After passing by with a family of three, Mu Beichen did not say hello to Mu Nanfeng this time.

Maybe it was because of fear and embarrassment, or maybe it was because of Mu Nanfeng's words, "I don't have a brother like you." The lethality was too great.

In short, now Mu Beichen doesn't seem to be as cheerful and smiling as he used to be, but rather a little timid.

Xu Yan took Mu Nanfeng's arm, and a strange feeling passed through his heart.

At this moment, I saw a charming-looking woman smiled at her, "Yan Yan, have you gone out so early?"

It was not someone else who was talking, but Mu He's pungent second-married wife, Liu Yanru.

Xu Yan's first impression of Liu Yanru probably still stayed in the hospital.

Spicy, short-guard, acrimonious.

These words are simply tailor-made for Liu Yanru.

Therefore, Xu Yan did not like Liu Yanru very much.

But now, this woman actually greeted her actively? This is really shocking.

Which thread did Liu Yanru make the wrong thing today?

Anyhow, it was an elder, Xu Yan just smiled, and gave a soft hum at every scene.

As soon as she finished speaking, she and Mu Nanfeng left Tianlan Jinyuan.

Liu Yanru watched the two leave, her eyes as cold as a knife's blade, hiding her unknown emotions.

Mr. Mu was a little surprised at the scene just now. When did his daughter-in-law become so enthusiastic?

Since Muhe's family of three moved in, Tianlan Jinyuan has also lost a lot of laughter.

Liu Yanru changed her normal, with a smile on her face from time to time, and greeted everyone with a smile, as if she had changed herself.

Although I can't find the reason, it is also a relief for the old man to see her change.

Mu He played with antiques at home all day, and was not very interested in other things.

Mu Beichen is different. I heard that he is now doing charity, and he is building primary and secondary schools in various remote villages with the entrepreneurial fund given to him by Mr. Mu.

Charity does not make money, basically there is no source of income.

Therefore, Mu Beichen's life is also very difficult, but his behavior is favored by Mr. Mu.

Old man Mu loves this grandson even more from the bottom of his heart.

Mu Nanfeng has no feeling for them moving in, and it can even be said that they are treated as transparent people.

Although I don't see you by looking up and bowing my head every day, I don't speak when I meet.

They usually say hello, and Mu Nanfeng has a cold face.

The fetus in Xu Yan's belly is three months old, and her belly is beginning to show up. Everyone knows about her pregnancy.

Liu Yanru also always prepared her nutritious food with diligence.

But her behavior, in the eyes of others, is nothing more than a weasel giving New Year greetings to the rooster, and she is unkind.

Mr. Mu attaches great importance to this great-grandson, and is always suspicious of Liu Yanru's sudden changes.

So he made a special order that no one should interfere with this child's affairs.

At that time, Liu Yanru was aggrieved to death.

The days are suddenly calm and terrible, just like the peace before the storm.

People always feel uneasy in their hearts.

That night, Xu Yan got a stomachache and went to the kitchen to get a cup of hot water to drink.

She felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to go for a walk.

So I took a water cup and walked in the garden. The night in Tianlan Jinyuan was still brightly lit.

Xu Yan was sitting on the swing, enjoying a relaxing time.

Now that the beginning of spring has passed, the cold winter has gone quietly, and the only leaves that are left are the white plums with a dark fragrance and shadow.

The wind at night, the warmth of understanding.

The breeze blew across her cheeks, and Xu Yan only felt refreshed.

Suddenly, far away, she heard something.

It seems Jiaojiao**, and it seems to be wheezing in a low voice.

She listened carefully, and the sound seemed to be coming from among the trees in the garden.

She walked gently to the garden and looked to the inside through the gap of the dense woods.

In the gloomy woods, two looming bodies are intertwined.

The sound that made people's heart rippling constantly pouring out from among the woods.

Snow-white body, enchanting curve.

That is……

Are you cheating?

Xu Yan's eyes were sharp, and she recognized who the woman was at a glance.

But the man was blocked by a tree, making it hard to see his appearance, and Xu Yan couldn't recognize who he was for a while.

When she ran into such a shameful scene, Xu Yan really didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune.

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing here?"

Just when Xu Yan wanted to take a closer look, Mu Beichen's voice came from behind.

Xu Yan panicked, then turned around, the cup in her hand shook, and the water spilled out.

"Oh, I'll get up and drink water." Xu Yan smiled slightly, concealing panic and embarrassment with a smile.

Mu Beichen smiled brilliantly: "What a coincidence, I was also thirsty and I came down to drink some water."

Xu Yan looked at him, only feeling embarrassed.

She made an excuse to leave.

"It's a bit cold here, I'll go up first."

"Well, good night sister-in-law." Mu Beichen nodded lightly, like a well-behaved little dog.

When Xu Yan returned to the room, the voice and the figures of the two were always circulating in his mind.

Who is that man?

If they dare to cheat in Tianlan Jinyuan, do they not want to live anymore?

Shaking his head, Xu Yan went to bed.

From that day on, Xu Yan would hear this kind of obscene voice every few hours.

Sometimes it's the basement, sometimes it's the storage room, sometimes it's somewhere else.

In short, that voice is uninterrupted.

Xu Yan wanted to see it several times, but it was better to think about it under the entanglement.

It made her look like a voyeur, who didn't know she thought she had some strange hobbies.

It's just that those two people were too daring to play this kind of shameless trick under the old man's nose.

If there is an incident in Dongchuang one day, I am afraid that the whole Mu's family will not be peaceful.

Soon the day of the pregnancy test came. Xu Yan and Mu Nanfeng came to the hospital together for regular check-ups.

The fetus in her abdomen was already formed, and when they saw the little guy through ultrasound, both of them were shocked and excited.

After leaving the hospital, Mu Nanfeng wanted to send Xu Yan home and return to the company, but Xu Yan refused.

Today the company has an important meeting, and she must rush back.

Mu Nanfeng's attitude was very firm at first, but Xu Yan's heart became soft when Xu Yan acted like a spoiler.

Xu Yan got into the car alone and ordered the driver to return to Wish.

After the car drove for a few minutes, Xu Yan suddenly saw a man and a woman across the road through the window, and walked into a five-star hotel arm in arm.

She "cocked" in her heart.

"Stop!" Xu Yan was emotional.

Without thinking about anything at the moment, he rushed to the opposite side of the road and followed the two of them.

Seeing that the gluey men and women received the room card, they went straight into the elevator.

Xu Yan was a little panicked right now, if she rushed into the elevator at this time, she would only expose herself.

She ran to the counter and asked, "Excuse me, which room were the two people in just now?"

The two counter ladies glanced at each other and looked awkward. "Sorry miss, this is the privacy of the guests, we can't easily disclose it."

Xu Yan soaked it softly for a while, but the counter lady refused to say.

In desperation, Xu Yan had to take out his mobile phone, cancel the meeting, and plan to stay here.

She wanted to see who was so bold and daring to do such a nasty thing.

Xu Yan specially chose a coffee shop directly opposite the hotel. She sat in the corner. In this position, you should not see too clearly.

I waited for more than an hour.

The two finally got out of the elevator.

It turned out to be him!

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