It is said that some children are here to repay their gratitude, and some children are here to collect debts.

Mu Nanfeng felt that his and Xu Yan's first child must have come to collect debts, otherwise how could he hurt his mother like this when he was young.

How did things become like this?

They were so longing for the child to come to this world and come to them, but how did things turn out to be like this.

Mu Nanfeng's limbs were weak, and the hands of Bai Ruiqian were loosened.

He sat slumped under the tree, head down, painful tears after all.

The teardrops fell on the green ground, moisturizing the sprouting grass.

Bai Ruiqian saw that his good brother was so sad that he squatted down and patted Mu Nanfeng's back to show his comfort.

At this kind of moment, only silent company is the most important.

Bai Ruiqian sat down and accompanied him.

It wasn't until night fell that Mu Nanfeng slowly came over and got up and left.

Xu Yan is still lying in the hospital bed. At this time, his most important responsibility as a husband is to comfort his wife.

Since the ending cannot be changed after all, then look forward to a better future.

When the day breaks, it will be a brand new day.

After that day, both Mu Nanfeng and Xu Yan seemed to be different people. For Xu Yan's health consideration, Mu Nanfeng advised her to operate on many occasions, but as a mother, how could Xu Yan bear the heart to kill her child.

She can't do it.

Maybe she is too greedy, she always thinks, let this child pay more attention to her stomach for one day, just one day, it will be fine.

Then this dragged on for several days.

The more procrastinated, the more reluctant it is.

It wasn't until Luo Ya'er returned from Gusu that Xu Yan's mood completely collapsed.

In the ward.

Two young girls were hugging each other and crying bitterly. The two embraced tightly and wept.

Luo Ya'er rushed over from Gusu the first time she knew about this. Not only she, but her family also returned to China.

When she came back this time, she would never leave.

She will always be by Xu Yan's side.

Xu Yan sat on the hospital bed, buried her head in Luo Ya'er's neck with dim eyes, crying presumptuously and loudly.

Since returning from the hospital that day, she has become depressed and reluctant to speak.

Everyone was sad about this, but she never shed a tear in front of anyone.

She kept suppressing her emotions, sitting in a daze by the window every day.

She thought she would not cry.

But at the moment she saw Luo Ya'er, she was completely out of control. Her best girlfriend stood in front of her. She had no courage and disguise.

She needs a support, a support that allows her to release her emotions.

Of course, this reliance must not be Mu Nanfeng, she must pretend to be strong in front of Mu Nanfeng, and must hold back tears and sorrow.

If she shed tears in front of Mu Nanfeng, it would only make Mu Nanfeng more self-blaming and guilty.

She didn't want to see him carry so much.

Sometimes a girl’s thoughts can only be told to her closest friends. When she is sad, she also needs a haven for her friends.

And Luo Ya'er has always been Xu Yan's harbor, the kind of harbor on the soul.

Only in front of Luo Ya'er could Xu Yan be herself unscrupulously.

Xu Yan hugged Luo Ya'er, crying like a child who lost her beloved thing. Her voice was hoarse and chaotic, "Ya' child...he is leaving me..."

"I... I'm so sad... I'm so sad..."

Xu Yan was sobbing and trembling all over, tears falling like a waterfall, directly soaking Luo Ya'er's entire back.

Luo Ya'er also cried out of breath, comforting Xu Yan while feeling sad.

"Yan Yan, don't be afraid, this kid is only leaving temporarily, and he will definitely come back to you in another way in the future."

"You believe me, he will never leave you like this. I will stay with you until he comes back. I will never leave again. We will wait for him to come back to you together."

Bai Ruiqian had already said very clearly on the phone before that this child would kill Xu Yan, and Luo Ya'er didn't want Xu Yan to suffer.

She had almost lost Xu Yan before, and she couldn't experience that feeling again.

She is more reluctant to lose Xu Yan than to lose this child.

The child will have another one in the future, but she has only one face.

Xu Yan's voice stumbled: "But Ya'er, I can't bear it, I can't bear it now."

She had never said this to anyone, even when Bai Ruiqian sentenced the child to death, she accepted it indifferently.

But in front of Luo Ya'er, she couldn't pretend to be anymore, she just couldn't bear it, she couldn't bear this child more than anyone else.

If possible, she would rather use her life to keep the child.

Only by being a mother can one understand this feeling. She regards this child as more important than her own life.

She didn't want to have an operation, she didn't want to kill her own child by herself.

He was so healthy, he was alive and kicking in her belly every day, playing and growing up.

But why...

Why is he so healthy that he has to leave her in a hurry?

Xu Yan attributed all the mistakes to herself, and she felt that she must have not paid enough attention.

It must be what she ate or did that accidentally injured the child, which caused the child to show signs of decline.

It was her mother who didn't try her best to protect her child.

Xu Yan felt more sad as she thought about it, her eyes were red and swollen, and her face was full of tears.

"Hey, Yan Yan, he must also be reluctant to bear you, you are so good, how happy it is to be your child, he just thinks that the time is not yet so he wants to leave."

Luo Ya'er has never been a mother, and of course she can't empathize with her.

But because we are close people, we will be happy because of her happiness, and sad because of her sadness.

Luo Ya'er was sad because she couldn't stand Xu Yan's sadness.

As for how painful it is to lose a child, it may only be realized when she becomes a mother.

Xu Yan knew that this child was going to leave her after all, but she was reluctant to undergo surgery because she couldn't pass the hurdle in her heart.

She blamed herself in her heart, that she did not fulfill her duties as a mother the first time she was a mother.

She really failed.

At sunset, the crying in the ward gradually weakened.

Xu Yan was crying asleep.

Luo Ya'er stayed by her side, holding her hand to make her sleep more peacefully.

In fact, Xu Yan hadn't closed her eyes for several days and nights. She finally fell asleep today, and fell asleep until the next afternoon.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Luo Ya'er lying drowsy by the bed, and her heart was moved.

Xu Yan's eyes flashed with tears, and she reached out to touch Luo Ya'er's white and tender cheeks.

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