Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 284 Opportunity arrives

There was a pause for a while and there was no more sound. Song Qing was not in a hurry to start a new game.

He held his chin with one hand and looked at the TV. Brother Monkey was beating the Bone Demon with a golden cudgel.

Speaking of which, she is pregnant with a pink dumpling. Should she watch Disney princesses instead?

Or Mulan? Balala Little Demon Fairy seems to be good too, suitable for rice dumplings.

"Sister Qingqing."

Bai Cha's voice was weak, with a bit of hesitation and uneasiness that he could not speak.

"Well, I'm listening, tell me."

Song Qing didn't take his eyes away from Brother Monkey on the TV. He was waiting for Xiao Chacha to speak.

After waiting for another two or three seconds, Bai Cha's voice sounded in the living room, dejectedly,

"When he comes back later, could you please record a short video for me? I'm a little worried..."

Song Qing could imagine what Xiao Chacha said while holding her cell phone and drooping her head.


I'm a little helpless, but I can also understand why Xiao Chacha is so worried.

After all, it hadn't been long since Xu Shen's accident in the dungeon.

The two started another round. This round was not as easy to play as the previous round. The opponent was very good at it.


Song Qing stared at the gray-blue failure page that popped up for a while, feeling a little too unwilling for some reason.

Even unwilling to accept it, he was still a little irritable. There were footsteps and conversations at the door.

I scrolled and took a look at the time in the upper right corner, and realized later that it was already 11:13.

I threw away my phone irritably, put on my slippers and walked to the door, intending to seek comfort from the donor Huo.

"Everyone should go to the hospital for a check-up. If something happens, you should be treated and hospitalized.

If nothing happens, go back and rest for a day before coming back. Let Achen and the others come over in advance to change shifts, and their wages will still be paid. "

A mellow and restrained voice came over. Huo Yu's tall and proud body stood beside the green plants at the gate.

The palms with clear wrist bones were inserted into the pockets of the dark suit trouser, and the sharp black hair seemed to smell of rain.

At the bottom of the steps, Shen Bai and a group of bodyguards stood in the rain curtain holding umbrellas. Everyone's clothes were wet in one or two places from the rain.

"What happened?"

Such a scene made Song Qing calm down the restlessness in her heart and came to Huo Yu's side.

Naturally, he took hold of the man's other hand that was hanging down. While asking, he looked Huo Yu from top to bottom.

No trace of injury was found. He was temporarily relieved and turned his attention to Shen Bai's group.

In addition to their clothes being soaked by the rain, two or three of them had minor scratches on their faces and arms.

Shen Bai was among them, and he was also the one with a more serious scratch area.

Two abrasions, the smaller one on the clean and delicate face, the larger one on the arm,

The scratches on the surface of several people are quite obvious, but the ones on the inside cannot be seen just by looking at them.

"Thank you, Master."

Private estates are generally not too noisy, especially when it's raining and there are no servants working outside.

The voices of seven or eight people rang out in the rain. They all lived nearby, otherwise the volume would probably disturb the residents.

"Well, He Ji, arrange for someone to send them there."

Huo Yu did not rush to answer Song Qing, but first arranged everything for his subordinates.

However, the big palms have quietly wrapped the catkins, and the dry warmth of the palms makes people feel reassured for no reason.


Leader Shen Bai and the bodyguards looked at Song Qing to say hello. Although Song Qing didn't know the reason, she nodded.

"Go quickly and be safe on the road."

A group of people walked towards the parking lot, and soon several modified black cars left in an orderly manner.

The left side of the gate was facing the parking lot. The couple watched a car disappear from sight before entering.

Aunt Wu and the servant just came out of the kitchen, carrying dishes in their hands to deliver to the restaurant. When they saw their faces, they said happily,

"Sir, Madam, sir, you are back just in time. You can start dinner after washing your hands."

"I know, auntie, we'll be here soon."

Song Qing responded with a smile, and waited for Aunt Wu and the servant to walk into the restaurant with the dishes.

Then he turned around and raised his hand to touch Huo Yu's combed back hair. As expected, it was a little wet.

I already had a rough guess in my mind, and started to feel around the man uneasily.

"Are you injured? What happened?"

Huo Yu's long, dark eyes gradually gained warmth, and his cold brow bones became tender.

He didn't dodge and allowed the woman in front of him to examine her hands up and down, but she had no intention of saying anything more.

"No, this little matter has been solved, don't worry."

I forgot to deal with the little trouble I left in the political circles, so I will simply wrap it up today.

Song Qing was somewhat dissatisfied with such a perfunctory answer, but at least he was not hurt.

He gave me an angry look and inserted his long, shiny fingers into his black hair, ruffling it without mercy.

"Okay, if you don't want to say anything, don't say anything. Go sit down and I'll get a clean towel."

Huo Yu took the woman's big hand and used a little force to stop her. He lowered his head and kissed her soft red lips, saying with a warm voice,

"No, you go eat first, and I'll go up and take a shower."

"Okay, go ahead."

Song Qing didn't insist anymore. After all, eating freshly made him more appetizing and he could eat more.

It was still raining outside. Huo Yu went upstairs to take a shower. Song Qing walked back to the sofa and picked up her phone.

Without looking at it, he opened the swipe to exit the game interface. He clicked on WeChat and sent a message to Bai Cha.

Dayuan’s Second Magic Stick [I can’t take a video for you, Xiaobai and the others were a little injured.

Now Tongyi went to the No. 1 Hospital for a full-body checkup and left without a group of people entering the door. 】

One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds,


Looking at the call invitation that popped up, Song Qing raised her eyes with a smile and pressed the connect button.

"Sister Qingqing, how could he be injured? It doesn't matter whether the injury is serious or not. Has it passed? Is there any..."

Bai Cha anxiously asked one question after another, along with the drawer being opened and the sound of naan pancakes being made.

Song Qing answered them one by one, and the call ended hurriedly when the door was locked and the call was hung up.

Looking at the dialog box showing a call that was less than two minutes long, I was not surprised at all.

Everyone around him could see that Bai Cha still cared about Xiao Bai, but he just couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

I wanted to add fuel to the fire, but I didn’t expect that Sister Cha would become so anxious when she heard that Xiaobai was injured.

It made her take back what she said, lest it end up being counterproductive.

"Madam, it's time to eat. Where is sir?"

Aunt Wu laid out the last dish and walked out with her hands on her apron. She was a little surprised when she didn't see Huo Yu.

Song Qing stood up from the sofa with her cell phone in hand, "He went up to take a shower and came down quickly. It's okay, Auntie. You can come over for dinner after you're done."

"Okay, ma'am, the soup was just scooped out of the casserole. Be careful when you serve it to drink. Don't burn it."

Ever since the old lady asked Aunt Liu to come over to the manor to help in the kitchen some time ago, Aunt Wu has become more careful in her work.

I was afraid that a job with such good pay and easy work would slip away without taking care of it.

Of course Song Qing could feel the change in Aunt Wu, but she still felt heartwarming about such details, "Okay."

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