Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 340 Dowry

Nangong Yu held the scroll with a little force, and the painting depicting him and Yun Meiren was shattered.

The dragon-patterned boots stepped over a painting lying on the ground. Although the footprints were not obvious, they were definitely enough to ruin the painting.

"How does Qingqing know this place exists?"

Song Qing watched helplessly as a painting that was fine one second was completely shattered into pieces, and she was not surprised at all.

Looking at the paintings on the ground that were deliberately destroyed by men, I felt funny again. Why are you so childish?

Crossing his arms, he lazily leaned against the edge of the table behind him and shrugged.

"About 4 o'clock in the morning, she came over and gave me a lecture. She looked at me a few more times. Who would have thought that I would see this."

Not to mention how estranged she was, so she specially asked Yuan'er to bring a pot of tea so that she could privately ask Yun Meiren where she lived in the palace.

There is no special purpose for coming here tonight. I just want to burn all the paintings in this study.

I didn't want to bring Donor Huo here, but it's not easy to do such an act of setting fire openly and openly under the guise of a priest.

"Someone is coming."

Nangong Yu said in a deep voice, and his long and narrow dark eyes were as bottomless as the abyss. The emperor's shadow hidden in the darkness appeared and bowed his head silently and knelt down on one knee.

"Burn this house of filth."

The coolness of the emperor has never been just a word spread among the people.

The tall and majestic figure walked towards Song Qing and led him out of the study. His aura was particularly cold and solemn.

The night is filled with flames,

The flickering firelight reflected Song Qing's stunning face. Her expression was startled at first and then turned into weird.

I don’t understand Huo Donor’s confusing behavior. Why did he burn the paintings and burn the entire study together?

Subconsciously, I turned around and looked in the direction of the main house. The dim palace lanterns moved with the night wind.

The two palace ladies who had their acupoints acupuncture were sleeping soundly against the door frame. Although there was the noise of burning wood,

But if you listen carefully, you can still hear an even sound of breathing in the room.

"Slept quite deeply."

Song Qing was truly impressed. Her breath was completely different when she slept with her acupuncture points tapped and when she slept without them.

In addition, she had internal strength with her for many years in another world, and she didn't know anyone who couldn't fight.

Being able to have no reservations about the outside world to this extent while sleeping is enough for a person to die many times.

"Kick Yun out of the palace tomorrow."

Because of the soaring fire, Nangong Yu rushed here and heard more and more voices and footsteps.

At present, there are only the couple and Emperor Ying in front of the study door, who obeyed the order to set fire. It is self-evident to whom these words are spoken.


Di Ying's voice was still indistinguishable, hoarse and obscure, and he couldn't guess that behind the black cloth mask,

What is Di Ying's expression like, but it's better than sending letters and flowers back and forth.

The homing pigeons have all been robbed, so setting fires doesn't matter. Killing people and setting fires is his job.

Someone will soon come to put out the fire.

"It's leaked! It's leaked! Little Master Yun's Lihuayuan is leaked. Someone needs to come quickly! Someone needs to come quickly!"

"Quick, quick, quick! Splash!"

"The water is not enough. Let's find some people to help. Hurry!"

The people fighting the fire below were busy at work, and Yun Meiren finally woke up to the sound of fighting the fire, which was a chaotic mess of soldiers and horses.

He came out with a cloak tightly wrapped in lotus root powder and stared blankly at the study that was burned to ashes bit by bit, his eyes dull and empty.

In the attic not far away,

Song Qing looked at the palace people who were busy going in and out with a lot of pity. "Tell me, why do you have to deal with such an emperor?" Her waist tightened.

The distance between the two people who were already close to each other became closer and closer, and Nangong Yu didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt in his eyes for being the culprit of the whole thing.

He tilted his head and buried his chin into the woman's Iris Qianxiang shoulder and neck, kissing and grinding her every now and then.

Leaving behind one faint and ambiguous red mark after another, the mellow and sexy voice is low and hoarse,

"It's done, it's time to go back."

The implication is that the promise just promised should be fulfilled.

Song Qing's mouth was slightly clear, and he could still continue his romantic life so calmly after setting a fire.

It was probably Donor Huo who was the only one who saw the desperate Yun Meiren in the cold night wind.

Isn’t it a little bit incompatible... My mind suddenly recalled the frame after frame that I was inexplicably scolded this morning.

She suddenly felt that it was very suitable.

The two figures left the attic and headed back to the priest's hall, and soon disappeared completely into the dark night.

And Yun Meiren, who was standing in the cold night wind, looking at the fire all over the sky, turned around stiffly and stared at the direction where the two disappeared,

a long time,

The overly thin body under the lotus-embroidered cloak was trembling uncontrollably. How could she, how could she not leave the palace, never!

Your Majesty, it was you who forced the concubines with your own hands, it was you who forced the concubines! The concubine didn’t want it, she really didn’t want it!

Half an hour,

The fire set by Emperor Ying was completely extinguished, and the fire spread to the main house.

The entire pear garden was almost burned down to the point where its original appearance was no longer visible. As for the study room, only a thick and long horizontal beam was left.


The eunuch in charge, the father-in-law, was troubled when he saw the wreckage in front of him. He didn't know how to arrange Yun Meiren's whereabouts.

Yun Meiren took advantage of the eunuch's father-in-law's thoughts and walked towards the sleeping Mei'er naturally and seemingly inadvertently, squatted down and

Pressing hard on an acupuncture point on Mei'er's body, Mei'er woke up drowsily and opened her eyes.

After seeing everything in front of her clearly, Meier opened her mouth and couldn't believe her eyes.

"Little, little master, what's going on? How come the yard, the yard is like this..."

Yun Meiren didn't answer. She put her hands on Mei'er's shoulders and used her strength to stand up, and ordered indifferently,

"Now that you're awake, go and take out my two jewelry boxes. You know, there is the dowry my mother left for me."

The words "mother" and "dowry" are pronounced very clearly by Meiren, as if she is afraid that Meier will not be able to hear them clearly when she wakes up.

And it seems that he deliberately told the eunuch father-in-law who was nearby. The eunuch father-in-law was worried about Yun Meiren's whereabouts.

After thinking about it a few times, it was not a good place to go. Hearing this, he accepted the words without even thinking about it.

"What are you still doing? Didn't you hear the young master asking for the two jewelry boxes in the room? Go quickly! A bunch of blind slaves."

"But father-in-law, the fire has just been put out. It is really unsafe to go in now." Someone said.

Someone followed closely and echoed, "Yes, father-in-law, it will be the same if you wait a little longer before going in and helping the beauty take it out. There is no rush at this moment."

"Yes, don't worry. Although the lives of the slaves are not valuable, they are lives after all.

As long as the jewelry box is there and isn't burned and won't run away, why bother us low-handed slaves? "

The palace people dare to be so bold and show no distinction between superior and inferior, not because of anything else but because Yun Meiren is usually too insignificant.

They can get some rewards from any concubine they please, but Yun Meiren has nothing here.

Yun Meiren didn't follow the concubines in the harem to occupy the team. They couldn't get the slightest bit of glory.

Why risk your life for two jewelry boxes? No one noticed.

When Mei'er heard the word "dowry" from Yun Meiren's mouth, her face was full of fear and she gritted her teeth.

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