Madam, She Has a Tender Heart

Chapter 79: Henpecked

"Well, my wife said, she said you shouldn't be lazy during training and you shouldn't be afraid of being tired or in pain. You need to know that you sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in war. She said you shouldn't be afraid of death when you are a soldier. If you are afraid of death, you won't be a soldier. If you shrink back, you will die faster. …”

"Well, that makes sense..."

Lu Bocheng glanced at him secretly, and seeing his thoughtful expression, he said nonchalantly: "My wife also said that a true man who defends his family and country should not be afraid of losing his hands and feet. It is better to have a man than to be a widow..."


The captain was still thinking about the two sentences Lu Bocheng said, and thought they were very reasonable and could be used as slogans to motivate everyone during drills. Unexpectedly, this kid suddenly said something like this.

The captain couldn't stop laughing: "Your wife is afraid that you will give up hope of living, right? She is right, there is nothing to be afraid of if you have your arms and legs broken. There are so many people missing arms and legs on the battlefield. You can't stop thinking about it just because of this." It's not shameful to live. It's all to protect the family and the country. Since your wife doesn't mind your limbs, you have to try to come back alive, but don't let her become a widow."

"Yes." Lu Bocheng stood up straight and responded loudly.

The Colonel was very satisfied when he saw that he had a tall and straight military posture. After running for so long, he only rested for a while and came back full of energy. I patted him on the shoulder, encouraged him a few words, then turned around and left.

Well, what's it called? Lu Bocheng, right? very good. It seems that some good seedlings were collected this year.

When the dog boy next to him saw that Shangguan was gone, his legs gave way and he fell back on the grass.

He gave a thumbs up to Lu Bocheng: "Lu Bocheng, you are like this! Your legs don't shake in front of the captain, your face doesn't change, and you can still answer questions. That's amazing. I will hang out with you from now on."

Lu Bocheng rolled his eyes at him, sat on the grass and began to recite silently again...

From then on, everyone knew that there was a henpecked recruit in the camp. Hearing that his newly married wife did not want to be a widow, they asked him to recite some slogans every day. They sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in war. Legs are not scary, being widowed and not having the talent of a man is scary, etc.

Almost no one in the entire camp did not know him, Lu Bocheng.

Because I heard from his comrades who slept in the same tent with him that he carried it while sleeping, during running training, and while bathing and washing, and he kept talking about it.

After training in the camp, the superiors of several camps would hold hands with each other's soldiers to practice with each other. Lu Bocheng's corps leader saw that he had some skills, so he took him to fight with other teams.

With this move, Lu Bocheng separated from his team. He became the team leader himself, with four subordinates under him, and Gou Wa was one of them.

Every evening, when we were sparring in the camp, everyone would fight. Before the sparring, they would yell at the tent: "Lu Bocheng, come out and be praised!"

"Liu Tiezhu, come here! I'll give you a fist!"

"Come just come, no one is afraid of whom!"

"Come! If you don't come, it will bring you wealth! Woof woof woof..."

Several Shangguan came out of the tent with smiles on their faces and watched the recruits training below on the high platform, also observing whether there were any good seeds.

Lu Bocheng could fight, but he still withstood the blows. He had a strong energy. The more he was beaten, the more he faced the challenge. In just one month, he stood out.

It was not in vain that he had practiced with Master Ma for several years. His wife said that he was a scumbag, but after seeing his kung fu skills, she stopped scolding him and said that there were specialties in the art.

Lu Bocheng was very proud.

Several superior officers took a fancy to this young recruit who was capable of fighting, and they all wanted to take him under their wing. This future is a great general, how much credit can he add to his account! Can't let it go.

At night, Gou Wa quietly asked him: "Have you decided which general you will stay in?"

Lu Bocheng shook his head in the darkness: "I haven't thought about it yet."

"Then you have to think carefully. I will follow you anyway. Captain, don't even think about leaving me."

"Yeah. That's for sure. How long have we been sleeping here, in the same tent."

"Yes, from the same tent. Brothers of life and death!" After Gou Wa saw that he didn't respond, he turned to look at him.

"Do you think of your wife again?"

Lu Bocheng nodded in the darkness: "Well, I miss my wife. She must be very lonely when I leave. I feel like an outsider in that home, let alone her... I don't know if my son or daughter has found their mother. …”

"Don't worry, you will definitely find it."

"Yes, you can definitely find it. Now I really miss the lotus and swan cakes made by my's oily and fragrant. When you bite it, the pips split in your mouth. It's crispy, fragrant and soft, just like the real thing. The lotuses are blooming layer by layer, like swans singing loudly, I feel full just looking at it..."

A silver thread dripped from the corner of Gouwa's mouth, and he was shamefully greedy.

"Commander, stop talking. You said I'm greedy, and I want to eat it too. What kind of cake is it that looks like a real lotus and a real swan? It's delicious just listening to it."

"Yeah, it's delicious. It's a pity that my wife didn't let me eat it all. Huh, she also said it was troublesome to make. By the time I left, I had only eaten it three times, which makes me think like this now!"

What a bad girl. Huh, bad woman.

She must have done it on purpose to make me miss her, so that I wouldn't get involved in sex. Hum, woman, I know your tricks right away.

"Captain, if we all live, I will go with you to Fengting Town from now on. Can you also let your wife cook it for me? I haven't seen a swan yet. Is it the same as a big white goose?"

"It's more beautiful than the big white goose, and it's more noble. The big white goose only pecks people on the ground, but the swans fly in the sky, flying so high."

"Wow! Then your wife can make cakes look like swans? No wonder you miss her so much. If I had a wife like this, I would still talk about her words every day."

The corners of Lu Bocheng's lips raised: "You will also find such a woman in the future."

"I hope, if I can live. Then I will use the military salary I have saved to marry a woman who can make pastries."

"Well, he will definitely be alive. If you can't find him in the future, I'll ask my wife to introduce you to one."

"Okay, it's settled."

"Well, it's settled."

Su Qingnao had no idea about the man's night talk.

She didn't think about him at all when she was busy. After all, he was gone and no longer around. But as soon as she returned to the Lu family and slept on the new bed, she would think of him, and her mind would quickly skip some pieces about him.

In the days after she met Liu Juye, she pieced together his past image in her mind every day, thinking about what he would look like with unkempt hair and almost becoming a beggar. She really couldn't imagine what he would look like squatting in the corner without any image at all.

Later, when I got busy, I gradually stopped thinking about it.

Because the cellar was built, the oven was built, the new stove was built, and the iron pots were erected, all the money she earned in two months was almost spent. Fruits, vegetables, and poultry were still being harvested every day, and people kept picking them up to sell in her store. There were more coming out and less coming in every day, and she was a little panicked.

The store's braised pork business is being followed by other stores, but they haven't tasted it yet. Her shop makes a certain amount of income every day from selling braised pork, but one day it will be imitated by others with a similar taste.

Su Qingyao did not dare to underestimate the imitation ability of people in this era.

This day she was in front of the new stove, trying to make a new fried chicken.

It has passed the beginning of autumn, but it has not yet entered autumn in Fengting Town, and the power of the autumn tiger has not diminished at all.

In the kitchen, a large pot of oil was poured into the newly installed iron pot. It was boiling hot, the oil was bubbling, and the fire was rising in the kitchen. Su Qingnao took Su Qingliu and Granny Zhou and tried again and again.

When everyone said that the taste was right, she let out a long sigh of relief, and the tight strings relaxed. As soon as she was relieved, she fell back and fainted.

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