Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 373 I quit

The old man had a lot to talk about, so Song Qing, a redundant person, returned to Fengming Palace alone.

"Your Majesty, you are back! Didn't the old priest and the second elder come back together? I specially made ginseng chicken soup.

This soup can strengthen the body, replenish energy and calm the mind. It is an excellent tonic for the elderly. It is a good drink for the two elders.

The servant on the old priest's side made a red date and lotus seed soup with brown sugar. It looked sweet, so the old priest must like it. "

The old priest is addicted to sugar but does not eat meat. Everyone can forget that he, who was favored by the old priest, cannot forget him.

Xiao Caizi greeted him and followed him all the way, talking cheerfully. After Miaoshui came back, he was obviously much more energetic.

Song Qing saw it funny, but she didn't know it and thought she had abused the child while the master was away.

"Where are the baskets of persimmons I brought back from outside the palace that day?"

Xiao Caizi responded quickly, "It is kept in the small kitchen. Madam, do you want to try it?"

Even though the small kitchen is quite large, the old persimmons take up a lot of space and are very inconvenient when busy.

"Leave some in Fengming Palace for me to eat. You guys will also help to eat some, and any leftovers will be sent to the imperial kitchen.

Let them send some to each palace, and they can eat it if they want. "

Anyway, it can’t be wasted.

Xiao Caizi was stunned for a moment and then nodded dullly in agreement. It wasn't until he saw the empress entering the study that he murmured to himself blankly,

"B-But didn't Sister Yuan'er say that eating those persimmons will bring bad luck..."

The entire Fengming Palace palace believed Yuan'er's nonsense. What a coincidence that Yuan'er wasn't here yet.

So much so that when a group of palace ladies each had three persimmons in their hands, their faces were as good as vegetables.

When Xiao Caizi took the lead and bit into the persimmon, he felt even more solemn and solemn as if he was ready to die.

None of the three old people came back for dinner.

Someone from Cining Palace said that they can just let the young couple use it by themselves, while they can use theirs.

Song Qing had no choice but to ask Xiao Caizi to serve the ginseng old chicken soup and red dates and lotus seeds soup, and the person who came to deliver the message took the food box back.

"So the Third Prince has spent a lot of effort to win over the people in recent years, just so that Ah Yao can come back from the border as soon as possible?"

Song Qing took a sip of soup and asked in surprise, there were only two of them eating, there was no need to pay special attention to eating and sleeping,

But she couldn't figure out what direct connection there was between winning the hearts of the people and Ah Yao's return from the border.

Nangong Yujiang fed the fish meat with fish bones to Song Qing's mouth. Seeing that he had eaten it obediently, he smiled and explained patiently,

"He has not been in the court in the past few years. If he is what the people want, the ministers in the court will definitely notice it.

If things go on like this, some ministers will bring up the matter of letting him enter the court again. Moreover, it is known to everyone that he and Shangguan Yao are in love.

There is the entire general's palace, and all the benevolent deeds he has done to the people in the past few years,

Even if I give him a low status and no real power when he enters the court, his words will still have weight. "

Song Qing understood. To put it bluntly, Nangongze did all this just to talk to Nangong Yu and let Ah Yao return to Kyoto from the border.

Even if the ministers can stand up to support him, the idle prince is still a prince respected by the ministers.

But after all, he has not been in the court all year round, and the minister may not give him face when it comes to national affairs.

After all, the ultimate goal is to get Ah Yao back from the border.

Song Qing's eyes were slightly raised with a smile on her face. She was really relieved to be happy for her close friend.

Ruonan Gongze did all this to compete with Huo Benefactor for the throne. Needless to think about it, the final situation would not be too wonderful.


Song Qing chose to ignore the fish that the man put in front of her, "Does Ah Yao know about your marriage?"

Ah Yao loves the battlefield and the scenery outside the frontier, so it would be inappropriate to arrange her life-long events without her knowledge.

Nangong Yu did not answer, but raised his chopsticks in a small arc, and the meaning was self-evident.

Song Qing came over and took the fish meat into his mouth, then slowly opened his lips.

"The marriage grant was not decided by Shangguan Hong and I in private, but she took the initiative to mention it to me after she came back from studying.

The letter is still on the desk in the royal study. If you want to see the specific content, I will have someone get it after you finish eating. "

After talking and not eating a few mouthfuls, she was indeed a little hungry. Song Qing suppressed the curiosity in her heart for the time being.

After dinner, I walked out of the dining room and got the letter. The familiar handwriting floating uninhibitedly came into view.

Omitting a lot of the indispensable scenes between the monarch and his ministers, the rest can be summarized into a few rough sentences to understand,

That is: hit what should be beaten, what should be shocked, and what should be shocked, and the border guards have been guarded by you for several years.

Soldiers and talents have been trained for you. I’ve had enough fun and I’m done with it. I’m going to come back and get married.

‘Your Majesty, I can be considered as having dedicated my life to death now. If I don’t come back to get married, I will be old and old!

If you don't agree, don't blame me. After I retreated from the frontier, I still relied on the imperial court to eat and drink my whole life.

Go to my Qing and say bad things about you, give you little shoes to wear, and make you miss your beloved just like me. ’


After seeing these last few lines, Song Qing couldn't help but laugh out loud. Well, it's definitely her Ah Yao.

Folding the letter paper and putting it back into the envelope, I looked at the gradually gray and darkening sky outside the window.

Putting the envelope on the table, he turned around and gently pushed the man with his slender hands, who placed kisses on the skin of his shoulders and neck one after another.

"Okay, master and grandparents should return to the priest's hall from the mother's harem. I will go over and take the two elders to familiarize themselves with the environment.

Go take a shower by yourself. If it's nothing serious, don't read the excerpts tonight. Go to bed early. You're all blue now. "

After all, he sighed because he was feeling distressed. He put his hand on Nangong Yu's temple and started to massage it with moderate force.

Nangong Yu's thin lips curved upward, and he put his chin on the thin shoulder of the woman he loved, and spoke high-sounding words,

"Come back and stay with me tomorrow. We have a good relationship. You went to pester grandma and make grandpa feel lonely."

Song Qing's mouth twitched, her words seemed to make sense, and she couldn't think of anything to refute for a moment.

autumn night,

In the huge priest's hall, warm yellow palace lanterns lit up in the spacious main room.

Song Qing was lying between Grandma Song and Miaoshui, ignoring that she felt as uncomfortable as a child at this moment.

Staring at the high ceiling of the bed curtain, he coughed lightly and asked about the worries in his heart as calmly as possible.

"Master, when my grandparents come to our side, will they be suppressed by the invisible rules of heaven and earth like I was in another world?"

Grandma Song didn't know these things, so she was confused when her granddaughter said these things.

I wanted to ask my granddaughter why she was suppressed before, but she swallowed her words when she saw the Miaoshui girl who was about to speak.


Miaoshui answered simply and neatly. Even if he was sleeping and not eating sweets, he could speak more fluently than usual.

The disciple suddenly turned his head and cast a questioning look. He curled his lips to dislike the disciple and only felt that his mouth was itchy and wanted to eat sweets.

"Do you think those two turbid auras that Master asked you to find were in vain?"

Song Qing had long been accustomed to the little old woman's dislike, but now she was completely surprised by the wide range of uses of turbid energy.

"You didn't mention it to me. I thought the turbid energy was just the main force you used to activate the formation to bring your grandparents here."

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