The two deep eyes confronted each other, and the expression on Xiao Mo's face suddenly changed. What he wanted to ask was about Wen Zimei.

Of course Mu Nanfeng could find out what he could find out.

That day, I hurriedly met Dai Yiyi at the door of Mu's house, and he noticed that the girl looked like Wen Ziyi, so he kept an eye on it.

Just now, he learned that Wen Zimei is really still alive in this world.

He did not admit the wrong person.

His Zimai, really is not dead.

Dai Yiyi is her Ziyi.

While being happy and excited, it is also accompanied by a lot of confusion and annoyance.

Xiao Mo couldn't understand, since Wen Zimei was not dead, what explanation did the corpse he saw in the morgue back then?

Why doesn't Wen Zimei come to see him while he is alive?

They are confidants, how could she deceive him with fake death?

Even if she changed her name and appearance, he could still recognize her at first sight.

He clearly remembered that Wen Ziyi ran out of Mu's house in ragged clothes that day, with shallow tears on his face.

He grabbed Mu Nanfeng and asked angrily, "Why did she come out of your house that day? What did you do to her? Where is she now?"

A series of questions hit Mu Nanfeng, but his face was expressionless and calm.

He in turn provoked, "Want to know? I won't tell you unless you hand over Yan'er."

"Are you sick? I said she's not here, damn!" It's rare for Xiao Mo to look so out of control.

When facing Mu Nanfeng, he always couldn't help losing himself.

This man is his rival for a lifetime.

His madness, grief, and anger were all because of this person.

After a pause, Xiao Mo said again: "Mu Nanfeng, you have killed Ziwei once, is it possible that you still want to kill her a second time? Tell me, where is she now? Why do I look for it? Not hers?"

He is now desperate to see Wen Zimei and figure out everything.

But he hadn't settled with Mu Nanfeng first, but this person came back to him to ask for someone?

Between them, after all, there is evil fate.

Mu Nanfeng looked displeased, obviously impatient, and roared: "You ask me how I know, what good things your bitch did, you know in your heart that you dare to come and mention her to me."

Neither of the two men was willing to show weakness, and both believed that the other had tied up their beloved woman.

The anger always makes people dizzy. The two argued for a long time, both interrogating each other, and they didn't get any answers.

In the end, Mu Nanfeng woke up first, and Xu Yan was really not here.

Then he doesn't need to waste time here.

Throwing away Xiao Mo, Mu Nanfeng gritted his teeth and said: "Our account will be calculated later, you will wait for me."

After that, Mu Nanfeng turned back to the car and continued on the road looking for Xu Yan.

The moment the car door closed, Xiao Mo took the opportunity to get in.

Mu Nanfeng said with a cold face: "What are you doing up here, get out."

However, Xiao Mo had closed the door and sat firmly in his seat.

Xiao Mo asked softly, "Is she really missing?"

Of all the people present, only Mu Nanfeng was full of confusion about her.

Mu Nanfeng was full of anger, "Do you mean Wen Zimei or Yan'er?"

"Of course it is Xu Yan." Xiao Mo blurted out almost without hesitation.

Mu Nanfeng squinted his eyes and looked at Xiao Mo's expression. The man who was still going crazy for another woman just now cared about Xu Yan again.

Scum man, really a scum man.

It's no wonder that he is in a group with women like Wen Zimei, and they really gather people in groups.

Mu Nanfeng was silent. His attitude just now couldn't be more obvious. Xiao Mo was asking for insults like this now, and he seemed to have low IQ.

Feeling that he was despised, Xiao Mo didn't care.

When he realized that Xu Yan really had an accident, he had a bad premonition in his heart, even a little flustered.

I don't know what it is.

In short, the reason why he got into this car was because he firmly believed that Wen Zimei was in Mu Nanfeng's hands, and he could only find her if he followed Mu Nanfeng.

It is undeniable that he also has a little selfishness of his own.

He also wanted to know what happened to Xu Yan.

He hasn't targeted her anymore, but what happened to her again?

Mu Nanfeng looked ugly, "Get off."

"I'll follow you today. I won't stop until I see Zi Ai." Xiao Mo also stated his position and attitude.

Mu Nanfeng really wanted to kick him out of the car.

But as soon as he wanted to say something, the masked man on the side spoke: "Don't waste time, hurry up and drive to find someone."

No one dared not listen when he spoke.

Mu Nanfeng suppressed the anger on his face and motioned the driver to continue driving.

Xiao Mo successfully blended into them.

But when the blue eyes of the masked man pierced him, his heart trembled inexplicably.

He thought to himself, who is this man? Why do you have to cover your face? Is it shameful?

The light in the eyes of the masked man was extremely sharp, and the raging anger was hidden in the eyes, but it was fleeting.

He is not in the mood to deal with such a villain now.

When Xu Yan is found, he will give Xiao Mo a taste of the sweetness.

Yanxi sat in front and said nothing. He knew that Xiao Mo was about to face disaster.

As long as he got in this car, Xiao Mo couldn't go back safe and sound. Sitting behind was a man who hated him more than Mu Nanfeng.

Xiao Mo entered the wolf's den this time.

Circling around the magnificent emperor, they searched for the whole afternoon.

Seeing that the sky is about to get dark, it is even more difficult to find someone now.

Taking advantage of the time for the car to refuel, a group of people got out of the car to get a good breath.

Mu Nanfeng clenched his fist angrily and slammed his fist against the wall on the side of the road with a low voice: "This damn weather."

No matter how bad the weather happened, I couldn't see anything.

Even the people he sent out have not heard from him.

Why is it so hard? Why is everyone going to Xu Yan, why not come to him?

Mu Nanfeng hung his head down and leaned against the wall, feeling annoyed, angry and self-blaming in his heart.

Yanxi and the masked man stood not far away, looking coldly at his dejected appearance.

The masked man couldn't help but let out a sneer.

Is this the man he was after? Why do you feel like you are blind now?

Mu Nanfeng's incompetence made him extremely disappointed.

Looking at Yanxi beside him, the masked man asked, "Is there any news from the organization?"

"Not yet." Yanxi replied respectfully.

A warm breath came out through the black mask. The masked man's eyes were cold, and he cursed in a low voice: "A bunch of waste."

Yanxi knew that he was a little angry, so he hurriedly said, "I will send a few more people to look for him."

The masked man glanced at him and didn't speak any more. He was not an easy person to get angry, but as long as it was Xu Yan, he couldn't calm down.

At this moment, the machine at the gas station malfunctioned, and the staff came over and asked everyone to wait.

Everyone is anxious, but can't do anything other than waiting.

This is the most fringe of the imperial capital. The location is remote. It will take an hour or two to transfer other vehicles. It's better to wait.

The wind was gusty, the sky was gloomy, the whole world was bleak, and only street lights illuminate the way forward.

Mu Nanfeng lit a cigarette and stood deep in the corner, wanting to borrow the cigarette to relieve his inner anxiety and anxiety.

At this moment, Xiao Mo came over and borrowed a fire.

If it weren't for this kind of night, it would be really hard to see these two men standing together peacefully, without quarreling or fighting.

Maybe everyone is tired after looking for a day, so there is no more energy left to fight.

Xiao Mo leaned lazily against the cold wall, his eyes widened, and his voice softly said, "Tell me what happened at Mu's house that day."

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