Wen Zimei leaned over slightly, her crimson lips close to Xu Chenxi's earlobes, her lips opened and closed, seeming to be ordering something big.

After the speech, she raised her head and chest, with a wicked smile on her cheeks, hugging her arms, looking at Xu Chenxi who was dumbfounded.

Xu Chenxi was stunned for a moment, and after hearing all her requests clearly, she jumped for joy except for surprise.

She vowed to promise that this will be done.

The two reached a consensus.

Wen Zimei's goal was achieved, and she couldn't help but feel happy.

"follow me."

She turned around and motioned Xu Chenxi to follow her.

Looking at this gloomy basement, Xu Chenxi was anxious to leave here quickly.

She can finally escape from here.

Keeping up with Wen Zimei, they left the icy villa smoothly.

Wen Zimei first gave Xu Chenxi a sum of money and asked her to complete the account as soon as possible.

Xu Chenxi was silent to express his gratitude, and then watched Wen Ziwei leave.

When I returned to the palace villa, it was close to two o'clock in the morning.

Xiao Mo slept very hard, his sleeping posture had not changed, and he still looked like Wen Ziwei when he left.

Sitting on the side of the bed, Wen Zimei looked at Xiao Mo's naturally handsome face, his emotions became complicated.

"Why..." she asked softly.

Why did she leave in just a few months, and someone quietly lived in his heart.

Why does he defend Xu Yan like that, even ignoring her life and death.

With the right bone marrow, she didn't save her.

Her Amo shouldn't be like this.

Sadness appeared in Wen Zi's eyes, "Amo, you have changed after all."

That being the case, then she didn't worry about everything about him anymore.

Wen Zimei took out the file. She didn't look at the file too carefully. She just read the title. But just by looking at the title, she knew that this thing was not very harmful to Xiao Mo.

Pulling open the drawer of the bedside table, there happened to be a box of red ink pad inside.

Wen Zimei took out the ink pad and easily stained Xiao Mo's index finger with red.

Just when she was about to press Xiao Mo's handprint.

She struggled again.

Looking back at the ten years they were together, Xiao Mo had never done anything to apologize to her.

He has been with her, guarding her, and even madly obsessed with her.

It can be said that Xiao Mo spent the first half of his life living for her alone.

But now, she has to ruthlessly hurt and calculate this man.

For a moment, Wen Zimei felt that he was quite inhuman.

But she has no choice.

As long as she can be with Mu Nanfeng, she can become heartless and can abandon everything.

She doesn't care about anything anymore.

With a cruel heart, she pressed her handprint and successfully got Xiao Mo's fingerprint.

He packed the ink pad and took out a wet wipe to wipe the remaining red marks on Xiao Mo's fingers.

She hid the documents in a secret place, turned off the light beside the bed, and lay back on the bed.

As if nothing happened.

The next day, a biting cold wind blew in through the window mercilessly, and the man on the bed felt a burst of chill and woke up dazedly.

Seeing that the people around him were still asleep, he took out the phone under his pillow to check the time.

Huo... it's already noon, why has he slept for so long?

Xiao Mo shook his dizzy head, feeling that he was not in good spirits.

He got out of bed lightly, for fear of waking up the people around him.

I went to the cloakroom and found a gray sweater to wear inside, a medium-length coat on the outside, and a pair of black jeans underneath.

Casual yet fashionable, showing the unique charm of mature men.

Calling the housekeeper to prepare the car, Xiao Mo hurried out after washing up.

When he arrived at the villa in the center of the Imperial Capital, he rushed directly into the basement, preparing to immediately kill the child in Xu Chenxi's stomach.

But when he opened the door, his face was obviously angry.

"Where is the person?" Xiao Mo's sharp eyes pierced towards the bodyguard guarding Xu Chenxi, his face twitched slightly.

The two bodyguards scanned the room and found that Xu Chenxi was really missing. They immediately looked at each other in panic.

"This... this person was there yesterday! How could this be..."

"Trash! Even a woman can't stand it."

Xiao Mo kicked directly up: "Fuck you."

The two bodyguards exited the door and saw Xiao Mo tremble with anger.

Xiao Mo inspected the room and found that the window had been opened by someone before. He guessed that Xu Chenxi had slipped out of the window.

