Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 331 fig leaf



The emperor's voice sounded behind him, and a black gold-rimmed dragon robe appeared in sight.

The hand was wrapped in a generous and warm palm, and the man who had not returned to God was already firmly supported. Under the eyes of everyone in the hall,

Song Qing subconsciously wanted to pull his hand back, but Huo Shizong's grip was too strong. He tried several times and couldn't break free.

"Your Majesty, there are differences between men and women, please let me go."

How helpless, could this man have forgotten that they still have to hide their affairs from others?

Little Wuyun raised his head and looked at his master, and then at the smelly male who was holding on to his master's hand.

Stretch out a front paw and reveal its sharp claws, ready to attack with lightning speed.



The sound of the long sword being unsheathed was terrifying, and the blade of the sword reflected a frightening cold light in the radiance of the night pearl.

Little Dark Cloud raised its menacing black claws in mid-air and came to a sudden stop.

My instinctive reaction was to get up and leave quickly, but when I thought that my master was still there, I resisted the urge to escape.

He bowed his dark, healthy and shiny body, planning to fight to the death with the male in front of him.

"Meow-... meow?"

Xiao Wuyun watched helplessly as the smelly male whom he had listed as the target of his attack put his long sword against the neck of the kneeling eunuch with a frightened face.

The hostile meow stopped and turned into the meow of a kitten who couldn't understand the confusing behavior of humans.

Song Qing was very amused. Fortunately, Xiao Wuyun didn't really scratch Huo Donor, otherwise she would have been distressed for a while.

Feeling a very shallow squeeze on the palm of her hand, she looked back up and looked into the man's deep sea-like eyes.

"Come here, take the priest back to the priest's hall for me to rest."

Nangong Yu's mellow and deep voice fell, and the hand that held the woman's slender wrist loosened,

Eunuch De didn't know when he had rushed over from his high position and paid tribute to the two masters.

"Master Priest, our family will take you back."

The emperor has thought carefully. These two slaves will not be able to escape death tonight.

The priest is pregnant with a child, and he absolutely does not want to see these bloody things stain his eyes.

Song Qing did not refuse, and took Eunuch De first to step out of the banquet hall and leave.

Speaking of which, tonight's banquet to receive the envoys is just the beginning. It would be inappropriate to leave early.

As this was the emperor's decision, who dared to have an opinion, but he became more and more aware of the position of the priest in the emperor's heart.

"Spiritual Lord..."

The Persian envoy had something he wanted to say, but then he thought about the rumors he had heard and what he had just seen.

Then he swallowed the words that came to his mouth back into his stomach, and gave them to the Priest of Dayuan, who was giving them to the Emperor of Dayuan. Furthermore, the Spirit Master was particularly close to the Priest of Dayuan.

If the king asks him about it when he returns home, he will tell the truth truthfully. The king will understand that he will not punish himself.

"No, these two cheap slaves have poison in their teeth!"

I don’t know who was the first to notice something was wrong with the palace maid and eunuch who was kneeling on the ground and screamed in surprise, but it was too late.

The eunuchs and maids had blood flowing from the corners of their mouths, and they were about to collapse to the ground and die.

Nangong Yu's expression remained unchanged, his eyes were cold and bone-chilling, he retracted his sword and looked at the two people who were still breathing their last breath and parted their lips.

"No problem, take him out and whip the corpse for three days to serve as a warning to others."

"peng." "peng."

There were two dull sounds of heavy objects collapsing to the ground, and the eunuch and the palace maid had died.

His face was frightened and his eyes were wide open, clearly refusing to rest in peace.

There were many ministers and their families entering the palace tonight, and several women who were less able to bear it looked pale.

He grabbed the handkerchief tightly and watched the two palace guards with knives dragging out the palace maid and eunuch who was still staring at death. His body shook dangerously.

No matter how calmly Zhao Wanrou pretended to be, her expression changed after hearing that the corpse was whipped for three days.

Not to mention the other concubines who followed, let alone Concubine Liang and Xuan Zhaoyi, they just bit their lips.

