In the evening, the night was like ink, the air was filled with sultry humidity, and the swaying lights on the roadside were stained with mist, and it was dim and unclear.

Xiangfu, Xijiao County.


In the dim room, there was a heart-piercing roar and a panting of pain.

The voice was forbearing and hoarse, as if someone was experiencing some torture.

Mu Nanfeng arrived as scheduled, and when he walked into the room, he saw a man with a cold temperament.

The man sat on the sofa, not angry and majestic, his dark blue pupils exuded the coldness that was far away from others.

Unsurprisingly, he still wears a black mask on his face, covering the lower half of his face.

The deepness between his eyebrows is prohibitive.

Mu Nanfeng admitted that this man was simply sent by heaven to restrain him.

Only in front of this man, he was willing to put down his posture.

"Come here." The man's gaze pierced towards Mu Nanfeng, "Come and sit down."

Mu Nanfeng walked over and sat on another sofa not far from him.


He gently called the man's name, just as Yanxi called the name at the door of the abandoned factory last night.

Gentle, long-lost, heart-wrenching.

Yes, Ye Xingchen is not dead, he has always been alive.

And it is lingering alive.

The man who appeared at Bi An Hua Bar was him, and that was the first time Xu Yan saw him from behind.

The man who appeared on the top of the cliff was also him. It was the first time Xu Yan saw his eyes. He was clearly close at hand, but he flinched.

The man sitting next to Bai Ruiqian in Yisi's "Fallen Demon" bar was also him. That was the opportunity Xu Yan missed in a hurry.

He is the mysterious person who has been calling Mu Nanfeng with an unfamiliar number. It is also him who asked Mu Nanfeng to give Xu Yan necklace on Qixi Festival, and he is the one who has always asked Yanxi to protect Xu Yan.

Everything is planned by him behind the scenes.

If it hadn't been too serious this time, he wouldn't show up at all.

He looked at Mu Nanfeng coldly, with a sharp tone, "We'll talk about it later, let's first think about how to deal with this man. I heard that he has enemies with you. Isn't it better to kill him?"

As soon as the voice fell, his gaze stared directly at the man hung on the chain in front of him.

Mu Nanfeng pursed his thin lips, did not say more, but looked at the bruised man.

As soon as he entered the door just now, he saw Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo was hung in the air by an iron chain, his body was bruised and blood stained, and his face was as pale as paper.

On the table beside him, there are many cold tools for torture.

This is Ye Xingchen's favorite punishment.

Mu Nanfeng looked at the embarrassed Xiao Mo with eyes that were as deep as a black pool, and hatred appeared in his eyes.

Xiao Mo tried to open his red and swollen eyelids, looked at the two sitting on the sofa, and couldn't help but sneer.

"Mu Nanfeng, I didn't expect that you would use such a despicable means to get someone to use a broken mobile phone to lure me into the bait. Tell me, where is Zilai, and where did you hide her?"

The thought of Xiao Mo was very angry, and he was arrested before the video could be watched.

It was so terribly beaten, this method was even more despicable and inhumane than him.

Don't look at his whole body hurt, but his heart is holding back, and he can't wait to slash Mu Nanfeng immediately.

Mu Nanfeng was too lazy to explain what to do, he knew that Ye Xingchen must have ordered Yan Xi to do this.

Xiao Mo imprisoned Xu Yan for seven days, how could Ye Xingchen let him go.

Besides, yesterday he insisted on getting into the car and pestering them, and then he ran into Ye Xingchen's eyes by mistake.

This stupid pig was sent to the door by himself, and could not blame anyone else.

Speaking of the mobile phone, Mu Nanfeng remembered that Xiao Mo still didn't know the content of the video.

Seeing a mobile phone on the coffee table, Mu Nanfeng took it over and unlocked it and looked at the photo album.

That's right, it was the video that Yanxi showed him. Mu Nanfeng put down the phone and said solemnly: "We didn't blame you. The woman you are looking for is indeed not in our hands. There is what you want in this phone. Answer."

"It's just... I'm afraid you will be more unbearable and even more disintegrated if you watch it."

Hearing the words, Xiao Mo looked directly at the phone, and somehow a bitter chill rose in his heart.