But he found it strange that the window was locked on the outside, and it was impossible to open it inside.

Could it be that there was a ghost in his house?

Who on earth is helping Xu Chenxi?

Xiao Mo naturally suspected that no one would be suspicious if Wen Ziyi was on his head, but Wen Ziyi was the most unlikely.

Xiao Mo felt a headache and regretted that he didn't deal with the child in the first place yesterday.

Now that things have become like this, it is even more tricky.

He didn't know how to explain to Wen Ziyi when he went back.

He walked out of the room angrily, and ordered angrily, "Send someone to find me immediately. Be sure to bring that bitch back to me."


The two bodyguards did not dare to delay, and immediately took the other brothers out to find them.

Xiao Mo went upstairs, took off his jacket with a depressed look, threw it on the sofa, and sat down.

The aunt brought tea to calm him down.

"Go down." Xiao Mo coldly ordered his aunt to leave.

He glanced at all the servants and bodyguards in the villa, suspecting that there was a ghost in the house.

So he started investigating one by one, summoning everyone to the living room and questioning them one by one.

Chenxing Company.

Xu Yan is sitting in the office drawing design drafts. She is lying on the table, feeling that she has lost her inspiration recently and her head is bald.

Seeing her anxious, Lin Ruoli intimately brought a cup of honey grapefruit tea to let her relax.

Xu Yan put down the pen and sat up straight, feeling her belly growl.

She looked at the clock on the wall, "Why doesn't Brother Yanxi come back after buying lunch? I'm almost starving to death."

Lin Ruoli reminded: "Sister Yan, I found that you can eat especially recently. Be careful to gain weight."

Xu Yan smiled. She is pregnant now, and it is hard not to gain weight.

However, her appetite has been a bit big recently, and she can eat several meals a day. The child who wants to come to the stomach should grow up very well.

Xu Yan has made a secret decision, and she will tell Mu Nanfeng the good news until New Year's Eve next month.

Suddenly, footsteps came from the door.

Xu Yan and Lin Ruoli both looked at each other, and it was Yan Xi walking up with a lot of takeaways.

He could not open the door, so Lin Ruoli had to run up to help.

After some tossing, the three of them finally sat together and had dinner.

"Oh...Oh..." A pungent fishy smell hit his face, and Xu Yan bent down, feeling sick.

Lin Ruoli frowned slightly, lowered her eyes to look at her, and asked concerned "Sister Yan, what's the matter with you?"

"I...I'm okay..." Xu Yan patted her chest, not wanting Lin Ruoli to see the clue, got up and picked up the chopsticks to prepare to eat.

But the smell was too fishy, ​​and she couldn't continue to use the chopsticks at all.

She pretended to be fine, put down her chopsticks and said softly to the two of them: "You two eat first, I'll go to the bathroom."

After that, she suddenly got up and rushed into the bathroom, retching on the side of the sink.

"Brother Yan, what's wrong with Sister Yan?"

Lin Ruoli was really worried, so she asked again.

Yanxi knew that she was smart, and didn't want her to see Xu Yan's strangeness, and said perfunctorily: "It might be an upset stomach."

Looking at the fish soup on the table, Yanxi made an excuse to remove it.

He is a vulgar person and doesn't know what pregnant women should eat, so he searched the Internet and saw that people said that he should eat fish and shrimps, so he bought a fish soup.

Unexpectedly, it would cause Xu Yan's morning sickness.

He also blamed himself.

Seeing that he had said so, Lin Ruoli didn't ask any more, and continued to eat.

She picked up a shrimp, but peeled her hands full of juice.

When Yanxi saw this, she thought she was a little cute. He picked up a few shrimps, quickly peeled them with chopsticks, and put them in her bowl, with a face of dozing.

Lin Ruoli felt a little shy when she met his gentle eyes, "Thank you."

Yanxi smiled softly, carefully pulled two tissues and handed it to her, motioning for her to wipe her hands.

Lin Ruoli took the tissue and watched Yanxi have been peeling shrimps for her, feeling an unprecedented sense of happiness in her heart.

Xu Yan happened to see this scene.

Xu Yan stood not far away looking at them, seeming to feel some strange affection, and her face rose slightly unconsciously.

At the same time, in a trance, a figure appeared in front of her eyes.

It made her feel terribly uncomfortable.

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