Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 379 My man is really powerful and rich

"What is given to you is yours."

Nangong Yu didn't say much. He knew that she preferred the lifestyle of another world to Dayuan.

He came back because of the compromise he made. Dayuan is the responsibility on his shoulders. All he can give to his wife is compensation with all his strength.

The weather has not yet cooled down enough to burn charcoal fires in the palace to keep warm. Women are naturally more intolerant of the cold than men.

Song Qing's hands and feet became cold when the weather got cold, so she snuggled into the arms of Nangong Yu, a human-shaped heater.

"I'm serious. If you really take it back, the treasury will be used by tens of thousands of Dawn people in the entire Great Abyss.

My memory is not that good, and I am still pregnant with powder dumplings. If one day I fall into a certain corner and I can’t remember,

Wouldn't it be a bad thing to use the national treasury at the same time? Besides, I only wanted peace of mind and confidence by investing in Fengyue Tower.

It's not your problem. You gave me a sense of security. It's my own temperament, so there's no need to feel anything wrong. "

I didn't wait for the man to reply for a long time. He poked his head out of the warm embrace and his beautiful eyes were puzzled.

The real emotions in their eyes could not be deceived. Nangong Yu placed a kiss on Song Qing's forehead,

"Well, I will keep the keys to the treasury, and my private treasury will be kept by you."


"Do you still have a private treasury?"

Song Qing glanced at Nangong Yu strangely, and was too lazy to reach out to pinch the upper ears. She simply used her hands, which were still slightly cold at the fingertips, to

He reached into his underwear and placed it on his explosive and powerful abdominal muscles to keep warm. He didn’t forget to touch it restlessly.

If she had a tail, it would be raised right now. Tsk, such a top-notch man belongs to her, Song Qing.

Nangong Yu said nothing, but in the afternoon he asked Di Ying to send the keys and dozens of land deeds in envelopes.

Song Qing looked at the thick stack of deed papers in his hand and fell into deep thought, then looked at Emperor Ying who had not left yet.

"Are these private properties in the Emperor's name, or are those from the treasury also included?"

"Go back to your Majesty, everything belongs to the Emperor alone." Di Ying replied quickly without any hesitation.

Song Qing was speechless for a moment. She asked why Dayuan's laws that favored agriculture and neglected commerce were not as strict as those of other countries.

It turns out that the main economic lifeline of the entire dynasty belongs to the royal family. It is no wonder that there were floods in the south of the Yangtze River in the past few years.

Food prices and daily necessities have not seen the same sharp price increases as during the late emperor's time.

"You go down."

Thinking about the mountains of memorials piled up in Nangong's study room every day, Song Qing really didn't dare to think about how this man dealt with these things over the years.

The emperor's shadow retreated silently but did not leave. His figure was hidden in the dark for protection.

It's cold,

The chrysanthemum viewing banquet was held in the open-air imperial garden, so the time was specially mentioned in advance.

In late autumn, it is rare to see the colorful sunset like in summer. It is better because the sky is clear and the clouds are sparse.

"You all also understand the purpose of the Aijia's chrysanthemum appreciation banquet today. We are open to the customs of the people.

The Ai family will not force others to do anything, so there is no need to be formal, just treat it as a family dinner and be more casual. "

The Queen Mother picked up the tea cup and took a sip. She looked around and said in a low voice, a young lady from an official family.

They were all still a young and energetic group. When they heard this, the woman's face turned red and the man's heart beat like thunder. They all responded,

"Thank you, Queen Mother."


The Queen Mother nodded with satisfaction, but did not ask anyone to get up. Instead, she looked at Song Qing. Her intention was self-evident.

Concubine Yan and Yuan Daixi’s mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are indispensable for such an occasion. Concubine Yan usually avoids being pushy and quietly sips tea.

Yuan Daixi was very thoughtful and could not guess the Queen Mother's intentions. She sat quietly next to her mother-in-law with a decent smile.

Song Qing would not let down the Queen Mother's good intentions, and her eyes were especially on Nangong Haitang.

