Madam, She’s Abusing Scum Again

Chapter 253 Human Indifference

The group sent the old man to the most famous private hospital in the Imperial Capital, and opened a luxurious VIP single room.

This private hospital was opened by Bai Ruiqian's friends, so Bai Ruiqian would be more convenient to speak and act.

With various medical machines in place, Bai Ruiqian carefully checked the old man's body.

Sure enough, it was more serious than he thought.

Bai Ruiqian ordered the medical staff to prepare relevant tools, instruments and drugs.

The old man was lying on the white hospital bed, his breathing had become rapid, and his state was very bad.

Bai Ruiqian sat on the edge of the bed, took a vacuum blood collection tube, and said to Mr. Mu, "Grandpa, bear with me."

After speaking, he took blood from the blood vessel of the old man's arm and handed it to the medical staff, who instructed the medical staff to do blood routines and check the blood type.

The Mu family stood in the ward, and the huge room instantly became cramped, and even the sun could not get in.

Seeing that the old man is in poor condition, Mu Nanfeng's father said anxiously: "Doctor Bai, what kind of disease does my dad have on earth?"

Everyone followed up and asked, and the ward was suddenly noisy.

"Don't make any noise." Bai Ruiqian is usually a good-tempered person, but today is really unbearable, and everyone is stunned by the roar.

He screamed sharply: "This is a hospital, not a vegetable market. If you make a noise, go out."

Although most of them are seniors, Bai Ruiqian rarely interacts with them, so they don't care about their faces.

He is now a doctor, and the patient is the grandfather of his good brother. The chattering of others really bothers him.

When everyone was yelled at by him, it was indeed a lot more honest and no longer making a lot of noise.

Mu's father is Mu Nanfeng's father anyway, so Bai Ruiqian has to give him a little bit of face.

He looked at Mu's father and replied: "Grandpa is chronic aplastic anemia. Due to low bone marrow hematopoietic function, long-term blood transfusion is needed to maintain life. I suggest you do a blood routine immediately, check your blood type, and supply blood later. ."

When everyone heard the words, they immediately stopped talking.

Asking them to draw their own blood to others is a bit uneconomical.

This is how people want to escape when trouble falls on them.

But neither are they leaving, nor are they staying.

After waiting for a long time, everyone was motionless, and had no plans to take blood tests.

This is the indifference of human nature.

Bai Ruiqian didn't force it. He had seen such things a lot, so what was family affection in the face of life and death?

He didn't have any hope for this group of people, let alone expect them to donate blood.

Soon the medical staff came with the old man's test sheet.

Bai Ruiqian took the list and saw that the personality test above was not much different from what he expected, but the other list surprised him a bit.

Elder Mu turned out to be... panda blood?

This blood type is very rare, I am afraid it is difficult to find the same blood type.

Fortunately, Bai Ruiqian was a friend of the dean, so the dean ordered the only panda blood in the blood bank to be arranged with Elder Mu.

The dean also came to see Mr. Mu in person, and Bai Ruiqian thanked him face to face.

The nurse had already transfused Old Man Mu with blood and put on an oxygen mask for him.

Elder Mu was a little tired from the journey, so he fell asleep deeply.

At last there was no danger, and Father Mu's body temporarily stabilized.

"Patients need to rest, go out."

Bai Ruiqian didn't want to disturb the purity of the old man, and sent everyone out.

Xu Yan walked at the back and closed the door.

Everyone was standing outside the door of the ward babbled crookedly, as if they would die if they didn't speak for a while.

Xu Yan didn't bother to pay attention to them, looked at Yanxi, who had never left her half a step, and said, "Big Brother Yanxi, wait for me here. I'll go and say a few words to Bai Ruiqian."

After speaking, she took Bai Ruiqian into a corridor, "I'm sorry to trouble you today, you and Ya'er go to dinner first."

Bai Ruiqian asked instinctively: "What about you?"

"I'm going to the hematology department to get blood." Xu Yan answered with a smile.

Others are not willing to donate blood to the old man, but she is willing.

Although there is little chance of the same blood type, it is always good to try.

The time in the hospital always flies in a hurry, and it's noon after such a tossing.

After a few hours of fatigue, everyone needs to replenish their energy.

Bai Ruiqian is undoubtedly the most tiring.

Seeing Xu Yan going to draw blood, Bai Ruiqian saw her filial piety and couldn't help being touched.

Mu Nanfeng's marriage to Xu Yan was really not in vain.

He took Xu Yan's arm and said, "Grandpa's illness has been brought under control. The blood in the hospital is still adequate. You don't have to be in a hurry if you want to draw blood."

Xu Yan hesitated.

Luo Ya'er suddenly jumped over and said gently, holding Xu Yan's hand, "Bai Ruiqian is right, we are not in a hurry, Yan Yan, you are tired today, go to dinner with us."

Two sides fought, Xu Yan was not easy to postpone, and finally only reluctantly agreed, "Okay."

The four of them came to a restaurant near the hospital, ordered a few small dishes, and quickly filled their stomachs.

Bai Ruiqian wiped his mouth with a paper towel, and asked directly: "Young lady, are you not going to tell the young master about this matter?"

"Yeah." Xu Yan nodded, "His company is busy recently. I don't want him to worry about it, so don't tell him. When Grandpa gets better, I will tell him slowly."

Bai Ruiqian knew that she had this temperament, but she would never tell Mu Nanfeng as long as she could resist it.

Sometimes Bai Ruiqian wondered how much Xu Yan had concealed from Mu Nanfeng.

But now he can't worry about that much, it just matters to heal the old man.

Xu Yan suddenly thought of something, and felt that he had to ask Bai Ruiqian carefully.

"By the way, didn't you often go to visit Grandpa before and say that he is in good health? Why is he so sick this time?"

Xu Yan remembered that Elder Mu looked pretty good when she went to Tianlan Jinyuan last time.

It didn't take long for the illness to become so serious, which is really worrying.

To be honest, Bai Ruiqian couldn't explain what happened this time.

He did his best to treat Mr. Mu before, and Mr. Mu was just a common disease of the elderly at the time, and it didn't have much impact on the body.

After all, people are getting old, and some minor problems are normal.

But this time the illness came really suddenly, and a little carelessness will aggravate the illness and even cause other diseases.

Bai Ruiqian has treated many people, but the old man still doesn't have enough contact with him, so he thinks that Master Mu's illness one after another is probably really because of his bones.

As people get older, their immunity is weakened, and it is easy to come to the door for any disease.

"People are born, old, sick, and die. Grandpa gets older and sicker naturally, but fortunately, his life is not endangered, so don't worry, grandpa will be fine."

After hearing these words, Xu Yan felt relieved.

Bai Ruiqian was taking a reassurance pill for her, and she didn't worry so much in her heart.

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