Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 257 Song Qing, don’t make me angry

At around 3 o'clock in the morning, the black Lincoln car was parked under the sycamore tree. The reflection of the car body and the reflection of the sycamore branches and leaves were intertwined on the ground.

Thirteen or four steps away, Song Qing and Bai Cha leaned on the BMW body and talked to Asen.

It only took a minute from the beginning to now. There is a 24-hour convenience store at this rest point.

They all fall within the area designated by Jiangting Underground City. Xu Shen went to the convenience store to buy water alone.

"Sister Qing, when did you learn fighting? Why did we never know?"

Asen scratched his head, feeling puzzled and surprised. After a few brief conversations, he felt as if listening to you was more enlightening than reading ten years of reading.


Song Qing was just about to find an excuse to fool him, when Bai Cha's urging voice, deliberately looking for trouble, sounded in his ears.

"Brother Xu Shen, you should hurry up. You laugh at me every day because I have short legs and walk slowly. I see that you can't walk fast even with your long legs."

Song Qing heard the sound and looked around, cleverly avoiding Asen's earnest questioning gaze, and suddenly her eyes stagnated.

Ignoring the presence of outsiders, he walked towards Xu Shen without hesitation, leaving only an afterimage.



Two consecutive gunshots rang out. Bai Cha and Asen stood there, their blood solidified for a moment.

Just a few seconds later, there was a sharp sound behind me as the car tires rubbed against the ground.

Twenty minutes later, Beijing No. 1 Hospital.

"Please give way."

"Sorry, family members are not allowed in."

The door of the operating room was closed, blocking the view inside and outside. Xu Shen, who was already unconscious on the stretcher, was also there.

Song Qing stood there holding her injured right arm, with a dazzlingly beautiful face.

His expression lost its usual calmness and insolence, and he stared at the door of the operating room with a frown.

long time,

"Song Qing, that's enough."

"Snian said he will be fine. Come with me to take care of your arm injury."

Huo Yu was always by his side, his deep eyes locked on Song Qing's injured arm. His eyebrows that had been drawn together at some point have not relaxed yet.

The palms with clear wrist bones held the woman's slender shoulders in a protective manner, and the mellow and deep voice contained a certain kind of emotional storm that was trying to be restrained.

This sound brought back Song Qing's dazed thoughts, and she noticed Huo Yu's current unhappiness.

But I don’t understand where such unhappiness comes from, and in this situation, I have no intention of trying to figure it out.

Looking at the seven or eight bodyguards who came over, they were all familiar faces. Thinking about Xu Shen lying inside, he felt uneasy.

Just because she was familiar with this group of people didn't mean Xu Shen was familiar with them. She looked back and subconsciously shook her head in rejection.

"Forget it, no need, it's just a small scratch, it's okay and it doesn't hurt too much."

Hua Luo pulled away from Huo Yu's arms, walked to the seat in the waiting area and sat down in despair.

The space in the corridor is not narrow but not spacious either. The air suddenly stagnated and fell into a silence that could be heard by a needle drop.

Ayou and others standing aside looked away and did not dare to look at it. One could almost imagine how terrifying their master would be when he got angry next.

Huo Yu closed his eyes, and before Ayou and others could hear the third sound that they were silently counting in their hearts, he walked up to Song Qing with his slender legs.

The tall and majestic figure blocks the light behind, and a large shadow envelopes the woman sitting on the chair.

"Song Qing."

"Don't make me angry."

There was no submissiveness like before, and it was not difficult to hear the suppressed anger in the flat and gentle voice.

Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor from far to near. It was Bai Cha and Asen who arrived a little later.

The unprepared panic and fear made Bai Cha even forget about other things. He pushed Huo Yu away and squatted down in front of Song Qing. He suppressed his sobs and asked,

"Sister Qingqing, brother Xu Shen...he will be fine, right..."

There is a kind of person who will always indulge his truest emotions in front of someone he is sure he can rely on.

And when facing people who rely on them, they can't help but put on indestructible armor.

Song Qing was this kind of person. When he touched Bai Cha's red eyes, which were trying not to shed tears,

The chaotic thoughts gathered together and the rationality gradually came back. He held Bai Cha's hand and replied in the affirmative.

"It'll be fine. Don't be afraid. The bullet didn't hit the fatal part. What are you doing with your eyes red? It's time for Xu Shen to laugh at you when he comes out."

"But, but..."

Bai Cha bit her lip to prevent herself from crying, and her tears fell in vain.

Recalling the scene where Xu Shen's brother collapsed at the resting point in the underground city after being shot, she could not convince herself not to be afraid.

Song Qing could clearly feel that the hand Bai Cha had held in hers was still trembling uncontrollably.

But she also understood that before the operation was successfully completed, no matter how many words of comfort she said, it would be in vain.

Half pulling and half coaxing Bai Cha to get up and sit down next to him. When he raised his eyes, he unexpectedly fell into Huo Yu's deep black eyes that were looking at him deeply.

The fingertips inevitably trembled. It was obvious that the man didn't say anything, but she knew that he was angry.


Song Qing calmed down and spoke. Asen was standing two or three steps away when he heard Song Qing calling him to quickly go around Huo Yu and walk from the side.

"Sister Qing."

Asen lowered his head and felt worse than anyone else. If he hadn't insisted on asking Sister Qing for advice,

Let Brother Shen call Sister Qing over, and what happened at the rest point tonight will never happen.

Damn it, Lin Tao brought people to the place to cause trouble, but Brother Shen just asked them to beat him up and drive him out.

Forget it if you don’t know how to be grateful, you dare to follow them all the way to the dungeon.

If you can't get in, just hide at the resting point and wait. This is a one-in-a-thousandth thing, and it's just a gamble like Lin Tao's that makes his wife and children separated.

Only a lunatic who is proud of having his fingers cut off can do this.

Song Qing didn't know these things yet, so he patted the back of Bai Cha's hand in a comforting manner before letting go and standing up.

"I have a little scratch on my arm and I need to take care of it. You can keep an eye on it for me here. I'll be back soon."

Asen nodded without thinking, even though he didn't see clearly how Sister Qing pulled Brother Shen to avoid the first shot.

But when the two of them fell to the ground hard, both he and Bai Cha saw it.

"Sister Qing, don't worry, I'm here to watch. If you have anything to do, you can leave first.

I have already informed others about Brother Shen, and they will be here soon. "

"Sister Qingqing, you are injured!"

Bai Cha suddenly stood up from his seat, even forgetting his sad sobs for the time being, and stretched out his hand nervously to check the scratches on Song Qing's arm.

After all, Bai Cha was only in his early twenties, and he was well protected by Xu Shen and Song Qing. He usually loves to play and has never been exposed to these things.

When the incident happened, I was in a state of shock and blankness, unable to pay attention or remember much.

"No need to look at a small scratch. Just wait here obediently. Asen and your brother-in-law's people are all here.

If Xu Shen comes out and I haven't come back yet, if you don't understand, just ask them or ask them to come. If it doesn't work, call me, you know? "

Song Qing explained in detail that the reason why she had such concerns was because she knew how angry Huo Yu was now, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to calm him down this time.

Why don't you say anything, babies? I'll say something first and ask for votes~

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