The child's whole body exuded the feeling that she didn't want to come, but had to come because of pressure.

She chuckled lightly, maybe it was her innate rebellious nature that made her feel happy for no reason when she saw the child like this.

"Everyone, please get up and take your seats. As the queen mother said, there is no need to be formal."

"Thank you, Queen."

After a group of people were seated, Song Qing slightly raised his chin towards Yuan'er. Yuan'er stepped back knowingly and ordered that the chrysanthemum appreciation feast would soon begin.

Autumn is in full swing, so this banquet is themed around the end of autumn, either reciting poems or painting.

You can play a song or dance, or just enjoy the golden chrysanthemums in the garden.

After all, the Queen Mother just held a banquet with the theme of chrysanthemum not long ago. It would be meaningless to focus on chrysanthemum today.

There were many talented men and beauties who came well prepared. Not long after the banquet started,

Then a man wearing a green bamboo robe with black hair and a crown stood up and walked to the center to salute the Queen Mother and Song Qing.

After being excused from the ceremony, he glanced at Nangong Haitang in the women's seat, and then looked at the four persons at the main seat and said,

"Your Majesty Wu Jing, my father Wu Zhen, I have not had much talent in martial arts training with my father and brother since I was a child. I would like to dance with the sword to add some color to the late autumn beauty of this garden."

The general's straightforward and aboveboard conduct, Wu Jing did not hide it at all.

Anyone present with eyes can see who Wu Jing has in mind, and they all have different thoughts.


Nangong Haitang snorted coldly and didn't appreciate it. Feeling that it wasn't enough to relieve her anger, she glared at Wu Jing fiercely for a few times before proudly raising her chin and turning her face away.

"Toad wants to eat."

Although the words are spoken softly, those with some inner strength and the heart to listen can still hear them.

Although Nangong Haitang has a arrogant temperament, she is very good-looking and is considered a princess. There are several official princes in Kyoto alone who like her.

After hearing Nangong Haitang's words, he immediately laughed at Wu Jing, who was in the middle of the field for not overestimating his abilities. The princess was right,

A mere son of a fifth-grade military general dared to think that the princess was not just a toad who wanted to eat swan meat.

Wu Jing was good at martial arts. Whether it was Nangong Haitang or the whispers and sarcastic comments from everyone present,

Hearing everything, he looked at Nangong Haitang, who was unwilling to look at him, and his eyes darkened.

He withdrew his eyes and didn't say anything, but Kong Wu's powerful figure still stood there motionless.

"Wu Jing?"

Song Qing recited the name silently, and soon remembered that this person was Nangong Yu who had mentioned it to him.

One of the outstanding young generals, his eyes couldn't help but feel a little more appreciative.

Nangong Haitang looked down at him with an angry look. He pretended not to notice it and spoke out an order:

"Yuan'er, go and get Mr. Wu a wooden sword."

Dayuan is not like other countries, which will keep the princess and send it to other countries for marriage purposes when necessary.

Firstly, it is the face of a huge country, and secondly, it is not needed. The Dayuan emperors in the past dynasties all governed the country well.

The difference is no more than ruling the country with benevolence or ruling the country with violence, but like the late emperor who was so mediocre in his later years,

Not to mention that it is truly the only one, and it has been recorded in the annals of history as a negative teaching material by historians without any dignity.

"Yes, concubine!"

If no one enters the palace without permission, they are not allowed to carry harmful weapons and can only use wooden swords temporarily.

Yuan'er quickly went down and came back to hand the wooden sword to Wu Jing. He accidentally caught a glimpse of Wu Jing's strong hand.

Thinking again about the arrogant appearance of the fifth princess, with her delicate skin and tender flesh, Yuan'er suddenly and rebelliously felt in her heart that the two of them were quite a match.

They look very much like the talented couple in the book of words given to the empress dowager by the empress dowager. They also have some new words and their names as mentioned by the empress dowager.

Oh, by the way, CP sense.

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