Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 247 Maybe you’ll give me a banner

Song Qing hung up the phone. There was no need to thank her. It was not what she wanted to agree to. She looked at the old woman sitting opposite and asked her to agree.

"Looking at what I do for my teacher, I do it for your own good. As the saying goes, everything must have a beginning and an end.

You won't be able to stay in this other world for long, so you should solve what needs to be solved as soon as possible.

In order to avoid leaving some unclear cause and effect, it will cause trouble and affect your own conduct. "

After saying that, the old woman lowered her eyes and muttered to herself without looking at her disciple.

"It's just a tiny bit of Taoism. If it's influenced by something else, it might be gone."

"Alas, the master is so unfortunate."

Song Qing finally figured it out, she shouldn't have come today.

Song Haofa's location is located in the apartment Lin Fanghua rents near Qingbei University. It is some distance from the antique shop but not too far.

The Ferrari driving into the community was particularly eye-catching. Song Haohao, who was waiting at the door of the 9th building, saw it and came forward with his mobile phone in hand.

"elder sister."

Song Haohao shouted weakly to Song Qing who opened the door and got out of the car, feeling envious in his heart.

She also wanted to live as coolly as Song Qing, and she also wanted to be able to drive, so she wouldn't have to bother her family's driver every time she went out.

But these are really a big challenge for someone like her who is terrified when crossing the road.

"Let's go."

Song Qing nodded. After many days, he saw Song Haohao's face that was two or three points similar. The subtle sense of blood relationship was no longer there.

The only difference between many things is a change in the person's own mood. No matter how much involvement there is, it won't make a single ripple.

"Sister, tell me if mom will go back on her word."

Song Hao held the phone tightly with his fingers, tightening slightly because of the uncertainty and worry in his heart.

Her mother, whom she finally persuaded, was really afraid that it would turn out to be a scam.


Song Qing came up without carrying her bag, leaning against the elevator with her arms folded, looking a little lazy.

Without looking at the cheap girl, she looked over with puzzled eyes. Her eyes stayed on the elevator numbers that showed rising and increasing floors.

On a face with extremely aggressive beauty, the flaming red lips draw a dangerous arc.

"You've come here and you can't come here in vain. If she doesn't turn herself in, I'll have to send her there myself.

For such a big achievement, maybe the police station will give me a banner with the words "righteousness and annihilation of relatives" written on it. "


The elevator doors slowly opened to both sides, and Song Qing just finished speaking. She looked at Song Haohao beside her, her enchanting tearful mole rising wildly,

"I think this is good, what do you think?"

Song Qing had no hope that Little White Flower Sister would agree with her statement. Unexpectedly,

Song Haohao walked out of the elevator and walked to Lin Fanghua's room while frowning and thinking.

When he finally took out the key from his trouser pocket, he nodded in approval to Song Qing who was waiting to open the door.

"Sister, if this is really the case later, I will help you."


Song Qing's eyes calmly looked at Song Haohao, who was full of softness and weakness, from top to bottom, and then twitched the corner of her mouth.

Forget it, she would be thankful if Zhendao didn't help her at that time.


The key turns and the door opens quickly,

The space of the house is not very big. There is no entrance door and the living room is directly facing it.

Lin Fanghua sat on the sofa and waited quietly. She seemed to have lost a lot of weight, her face was gray and her eyes were hollow.

When he looked at Song Qing, who was still as beautiful as ever, he sneered in a mocking and self-deprecating way.

"Mom, don't do this."

Song Haohao persuaded her gently. Ever since her mother started taking drugs, her temper gradually became weird.

She really didn't dare to speak loudly, for fear of irritating her mother and doing something radical.

Song Qing himself didn't care, so he found a comfortable single sofa and sat down.

With its long straight legs folded up, the wild cat hid its claws and lazily looked careless.

"Don't you have something to say to me in person? Just say it. I'm not very patient with irrelevant people."

One sentence aroused the resentment in Lin Fanghua's eyes. The nails that had not been trimmed for many days dug deeply into the palms of her hands.

The pain it caused was not enough to suppress my hatred for this eldest daughter. Thinking of my own purpose related to the rest of my life, I could bear it.

"I want you to go talk to Mr. Huo and ask him to personally go to the police station where I surrendered to say hello and ask them to reduce my jail time.

Moreover, I want a single room inside, and the police guarding me cannot do anything difficult for me. I also want to eat well. "

Song Haohao, who was standing before he could sit down, turned his head and looked at his mother in disbelief.

Then he went to see Song Qing at a loss, for fear that Song Qing would just leave.


Song Qing was amused by the blind self-confidence of her cheap mother. When she met Lin Fanghua's eyes, her eyes were full of teasing and interest, half-smiling but not smiling.

"Ms. Lin, do you have any chips of equivalent value that can make me agree to your request? Or..."

Song Qing paused at this point.

The interest in her beautiful eyes became stronger, and the curve of the corners of her mouth became deeper and deeper, "Are you just too ignorant?"

Just use this tone that is close to an order to make this request to her.

She actually asked Donor Huo to go to the police station to intercede for her in a whimsical way. How could he be so shameless? That's not the way to daydream.

"Of course I have chips!"

Lin Fanghua's mood fluctuated greatly, and even her voice became sharp and harsh.

Song Qing raised her delicate eyebrows, which was the biggest response to Cheap Mom's shout.

Lin Fanghua was greatly irritated by Song Qing's dismissive attitude. She stared at Song Qing with fierce and resentful eyes, her chest heaved and she gasped.

Song Qing narrowed her eyes because she was so shy. Not to mention she was really worried that Lin Fanghua would stick out without taking a breath.

Not only will we be involved in a lawsuit, but we will also be involved in some cause and effect, it will be really unpleasant.


Lin Fanghua is quite strong.

"Song Qing, let me tell you the truth. I asked Wei Lin to do the hotly searched thing. I know that Mr. Huo is protecting me, so this matter will not have any impact on you at all. But have you considered Mr. Huo? .”

As it concerned Huo Yu, Song Qing was finally willing to correct her attitude and look at Lin Fanghua.

"So, keep talking."

Song Qing's change made Lin Fanghua more convinced that what he said next would be his bargaining chip. He raised his thin chin and said,

"I can tell the police about Waring and all the things I know he did."

Lin Fanghua leaned back on the sofa. In her opinion, Song Qing's current calmness was all pretending to be calm.

Thinking that he has grasped the opponent's lifeline, his tone is very arrogant and proud,

"As far as I know, Mr. Huo is also doing things for the country. As her wife, you engage in feudal superstition. I don't believe that the country didn't send someone to find him.

As long as I report Wei Lin and ruin Wei Lin's reputation, Mr. Huo will naturally not be affected by the hot search anymore. "

Can you tell, I’m preparing to go back to ancient times |ω)

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