Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 249 No need to sigh

Not long after Song Qing came back, she received a message from Song Haohao telling her that Lin Fanghua had surrendered and had told the police about Wei Lin.


[Sister, over at the police station, I want you to say hello to them. 】

Her mother didn't ask her to remind her sister about it, but she still mentioned it, whether it was her father's side or her grandparents' house.

There is definitely no one who would be willing to come forward and say a word to help her mother. The only one she can place hope on is her sister.

The Second Divine Stick of Dayuan [Yes. 】

Song Qing was relieved, and then exited the dialog box to send a message to Xu Shen, asking his people to take the physical evidence and the black brother to the police station to report Wei Lin.

Of course, I didn’t forget to mention Lin Fanghua’s story. Even though she said that in the rental house,

But it would be great if Lin Fanghua could testify against Wei Lin. The more witnesses and material evidence there is, the easier it will be to convict Wei Lin.

It would be useless for William to interfere again;

Thinking about this,

The highly vindictive high priest couldn't help but show the smile of a delicate summer flower, tsk, the joy of having a great revenge avenged.

"Qingqing, who are you chatting with? Are you so happy?"

Under the four-corner pavilion covered with wisteria flowers, the tea table was filled with the fragrance of oolong tea, and the old lady's voice was kind and kind.

"I don't have grandma, but the things I asked my friends to do have made progress, so I'm a little happy."

Just in time to finish talking, Song Qing turned off the lighted screen and put the phone into Huo Yu's palm beside her.

Huo Yu was also used to it. While replying to Huo Jing's words, he naturally took the phone and slipped it into his trouser pocket.

This move undoubtedly exposed the trust the couple had in each other in disguise.

The old lady was very pleased and pushed the fruits and snacks in front of her eldest granddaughter-in-law.

"You, you can ask Ayu to do anything if you have anything. Ayu is busy, but the people under him are not just paid to do nothing."

Song Qing nodded in agreement, and at this moment, the sound of footsteps and the soft sounds of stars' milk could be heard behind her.

"Everyone, here comes the little cutie~"

Everyone in the pavilion looked over. Shi Qingrou was very amused at her son who was being held in his arms by her husband.

Children generally love their mothers the most. They hug her lovingly when the stars come over and reach out for her.

"Big brother~sister~"

Xingxing had enough trouble in her mother's arms, so she stuck out her little head and shouted at Huo Yu and Song Qing.

Huo Shaochen's scalp was numb and his intuition was bad. It was too late to stop him.

Huo Yu and Song Qing looked over and saw that the little kid with an innocent face started talking like a child without any scruples.

"You just kissed in Cheche, and Xingxing saw it~ Shame~"

After saying this, the little guy felt shy for the two of them. He leaned up and nestled in Shi Qingrou's arms like a group of quails.

Because of the little guy's words, the pavilion was predictably silent for a moment.

Huo Ran, who had been sitting next to the old lady drinking tea in silence, glanced at his elder brother and sister-in-law quickly.

Then he looked at Huo Shaochen, who was drinking tea and pretending to be dead. The young man frowned, a little confused.

What do you think my cousin thinks? The kid is only over two years old. Can he watch or teach him about kissing?

"Brother and sister-in-law, I'm sorry, Xingxing is still young and he doesn't speak properly."

Shi Qingrou was very embarrassed. While she was explaining, her hands under the tea table were already calmly twisting her husband's thighs.

Asking him to take a nap with his son does not mean asking him to teach his son something that is good or bad!

Huo Shaochen's handsome face was concealed by his teacup, but his face was twisted in pain.

While feeling wronged in my heart, I vowed to throw away the TV at home when I went back.


A mellow chuckle escaped from Huo Yu's throat, which relieved the somewhat inexplicable atmosphere at the moment.

Song Qing coughed lightly and nodded. She looked calm on the face, but actually she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

Unexpectedly, his hand was wrapped in the man's big palm. When he was slightly dazed, the atmosphere in the pavilion became lively again.

However, the little kid Xingxing didn't realize that he got into trouble. He turned his back to everyone with his little butt stuck out, still feeling embarrassed for his uncle and aunt.

Nine p.m,

At this point, the old lady had already rested, and each room went back to its own room.

{Avoid irregular diet, tobacco and alcohol, and...}

Song Qing leaned on the soft pillow and wanted to take a quick look at the pregnancy preparation manual given by the doctor before falling asleep.

After all, she still overestimated herself. She felt a little impatient and incomprehensible even after reading two lines.

In her impression, conceiving a child was something that could win the lottery if you were not careful. In the late emperor's harem, there were really one child after another.


The cell phone on the bedside table vibrated, Huo Yu's.

Song Qing had no intention of watching, and the bathroom door just happened to open. She preferred to admire her man's beauty when he came out of the bath rather than whoever sent the message.

"Someone sent you a message."

Song Qing reminded him and took the towel that Huo Yu used to wipe his hair to wipe the man's hair.

Huo Yu was surprised but didn't say anything. He unplugged the charging port and clicked on his phone to read the message.

It was sent from Pei Jinnian. Of course the bosses added their own personal numbers.

The sexy avatar and WeChat name have not changed, Hong Shixian in the world

[I heard that Welin was convicted this afternoon? Huo Yu, please consider my suggestion last time.

The conflict of interest between our two groups is not big. According to my understanding of the old man William,

Not only will Welin's conviction not make him stop, but he will intensify his efforts against you and join forces with me, which will be good for both you and me. 】

Huo Yu couldn't distinguish the emotions in his eyes. It was undeniable that Pei Jinnian's judgment was correct.

Now that his return to Dayuan is getting closer, joining forces with the Pei family may not be a bad choice.

His long and well-proportioned fingers tapped on the keyboard. He did not respond hastily but made an appointment for an interview.


Hong Shixian in the Human World [Tomorrow, Thursday, my schedule is quite full. I have been busy recently, so I am free during lunch time. How about the elegant room No. 1 of the Royal Dining Room at 11:10? 】

The time and place were revealed, and it was obvious that Pei Jinnian was more enthusiastic about this matter than Huo Yu.

After finishing the conversation with Pei Jinnian, Huo Yu sent Ayou a message,

The general idea is to check the current situation of the Pei Group. Nine o'clock is not too late. Ayou replied quickly,

Make money to support the family [Okay, sir. 】

From Song Qing's current perspective, it would be difficult not to want to see the contents of the chat dialog box.

One of Pei Jinnian's words reminded her that the underground entrance will be open tomorrow, Thursday.

Since I want to find another source of turbidity, I must visit more antique auctions in the near future.

"Song Qing, why are you sighing, huh?"

Huo Yu glanced at the pregnancy preparation manual, turned around and took the woman's graceful body into his arms.

The high and straight nose bridge rubs across the shoulder and neck, and I am greedy for the faint fragrance of iris that seems to be there.

"There's no rush for the child, just take your time."

"Grandma is getting older, so she is eager to hold her great-grandson. It is inevitable that there will be some nagging. It is because I did not think carefully.

Tomorrow I asked Si Nian to make a list for me, saying it was a problem with my health. "

After saying this, an extremely gentle kiss fell on the tip of Song Qing's ear, which was hoarse and seductive with a strong sense of comfort.

"If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me and I will solve it. No need to sigh."

The progress of the plot has been a bit slow these past two days. I will review it and make corrections tomorrow.

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