Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 276 The old man is homeless

Shen Hui worked the night shift today, and her face gradually showed anxiety as she waited for Bai Cha's reply.

Especially her brother's lukewarm attitude toward her during this period made her feel flustered and sad.

What she did was not all for his future consideration. She didn't even say a word about it.

In the end, there was a gap between an outsider and her biological sister, which was really ignorant.

"Ah Hui, go check on the patient in bed 5."

The head nurse came over and pressed the button on the table, looking sharply at the mobile phone held in Shen Hui's hand.

Shen Hui stood up sarcastically, opened the drawer, put her phone in, locked it and took out the key.

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

After walking quite a distance, I could still hear the head nurse talking to two other nurses on the night shift.

"The old lady is also pitiful. When she was young, she was a well-known female entrepreneur in our capital. Now her health has collapsed and she has fallen to this point.

None of my children are willing to take care of me, and I am reluctant to hire a caregiver. If I didn’t have savings..."

"Mind your own business, why worry about other people's affairs?"

Shen Hui was a little unhappy when she was called by her name just now. She rolled her eyes and muttered, speeding up and walking towards the ward.

Pushing open the ward door, the old lady was still awake, her cloudy eyes staring at the white ceiling in trance.

Hearing the movement, his eyes moved and he looked towards Shen Hui. After seeing clearly, the hope on the old face turned dim.

"How do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

As a medical staff, Shen Hui still had the professional ethics she should have. She stepped forward with a caring smile and asked,

When the old lady delivered it the night before yesterday, she was already in a coma.

I was rescued overnight and just woke up yesterday afternoon, with an oxygen mask still on my face.

Unable to speak, she could only respond with her eyes. The old lady looked at Shen Hui,

Because he was weak, his mouth opened and closed silently, and his hand on the hospital bed tried hard to lift.

"what did you say?"

Shen Hui subconsciously held the old lady's hand and bent closer to the old lady.

Although the old lady woke up one day, she was quite weak due to the sudden and serious nature of her illness.

Shen Hui didn't have any precautions, and she held the old lady's hand very lightly for fear of hurting her.

Unexpectedly, the old lady's hand suddenly broke away from Shen Hui's hand and went to pull out her own oxygen mask.

The pain of difficulty breathing can be imagined. The old lady's chest began to rise and fall uncontrollably, and her mouth opened and fell violently.

Shen Hui recovered from the huge shock, hurriedly reached out to pick up the oxygen mask, and pressed the emergency call button at the same time.

"What are you doing? Do you know you will kill me?!"

It was the first time that Shen Hui encountered this situation after so many years of working in the industry. How could Shen Hui not panic?

Intensive care wards like the one where the old lady lives will be monitored. There was a rush of footsteps in the corridor.

The ward door was opened, and the head nurse and another nurse hurried over with the doctor in charge of the night shift.

Half an hour later,

The old lady announced that resuscitation was ineffective, and family members arrived one after another and asked to watch the surveillance.

Coincidentally, Shen Hui's body blocked the surveillance camera when she bent over. It cannot be proved that the old lady pulled out the oxygen mask by herself.

"My mother woke up yesterday. If you really can't figure out why she waited until tonight, your hospital must give us an explanation today."

"Okay, third brother, there's no need to talk nonsense to them. I've already called the police. The police will be here shortly."

Shen Hui's face was as pale as paper, but she couldn't admit anything she had never done. Thinking that her brother had mentioned to her that he had shares in the hospital,

There was no way he could help himself. He hid behind his colleagues and called Shen Bai amidst the condemnation of his family members.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is currently unanswered..."

"I'm sorry, you called..."


The voices of family members drowned out each other, and together with the cold notification sounds, they continued to stimulate Shen Hui's eardrums and inner defenses.

At the moment when she was on the verge of collapse, Shen Hui dialed Bai Cha's phone tremblingly.

"Is there a problem?"

Facing Shen Hui, Bai Cha's voice contained the politeness of being distant and well-educated.

Shen Hui once disliked hearing this voice, but now this voice has become her life-saving straw.

"Bai Cha, I, I can't get through Shen Bai's phone number. Please call him for me. Tell him that I'm involved in a medical dispute and ask him to come over quickly."

Bai Cha was stunned for a moment. The sound of naan cakes brought him back to his thoughts and rationality, and he agreed with mixed emotions.

"Okay, I'll try calling him."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Cha found Shen Bai's mobile phone number in the blacklist and dialed it.

"I'm sorry, you..."

Bai Cha called twice in a row but no one answered, and her baby-faced eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkle.


Naanbian is a dog who only loves to have fun, with repetitive and emotionless notification sounds.

There is nothing better than exciting and rhythmic game sounds. Put your furry head close to it,

Facing Bai Cha who was sitting dumbly, he started to act like a coquettish girl in a unique and rogue way that made people laugh and cry.


"What? It hasn't been long since we broke up and you haven't answered my phone calls."

Bai Cha threw the phone aside in frustration, stretched out his claws and rubbed Naan Bing's head.

"Naanbian, what do you think he is doing now? He has never failed to answer my calls before."


Bai Cha was depressed, but he was also a little worried. Of course, he was worried about Shen Bai and not Shen Hui.

The more you care about someone, the easier it is for you to have random thoughts. After a while, you have all kinds of speculations in your mind, but you don’t want to slap yourself in the face.

After all, she just vowed to be free and easy. After a lot of entanglement and psychological struggle,

Bai Cha bit his lip, and the claws that were rubbing Naan Bian's head turned to the dog's face and rubbed it.

"Forget it, it's not far away in less than half an hour anyway. I'll go there.

After all, he has been so kind to me from the beginning to the end, so after today we will be settled. "

It's past ten o'clock, and my parents have gone to bed. As an adult,

Bai Cha didn't want her parents to worry about her own affairs, so she gave Naan Bian a pair of essentials when going out.

I started the car and headed towards the inner city of Beijing with one person and one dog. I looked at my home that was getting further away in the rearview mirror.

I didn't see the lights in my parents' room, so I patted my chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, Brother Xu Shen asked them to modify my car, otherwise my parents would not be able to let me go out at such a late hour."

The next day, the Huo family's old house,

Song Qing and Huo Yu both woke up very early. After all, they both went to bed very early after having Fendanzi.

At early 6 o'clock, no one else was awake yet, and the servants were all busy with their duties.

At this point when the couple went downstairs, the old lady was dancing her Tai Chi in the back garden.

At this time, Huo Yu went to the back garden and asked Miaoshui to choose a good day for the wedding with the old lady.

The light golden morning light reflected in the spacious living room. Song Qing leaned on the back of the sofa with her thin back, talking to the old lady about this.

After serving, he picked up the morning tea brought by the servant and took a sip to moisten his throat, waiting for Miaoshui's reply.

"Buzz-" "Buzz-" "Buzz-"

There were three vibrating sounds in a row. Song Qing's eyelids twitched and she had a bad premonition. Sure enough...

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