He didn't let himself cry out because of the waves of fear and anxiety. Even so, his face was still not much better.

Zhao Zhengqing and the Minister of Rites had suspicions about the fact that their beloved daughter was more like her father.

He glanced up at his daughter while no one was paying attention, wondering if there was anything else he didn't understand.

The two of them looked at each other secretly, and then the Minister of Rites stepped forward, bowed his head and said respectfully,

"Your Majesty, Bihai and the Persian envoys are still here, so it would be a bit uncomfortable to whip corpses out there..."

The word "proper" stuck in his throat when he looked at the cold eyes of the King of God. The invisible pressure shocked him so much that he could hardly breathe.

Cold sweat broke out on my back, my knees went weak and I knelt down in surrender, not daring to look at the emperor anymore.

"If the old minister goes too far, the old minister deserves to die."

Nangong Yu glanced past the Minister of Rites and looked at Zhao Zhengqing, who was standing three steps away in the Civil Service Hall.

"The following criminal attempted to poison the priest and deserved his death. The right to flog the corpse outside should be given to the envoys of the two countries.

Lest the envoys think that I, Dayuan, do not distinguish between superior and inferior, and have no rules, so there is nothing wrong with me. "

All the ministers in the palace agreed,

"The emperor is right, the sage said that there is no rule and nothing can be achieved. This is indeed the case."

"Lord Hong is right, but such a lowly slave dares to murder the priest. It is an unforgivable crime.

The emperor is kind-hearted, and according to the official's opinion, even if such a lowly slave is executed in Lingchi, it is not an exaggeration. "


Few of the military generals opened their mouths. Firstly, it was because they were too clumsy to speak the polite words of civil servants.

Secondly, because there are foreign ministers here, although it is rare for us to have the same opinions this time, we usually have a lot of arguments with the civil servants.

I was afraid that as soon as I opened my mouth, I couldn't help but choke the civil servant and make the people in Bihai Persia laugh.

As the saying goes, family scandals should not be made public. Fighting within the family will lead to fighting. When it is time to unite and deal with the outside world, no mistakes should be made.

Nangong Yu didn't listen to the echoes of the ministers, his sharp eyes fell directly on Zhao Zhengqing, and he seemed to ask casually,

"What do the Prime Minister and Bihai Envoy think of this move?"

There was a moment of silence in the main hall, and pairs of eyes were focused on Zhao Zhengqing.

Zhao Zhengqing slowly stepped forward under the gaze of his colleagues, bent down and bowed,

"When I return to the emperor, I think that the emperor's move is very appropriate, not to mention that three days and seven days are not an exaggeration."

After all, he was a powerful minister who had experienced two dynasties. Zhao Zhengqing showed no flaws in his words and deeds.

However, the eyes that could not be seen by others were dark and incomprehensible, it seemed that the emperor really knew something.

The Messenger of the Blue Sea did not change his color when Mount Tai collapsed in front of Zhao Zhengqing, watching the joke.

When he was suddenly called out, he was still with Zhao Zhengqing. Thinking back to his plan, he was horrified. He suppressed the panic caused by his guilty conscience and bowed in reply.

"Return to your majesty, it is indeed not a pity to die for these two cheap slaves, your majesty is wise!"

For a long time,

Nangong Yu had no intention of answering the two of them. If the emperor didn't speak, how could others dare to speak?

For a moment, the hall fell into a stalemate, and the air was almost stagnant, until the terrifying sounds of beating corpses came from the outer hall.

Nangong Yu just looked away from the two of them, and his tall and slender figure walked towards the high position.

"Get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The banquet did not continue, and the atmosphere seemed a bit strange. Even some ministers who usually saw clearly were thinking,

Is it possible that the emperor suddenly rose up and no longer worried about other people who directly ordered people to surround the main hall?

Tonight, the Prime Minister and other traitorous ministers will be killed on the spot, and they will be dragged out and whipped to death with the two men outside.

After all, what the emperor just asked has already removed the fig leaf that he has been hiding, and completely broke up with the Prime Minister's party.

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