopstick and put the dish into the man's bowl. Her usually lazy and unrestrained voice was able to add a coaxing docility.

"Okay, don't be angry."

Huo Yu's slender and well-proportioned fingers on the long chopsticks paused, and his tall and muscular body froze almost invisibly.

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