Based on her understanding of Yanxi, if he knew the truth, he would cut off the heads of the dog and the man and woman as soon as possible.

But that was not the result she wanted, and neither the dog nor the man was worthy of the word "death".

If the hatred could be resolved by killing them with a single knife, she would have done so long ago.

Their sins are so serious, if they were sent to the Yin Cao Netherworld in this way, wouldn't it be a bargain for them.

What she wants is to leave them with nothing, to torture them physically and mentally that is worse than death.

If Yanxi knew that she was deceived by the scumbag and even misunderstood Mu Nanfeng, he would be even more angry.

She understood Yanxi's desire to avenge the Xu family, but in this world, no one would hate the couple of dogs more than she.

They killed her family, deceived her, even humiliated Luo Ya'er to death, and smashed Mu Nanfeng's right leg.

These brutal and inhuman methods, she remembered deeply in her heart.

How could she be willing to let that pair of dog men and women go to hell so easily.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Yan didn't intend to let Yanxi know all this.

As she said, in this life, she doesn't want to involve anyone in.

Settling down, looking at Yanxi intently, she tentatively asked: "Brother Yanxi, have you found any clues now?"

The result she hoped in her heart was that he found nothing.

Yan Xi shook his head. He thought he knew Xu Yan well, but Xu Yan's various expressions made him wonder if he had made a mistake in judgment.

He asked back: "Yan Yan, did you break up with Xu Chenxi and Zhang Han?"

Although Mu Nanfeng had told him the reason, he still wanted to ask in person. After all, every time Xu Yan met the two people, he actually watched it not far away.

From the initial friendship to the tearing of his face, to the later provocation and separation, he knew everything.

Before this couple of dogs and men, Xu Yan's expression became sullen, and she responded softly: "Well, they are together. It should be said that they have been together for the past four years."

These two people are simply the greatest shame in her life.

Yanxi asked again: "So you hate them."


How can a proud person like her tolerate this betrayal.

Yanxi knew that she must be hated, but he still asked expectantly: "Is there no other reason?"

He could see that Xu Yanhen hated those two people to his bones.

Is this hatred just because of betrayal?

Yanxi suddenly couldn't understand it. He always felt that the Xu Yan before him now seemed to be no longer the Xu Yan before.

She seemed to have gone through a lot, more than he thought.

Xu Yan could probably guess Yanxi's mind, he should suspect Xu Chenxi and Zhang Han.

He is so smart, if he didn't suspect that those two people would be a little unreasonable.

Xu Yan pretended to be calm and authentic: "What else could be, Brother Yanxi, don't you think they were the murderers who killed my whole family?"

She broke his mind with a single word, and such a straightforward way made Yanxi more suspicious of herself.

Xu Yan's ability to say so unabashedly is enough to prove her attitude.

Yanxi pondered for a long time, thinking that maybe he really was worrying too much.

If Xu Yan knew who the murderer was, how could he not tell him.

He thought that Xu Yan's hatred was probably because of betrayal.

Meeting Xu Yan's dull and unclear eyes, Yanxi confessed generously: "I really doubted it."

Xu Yan said intriguingly: "It's not impossible that this is possible."

If she denies directly, it will arouse Yanxi's suspicion again.

It's better to follow his guess, even if he really investigates the pair of dogs and men, it should take a long time.

The clues of the car accident are hard to find. When Yanxi really finds out the real culprit, then her revenge plan should have been completed.

After listening to her, Yanxi really dispelled 90% of his doubts, but he would not give up investigating anyone.

Who is the real culprit in the car accident, he will keep investigating it.

This is not only what he thinks in his heart, but also his mission.

After a long while, he said, "Yan Yan, I will find out that the real murderer avenged the Xu family."

Xu Yan knew that he would not give up, as long as he did not find out this matter for a day, he would definitely not leave the organization.

In order to get Yanxi out of that place as soon as possible, she should also speed up her revenge.

Seeing the blue veins on Yanxi's forehead and his clenched fists, Xu Yan felt a little guilty. Sometimes she really hoped that Yanxi could be more selfish.

Selfish to live only for oneself.

Her lips lightly opened, "Brother Yanxi, can you promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?" Yanxi didn't dare to promise at will now. If it were before, he would say yes no matter what Xu Yan asked him.

But now is different, they are no longer the same selves they used to be.

They are all burdened with hatred.

Xu Yan slowly said, "After we find the real murderer, you will leave that organization."

She didn't want Yanxi to always live in a place full of blood and killing.

Yanxi did not hesitate, "Okay."

He didn't want Xu Yan to worry. When he really completed the task, Xu Yan didn't need to say that he would withdraw from that organization.

Knowing his recent attitude, Xu Yan was relieved and also worried a lot.

She doesn't understand the world of killers, but she knows clearly that it must not be easy to survive there.

She was afraid that one day she would never see Yanxi again.

But she also knew that she couldn't persuade him, so she could only follow him temporarily.

Thinking of something Mu Nanfeng said that day, Xu Yan pursed her lips, "Brother Yanxi, can you take me to meet the masked man? It's the one on the cliff last time."

Although Mu Nanfeng said that the person was just a subordinate of Yanxi, she would always have expectations if she didn't see his true face.

At the moment she fell off the cliff, she had clearly seen that person's eyes.

Those bright eyes are as clear and charming as the sea of ​​stars, untouchable.

Among the people she knew in this life, probably only Ye Xingchen had such beautiful blue eyes.

Besides, at that time, the masked man clearly cared about her.

She must see his face with her own eyes before she will give up.

Yanxi heard her mention the masked man, her body stiffened slightly, and he tentatively asked, "Why do you want to see him?"

There was a sense of anxiety in his heart, and Xu Yan's eyes were filled with obsession.

That kind of obsession made him scared.

Xu Yan didn't hide it, and Yanxi was not an outsider. She bluntly said, "Because I think he looks like Brother Chen."

"Yan Yan..." Yan Xi was stunned, not knowing how to reply to her for a while.

Xu Yan smiled bitterly: "I know you must think I'm crazy, but I just want to see him with my own eyes. Just one look is enough."

Even if it breaks her dream, even if it makes her give up completely, she admits it.

Yanxi looked at her distressedly. He had always responded to her requests, but this time, he couldn't agree to her.

Before he refused, Xu Yan continued: "Brother Yanxi, I know you and Brother Chen are best friends. You will definitely say, if he is still alive, how can you not recognize him, but I really ..."

As she talked, Xu Yan's tears fell, her voice became choked, and her unfinished voice was drowned in tears.

Yanxi knows what she is thinking, and he also wants to satisfy her wish.

But reason told him that he couldn't. Although it was cruel to say it, he still refused the request.

He said softly: "Yan Yan, it's not that I don't want to take you to see him, but that he is dead."

"Dead?" Xu Yan looked at Yanxi in disbelief with hazy eyes.

Yan Xi nodded slightly, "He died while performing the task, so I..."

Xu Yan couldn't believe it. Was this last bit of her dream broken?

She asked unwillingly: "Brother Yanxi, did you lie to me? Is he just..."

"No, how could he be?" Yanxi immediately retorted: "Yan Yan, Xingchen is dead long ago, and he will never be back."

Forever, it's impossible...

This was the first time someone told her that he really couldn't come back.

Her heart throbbed violently, and Xu Yan held her aching atrium, tears welling up.

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