Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 242 Big Brother

Ancestor roots?

Song Qing glanced at the foul-smelling man lying on the ground, holding his hands and wailing somewhere, and licked his lips with her delicate red lips.

It looks like it's quite painful, and I can't help but say something. Why shouldn't the roots of ancestors and grandchildren be the roots of descendants?

The hand in front was made by Song Qing, and the fatal blow in the back came from Xu Shen.

The elegant aristocrat pushed up his glasses with his fingers, looked at the shiny leather shoes illuminated by the colored lights, and expressed regret.

"Hey, my new shoes are dirty."

"You, you guys!"

Mr. Zhu raised his head and roared angrily. The pain that almost made him cry out after saying these two words worsened again.

His face was red, veins were protruding from his forehead, and beads of cold sweat rolled down one after another.

Not to mention the curse, he struggled to speak. He resisted the urge to pass out and yelled at the assistant who was still squatting down and bewildered.

"Do you still want to work!? Why don't you call me an ambulance! An ambulance!"

"Yes, yes, it's the boss. I'll call an ambulance right now."

The assistant lowered his head and promised, while opening the briefcase he carried with him to take out his mobile phone.

It seems that he is naturally timid and cowardly, but in fact he is so, but there is one detail.

Song Qing watched helplessly as the tall and thin assistant took out his mobile phone and dialed 120 tremblingly.

They rubbed back and forth for almost a minute, and it was hard for her as a bystander not to realize that this was intentional.


The assistant and bodyguard who was temporarily going to the bathroom hurried over and looked at Wen Qiange's frightened face.

Then look at Mr. Zhu, who is holding his second brother on the ground and gasping in pain, as well as the two unfamiliar faces beside him. After connecting them in series, he quickly understands what is going on.


Another heavy kick hit his shoulder, and Mr. Zhu couldn't hold on anymore. His eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground and fainted.

The bodyguard looked down at Mr. Zhu who had fainted, but he still had the same respect for Wen Qiange.

His eyes were full of ruthlessness, as disgusted as looking at soaked garbage in a smelly ditch, "Anything dares to covet our CEO's wife."

As a person whose status is second only to Huo Yu in the capital circle, Pei Jinnian is naturally not someone who is easy to offend.

Everyone under my command is also a ruthless person. As long as there is no divorce for one day, the contract agreement signed at the beginning will be valid.

A husband has the obligation to protect his wife, and even those who do not need Pei Jinnian to tell him understand this principle and fulfill it.

"This lady, and this gentleman."

The bodyguard sternly warned and glared at the timid assistant, who was too cowardly to take action.

He withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Song Qing and Xu Shen. His words were gentle and polite, and his attitude changed as quickly as flipping through a book.

"Thank you just now for helping our boss. In order to express your gratitude,

The drinks you consume tonight are within a reasonable price range, and we will foot the bill. "

Within a reasonable range?

Song Qing's eyes widened in amusement, sighing that an assistant could speak so shrewdly and cautiously.

He folded his hands and watched the show, holding the small bag and tilted his head, exchanging a tacit look with Xu Shen, waving his hands in a lazy way,

"No need, it's just a matter of effort for the maggot who can't stand the idea of ​​sperm walking on the brain. Just don't let him cause trouble for us in the future."

It's not that I'm afraid of trouble, I'm just too lazy to bother with it.

"Of course."

The bodyguard deserves to be relaxed. He believes that with the president's usual behavior, Mr. Zhu's life will not be easy in the future.


Song Qing nodded with satisfaction and called Xu Shen to get ready to leave the Golden Cave. From the beginning to the end, he had no intention of talking to Wen Qiange.

If they had encountered the situation just now, they would have helped anyone else.

However, I feel quite strange to meet Wen Qiange here, so I still need to get rid of the bracelet quickly.

Not long after I took over, I met Wen Qiange here, whom I hadn't seen for a while. This shows that the role of turbid air cannot be underestimated.

"Song Qing..."

As the two passed each other, Wen Qiange tried to stop Song Qing, but her beautiful face had returned to its usual dignity and calmness.

The tone was complicated. She never thought that one day she would be helped by Song Qing, and she had sent such a message to her grandma more than ten minutes ago.

"Look Madoka, there's a little brother! No, it's the big brother!"

"Where? Where?"

"That entrance! Damn, damn, my hormonal boyfriend with broad shoulders and long legs is so powerful! And that impeccably handsome face,

The temperament is also amazing, this must be from a fucking comic, my heart is popping, popping,

From now on, the male protagonist of the novel, the domineering president, has a face. Brother, I think I can do it! ! "

The excited exclamations of two girls five or six steps away directly drowned out Wen Qiange's voice.

Song Qing was aware of the power of the bracelet's turbid air, so she felt frightened and didn't care until Xu Shen nudged her with his elbow to remind her,

"Baby, your man is here."

Wen Qiange froze, thinking that Ayu might have read the message he sent to her grandma, and a strong sense of shame ran through her body.


Song Qing answered the question after realizing it. She raised her beautiful eyes and looked in the direction that caused the crowd to faintly commotion.

The one whose eyes were locked was undoubtedly Huo Yu, who was walking straight towards him. Why did he come here if he didn't mean to spend time with his grandma?

"Master Huo, how come you... come to a place like this?"

The bodyguard didn't know Song Qing, but as someone close to Pei Jinnian, it was impossible not to know Huo Yu.

Before Huo Yu could answer, Xu Shen's peach-blossom eyes under the golden frame glanced at the bodyguard who said this. What do you call a place like this?

Huo Yu had no impression of the bodyguard who recognized him, so a symbolic and polite nod was regarded as a response.

His eyes stayed on Song Qing, and when someone came over, he took out the palm with the watch on it from his trouser pocket, and put his strong arm around the woman's slender waist.

"Come and get my wife."

When his distant eyes glanced at Wen Qiange, who still had his back turned to them, his eyes felt cold.

"You, you are Mrs. Huo...?" The bodyguard was very surprised. Why didn't the boss remind him?

Song Qing could not deny it, but he had no intention of staying here, so as not to wait until Donor Huo was really affected by the turbidity and was taken away.

"Let's go. Let's talk about white tea next time."

This sentence was said to Xu Shen who was still standing where he was. The two of them just left together.

As soon as they left the door, they saw the driver they had booked through the software and went back to their respective homes. Xu Shen raised his eyebrows.


The driver Song Qing called for has arrived outside the gate of Pinjin Grotto. There is no way he can make this trip in vain.

I paid half the money and said sorry, but the person was not unreasonable. I took the money and left in a good mood.

He handed the Ferrari car keys to the bodyguard who stepped forward, and then got into the back seat of the Rolls-Royce.

The black motorcade drove quickly, getting further and further away from the gold-selling cave where people were feasting and feasting.

Next to the black Morgan car, Wen Qiange stood quietly and watched for a long time, until the shadow of the motorcade shrank little by little and finally disappeared from the field of vision.

"Boss, it's time for us to leave."

The bodyguard promptly reminded him that although he was surprised that there was no communication between Mr. Huo and the CEO's wife from beginning to end, he also knew what to ask and what not to ask.

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