"Xiaobao, Xiaobao..."

"Xiaobao!" Su Qingyu woke up suddenly, and the pain on her body made her grin and take a breath of air.

It hurt all over my body, and I couldn't feel anything in my legs. Looking at the legs, I saw that one leg was tied with two boards, sandwiched between dusty cloth strips. Is this, broken?


"Xiaobao!" Su Qingnao looked at the thatched mud house covered with yellow mud, which was old and decayed. But she was happy, she wasn't dead? Alive?

Su Qingyu had just finished being happy when she thought of her son and came back to her senses: "Xiaobao!"

Struggling to get off the ground. Where is her son? That little big thing has never left her since she gave birth to him. She is lying here alone, where is Xiaobao?

"Hey, don't move, don't waste my medicine!"

An old woman came in, holding a bowl of medicine. Seeing her struggling to get off the ground, she quickly put the medicine on the table aside and leaned over to hold her down.

"Hello, mother-in-law. Did you save me? Have you seen my son? The one who is with me is one year old and has a tiger-like head. Have you seen him?"

The woman was a bit old. She looked like she was in her sixties, her back was a bit hunched, her face had many wrinkles, and she looked a bit sinister and cold.

"Is that your son?"

"Ah? Yes, yes! Did your mother-in-law see him? Where is my son now?"

The woman didn't reply to her, but just took the medicine on the table and said, "Drink it quickly, I've been up for a few hours.

"I'll drink it later. Mother-in-law, have you seen my son? Where is he? Please tell me quickly!"

"I told you to drink the medicine first!" the woman said in a cold voice. He also suddenly put the medicine bowl to Su Qingyu's mouth.

Su Qingyu's conditioned reflex forced her head back. Seeing the woman staring at her coldly, she had no choice but to raise her hand and bring the medicine bowl to her mouth.

The nose is filled with a strong herbal smell, very strong and strong. Seeing the other person staring, Su Qingyu wrinkled her nose and drank the medicine... After a few gulps, she finished a large bowl of medicine, which made her want to vomit.

Seeing the mother-in-law getting up and going out with the bowl, she became anxious and said, "Mother-in-law, you haven't said where my son is yet!"

"Lie down! Don't waste my medicine!" The woman turned around and glared at her coldly.

Seeing Su Qingyu trying to get out of bed, she shouted: "I'm not dead, I'm alive!" and went out.

Su Qingyu was extremely anxious. She couldn't move this leg yet, but thinking about the woman's words that her son was still alive, Su Qingyu felt half relieved.

She was leaning against the earth wall in a daze. She must have been rescued this time, along with her son. What about Qixia who was running behind her at that time? Were they also rescued together?

And who else? Her mother, aunt, sister Yaya, younger brothers and sisters, Jinhai Hongxiu, where are they?

Like her, still alive, right?

At that time, there were soldiers pursuing them behind them. Those people seemed to be red-eyed and started to chop with their swords. A bunch of people were driven away and ran desperately towards the mountains...

Everyone was a little panicked. Su Qingnao just ran forward with Lu Xiaobao in her arms, and didn't notice Su's mother or the others.

Mom, are you still alive?

Su Qingyu's eyes were dull and her eyes were wet and hot. You must live and nothing will happen to you. Otherwise, we might as well have stayed together in Fengting Town. If anything happens to you, I will be a sinner.

Su Qingyu buried her head in her hands and shed tears.

I vaguely heard Xiaobao's sharp howl: "Wow, mother! Mother!"

"Xiaobao, Xiaobao!"


Before Su Qingyu could get off the ground, Xiaobao heard the sound, opened the door, and stumbled in.


"Xiaobao!" Seeing that it was really him, Su Qingyu hurriedly reached out to catch him, carried him to bed, and held him tightly in her arms. She was extremely happy and murmured: "Xiaobao... …”

Still alive. very nice. Mother's little treasure.

Lu Xiaobao really returned to his mother's arms this time, crying so hard that his nose and tears ran down his face, he twitched, opened his mouth wide and howled, the sound was so loud and crisp that it made the ears of people outside buzz.

"This kid has such a loud voice." An old man in his sixties or seventies said with emotion, stroking his sparse long beard.

"Loud. Hehe..." A sturdy man in his thirties stood next to him with a silly smile on his face.

"It's a bit loud." The woman who had just brought the medicine to Su Qingyu said calmly.

"You haven't asked the other party. If she knows..." The old man was quite worried.

"So what if I know, I saved the lives of her mother and son, and she had to sacrifice her life to repay it. What's more, I don't want her life. I just want her to marry my son and let her son take care of me until the end of his life." That’s it, is it harder than risking one’s life for one’s life?” the mother-in-law retorted.

"You, alas, always want others to be willing."

"Regardless of her unwillingness, can she still escape? Huh, I'm not looking down on her. A woman with a child wants to climb this big green mountain? Want to escape? Huh, I'm afraid she will fall into pieces. "

The old man shook his head and said in a helpless tone: "I'm going back. Tell her carefully, maybe she will be willing to do it. It's not peaceful outside, maybe she'll be willing to stay here and live her life peacefully."

The old lady didn't know whether she would be willing to stay here and live a stable life. All she knew was that several of the women she had brought in before finally tried to escape. However, she caught him again.

He will remain in this valley until his death.

She didn't want this woman. But then I thought about it, as long as I hold her son in my hand, are I afraid that she won't stay? How much can a child eat? She took care of it casually, and when she grew up, she was able to plow the fields for her son.

After thinking about it, she looked back at her son standing next to her, with a doting look on her face: "Kang'er, do you like this lady?"

"I like it, I like it. Hehe..." The thick man clapped his hands and drooled happily.

When the woman saw this, she helped him wipe away his saliva with a doting look on her face.

"If you like her, you should keep her, let her stay with you, become your wife, and let her give you a son, you know? This way, after your mother dies, someone will stay with you and take care of you."

The man was anxious: "Mom, where are you going? Don't leave. Kang'er wants to sleep with mom tonight."

"Okay, mom will sleep with Kang'er. But Kang'er has a wife, so from now on, let her sleep with you, okay?"

"Okay, okay." The silly man named Kang'er clapped his hands happily.

In the room, Su Qingyu didn't know what was going to happen next.

She looked at her son who was tired of crying and fell asleep in her arms, and felt a big stone in her heart fall to the ground.

At the beginning, Lu Bocheng didn't want a child because she was afraid that he would die, so she couldn't remarry because she wanted to have a child. She wanted a child herself, and she made an agreement with him.

She had nothing to lose in this world. After Lu Xiaobao was born, her world became brighter.

If something unexpected happens to Xiaobao this time, she will no longer have any ties to the world.

Su Qingyu looked down at Lu Xiaobao's young face, caressed it again and again, and carefully wiped away the tears hanging on his eyelashes. Seeing that he was still holding it tightly in his hand, the beef jerky she had just coaxed him to take out twitched but did not twitch. Instead, he pulled her tighter and tighter, and she wrinkled her little nose in dissatisfaction and snorted.

Su Qingnao smiled and let him go.

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