Bai Ruiqian lowered his head, immersed in heart-piercing sadness.

a long time.

He slowly said, "It's Bai Zhuocheng. That old thing has imprisoned me and confiscated my mobile phone to force me to get engaged. In desperation, I had no choice but to do my best, pretending to agree to the engagement, and proposed to see Su Jinxiu, but the old fox thief It’s very hard to let me go out until the day of the engagement."

Speaking of this, Bai Ruiqian already has a little anger on his face, and he is deeply sick of what Bai Zhuocheng has done.


He said, "I tried to escape and wanted to talk to Su Jinxiu, but he was caught in the trap, and he was arrested again. Later, I never found a chance to escape, so I had to wait until the engagement banquet. I just want to meet Su Jinxiu and make it clear."

Hearing this, Mu Nanfeng and Xu Yan's expressions couldn't help but darken. It's no wonder that they haven't seen Bai Ruiqian's figure recently. It turns out that they were imprisoned by the Bai family.

Bai Zhuocheng's methods were really good, and they locked the news so tightly that they didn't hear anything. They thought Bai Ruiqian was busy studying antiques.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, Bai Ruiqian had experienced so much.

There was a moment of silence.

Xu Yan just wanted to ask something, Mu Nanfeng asked for her, "Then have you made it clear?"

Bai Ruiqian shook his head solemnly.

He slowly said: "I thought she would help me with my friendship with Jinxiu, but I never expected that Jinxiu would fall in love with me. She was very determined to marry me, alas..."

He sighed helplessly, feeling a little guilty when he thought of doing something like that.

But he was helpless.

If Su Jinxiu was willing to cancel the engagement at the engagement banquet today, then he would not choose to take that step.

To cancel the engagement, the woman can always save his face, and it won't make the Su family too embarrassed, but Su Jinxiu's persistence has driven him to a ruin.

Bai Ruiqian had mixed feelings in his heart, thinking that there must be a mess at the engagement banquet now, and Bai Zhuocheng must have his hair straightened with anger.

Xu Yan's face suddenly changed. This Su Jinxiu is too green tea, right? Others have made it clear that they don't want to get engaged, but she continues to hold on to it.

Isn't it asking for trouble to marry someone who doesn't love you?

Xu Yan really didn't understand this woman named Su Jinxiu, and at the same time, she had a deep hostility towards this woman.

Dare to snatch Luo Ya'er's sweetheart, she has written down this grudge.

Thinking about Xu Yan, she clenched her small fist, her nails almost embedded in the flesh.

At this time, Mu Nanfeng's magnetic and cold voice sounded again, "What's the result?"

Xu Yan was more concerned about the points he asked, and Xu Yan looked straight at Bai Ruiqian.

Bai Ruiqian dodged his eyes, lowered his head and rubbed his hands, "I escaped from marriage."

Mu Nanfeng and Xu Yanju were surprised, but they quickly recognized Bai Ruiqian's practice.

"You still have a conscience." Xu Yan's attitude eased. Fortunately, he didn't betray Luo Ya'er, otherwise she would really have to pick up the knife and cut people.

Mu Nanfeng felt sorry for his brother. Since things have developed like this, Bai Zhuocheng will definitely not let Bai Ruiqian go, and will definitely send someone to take him away.

For Bai Ruiqian's safety, Mu Nanfeng said softly: "Let's live with me recently."

"No, I'm going to find Ya'er." Bai Ruiqian wanted to find Luo Ya'er now, and explained all this to her clearly.

Xu Yan whispered: "You can't find her."

"Then I will look for it too, and I will find her no matter the ends of the world." Bai Ruiqian was determined.

Xu Yan didn't know what it was like seeing his tough eyes and the red mark on his face.

She asked: "What happened between you and Ya'er? Ya'er is my best girlfriend. I know her better than anyone. She is not the kind of unreasonable person. She was so frustrated that she was like this."

With Luo Ya'er's explosive temper, she would definitely rush to ask about the news of Bai Ruiqian's engagement with someone else. She couldn't just leave like this.

Luo Ya'er is not the kind of person who deliberately adds to herself. She will definitely ask for an answer. Even if she is really disappointed in this person, she will hear the other person say "I don't love you anymore, I want to marry." "Others" will give up.

It is impossible for her to listen to the wind or rain, so she left without knowing it.

Bai Ruiqian was also confused and answered honestly, "Ya'er was also under house arrest. I went to find her that day. Uncle Luo said to me that if I really love Ya'er, he should let her go."

The corners of his mouth were twitching and choked a little.

"So you gave up on her?" Xu Yan's expression was a little unhappy.

It's normal to encounter some setbacks and hardships emotionally. If Bai Ruiqian gives up so easily, then she can only say that she looks down on this man.

"No, I didn't give up on her." Bai Ruiqian immediately stated his attitude, "I just... don't want to involve her in this turmoil. The people of the Bai family refused to let me go. I was afraid that Ya'er would be with me, but only Being implicated, I'm afraid they will hurt Ya'er, so I plan to fight the Bai family alone until I get out of their control."

What he said was so helpless, so sad, as if the opposite person is not a parent, but just an enemy.

But how could he be able to beat the entire Bai family alone? This matter was more difficult than he thought.

Two years ago, he traded half-life in exchange for leaving. He thought he would be free from then on, but only two years later did he realize that he was too naive.

The old fox Bai Zhuocheng has always done his own way, and it is common to go back and forth.

As long as Bai Zhuocheng does not die, he will never be able to escape the control of the Bai family.

But how can Bai Zhuocheng die? Do you want him to kill his father himself? Or did you find someone to secretly kill Bai Zhuocheng?

Bai Ruiqian had this crazy idea already in his mind.

Once this kind of thought arises, it is out of control.

Mu Nanfeng noticed that Bai Ruiqian's expression was a bit wrong, and reached out and patted him on the shoulder, telling him to stop thinking about it.

Xu Yan heard the whole story and understood Bai Ruiqian's difficulties.

Bai Ruiqian can't be blamed for this incident. Father Luo blocked him on the one hand and Bai Zhuocheng's persecution on the other. Bai Ruiqian might be schizophrenic.

Xu Yan suddenly regretted slapping Bai Ruiqian in the face, but when she thought that Luo Ya'er was forced to leave, she was angry again.

All kinds of emotions are mixed together, and Xu Yan can't tell who is right and who is wrong.

When he raised his eyes again, Bai Ruiqian was already crying.

Xu Yan pursed her lips, and she couldn't blame him any more, and suddenly got up, "You guys have a chat."

She also needs time to digest now, Bai Ruiqian has lost the person she loves most, and she has lost her best girlfriend.

Their mood is the same.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

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