Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 292 Formation

No matter how many strawberries there are, there will be a time when they are finished. The old woman got up and washed her hands.

After washing, I took out the paper towel and wiped it while walking out and said hello to the tea table.

"Disciple, take that unlucky thing and go into the dark room with me. Emperor, you don't have to come over.

Invite your people to come in and drink tea together. After two more cups of tea, we will come out. "

A dark room?

These three words are very normal. They can’t stand up to the overbearing president’s articles that I read when I was young and didn’t have to fight to survive.

Song Qing's eyelids twitched and she tried her best to keep the thoughts in her mind healthy.

Picking up the dragon-headed horn cup and walking towards the so-called small black room in Miaoshui, I was extremely shocked by the little old lady's nonchalant words.

She didn't even think about why Huo Yu, who was originally unwilling to let her come into contact with the turbid air, didn't even stop her now.


The coded door automatically senses the locking sound, blocking out the outside light and making the dark room known as a small dark room.


There was a slight sound of a match being wiped on the edge of the matchbox, and the dim and flickering bright candlelight instantly filled the entire small room.

What comes into view is the copper bells hanging all over the house. Look up along the red strings tied with the bells.

A series of chaotic and orderly red lines are intertwined, almost covering the entire ceiling.

The intertwined red lines also have bells, one of which has bells of varying sizes arranged in a line.

"Master, are you using these red threads and bells to simulate the nine-star continuum?"

Song Qing held a bell with her fingertips. The coldness of the touch diluted the shock caused by the brief shock.

Reason came back, and the finely trimmed brows frowned without leaving any trace. Only the red line of the bell, could this be done?

"Oh, those are just for me to pass the time when I have nothing to do."

Miaoshui took the dragon's head horn cup from Song Qing's hand, looked up and looked at it very calmly.

Song Qing: "?"

Are you doing such a big battle just for fun?

"Who asked you to look up and down? You can't see such a big formation on the floor?"

The old Beijing cloth shoes on Miaoshui's feet stepped on the floor, signaling Song Qing to forget to look at his feet.

She has been a disciple who has been raised since childhood. She cannot escape the slightest hint of what is on her mind. When she turns around to rummage through the boxes and cabinets, she does not forget to mutter to herself,

"You're so young, my eyes are not as good as those of an old man like me, half buried in the loess."

If the little old woman harms the apprentice, she may be late, but she will never be absent.

Fortunately, Song Qing had almost heard these words, so he didn't take them to heart even if they had no impact. He lowered his head and looked down.

The house itself is small, and the floor is made of four complete light yellow tiles.

Taking the middle splicing point as the center, an ancient and complicated formation is presented.

This kind of formation is not unfamiliar to Song Qing. When she set up a formation to cast spells and came to this other world to find Nangong Yu, she drew this formation.

"Come on, kid."

A slender silver needle glowing with cold light appeared in front of his eyes. Song Qing instinctively reached out and took it.

Then he stared at the little old woman holding the dragon-headed cup with big eyes and small eyes. Miaoshui's eyelids jumped again and again.

If it weren't for the fact that this was the disciple he had brought up, if it wasn't for the fact that the child was pregnant,

She, a grumpy old man, had to jump up and hit this unwilling apprentice on the head.

"Look at what I'm doing, even if you stare at me from dusk to dawn, my old face won't bring out a single flower, right?"

Miaoshui put the dragon-headed horn cup to the upper right corner of the formation and snatched the silver needle from Song Qing's hand.

He stretched out his hand and pricked the tip of his index finger. He was determined to attend a live teaching session.

"Like this, a prick, a squeeze, a drop of blood, do you understand, kid, and then drop it on the dragon head of this unlucky thing, do you see clearly, kid!?"

"Ouch, what's the matter with you kid? Why are you so stupid when you're pregnant with a baby? Have you forgotten what you just learned a few days ago?"

What could Song Qing do? Of course he did as he was told. He didn't forget it. It started too hastily and suddenly, and he couldn't calm down for a while.

Turning the turbid energy into your own naturally won't be as simple as pricking and squeezing out a drop of blood.

As Miaoshui said, it took two cups of tea for the door of the small black room to open.

The old woman has nimble legs and is accustomed to walking quickly, so she walks in front of the open door.

Unexpectedly, he came face to face with Huo Yu, who was waiting at the door. Miaoshui was startled.

"Hey, you kid, you're standing guard at the door as a doorkeeper, why are you so worried?

Old lady, I can still snatch your woman away and eat her in a dark room like the domineering President Wen, it’s true. "

As soon as the old woman said this, the square pear wood table by the window a dozen steps away was instantly shocked.


"Cough cough cough cough!!!"

While Huo Yu took Song Qing's hand and wrapped it, he turned around and looked towards the tea table.

Several bodyguards shook their heads and waved their hands, but how could they choke on a mouthful of tea?

With a flushed face and coughing for a long time but unable to say a word, Achen endured the discomfort and explained,

"I'm sorry, Madam, but Master's words are really too..."

No matter how I used the word "causing people to reverie", I felt that it didn't mean that. I swallowed it back in my throat and said politely,

"Master's words are too easy for people to misunderstand. We couldn't hold it back for a while. I'm sorry."

After Huo Yu's glance, the initial shock of the bodyguards gradually subsided amidst the uncontrollable coughs.

But the old lady thought it was fun, so she wanted to tease a group of people, so she added,

"There is nothing wrong with this. Old man, I mean exactly what you think."

One wave came after another, and for a while there was a lot of coughing on the second floor.

Now that I'm here, there's no reason to just do business, so I took Miaoshui to eat Thai food again.

After eating until Miaoshui felt satisfied, he sent the person back the way he came, and then gave up.

It was past 4 o'clock when the couple came to the hospital from the private manor, and the sky had completely darkened on the way back.

The serious and solemn convoy drove in a prosperous and bright area, with a constant flow of vehicles and people outside the car window.

At 7:38 pm, in Beijing, a fast-paced and busy big city, there are many people who have just got off work.

"Does it hurt?"

The air-conditioning temperature in the car was suitable, and Song Qing sank deeply into the car seat to enjoy the massage function.

Unexpectedly, his hand was taken up, and the tip of his index finger, which had been pierced by a silver needle, was covered with a warm kiss.

Song Qing opened her eyes, slipped her fingers into the generous palm of her hand and intertwined with them, tilted her head,

Touching the faint hint of fatigue on the man's eyebrows, he gently bit his soft rose-like lips,

Forget it, why are you angry? Donor Huo’s original intention was to protect her and Fendanzi.

With his free hand, he pressed the pause button on the massage function of the car seat, stood up and came to Huo Yu.

Sitting on the thigh wrapped in suit pants, he was like a boneless and lazy wild cat, shamelessly and shamelessly rubbing into his owner's arms.

Huo Yumeifeng stretched without any trace, and his strong arms habitually wrapped around Song Qing's waist.

Looking into the woman's beautiful eyes, which are full of cunning and radiant light, there is no lack of surprise in her expression.

"Aren't you angry with me anymore?"

In exchange, Song Qing put her hands on her shoulders and kissed her thinning lip line silently and proactively.

"Don't be angry. I know you are doing it for me and Fendanzi. I'm sorry. Thank you for the hard work, husband."

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