Madam, She’s Abusing Scum Again

Chapter 348 Fake Death Medicine

Watching the injection of the injection with his own eyes, Mu Beichen's heart was filled with pride.

In fact, the injection was dropped by him a long time ago, and it is now installed in it, but it is a good thing that will make people excited.


A basin of cold water was poured down, and Liu Yanru coughed slightly and woke up.

She tossed on the ground, a fiery burning sensation in her body made her breathless.

Seeing that she was not dead, Mr. Mu waved his hand and said disgustedly: "Take her down and put to death tomorrow morning."

Zhong Bo was silent, and dragged Liu Yanru down with the two people beside him.

Today's drama of killing chickens and monkeys has made everyone in the Mu family fearful.

Mu Wei's death has made them vigilant, and with Liu Yanru, they never dared to provoke Mu Nanfeng and Xu Yan, the couple.

In the future, they still abide by their duties and live their lives honestly.

After watching the play, it was going to end after all, everyone bowed to Mr. Mu and retired.

When Xu Yan came back alive, they no longer need to go to the ancestral hall to watch the night, which is also a good thing for them.

As night fell, Liu Yanru was still locked up in the Snake Cave today. Since the father will execute Liu Yanru tomorrow, there are more people guarding the Snake Cave tonight.

Mu Beichen brought a few of his men down to the snake cave, let his men directly kill the guards, and then replaced them.

The few people nodded and said yes, and soon disappeared into the woods and started to take action.

Hearing movement everywhere, the guards of the snake cave became vigilant.

Suddenly, several figures floated by from above.

In an instant, blood was splattered!

Those few people are so fast that they are like killers at first glance.

They dragged the corpses on the ground to a secret corner and piled them up, and then stood outside the snake cave gate, taking the place of those people.

Seeing that things were done, Mu Beichen swaggered over from the woods and walked directly into the snake cave.

In the snake cave, Liu Yanru was still tied to the towering tree. The snakes were locked in a cage, and seemed to be tired of playing with the woman in front of them. She curled up in a daze without any interest.

"" Liu Yanru became excited when she saw Mu Beichen came.

She wanted to ask him, are you here to save me?

Mu Beichen saw her thoughts, knelt down and looked at her with tears, "Mom, I'm here to see you."

Liu Yanru shook her body and motioned to Mu Beichen to untie her chains. Tomorrow she would be thrown into the sky, and today was the only chance she could escape.

She couldn't wait any longer.

"Mom, don't worry, listen to me first, I have already thought of a way to save you out."

Mu Beichen didn't even blush when he lied. In fact, he is now fully capable of saving Liu Yanru out.

But he didn't want to do that!

Liu Yanru is too stupid, and he doesn't want such a stupid person to live in the world.

Although he thought so in his heart, he still flicked Liu Yanru: "Mom, do you remember the doctor who gave you the injection today?"

Liu Yanru nodded frantically, indicating that she remembered.

She sees that doctor every day, even if it turns into ashes, she knows it.

Mu Beichen observed her expression and continued: "I have already dropped his medicine today. The injection he gave you is the fake death medicine I prepared in advance. When the medicine takes effect, Everyone will think you are dead, and will not throw you down from the sky."

Liu Yanru felt that this son of hers was truly magical, and he could think of such a trick.

She is saved! She was finally saved!

Liu Yanru cried with excitement.

However, in the next moment, Mu Beichen began to hang his appetite again.

"But..." He said slowly: "But this medicine is only effective within 24 hours, and if you want to trigger the effect of the fake death medicine, one more thing is needed."

Liu Yanru opened her eyes wide, her eyes seemed to be asking, what is it?

Mu Beichen's thin lips opened and closed: "Human blood!"

Although he made it up and down, he was so serious that people had to believe it, especially if Liu Yanru was so mindless, of course he believed it.

Liu Yanru frowned, as if she didn't understand what Mu Beichen meant.

How can she get human blood?

Mu Beichen knew that she had been fooled, and Liu Yanru was now wholeheartedly trying to escape, so she didn't care whether his words were true or false.

He said in a comforting tone: "Don't worry, I have already figured out a way. Tomorrow you will find a chance to bite your sister-in-law's wrist and suck her blood vigorously, so that you can trigger the effect of the fake death medicine."

"At that time, your chest will become stuffy and breathless, and your heartbeat and breathing will stop, as if you are dead, but in fact, you will wake up in six hours, and I will move you to safe place."

The dog-blooded plot that is only available in this kind of TV series, I never thought it turned out to be true.

Liu Yanru felt that this method was simply perfect, and she nodded like garlic, saying that she was in favor of Mu Beichen's plan.

For fear that she would forget, Mu Beichen reminded him with a heavy look: "Mom, I know that the person you hate most is Xu Yan. You must remember that you must suck her blood and use your best, you know?"


Liu Yanru hated Xu Yan, and she had reached the point where she couldn't wait to eat her meat and drink her blood. Now that she had such an opportunity to drink Xu Yan's blood, she would of course spare no effort to do it.

As long as she sucked Xu Yan's blood, she could take the opportunity to feign death and escape a catastrophe, so why not do it?

"Okay mom, I can't stay for too long. Tomorrow I will find a way to save you. You have to remember what I said, I'm leaving."

Mu Beichen hugged Liu Yanru, but in his heart he said secretly, Mom, don't blame me, all this is your own responsibility.

At the end of the speech, he left the snake cave and winked at the guards, indicating that they must be optimistic about Liu Yanru.

The few people nodded and watched Mu Beichen leave.

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Yanru was dragged out of the snake cave and stuffed into a car.

The car arrived at a high mountain in the imperial capital, which was a helicopter base and also belonged to Mr. Mu's site.

The old man is a soldier who has been on the battlefield. He used to fly helicopters. He also has feelings for this.

This is a very large site, and you can see a map of Pingchuan at a glance, and there is no green grass.

Uncle Zhong had already gone to prepare what to do today, and ordered a mature man to prepare the helicopter.

Liu Yanru was brought over soon, her hands were tied up with ropes, and her whole person was already dying.

The person in charge of the base found the best place for everyone and invited them over so that they could appreciate the appearance of Liu Yanru falling.

Elder Mu gave Liu Yanru a cold look, her eyes full of hatred and disgust.

"Let's go." He led everyone to the viewing platform, not wanting to look at Liu Yanru more.

Mu Nanfeng and Xu Yan followed, Mu He followed, and Mu Beichen walked at the back.

Liu Yanru's back as she watched everyone drifting away kept in mind what Mu Beichen said to her yesterday.

At this moment, Mu Beichen also looked back and gave Liu Yanru a look, signalling her to seize the opportunity.

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