Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 244 The old father’s love is wrongly paid after all

As he spoke, the little guy squirmed, trying to get out of the old lady's arms while he worriedly warned,

"Zuzu, I'll go to my beautiful sister's place first. I'll be back with Zuzu soon. So Zuzu, please be good and don't cry or make trouble."

Huo Jing, who always had a straight face and was strict about everything, felt soft-hearted when facing the little guy. She picked up Xing Xing who had struggled to get off and put it on the ground to make fun of her.

"Mom, Xingxing treats you like a child."

The old lady nodded with great relief. Seeing that her great-grandson liked and loved her more and more, her desire to see Song Qing get pregnant as soon as possible became stronger.


As soon as Xingxing's feet touched the ground, he moved his short legs and ran towards the sofa a few steps away.

Shi Qingrou took it in her arms and poked her son's cheek in an angry and funny manner.

"You, you forget the ancient poems that dad worked so hard to teach you to read as soon as you turn around, but you still remember the words I talk to you on a daily basis?"

"Ouch, that's different~"

Shi Qingrou couldn't help but let the little guy sit between herself and Song Qing. The high-backed sofa was wide enough for the little group to make a fuss.

Song Qing just smiled and looked at the stars like a caterpillar, pouting her butt and moving to her side.

He carefully put his ear to her belly, so serious and cute that he couldn't help teasing her,

"What did the stars hear?"

Don't say she's not pregnant now, even if she is, it will take a few months to hear about it.

I thought Xingxing would be very disappointed, but I didn’t expect the cute little creature’s pair of delicate eyebrows to wrinkle and relax, and then wrinkle tightly again.

Finally, under the attention salute of the four women in the living room, Xingxing sat up and crossed her legs, looking at Song Qing with a serious expression on her little face.

"My belly is growling. Sister, did you eat as you were told in the morning? Mama said, if you don't eat breakfast on time, you will not grow taller."

The little man sighed, and touched Song Qing's flat belly again and again with his fleshy hands. He made a bitter sound in his mouth and said heartbrokenly,

"Eat enough to grow meat, grow meat and give birth to babies. Sister, sister, come quickly~"

The word "sister" particularly suited Song Qing's mind. He rubbed Xingxing's little head and mentioned it to Shi Qingrou,

"By the way, Qingrou, have you been busy recently? I would like to ask you some advice on what you should pay attention to when preparing for pregnancy.

I was inexperienced and went to drink some wine last night. I didn’t know until Ayu told me that I shouldn’t drink alcohol when I was pregnant. "

Instead of asking Shi Qingrou for advice on a temporary basis, it would be better to say it to grandma specifically so that she could inadvertently resolve the misunderstanding last night.

At the end, Donor Huo mentioned this matter to her, including Wen Qiange's behavior of looking for trouble.

He was so evil that he still coveted her man. It was nothing more than ruthlessly ravaging the charming benefactor Huo again.

Sure enough, the old lady's face showed surprise when she heard the kindness, and she pursed her lips and smiled at Song Qing,

"Qingqing, ask Qingrou how could she know about this? If the young minister hadn't felt something was wrong and took Qingrou to the hospital for examination,

She doesn’t even know she’s been pregnant for a month, and so do you. You don’t know why you didn’t tell grandma earlier and ask Ayu to arrange a doctor for you later.

Let the doctor tell you what you need to pay attention to. Don't be careless in the future and take good care of your body. "

After Song Qing achieved her goal, she would not refuse and happily agreed, but she was a little surprised that Shi Qingrou was one month pregnant and she didn't know about it.

Shi Qingrou nodded silently as acquiescence. She was still a little embarrassed when talking about this matter. Both she and Shaochen were a little more calm.

Especially for her, she has always had a happy-go-lucky attitude towards having children, so she is unlikely to think about getting pregnant if there is anything unusual.


Xingxing shook his plush head, sighed sadly, and told Song Qing about the numbness of his daddy.

"Sister, look, Xingxing is still an extra doll in Mommy's belly. Daddy even said that Xingxing was an accident. Humph~ Daddy is bad!"

Huo Shaochen followed Huo Yu downstairs and heard with sharp ears that his precious son was accusing his sister-in-law of being a bad father.

The old father's mouth twitched, and he turned his head to glance at Huo Ran, who was explaining to Xingxing what the culprit of the accident was.

Huo Ran was not in a good mood because of what happened in the study just now, but this unruly young man,

He clenched his hand into a fist and put it to his lips and pretended to cough, feeling guilty and not daring to look at his cousin.

Xingxing was standing at the moment, with a bun face lying on Song Qing's shoulder, just in front of the stairs.

The first to see the three adults coming downstairs, their clear and inexperienced eyes suddenly shined brightly.

"Dear son……"


The two voices of father and son sounded in the brightly lit living room in the early morning, one second apart.

Song Qing heard the sound and looked around. A tall and majestic man walked over with a smile on his lips.

Huo Yu sat down on the sofa next to Song Qing, and received the excited little Xingxing's calm and gentle voice.

"Have you missed your uncle?"

Tuanzi nodded like he was pounding garlic, and Nuo Nuo replied, "Yes, yes, I miss you, big brother~"

Huo Shaochen, who came a step later: "?"

The old father's smile revealed a trace of vicissitudes of life, so the father's love for his precious son was wrongly paid after all, right?

Fortunately, he still has a wife. Huo Shaochen touched his nose angrily and walked towards Shi Qingrou,

Ignoring Shi Qingrou's disapproving look, she pulled the person over and held her in her arms to comfort her hurt heart.

"Grandma, aunt."

Huo Ran called for someone and sat down on the other side of the old lady. He was in his early twenties, a fun-loving and free-spirited person, and didn't think there was anything wrong with being alone.

"Hey, how was your time abroad with your teammates this time?"

The old lady was in a good mood and looked more kind-hearted. She asked Huo Ran, the youngest grandson, about what had happened recently.

Huo Jing saw Huo Shaochen looking tired and thoughtful to say something to his wife in front of so many people at home. She thought of sleeping with her mother last night.

My mother told me that as elders, they should not interfere too much in matters between the younger generations.

He swallowed the words that came to his mouth, picked up the morning tea brought by the servant and drank it without seeing it.

I will stay at my old home for a few more days this time, and there is no rush to arrange for the doctor to come over at the moment.

Song Qing originally planned to send the turbid bracelet to his master in the morning, but he went to bed late last night and got up early today.

After lunch, I really couldn't stand the deep tiredness, so I postponed the time and went upstairs to catch up on my sleep. I could recuperate before thinking about other things.

In the study across the room, the three men were talking in detail about what they had briefly discussed in the morning.

Compared to his two cousins, Huo Ran became more and more irritable the more he listened to the arrangement and flipped through the documents in his hand.

It's easy to get distracted when doing things without a calm mind, let alone listening to people talking. It's too easy to see through the moody and angry young man. Huo Yu clasped his knuckles on the table.

"Ah Ran."

After being called upon by his cousin, Huo Ran stopped suppressing his truest thoughts, covered up the document, looked at Huo Yu and asked the question a second time,

"Brother, why on earth did you suddenly hand over these matters to us? We have all seen that our family's business has been prospering under your management over the years.

Do you want to vacate the position of the leader of the group? Why? Is it because you want to live a two-person world with your sister-in-law and prepare to have children in the future, or is it because of the influence of the hot search that day? "

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