Although he and Mu Nanfeng were born differently, their circumstances and experiences are extremely similar.

Although the political aristocratic family has the supreme status and authority, his family is also a huge one, full of a lot of darkness.

Intrigue, intrigue, these are the ways to survive in the Xiao family.

The current person in power of the Xiao family is his grandfather.

Not only did my grandfather have many wives, he also had several sons under his knees, and his grandsons were even more numerous. He is now almost a hundred years old, and he hasn't lived for many years.

In the current Xiao family, everyone is coveting the position of the person in power. Everyone is trying to pull the other party down and take the opportunity to climb up.

But he is the only one who is not interested.

He is an old son of his father, and he is considered young in the whole family.

From the moment he was born, his father had high hopes for him, and he was forced to learn something he was not interested in since he was a child.

If he had a little resistance, he would inevitably be beaten up.

His father was very strict with him, and he had to take first place no matter what he did.

But from elementary school to junior high school, he was always overwhelmed by Mu Nanfeng.

Mu Nanfeng has since become a "child of someone else's family" that frequently appears in the whole family.

Everyone is comparing them and using this to beat his self-esteem.

In this environment, he became autistic and numb.

As a result, he became hostile to Mu Nanfeng.

But no matter how hard he tried, he could never compare to Mu Nanfeng.

He hated Mu Nanfeng and hated his arrogance.

At the end of high school, his family forced him to choose the University of Political Science and Law, but at that time his rebellious psychology had reached madness.

He did not obey the family's arrangements, but secretly chose the University of Economics, and since then embarked on a road of betrayal.

Everyone scolded him as inferior to Mu Nanfeng, but he just didn't believe in this evil.

He secretly swore that he would fight Mu Nanfeng to the end in his life.

He rebelled against his family and became the only member of the family to enter the business world.

Choosing this path means that he will not have the opportunity to become the person in power, and it also means that his father loses a card to fight for the person in power.

His father, who had high hopes for him, turned against him and drove him out of the door of the Xiao family.

Looking back on the past twenty-six years, it seems that no one really liked him.

He was born a puppet, the victim of a family struggle.

He has never been loved by his parents, and even the ones he likes are too lazy to look at him.

In his whole life, he is also a rubbish disgusted by all people.

And all this is because of Mu Nanfeng.

If it weren't for this man, he wouldn't live so sad. He put all his hard work to get what he wanted, but Mu Nanfeng always got it without any effort.

He hates God's unfairness.

By now, what he wanted was no longer available.

He didn't want to struggle anymore, he just wanted to drag Mu Nanfeng into the water so that he could get nothing.

The air fell silent, and the two of them looked at each other without saying a word.

After a while, Xiao Mo's face twitched a few times and his eyes were torch, "I can't do it, so I won't let you do it."

Hearing this, Mu Nanfeng sneered unconsciously.

Where is Xiao Mo making trouble today? How to talk upside-down?

He said impatiently: "If you invite me to come today, you will be ruthless. I won't accompany you."

When the words fell, Mu Nanfeng stood up abruptly, preparing to leave the hotel.

Seeing that he was leaving, Xiao Mo was ready to say something, but at this moment, he suddenly didn't know how to say it.

He clenched his fierce fist, the expression on his face looked like a lion holding his breath.

Say, or not.

He was struggling.

After thinking for a long time, in the end he still didn't stop Mu Nanfeng, but raised his eyes to Mu Nanfeng's back and gritted his teeth and said, "Mu Nanfeng, the war between us has really begun."

Mu Nanfeng had a sudden pause, and did not turn around to look at his expression, but coldly left a sentence: "Let the horse come here, anyway, you can only be my defeat in this life."

This sentence was sharp and thorny, straight through Xiao Mo's internal organs, and hatred grew like a winding vine in his heart.

In the cold restaurant, only Xiao Mo was sitting in the corner alone. The food was already cold, but he still picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat.

At this moment, the old couple came over and looked at the cold dishes on the table, with a sad face.

The elderly woman said, "Amo, you will get sick if you eat cold dishes. Let me heat it up for you."

With such a friendly name, it can be seen that the relationship between the couple and Xiao Mo is pretty good.

Xiao Mo raised his eyes, looked at the amiable and haggard smiles on their faces, and felt a sudden pain in his heart.

They are only in their early forties, but their faces are already as old as withered trees.

The woman had gray hair on the sideburns, and the man's hair was about to fall out.

In addition to the face of aging, what years have given them is endless sadness.

Xiao Mo settled down, and a smile was immediately squeezed out of his cold iron face.

He said warmly: "It's okay Auntie Chen, I like cold dishes."

"You child." The woman named Aunt Chen said kindly: "Don't joke about your body. Give it to me. I'll give you the heat."

Xiao Mo couldn't help Aunt Chen, so he had to obey her.

After a while, the steaming dishes were brought up again.

Aunt Chen pulled her sleeves and sat aside, looking at Xiao Mo lovingly, "Amo, was that person your friend just now?"


How Mu Nanfeng deserves to be his friend, they are destined to be enemies for a lifetime.


Oh, it will never be possible.

Aunt Chen saw that he seemed to be in a bad mood, so she didn't ask any more questions.

After eating, Xiao Mo took two tissues and wiped his mouth, got up, looked at the couple, his face became heavy, "Aunt Chen, Uncle Wen, let's go."

He came here today not only to meet Mu Nanfeng, but also more important things.

The couple closed the store, got in Xiao Mo's car and went straight to a cemetery.

After arriving at the cemetery, the three took sacrifices and paper money and came to a tombstone named Wen Zimei.

On the tombstone, the girl in the black and white photo was born very delicate, Xiaojiabiyu's, today is the hundredth day after she left this world.

The couple looked at their daughter, tears could not stop flowing, they knelt in front of the tombstone and kept confessing.

This is their only daughter, but now it ends up with a white-haired man giving away a black-haired man.

Xiao Mo stood behind the couple with a heavy expression on his face. He didn't speak, but stared at the photo quietly, with throbs of pain in his heart.

After the worship, the couple was crying and crying.

Xiao Mo helped them back to the car, and the couple wiped their tears.

Aunt Chen's voice trembled: "A Mo, we have no luck in Zi Ai in this life, so please stop reading about her and find a girlfriend to start a family."

Xiao Mo was silent and did not respond.

He would rather die alone than fall in love with others.

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