He speculated wildly, is there something wrong with Wen Zimei again?

The next moment, Mu Nanfeng walked up to him and raised his hand to pinch his chin.

"If you want to see it, I don't mind showing it to you now, but do you dare to see it? Are you sure you can bear it?"

Xiao Mo's whole body was bloody, and the iron chain wrapped around his waist and abdomen, strangling him a little breathlessly.

His face twitched, his lips trembled, and the wounds on his body began to open.

He was entangled and scared.

I was afraid to see Wen Zimei leave him again, and I was afraid to see her die with his own eyes this time.

Seeing him hesitate so much, Mu Nanfeng pursed his lips and smiled contemptuously, "It seems that you dare not."

"I...I..." Xiao Mo's eyes were pitch black, and he felt dizzy.

Suddenly, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he looked at Mu Nanfeng fiercely.

"You... are you. You killed her. What did you do to her?"

Xiao Mo questioned angrily, his eyes filled with scarlet blood, and his whole person was like a irrational lion, only roaring at Mu Nanfeng.

"Isn't it enough for you to kill her once? If you want to kill her a second time, you are still not a human being!"

Mu Nanfeng pulled away his hands in disgust, turned around and took out a tissue from the table, wiped his hands, and sat back on the sofa.

After a moment of silence, he said coldly: "Since you want to know so much, then see for yourself, don't go crazy like a madman."

After that, Mu Nanfeng turned his eyes to look at the indifferent Ye Xingchen, with a trace of request, "Can you let him go first?"

Ye Xingchen frowned, "You don't want to kill him?"

"I can't kill him yet." Mu Nanfeng pursed his lips, lowered his voice, and said with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "I have a last resort."

Ye Xingchen is very smart, even if Mu Nanfeng doesn't tell him, he still knows what it is because of it.

It is simply because now is the critical period for the Mu family to select heirs.

So Mu Nanfeng didn't dare to make big moves.

In addition, the Xiao family still has a certain prestige and status in the political circle. If Xiao Mo died, it would definitely cause an uproar.

Ye Xingchen didn't care about this, and he didn't want Xiao Mo to die.

He has already been punished if he should be punished, and the next decision is left to Mu Nanfeng.

"It's up to you." He turned his head and ignored Mu Nanfeng.

Mu Nanfeng whispered, "Thank you."

He rarely sighed in such a low voice, but in front of Ye Xingchen, he didn't think it was anything.

They are already very good friends, and it's okay to keep your breath down.

Mu Nanfeng waved his hand and motioned to his subordinates to release Xiao Mo temporarily.

The chain was untied, and Xiao Mo was caught off guard and landed heavily on the stiff floor.

With this fall, his internal organs were torn apart.

Skin wounds, internal wounds, but tortured him is not human or ghost.

Xiao Mo was very defensive. He looked at Mu Nanfeng with enthusiasm, and asked angrily, "What tricks do you want to play?"

Mu Nanfeng closed his eyes, "I will let you go for the time being today, what will you have in the future? Come directly to me, don't fight Yan'er's idea."

"Otherwise next time, I will never let you go so easily."

The last sentence was a threatening warning, and Mu Nanfeng said it very seriously.

As soon as the voice fell, he threw the phone in front of Xiao Mo, and his thin lips uttered two words, "Go away."

Xiao Mo gritted his teeth bitterly, picked up the phone angrily, got up with all his strength, and said something cruel.

"Mu Nanfeng, let's wait and see."

He was like this, he would not hide any emotions when facing Mu Nanfeng, nor would he care about any consequences.

It seems that by saying this, he can relieve his hatred and make him feel that he is not Mu Nanfeng's defeated opponent.

Mu Nanfeng didn't bother to pay attention to him, and watched him leave Junxiang Mansion in embarrassment.

In the empty room, the temperature dropped suddenly, creating a gloomy atmosphere.

Mu Nanfeng raised his eyes to look at Ye Xingchen, and actively said, "Xingchen, I know you blame me. I said that you can do anything with you. I won't fight back what you do to me."

He is like a child who has made mistakes, waiting for his parents to spur and punish him.

Ye Xingchen raised his eyes to look at him, a pair of dark blue eyes with mixed emotions.

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