In the middle of the night, Mu Nanfeng returned to the room to accompany Xu Yan.

Xu Yan was sitting on the side of the bed at the moment, looking at the sky with empty eyes.

What she has been thinking about in her mind is where Luo Yaer has gone?

Thinking about the emotions, Mu Nanfeng walked up to her, put his arms around her shoulders, and quietly accompanied her.

At dawn, it was another brand new day.

Aunt Liu made breakfast and sent it to Bai Ruiqian's room.

She knocked on the door. Seeing that there was no response inside, Aunt Liu whispered at the door, "Master Bai, are you awake?"

Bai Ruiqian was sitting on the balcony in a daze, when he heard Aunt Liu's voice, he recovered.

"come in."

Aunt Liu pushed the door in, put the breakfast on the balcony table, and said softly: "Let’s eat something, these are your favorites."

Bai Ruiqian glanced at the breakfast on the table, including Yangchun noodles, scallion pancakes, and his favorite blueberry-flavored milk.

Bai Ruiqian was suddenly moved. He used to go to Mu Nanfeng for a meal, and Aunt Liu wrote down all his favorites.

After a long absence, Aunt Liu still did not forget his taste.

A warm current surged in Bai Ruiqian's heart and looked up at Aunt Liu, "Thank you Aunt Liu."

Aunt Liu smiled: "What are you polite to me, eat quickly, and I will clean up later."

After speaking, Aunt Liu turned around and prepared to leave.

"Aunt Liu..." Bai Ruiqian stopped her, his deep eyes filled with expectation, "Can you stay with me?"

He didn't know why he was like this, but he felt that Aunt Liu was very kind and wanted Aunt Liu to speak with him.

Aunt Liu took a single step, did not refuse, turned around with a gentle smile, "Okay."

In fact, she was here to accompany Bai Ruiqian, but she didn't dare to speak for fear of disturbing him.

Bai Ruiqian opened the stool next to him and let Aunt Liu sit next to him.

Aunt Liu saw that he hadn't moved his chopsticks, and said kindly: "Try it quickly, or you will get stuck in the meeting."

"Yeah." Bai Ruiqian nodded, and obediently picked up his chopsticks and started to talk about noodles.

It's still the same taste as before.

He said: "It's as delicious as before."

"Then you can eat more. It's been a long time since I saw you, you have lost weight."

Aunt Liu looked at him distressedly, what a cheerful and lively child Bai Ruiqian used to be, but now there is a touch of vicissitudes on his face.

Bai Ruiqian was silent, only feeling sentimental when he ate the noodles in the bowl. He had trouble sleeping and eating every day, and he lost weight quickly.

For some reason, he felt even more sad when he saw Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu always gives Bai Ruiqian a very cordial feeling, and Bai Ruiqian has always felt that only a person like Aunt Liu can be called a qualified mother.

Since the first time I saw Aunt Liu, Bai Ruiqian felt that he was close to her inexplicably, so he would often find excuses to go to Mu Nanfeng's house for a meal. In fact, he only wanted to chat with Aunt Liu.

Now seeing Aunt Liu, Bai Ruiqian's emotions can't be stretched anymore.

He put down his chopsticks, tears fluttered in his eyes, and his voice trembled: "Aunt Liu, I lost my most beloved girl, am I a failure?"

He raised his head, his eyes darkened with tears, as if he wanted to get a touch of comfort.

Aunt Liu naturally guessed who she was when she heard him say her favorite girl.

She had met Luo Ya'er before, when she asked Bai Ruiqian if the girl was his girlfriend, and the two denied it at the time.

At that time, she could see that Bai Ruiqian's relationship with the girl was not simple, and coupled with the turbulent wedding not long ago, she naturally knew that Bai Ruiqian was talking about Luo Ya'er.

"Don't think about it, you are fine, you always have to go through some twists and turns in emotional matters." Aunt Liu Wenquan comforted him, "Since you love her so much, then go get her back and Aunt Liu will support you."

"But I can't find her anymore." Bai Ruiqian's eyes were darkened. "She has left me. She never wants to see me again."

It was the first time that Aunt Liu saw that Bai Ruiqian was so distressed that she felt so distressed.

"Then you can't give up. The world is big and big, and small is small. What if you meet it at a certain intersection someday?"

She patted Bai Ruiqian on the back and gently encouraged him.

Bai Ruiqian was so touched that he felt much better after hearing these words.

It seemed that Aunt Liu could always give his mother-like care no matter what, making his cold heart hot again.

Compared with Han Rongrong's tigress, Bai Ruiqian really hopes that he can have a mother like Aunt Liu.

It's a pity that he was born in the Bai family.

His destiny cannot be changed by nature.

Bai Ruiqian always felt that he was ridiculous and pitiful. He knew that Zhuo Cheng and Han Rongrong were the closest people to him, but he could not feel the love of his parents or the warmth of family affection from them.

On the contrary, it was an unrelated stranger who could give him this feeling.

He was already pitiful to this point.

Bai Ruiqian laughed at himself, feeling how sad his life is, his life is simply terrible.

"Aunt Liu, have you lost anything?"

Bai Ruiqian asked this question suddenly, but Aunt Liu was stunned.

Aunt Liu's heart sank violently, and a burst of bone-cutting pain hit every nerve in her.


She has lost a lot of things.

For example, a husband, such as a son, those are her most precious things ever.

But she didn't catch it in the end.

It's just that after so many years, Aunt Liu felt downhearted. She calmly said: "Of course, a person will always lose something in his life, and I am no exception."

Bai Ruiqian stunned suddenly, feeling that his unintentional words seemed to poke Aunt Liu's pain.

He said softly: "Sorry Aunt Liu, I didn't mean it."

Aunt Liu gently shook her head and smiled softly, not wanting to worry Bai Ruiqian. "It doesn't matter, I am old, and many things have long been relieved. Unlike you young people, there is still a chance to recover."

Although she was calm, she felt a piercing pain in her heart.

"Aunt Liu..." It was also the first time that Bai Ruiqian saw Aunt Liu show such an expression, feeling very uncomfortable.

He actually wanted to know what Aunt Liu had gone through, but he didn't dare to intervene presumptuously.

Aunt Liu turned her eyes, and she could tell what Bai Ruiqian was thinking at a glance.

So many years have passed, and she is not afraid to expose her scars. This matter has been in her heart for a long time. Ask someone to tell it, maybe she will feel better too.

Aunt Liu feels that she and Bai Ruiqian are very destined, and Bai Ruiqian can always bring her a happy feeling, which is a joy from the heart.

Every time she sees Bai Ruiqian, she feels extra cordial, and the feeling is really wonderful.

Aunt Liu took care of her emotions.

a long time.

She said softly: "Actually, I once lost a family."

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