"Oh?" Xu Yan raised his eyebrows with interest, and said with a sneer: "Do you really think Xiao Mo is capable of it? It's just Nan Feng's subordinates. We don't even bother to use the tricks you used. "

Kidnapping, assassination.

These dark and invisible methods can only be thought of by these despicable villains.

Xu Chenxi sighed coldly, "You will always be so noble, it's really disgusting."

Xu Yan's innate noble attitude was the most disgusting look from her childhood.

She has no right to accuse her at all.

They were not destined to be fellow travelers since they were born. One lives in the light and the other lives in hell. They cannot be compared at all.

In addition to those methods, what else can she rely on to get all this.

Unlike others, she has parents and capital. She can only rely on herself for everything she wants.

She is not wrong.

After a pause, Xu Chenxi said again: "You just lied about us before, didn't you just want to get the cold dream back? Tell you, as long as I live for one day, Xu Chenxi, you don't want to get it back."

No one knows what Han Meng means to Xu Yan better than her.

Xu Yan had been inexplicably placed one before, and she kept this account in her heart.

If she hadn't caught the line of Xiao Mo in time, she would have really almost let Xu Yan succeed.

In this game, they have not yet decided the victory or defeat.

Now that she has torn her face, she will fight Xu Yan upright in the future.

Anyway, people who have been together day and night for thirteen years, it is normal for Xu Chenxi to see through her carefully.

Although I didn't get the cold dream back as I wanted, it wasn't a bad thing to be able to draw out Xiao Mo, the manipulator behind the scenes.

Compared with Han Meng, Mu Nanfeng is more important in her heart.

Xu Yan was not surprised, "Then pray that you can live longer."

"You..." Xu Chenxi vomited blood.

Seeing that her feet were all white, Xu Yan hung up the phone and got up out of the bathtub.

There was a white mist in the bathroom, and even the mirror was shrouded in steam.

Wrapped in a bath towel and blow-dried her hair, Xu Yan went to the cloakroom and found a loose pajama to put on.

Hearing the door opening from downstairs, she went out to see that Luo Ya'er was back.

Luo Ya'er went upstairs carrying a big bag and a small bag, just when Xu Yan came over and asked, "Ya'er, why did you come back so late?"

"Because my gallery will open tomorrow, and I have been preparing for tomorrow's affairs in the store, so I came back later." Luo Ya'er's face was full of smiles.

Having been busy for nearly a month, her gallery is finally about to open.

Xu Yan felt that this was good news, and said happily: "Then I will ask for leave tomorrow for you to join in."

"Okay." Luo Ya'er looked a little tired when she saw that she had just taken a bath, and said concerned: "You go to bed, don't make Mu Nanfeng wait in a hurry."

At the end of her language, she smirked.

Xu Yan's face turned red after a while, and she reached out and slapped Luo Ya'er, "It's not serious, and I don't know who I learned from."

Luo Ya'er's mind roared, and Bai Ruiqian's figure appeared in his mind again.

She was a little mad, made a grimace, and said in a panic: "I won't tell you anymore, go back to the house to sleep, I'm exhausted."

After that, she hurried back to the room with a big bag and a small bag.

Xu Yan looked at her graceful and graceful figure with a complicated expression.

The next day.

On a retro street corner in the Imperial City Commercial Center, people gathered in a crowd and it was extremely lively.

Xu Yan came to Luo Ya'er's gallery shop and opened the official business sign with her.

Walking into the store, a burst of fragrance came out, refreshing.

The decoration of the shop is retro style, and the surrounding walls are covered with many paintings.

The style of painting is unique, which is exclusive to Luo Yaer.

Before in Gusu, Luo Ya'er was also a small well-known painter, and his painting style was very popular among people.

If it weren't for Xu Yan, she should have had a good future in Gusu, but for Xu Yan, she gave up a good future.

So when she came to the imperial capital, when Xu Yan drove her away so mercilessly, she would be so sad and angry.

But everything is not too bad now, at least she is doing what she likes.

To run a gallery, in order to achieve profitability, the owner must not only understand the art of painting, but also have a vicious eye to choose some unique works and sell them in the store.

More importantly, you must have the communication skills to find some well-known painters and persuade them to cooperate with them, so that sales will be good.

But Luo Ya'er is different. She opened this gallery to find people who can appreciate her talent.

Her shop can only have her works. Benefits are only secondary. The most important thing is to meet talents who know how to appreciate these works.

Xu Yan looked around, every painting surprised her, she praised: "It seems that you have learned a lot in Gusu these years, and you paint really well."

"Of course! Otherwise, my country will come out in vain." Luo Ya'er was also not humble, with a small proud expression on her cheeks.

Looking at the cabin behind a screen, Luo Ya'er took Xu Yan's hand and said, "Come with me."

The two came to the hut, which is Luo Yaer's secret holy land.

All kinds of weird ornaments are hung all around, adding a different color to this small house.

Drawing boards, utility knives, inks, watercolor pens, palettes, etc., everything.

After visiting the entire shop, Xu Yan only felt that this shop was perfect. If she passed by the road, she would definitely stop by this shop and would like to walk in and take a look.

Luo Ya'er asked: "How's it going? Do you think there is anything that is not good enough?"

"Very good!" Xu Yan couldn't find anything wrong, and said very firmly: "Everything is perfect."

Hearing this, Luo Ya'er stretched her eyebrows and smiled happily.

She believed Xu Yan's vision.

Pulling Xu Yan to sit on the sofa, she poured Xu Yan a glass of lemonade that had just been soaked.

Xu Yan took two sips and said it was delicious.

Luo Ya'er took out a picture album from a drawer beside him and sat beside Xu Yan. The two enjoyed the charm of art together.

Less than ten minutes after the opening, people came in to see the paintings one after another.

Luo Ya'er hired a few female employees, and they took care of everything in the hall.

Xu Yan laughed at the praise not far away: "There were so many people on the first day of business. It seems that my Ya'er will soon become famous."

"Only you will praise people." Luo Ya'er was delighted.

After reading the album, the two went to the hall, admiring various works along the way.

In the end, Xu Yan stopped in front of a picture. The picture in front of her deeply touched her heart.

The people in the painting are her and Luo Ya'er.

It was a scene of them playing and playing on a rainy day. They laughed wildly in the wind and rain, but there were tears in their eyes that the other party could not see.

That day, they graduated from high school.

Free, parting.

There is a laugh in the rain, and a tear in the laugh.

They all know that they are about to part, but they both try to leave their smiles to each other.

Such a scene is very beautiful when drawn from Luo Yaer's pen.

The beautiful memory was evoked, and Xu Yan couldn't help but flushed her eyes.

Suddenly, a magnetic and calm voice came from behind, "Hello."

Xu Yan looked back, and a familiar face was engraved in her pupils.

She was a little surprised, but also a little panicked.

How could he appear here?

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