Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 261 Do you think Ayu looks like a normal person?

"Sister Qingqing."

Bai Cha, who had been keeping his head down, raised his baby face and looked at Song Qing. His naturally curly eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Forget it, I'm tired."

"Brother Xu Shen is still in a coma and needs our care. Let's go back."

After saying that, he walked back to the ward. His petite back was full of exhaustion and depression, and he didn't even look at Shen Hui from beginning to end.

Shen Hui's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly felt regretful thoughts.

"White tea, you..."

Song Qing raised his eyebrows slightly, and his tall and slender figure stood directly in front of Shen Hui, completely cutting off their sight.

Shen Hui glared eagerly and pretended not to notice, shaking the phone in her hand.

"I'm different from our white tea. I'm a despicable person and won't swallow my anger.

I have recorded what you just said. Don't worry, I will definitely send it to your brother. "

Seeing Shen Hui's changing expression, Song Qing was finally willing to let go of Shen Hui's wrist, and did not forget to add one sentence before walking away,

"I forgot to tell you that the reason why my Bai Cha went out so late tonight was to go to the auction to buy a pair of jade bracelets for you.

Now it seems that it is no longer necessary. According to what I know about her, she will break up with Shen Baiti. You got your wish. "

Song Qing left with her front foot, and Ayou, who was on the back foot, glanced at Shen Hui who was stunned on the spot with complicated eyes.

Taking long strides to follow, Brother Bai always wanted to marry a wife before he fell in love.

After falling in love, I would play music on my mobile phone whenever I had free time, acting like a fool in front of these brothers.

Anyone can see that Brother Bai really likes his little girlfriend. They often joke and wait for the wedding banquet, but now, ugh.

"Shen Bai, let's break up."

This was what Song Qing heard when she opened the door to the ward. Bai Cha's voice and reaction were very calm.

Song Qing raised her eyes and saw that Bai Cha had hung up the phone and looked towards her.

He didn't cry or have red eyes. Instead, he smiled with crooked eyebrows and eyes, as if nothing had happened.

"Sister Qingqing, are you hungry? I'm a little hungry. Let's order a late-night takeaway."

"I'll order a hot pot to eat here and see if I can wake up brother Xu Shen."

Half an hour before 5 a.m. Beijing time,

In the private parking garage of the underground city, Jiang Ting sat in the back seat of the Maybach and watched the black convoy leaving, as if there was an old blood stuck in his throat.

What is a brother?

I quarreled with my wife at home and went to drink with my brother in the middle of the night. After hurting my brother's mood, I left him aside and went back to coax my wife at home.

This is what is called brothers!

The car window was raised and Jiang Ting gave Azuo a look in the driver's seat. Azuo understood that the car would start quickly and then left the parking garage.

While Jiang Ting was half leaning on the seat to enjoy the massage function, he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and opened Baidu, searching several lines of keywords in succession.

‘Is there a dynasty like Dayuan in history? ’

‘Are there any confirmed cases of time travel? ’

You can imagine the answers you got after browsing like this. Jiang Ting felt a headache and pressed his eyebrows, typed a line of words and searched again.

'Brother, do you think you can be saved if you are an emperor? ’

‘What are the initial symptoms of hypochondriasis? ’

After thinking about it, Jiang Ting simply opened WeChat and sent a message to Pei Sinian.

JIANG [Brother, do you think Ayu looks sick recently? 】

After sending it, Jiang Ting read it several times, but still felt it didn't make sense. Worried that his friend wouldn't understand what he meant, he sent another message,

JIANG【I mean, from a doctor's perspective, do you think Ayu looks like a normal person? Are there any signs of insanity or delusion? 】

JIANG [Is Alzheimer’s disease early? Is this possible? ? ? 】

Jiang Ting couldn't figure it out. Logically speaking, it was true that Ayu was about to run for three years, but it shouldn't be the case. It couldn't be justified that Alzheimer's disease was too early now.

Could it be that because of the quarrel with my sister-in-law about what happened tonight, the old jealousy has gone overboard and made me crazy? ?


The soft Si Nian [Ayu is very normal, but you, come here if you have time, I can take the time to take you to the psychiatry department in person. 】


Jiang Ting couldn't help but uttered a curse word. One or two of them tried to hurt him in various ways just because they had studied more than him.

Pressing the voice button, I wanted to retaliate. Thinking that Ayu hadn't mentioned this to me, I could talk to Si Nian.

Frustrated, I canceled the delete dialog box, exited and deleted the related search records just now. The previous records were not deleted.

His children have to be inspected every time they come back and they are very smart. If they look clean, they will definitely become suspicious.


Jiang Ting clenched his hand into a fist and put it to his mouth, coughing slightly uncomfortably, and looked out the car window at the passing night.

Not to mention the fact that it was the first time he had done such a thing, he was very sorry. It was obvious that he had not done anything to disgrace the children, and he had paid too much for his brother.

There are not many people like him who are as righteous as him, and one by one they have the nerve to harm him, which is inhumane.

When Huo Yu appeared at the door of the ward, it was still seven or eight minutes before five o'clock in the morning.

Ayou was sitting at the door of the ward playing Landlord to pass the time. When he heard the footsteps, he put away his mobile phone and stood up.


Huo Yu nodded. With his height advantage of 1.9 meters, standing in front of the ward door and looking through the glass at the scene inside was easy.

Song Qing was on one side and A Sen was on the other side. The two of them were lying on the hospital bed, keeping watch very quietly, and they probably fell asleep.

"Master, something unexpected happened just now, about Special Assistant Shen and his girlfriend..."

Ayou picked the key points and briefly explained what happened at the end of the corridor, as well as what happened not long after Shen Bai rushed over to pick him up.


Huo Yu Tairan's expression and reaction also tended to be indifferent. Except for assistants Song Qing and Shen Bai, the whole matter had almost nothing to do with him.

"You have worked hard tonight, let Achen and the others work harder and come over to change shifts with you in advance.

Contact Shen Bai to find out about his situation. If you can't come, follow the normal process. "

After the vacation is over, the normal process is of course to deduct demerits and deduct wages where appropriate.

As a brother, Ayou sighed deeply in his heart for having a brother Bai who loves to mess around with his sister.

"Okay sir."

In order not to disturb the patient's rest, the initial investment in the door of the hospital ward is considered an expense, especially the expensive VIP single ward.

Coupled with the absurdity of hiding a cubicle in the CEO's office at noon, Song Qing was still sleeping deeply when Huo Yu opened the door and came in.

Asen woke up and saw the person coming, but he kept silent. They all knew that Sister Qing was married, and that she was married to a well-known overlord in the capital.

But he has never seen them before, but he did see them today, but he could also tell that this person didn't like to see them too much, and he could understand.

Any ordinary man would not tolerate his woman staying with another man to take care of her.

What's more, for someone with a status like the one in front of me, it is quite generous to be able to do this.

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